August spies – Fredrick Engels – Fishchr – Parsons were sent to the gallous on 11th November 1887.
August spies – Fredrick Engels – Fishchr – Parsons were sent to the gallous on 11th November 1887.
No. JCA/AGTN/2011 Dated – 28.04.2011
Indefinite Strike from 05.07.2011 State Level Convention & All India Convention |
Dear Comrades/Colleagues
As per the call given by the Central JCA (NFPE, FNPO & GDS Unions) a massive demonstration took place in front of Postal Directorate (Dak Bhawan) New Delhi today (20.04.2011). About 1000 Postal & RMS Employees from Delhi Circle participated in the demonstration. After the demonstration a meeting was held in front of Dak Bhawan. Com. D. Kishan Rao, General Secretary, PIII FNPO welcomed the gathering. Com. K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary, P3, NFPE & Leader JCM (Staff Side) presided over the meeting. Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE, Com. D. Theagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO, Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, R3 , NFPE, Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary, P4, NFPE, Com. Pranab Bhattacharjee, General Secretary, Admn. NFPE Com. P. Suresh, General Secretary, R4, NFPE, Com. A. H. Siddique, General Secretary, R4, FNPO Com. Chawan, Dy. General Secretary, Postal Accounts, Com. Rajender Diwakar, Treasurer CHQ GDS addressed the meeting. Com. R. N. Parashar, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE offered vote of thanks.
After the demonstration and meeting, the JCA leaders submitted the joint memorandum to the Secretary, Department of Posts.
AT CHENNAI ON 19.06.2011
As decided in the last meeting, the Central JCA met today (20.04.2011) at New Delhi and reviewed the preparations so far made for making the agitational programmes a grand success. JCA leaders are very much impressed with the large scale participation of employees in the demonstration held in front of Dak Bhawan on 20.04.2011. The Central JCA congratulated the employees of Delhi Circle for making the programme a grand success. JCA also congratulated the Postal & RMS employees including GDS through out the country for effectively implementing the programme of demonstration and submission of memorandum programme in all circles and Divisions.
After detailed discussion the Central JCA decided to intensify the campaign programmes by reaching out to each and every employee. The following decisions are taken.
1. The strike from July 5th will be indefinite.
2. Under no circumstances the strike will be deferred or withdrawn, unless a favourable settlement on major demands takes place, especially on policy offensives.
3. Joint State/Circle level convention of Divisional secretaries of JCA (NFPE, FNPO, GDS Unions) will be held in the month of May 2011. Dates of the Circle level conventions is enclosed.
4. An All India Joint convention of all Circle Secretaries All India office bearers, and circle union office bearers of NFPE, FNPO and GDS Unions of all Circles will be held at Chennai (Tamilnadu) on 19.06.2011 (19th June 2011) Sunday. All Circle Secretaries should attend the All India convention without fail. Up and down tickets should be booked immediately. Delegate fee is Rs.500/- (Rs. Five Hundred only) per head. The Reception Committee will make all arrangements for one day stay (accommodation) and food. Com. D. Theagarajan, Secretary General FNPO and Com. K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary P3 NFPE and Leader JCM staff side will be in charge of the reception committee.
5. All out effort should be made by all Circle/Divisional Secretaries to make the 25th May 2011 mass Dharna a grand success. Similarly the joint Circle Conventions should also be made grand success by the JCA leaders.
The Postal JCA has decided the following General Secretaries will be incharge of the Circle level JCAs as shown in the list.
