Welcome to the official website of All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C'- अखिल भारतीय डाक कर्मचारी संघ वर्ग 'सी' की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट में आपका स्वागत है

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Photos of Lunch hour demonstration held at Mumbai GPO on 28.08.2013 on 15 Charter of Demands of Confederation

Post Offices for Women

The objective for opening of all women post offices in the country is to lay focus on women’s empowerment and to achieve Departments objectives and mission to sustain its position as the largest postal network in the world. It is an effort to integrate gender equality and women’s empowerment for good governance by ensuring that women employees working at various levels in the Department have a real voice in the decision making of the Department as well as have a role in the management of post offices in the country. The all women post offices are the post office where all employees are women and they have been given the responsibility of managing the events of the post offices. This is done with a view to promote leadership and managerial qualities in women employees of the Department. These post offices are opened in major cities and at present 34 all women post offices are functioning in the country.These post offices are functioning within the postal network of the Department in the country and not a separate set up of post offices.

Besides this, from customers’ perspective, Post Offices offer products and services like small savings, postal life insurance and other mail related products which are used by the common man. All Women Post Office offers a secured environment to our woman customers from all strata of society to transact postal business with a level of comfort and familiarity with women employees of the Department.

This information was given by Dr. Smt. Killi Kruparani, Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.
Source : PIB




  It is reported that PFRDA Bill will be take up in Parliament for discussion and adoption on 2nd September in priority Agenda. Confederation National Secretariat once again calls upon all Central Government Employees to organize 2 hour walkout and nationwide protest demonstration on the day if bill is taken up or on the next day if information received late.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General


1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110001

Dated - 29.08.2013
Dear Comrades,

The western Zone Study Camp of NFPE conducted on 25th & 26th August 2013 at Pushkar (Rajasthan) was a great success. About 220 delegates from Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, Rajasthan and Jammu & Kashmir attended the camp. Some delegates from Gujarat also attended. (Detailed report placed in the website).
Northern Zone Study Camp will be conducted at Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) on 21st & 22nd September 2013. Delegates from Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand will attend the camp (For detailed circular see website).
Federal Secretariat of NFPE met at Pushkar (Rajasthan) on 26.08.2013. The Secretariat took the following important decisions.
(i) Confederation Campaign programmes:- The Federal secretariat decided that NFPE should play a leading role in implementing the campaign programmes of Confederation. Relay Mass Dharna (September 2nd to 7th), state and District level convention and the strike ballot (September 25, 26, 27) should be made a grand success.
(ii)  Federal Secretariat decided to organise the strike ballot in a most effective manner. Intensive campaign should be undertaken at Branch/Divisional/Circle level. The model appeal and ballot is enclosed with the confederation circular. All employees including GDS may be contacted and requested to participate in the strike ballot (Full details available in the Confederation circular)
(iii)    Confederation - All India Trade Union Education Camp – Mumbai 2013 November 15th & 16th
The following number of delegates should be participated from each affiliated unions. P3 – 30, P4 – 25, R3 – 10, R4 – 10, Postal Accounts – 5, Admn Union – 5, SBCO – 3, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) - 5, Casual Labour – 2, Total – 95.
(iv)   Confederation -All India Women’s Convention: 2013 November 25, 26 – New Delhi
The following number of delegates will be participated in the Women’s Convention P3 – 25, P4 – 10, R3-10, R4-5, Postal Accounts – 5, Admn – 2 SBCO – 2, AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) – 5, Casual Labour – 1, Total – 65.
Diamond Jubillee celebrations of NFPE  & 109th year of Postal Trade Union movement
As decided in the Hyderabad Federal Council, the Federal Secretariat decided to commence the celebrations of the Diamond Jubilee of NFPE and 109th year of the Postal Trade Union movement on 24thNovember 2013. The one year long celebrations shall end on 24th November 2014. On 24th November 2013, the inaugural ceremony of the celebrations will be held at New Delhi. Further details will be decided later.
AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) Parliament march on 11th December 2013
AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) has decided to conduct a massive Parliament March on 11th December 2013. All affiliated Unions of NFPE are requested to extend full support and participation to make the GDS Parliament March a grand success.
The AIC and CWCs of the following unions will be held on the dates and places noted against each
(a) AIC of R4 Union – 2013 8th, 9th and 10th November at Pune (Maharashtra)
(b) CWC of AIPAEA – 2013 October 28, 29, 30 at Lucknow (Uttar    Pradesh)
(c) CWC of Admn Union on 2013 September 23 and 24 at Ranchi  (Jharkhand)
(d) CWC of P3 Union will be held at Guwahati (Assam) on 2013  December 14 and 15
(e) AIC of P4 Union – AIC of P4 Union will be held at Cuttuck (Orissa) on 2013 December 29th, 30th & 31st.
(f)  CWC of AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) will be held at Kolkata (West Bengal) on 26th October 2013.
(g) CWC of R3 Union will be held at Puri (Orissa) on 8th & 9th December 2013.


