Xth Federal Council of National Federation of Postal Employees was held at Guwahati (Assam) from 7th September to 9th September, 2016. A galaxy of Trade Union leaders admired the struggling nature of NFPE moving on the path with a slogan “Unity for struggle and struggle for unity”. The Federal Council reviewed the Political, economical and social condition of India and its impact on working class. It was discussed in detail that during the period under review, higher administration of the Department of Posts and Government of India tried to make some structural changes in the Department of Post which was fought by NFPE and defeated and NFPE established its might. There is significant change in the mindset of Bureaucracy and our membership has gained faith a lot in union which has been reflected in last membership verification.
The Federal Council reviews the recommendations of 7th CPC and it was the view of most of the delegates that the recommendations of 7th CPC are most retrograde and disappointing. More anomalies are appearing in implementation of the 7th CPC. The Committees formed on allowances, advances, NPS and so called High Power committee to review the minimum wage and consequently change in pay matrix , have to submit their reports within 4 months i.e. upto 31st Oct, 2016.
It was the view of most of the delegates that NJCA should take proper action to achieve the demands and without breaking the unity, Confederation and NFPE should also chalk out their separate programme of action in phased manner.
It was also discussed and decided that we as NFPE should also launch agitational programmes in phased manner to achieve our sectional demands i.e. Cadre restructuring for left out Categories, Filling up of vacant posts, enhancement of ceiling of bonus to GDS . GDS Committee,streaming the functioning of NCJCM, DCJCM and RJCM. Regularization and wage revision of casual labourers, All Cadre related problems, problems arising out of implementation of CBS and CSI and to oppose the move to outsource any function of Postal services.
Policy and programmes resolution was also adopted in the Federal Council unanimously in which it is decided that the NFPE being in the main stream of working class will fight against the neo-liberal economic policies which are adversely affecting the life of all working people and common man.
This Federal Council viewed with grave concern the growing right Wing offensives under NDA Government and aggressive activities of the communal forces and deliberate efforts to divide the people including workers on the basis caste and religion and took unanimous decision to defeat such move by organizing united struggles and shall stand finally with the secular and democratic forces.
Thus the Xth Federal Council has given a very common message to the Postal workers particularly and common worker in general that NFPE will march forward on the path of struggle to save the interests of workers and achieve the genuine and justified demands by united struggle.
The Xth Federal Council has also adopted a resolution on common and specific demands of Postal Employees and decided further course of agitaional programmes in phased manner
NFPE calls upon the entire Postal, RMS, and MMS employees to get ready for future struggles to achieve the genuine demands and resists the attacks and dangers unlashed by the Department of Post and Government of India which are against the Postal Workers.
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