Assam N.E West Bengal | NFPE | Com. Pranab Bhattacharjee, General Secretary, Admn |
FNPO | Shri.O.P.Khanna General Secretary ADMN | |
Kerala Tamilnadu | NFPE | Com. S. Appanraj, General Secretary, SBCO |
FNPO | Shri S.Sambandan General Secretay SBCO | |
Karnataka M. P | GDS | Com. S. S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, AIPEDEU |
FNPO | Shri P.U .Muralidharan GeneralSecretary NUGDS | |
A. P. Chhattishgarh | NFPE | Com. Satyanarayanan, General Secretary, Postal Accounts |
FNPO | Shri.H.L.Ramteke General Secretary Postal Accounts | |
Orissa Bihar Jharkhand | NFPE | Com. P. Suresh, General Secretary, R4 |
FNPO | Shri. Abdul Haffiz Siddiq, General Secretary, NUR 4 | |
U. P. Uttarakhand | NFPE | Com. Raheem, General Secretary, Postal Civil Wing |
FNPO | Shri. Partha pratim Ghorai General secretary Postal civil wing | |
Punjab J & K Haryana | NFPE | Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, R3 |
FNPO | Shri.Deepak Muharjee Working President NUR-C | |
Delhi Rajasthan H.P | NFPE | Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary, P4 |
FNPO | Shri.TN Rahate General Secretary P4 | |
Maharashtra Gujarat | NFPE | Com. K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary, P3 |
FNPO | Shri. D.Kishan rao General secretary, P3 |
v They will be incharge for overseeing all the arrangements in organizing struggle programmes jointly under the banner of JCA.
v If there is no existence of JCA, it should be formed before 15.05.2011 in the presence of nominated incharge by JCA. There should be no deviation in this regard.
v All Branch/Divisional Secretaries and Circle Office Bearers convention of all constituents of Postal JCA at Circle level shall be held as per the dates mentioned in the Annexure. The leaders attending the Circle level convention shall be informed well in advance about the arrangements.
v The authorized representative (respective G/S) shall obtain all telephone number of all affiliates of their Federation and co ordinate among them for the smooth functioning of Circle JCA.
v Secretary General NFPE, FNPO & General Secretaries of GDS unions will intervene incase of any dispute/problems in any circle and their decision is final in the formation and functioning of circle JCA.
S.L. NO. | Circle | Date | NFPE | FNPO | GDS |
1 | Andhra Pradesh | 29.05.2011 | Com. R. Seethalakshmi, ASG, NFPE | Shri B.Shivakumar ASG FNPO | Com.P. Panduranga Rao AGS |
2 | Assam | 29.05.2011 | Com. S. P. Mukherjee, Vice President, NFPE | Shri HC Dutta, CS NUR-C | Com.Dhiraj Kumar Chaliha, Org. Secretary. |
3 | Bihar | 29.05.2011 | Com. Giriraj Singh, GS, R3 | Shri Deepak Muharjee Working President NUR-C | Com. Subhash Prasad Sahu, Vice President |
4 | Chattisgarh | 29.05.2011 | Com. D.K. Rahate, President, NFPE | Shri. P. Jaiswal NAPE-C | Com. Narain Chowdhary AGS |
5 | Delhi | 12.06.2011 | Secretary General & General Secretaries | Secretary General & General Secretaries | Com. Rambir Singh, Circle Secretary |
6 | Gujarat | 29.05.2011 | Com. K. V. Sridharan, G/S,P3 | Shri. D. Kishanrao, GS, P/3 | Com. B. M. Jadeja, Vice President |
7 | Haryana | 29.05.2011 | Com. K. K. Sharma, V.P, NFPE | Shri Brij Mohan F/S FNPO | Com.Vijay Sharma, Circle Secretary |