The Federal Secretariat has decided to explore the possibility of organizing five or Six All India Vehicle Campagin Jathas of NFPE from different part of the country, each Jatha covering 3 or 4 states, before 2014 January. All Circle Secretaries/Divisional Secretaries are requested to intimate their opinion about organizing All India Jathas against the policies of the Government of India.  Each Jatha is to be given grand reception at all important cities. Final decision will be taken by the next Federal Secretariat after reviewing the feedback received from Circles/Divisions.

Fraternally yours,

(M. Krishnan)Secretary General


Circular No. 3/2013                                                                                             Dated – 29.08.2013


All CHQ office Bearers, Confederation
All General Secretaries C-O-Cs
All General Secretaries/Secretary Generals of affiliated Unions

Dear Comrade,

1.    Agenda of the next National Council JCM has been finalized on 27.08.2013 in consultation with DOP&T. Twelve demands raised by the Confederation in the Charter of demands are included (including the GDS employees demand). The letter given by Com. Umraomal Purohit, Secretary, Staff Side, JCM National Council and twelve demands included in the agenda are enclosed herewith. (Annexure I & II) Next meeting of the National Council JCM is expected by the end of October 2013/early November 2013.

2.  The controversial PFRDA bill is listed as an agenda items of the current Parliament session. National Secretariat of the Confederation has given a call for two-hours walk out and protest demonstrations when the bill is taken up for discussion in Parliament or on the next day if information is received late.

As already mentioned in the previous circular the following campaign programmes shall be implemented in all states demanding realisation of the 15 Point Charter.
          (a)   Mass Relay Dharna at all important places and State/District Head Quarters from 2nd to            7th September 2013.
          (b)  Holding of state conventions of C-O-Cs and Central Working Commitees/ Central                   Executive Committees of all affiliated Unions/Associations/Federations.
            (c)    Strike ballot from 25th to 27th September 2013.

A copy of the appeal for strike ballot and model ballot is enclosed herewith (Annexure III & IV). It may be translated into local languages. Each official should be given an appeal well in advance so that they can take an independent decision before the polling dates. 15 Point Charter may be permitted in the appeal.

On the polling day (25th, 26th & 27th September 2013) ballot boxes should be placed at the premises of offices or at a centralized place (polling booths) as per convenience. Employees may be allowed to vote freely and frankly by ticking “Yes” or “No” in the ballot. It will be a secret ballot. After ticking “Yes” or “No”, the ballot may be put in the ballot box. After polling is over leaders shall count the ballot.
The ballots in favour of indefinite strike (Yes) and against indefinite strike (No) may be counted separately and total figure arrived at may be communicated by the respective   C-O-Cs or organizations as the case may be, to the Confederation Head quarters by        e-mail or SMS.

Before the poling date intensive campaign should be conducted by all C-O-Cs and affiliates at all places and each and every employee may be contacted and requested to cast his/her vote.

4.      All India Trade Union Education Camp:
The Trade Union Education Camp will be held at Mumbai on 15th & 16th November 2013. The number of delegates to be participated from each C-O-C and affiliated Unions / Associations / Federations will be intimated before September 1st Week. The camp is being hosted by C-O-C Mumbai. Delegate fee is Rs. 600/- per head. NFPE, ITEF, Audit & Accounts Associations and Atomic Energy delegates shall be arranged accommodation by their respective Federations.

5.      All India Women’s Convention
The All India Women’s Convention of the Confederation will be held at New Delhi on 25th & 26th November 2013. Lady Delegates from all C-O-Cs and affiliated Unions/Associations/Federations should participate in the Convention. Number of women delegates to be participated from each C-O-C and affiliated Unions/Associations/Federations will be intimated by first week of September 2013. The Convention is being hosted by C-O-C Delhi. Delegate fee is Rs. 600/- per head.

6.      Formation of C-O-Cs at State and District level
As we are heading towards an indefinite strike, we have to gear up our organsiational machinery at all levels. Wherever state level C-O-Cs are defunct or ineffective it should be revived immediately. Where ever District Committee is not formed the major affiliates should take immediate action for preparing their rank and file for the indefinite strike. Circulars, bulletins, posters, boards, banners etc. may be issued and circulated widely among the employees. Don’t wait for the last Minute, Be prepared well in advance.