8 | Himachal Pradesh | 29.05.2011 | Com. Raj Kumar, F/S, NFPE | Shri OP Chauhan C/s NAPE-C | Com. Datta Ram, Astt General Secretary |
9 | Jammu & Kashmir | 29.05.2011 | Com. Pranab Bhattacharjee, G/S, Admn. | Shri OP Khanna G/S ADMIN | Yoga Raj Sharma, Circle Secretary |
10 | Jharkhand | 29.05.2011 | Com. R. N. Parashar, ASG, NFPE | Shri R.K. Ambasta Deputy GS NUR-C | Com. Madan Mohan Singh, SPECIAL INVITEE |
11 | Karnataka | 29.05.2011 | Com. S. Raghupathi, ASG, NFPE | Shri. G.P Muthukrishnan VP FNPO | Com. B. V. Rao, SPECIAL INVITEE |
12 | Kerala | 29.05.2011 | Com. S. Appanraj, G/S , SBCO Com. C. Chandrasekhar, W/P, NFPE | Shri. S. Sambandan G/S SBCO | Com. V. Murukan, Working President |
13 | Madhya Pradesh | 29.05.2011 | Com. M. Krishnan, S/G, NFPE | Shri. T. N.Rahate President FNPO | Com. Mahandhra Pratap Singh, Vice President |
14 | Maharashtra | 05.06.2011 | Com. I. S. Dabas, G/S, P4 | Shri. B. S. Kashid Deputy SG FNPO | Com. D. N. Giri, President |
15 | North East | 05.06.2011 | Com. Pranab Bhattacharjee, G/S, Admn. | Shri. P. Charavarthy C/S N.E Circle. | Com. O.S. Singh, SPECIAL INVITEE |
16 | Orissa | 29.05.2011 | Com. P. Suresh, G/S, R4 | Shri. A. H.SIDDIQ G/S R-4 | Com. Nirmal Singh, C/S |
17 | Punjab | 29.05.2011 | Com. I. S. Dabas, G/S, P4 | Shri. Ashok Kumar Sharma, DY G/SP/4 | Com. Lakwindar Pal Singh,ATR |
18 | Rajasthan | 05.06.2011 | Com. R. N.Parashar, ASG, NFPE | Shri G.S Shankar Goud ASG FNPO | Com. Rajendra Diwakar, Treasurer |
19 | Tamilnadu | 05.06.2011 | Com. M. Krishnan, S/G, NFPE | Will be announced later | Com. M. Rajangam, Working President |
20 | Uttar Pradesh | 05.06.2011 | Com. Giriraj Singh, G/S, R3 | Shri. Shakeel Ahmed Burney VP FNPO | Com. Pramod Kr. Singh |
21 | Uttara Khand | 29.05.2011 | Com. D.S. Chauhan, V/P, NFPE | Shri. N. K. TYagi AGS NUR-C | Com. Chandra Bhan Mehra, |
22 | West Bengal | 29.05.2011 | Com. S. A. Rahim, G/S, Civil Wing | Partha Pratim Ghorai G/S Civil wing | Com. Bejoy Gopal Sur, AGS |
Apart from these JCA representatives all All India office bearers of respective unions shall be invited for the convention.
Please ensure the formation of JCA at all levels and organized all for the Indefinite strike from 05.07.2011.
Yours fraternally,
M. Krishnan Secretary General, NFPE | D. Theagarajan Secretary General, FNPO |
K. V. Sridharan General Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’ | D. Kishan Rao General Secretary, NAPE Group ‘C’ |
Ishwar Singh Dabas General Secretary AIPEU -Postmen & MSE/Group ‘D’ | T. N. Rahate General Secretary NAPE Postmen, MTS & Group ‘D’ |
Giriraj Singh General Secretary AIRMS & MMS EU Group ‘C’ | D. Theagarajan General Secretary R-3, FNPO |
P. Suresh General Secretary AIRMS & MMS EU MG & Group ‘D’ | A. H. Siddique General Secretary R-4, FNPO |
Pranab Bhattacharjee General Secretary AIPAOEU – NFPE | O.P.Khanna General Secretary AIPAOA(FNPO) |
S. S. Mahadevaiah General Secretary AIPEDEU | P.U.Muralidharan General Secretary GDS – NUPE |
T. Satyanarayanan General Secretary AIPAEA | H.L. RAMTEKE General Secretary AIPAOA |
S. Appanraj General Secretary AIPSBCOEA | S. Sambandam General Secretary NASBCO |
S. A. Raheem General Secretary AIPCWEA | Pratha Pritam Ghorai General Secretary NUCWEA |