Fraternally yours,

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General

Thursday, August 29, 2013


It is reported that PFRDA Bill will be take up in Parliament for discussion and adoption on 2nd September. Confederation National Secretariat once again calls upon all Central Government Employees to organize 2 hour walkout and nationwide protest demonstration on the day if bill is taken up or on the next day if information received late.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General


Western Zone Study Camp of NFPE was successfully held at Pushkar (Rajasthan) on 25th and 26th August 2013. About 220 delegates from Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir attended the camp. The National Flag was hoisted by Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE and NFPE flag was hoisted by Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas, Deputy Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary, P4 (CHQ). The camp was inaugurated by Dr. K. Hemalatha, General Secretary of All India working Women’s coordination committee by taking class on “National Situation and Role of working class”. Com. Giriraj Singh, President, NFPE presided, Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE and Com. K. V. Sridharan Ex-General Secretary, P3 & Leader JCM (DC) took classes on the subject “Lessons of the past and Task ahead of the Postal Trade Union movement” and “Service Rules & the role of Unionists” respectively.

A seminar on “Future of India Post” was organized in which Shri. O. S. Virwal, Chief Postmaster General, Rajasthan Circle was the Chief Guest. Other senior officers also accompanied Chief Postmaster General.

Com. I. S. Dabas, General Secretary, P4 , Com. P. Suresh, General Secretary, R4, Com. P. Panduranga Rao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS (NFPE), Com. Balwinder Singh, Financial Secretary, P3, Com. N. Subramanian, Deputy General Secretary, P3 Com. Raj Kumar, Financial Secretary, NFPE, Com. K. K. Sharma, Vice President, NFPE, Com. S. B. Yadav, Vice President, AIPAEA, Com. K. P. Singh, R3, Rajeev, SBCOEA, addressed the delegates.

The camp ended at 5 PM. The Reception Committee headed by Com. H. P. Diwakar, Circle Secretary, P3 has made excellent arrangement for food, accommodation, meeting hall, transport and other facilities for delegates. NFPE congratulates the Reception Committee and express thanks to them.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General



It seems that the Post Bank of India (PBI) may become a reality in the near future. For the last more than fifteen years we have been told about the Post Bank and even the Parliamentary standing committee on Communications & IT has repeatedly demanded the Government for commencing Post bank. Several attempts have been made, but the Finance Ministry always took a negative stand, for one reason or the other. Majority of the bank managements including nationalized banks have been opposing the entry of the Postal department into commercial banking. The reason is obvious. They foresee a potential threat to their existence once Post Bank enters into their field and during the course of time the Post Bank may become one of the biggest Bank.

Post Bank of India will be an independent entity, separate from the current operations of small savings schemes being carried out by the Department of Posts on behalf of Ministry of Finance. Department has accordingly submitted an application to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 28.06.2013 seeking banking license subject to necessary cabinet approval. RBI has said that new banks will have to set up at least three branches in villages with a population of less than 10000, for each branch they establish in other areas. Although Post Bank does not intend to open a bank in every Post office, the plan is to meet the financial inclusion goal through these Post offices. India Post had 1,54,822 Post offices across the country as on 31.03.2013, the largest for any department in the world, and close to 90% of them – 1,39,086 – are in rural India. This is more than four times the number of rural branches run by India’s Banks put together. According to plan prepared by Ernst & Young, India Post will become Post Bank of India’s banking correspondent. PBI will use Post office infrastructure but very frugally. Carefully done PBI can be a game – changer in rural areas.

India post is among 26 applicants that sought banking licenses from RBI. India Post has to develop the standards to meet RBI guidelines. In its guidelines for new banking licenses announced on 22nd February 2013, RBI required applicants to prove their eligibility on several fronts – from promoter holding to past experience to business plans. The minimum capital required by the applicants for license is Rs. 500 crores and foreign share holding in the new banks is capped at 49% for the first five years. The new banks have to be set up under a non-operative Financial Holding company (NOFHC). They also have to maintain minimum capital adequacy ratio – the ratio of risk weighed assets, a measure of financial strength of the bank – of 19 % for the first three years. New banks also need to list their shares within three years of starting operations.

The main argument put forward by those opposing the Post Bank is that Postal department has no experience when it comes to giving credit (loans). Department has only been taking deposits till now. Sanctioning and disbursing of credit needs an entirely different aptitude. India Post has no specialized experience in the business. It is reported that unlike many believe, the Post Bank of India will be a completely new entity with no legacies of a government department and very little to do with its parent department, except using some of its network. It will have an independent Board. Separate recruitment has been planned to have specialised banking staff. Of course, the Post Bank will be a subsidiary organisation of India Post, which need to be registered as a public sector Bank and Government equity in this new entity could be diluted. Whatever reforms and regulations Government implements in Nationalised Banking sector will be fully applicable to Post Bank of India also.

There are many talented and qualified Postal employees who want to switch over to the Post bank and to work as employees under the Post Bank. The reports that separate recruitment will be made for the Post Bank has cast shadow upon their hope to work in the Post Bank. NFPE demands that the existing Postal employees who want to switch over to the Post Bank shall be given chance to exercise option and if need be a trade test to assess their capability can also be conducted before selection. Selected officials can be imparted with intensive training in commercial banking business. In any case 100% open market direct recruitment is an injustice to those talented Postal employees who may not be able to apply for open recruitment due to age factor etc. we urge upon the Postal Board and Finance Ministry to give due consideration to this aspect, before the new Bank is rolled out.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Agenda for next meeting of the JCM National Council has been finalized on 27.08.2013 in consultation with DOP&T Twelve demands raised by Confederation in the charter of demands are included. (including GDS employees demand) Next meeting of National Council JCM is expected by the end of October 2013.

The letter give by Com. Umraomal Purohit, Secretary, JCM (NC) and the 12 demands included in the agenda are given below:

M. Krishnan
Secretary General


Saturday, August 24, 2013


The standing committee meeting of JCM (DC) was held on 23.08.2013 under the chairmanship of Member (O) to discuss the pending items of the last JCM (DC). Com. K. V. Sridharan, Leader Staff side, Com. Giriraj Singh, Secretary Staff Side, Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General NFPE Com. D. Theagarajan, Secretary General FNPO represented the staff side. Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary, P4 NFPE, Com. T. N. Rahate General Secretary P4, FNPO were also present to discuss the postmen related issues.

The following are the decision in respect of important items.

1.    A new chairperson will be nominated with in a fortnight for further continuance of cadre restructuring proposal. A meeting with the staff side will be held within one month.
2.     The case of System Assistant will be looked into by the cadre review committee. The uniform duties and other ten demands pertaining to system administrators will be discussed in the same committee.
3.        Droping the practice of obtaining fidelity bond will be reviewed once again.
4.          The protection of pay of the defunct scale of PO & RMS Accountant case is being reviewed.
5.         The revision of cash allowance to the SPMs handling cash in the absence of treasurer will be finalized at the earliest possible.
6.         The committee reports for enhancing the line limits for cash remittance will be decided within a month. Providing van for cash conveyance for MNERGA payment will be considered.
7.     Fixing of norms to PSD and CSD will be considered only after the implementation of IT modernisation project.
8.      Allowing the physically challenged officials to appear in the IP examination, the referred case has not yet been finalized by the department of Social Justice. One more reminder and personal approach to expedite the approval will be made.
9.       The revised HSG I Recruitment rules ensuring 100% HSG I Posts to General line is under process. The revised recruitment rules for HSG I will be finalized within two months.
10.    The proposal for payment of incentive instead of honorarium for processing PLI/RPLI proposal will be finalized shortly. We pointed out about non-payment of RPLI incentive on monthly basis as per 2009, orders in most of the circles. It was assured to issue instructions to adhere the said instructions scrupulously. We pointed out the inadequate allotment of funds of clearing the pending incentive bills to the field officers and Agents and requested to allot the sufficient fund to wipe out all the pending bills forthwith. This was assured.
11.    The proposal for the grant of Excess duty allowance or restoration of charge allowance to the SPMs working in single and Double handed post offices will be considered.
12.    The issue regarding the counting of training period for the benefits of promotion under TBOP/BCR scheme as per the court judgment will be considered after getting the law ministry opinion as well as its implementation in respect of U.P circle at first.
13.      Holding of examination for the post of AMM in MMS and holding DPC for Dy. Manager MMS will be finalized within two months.
14.   The issue of appointment of Superintendent, Sorting in RMS will be finalized shortly.
15.      The staff side demanded to record disagreement in respect of the denial of cash handling allowance to treasures at par with cashiers. The chairman inform that we will have one more attempt with MoF. The staff side assured to submit a fresh detailed not above the justification in this case.
16.      The committee constituted to discuss about Group ‘B’ promotion under the chairmanship of Shir. V. K. Tiwari DDG (R&P) will finalise its recommendation within one month. The staff side presented our views which is enclosed herewith for the consumption of all comrades.
17.    In the issue of anomaly in the preparation of PA gradation list, we insisted whatever settled earlier should not be reopened. This was agreed and DDG (P) assured to give appropriate instruction to Tamilnadu Circle.
18.      Orders issued for protection of pay to employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a)/under Rule 38.
19.      Construction for department building for DPA at Hyderabad. Proposal not agreed. In respect of Trivandrum and Patna, this is under process.
20.   Demand fresh establishment review for proposal/revival sanction of peripheral HRA will not be insisted hereafter. Proposal to upgrade the cities for drawal of HRA as per the 2011 census will be take up with MoF.
21.      The unjustified three conditions imposed for appearing IP examination for the departmental quota vacancies will be reviewed and modified shortly.
22.      The Civil wing Karnataka circle ensured the safety of the existing building at Kodial bail HSG I in Mangalore division and no possibility of new construction. As the accommodation is far below the SOA we insisted for shifting of the PO for a better building which will be examined.
23.   The construction work began for the new departmental building at Itanagar HO/North East Circle.
24.    The incentive for IMT work will be finalized shortly. The file is new pending with internal finance for approval.
25.      The recovery imposed on official for interest paid on PPF Accounts in case of Karnataka circle have been ordered to refund to the officials like Mysore and case settled.
26.      In case of fixation of pay for MTS by separate fixation for each MACP has been referred to the nodal ministry for clarification.
27.    Taking dies non period for reckoning of continuous service for grant of MACP will be further examined. We pleaded, in the MACP order, there is no qualifying service and it should be on continuous service for grant of MACP and thus all EXOL, dies non period should be taken as service.
28.    Orders have been issued with regard to recovery of Postage in case of foreign articles returned due to non availability of service – case settled.
29.      Clarification has been issued to fix 1800 grade pay after training for the canteen employees – case settled.
30.  The earlier order denying arrears on encashment of earned leave is modified and orders issued to pay the difference in encashment of EL for availing LTC.
31.     Orders issued to CPmGs to hold immediate DPCs for filling up of all vacant LSG, HSG II and HSG I.
32.       Orders will be issued shortly in relaxing the standard to GDS belonging to SC/ST quota in the appointment of Postal Assistant in the revised PA/SA Recruitment rules. One more instructions will be issue to all circle heads to have a special drive to fill up all the vacancies of PA, Postman etc. kept under residual vacancies.
33.     As the finalization revised recruitment rules for PA/SA is delayed due to non clearance by nodal ministries. It is decided to fill up the PA vacancies of circle office as per the existing recruitment rules.
34.      Orders issued by promoting the OS as AD recruitment.
35.   The earlier instructions will be reiterated in respect of observation of tenure in RMS, HRO and divisional offices.
36.      The IP Posts under Direct recruitment in J&K Circle cannot be filled up due to non allotment from UPSC.
37.  Clarifications were issued for short drawal of Grade pay in case of pharmacists in P&T dispensary.
38.      The recovery effected from the commutation of pension has been stopped as per OM dated 10.02.2009.
39.   A module will be finalised by the Directorate within two months for imparting training to the Group ‘D’ selected under Blind Quota for upgradation of their Grade pay to 1800/-
40.      A reference will be made to the nodal ministry for the grant of grade pay of Rs. 1800- to MTS who retired/expired from service after 13.08.2008 without having been imparted training.
41.     In respect of fixing of norms for postman work, a separate meeting will be held.
42.       The revision of double duty allowance is under active consideration.
43.  The demand for revision of LR strength as per volume IV has been disputed by the official side by citing the MOF order dated 24.08.1995. we are not accepting and conveyed to come up with full details in the next meeting.
44.      A provision will be made in the revised module software in Accounts for online facility of GPF Accounts directly by the officials.
45.      Updating Postal manual, Volumes are underway by a special team. It will be fianlised at the earliest possible.
46.      The proposal for bifurcation of Bastar Division is considered. The proposal for redeployment of Group ‘B’ posts for creation of separate division is under consideration.
47.      All circle heads will be addressed for the timely supply of uniforms to the officials. The staff side is also requested to furnish the details in case of non supply of uniforms to the officials in respect of any circle.
48.  Staff side insisted for providing more feeder cadre post in case of PO & RMS. Account line officials and assured to submit a brief note on this for consideration. The meeting ended with the vote of thanks to the chair.