Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Com. D.K. MUKHARJEE, President, AIPAEA, PATNA (Bihar Circle) passed away yesterday morning as he suffered with a massive heart attack while in office.
He is a very committed leader of AIPAEA and NFPE . He faced compulsory transfer for his Union Activities. It is a great loss to AIPAEA and NFPE.
He left behind his wife and only daughter. No words to console except sharing their sorrow.
NFPE and AIPAEA dip our flag in memory of this valiant comrade.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Details/Pattern of Postal/Sorting Assistant (PA/SA) Phase-II Exam 2013 (Computer/Typing Test)
Now as Postal Department started publishing the List of Shortlisted Candidates for Paper-II based on the performance in Paper-I(Aptitude Test), its time now to understand the details of Paper-II (Computer Typing/Data Entry Test) & Practice it.
Results of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, North East, Odisha, West Bengal and Kerala Postal Circles already stands published in the official website.
Results of Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Bihar, Haryana, Himanchal Pradesh and Rajasthan Circles are expected soon.
Here is the list of number of candidates shortlisted from each Circle based on the results declared so far.
Name of Circle
No. of Shortlisted Candidates for Paper-II
Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Madhya Pradesh
North East
West Bengal
Pattern of Paper-II (Computer / Typing Test):
The Typing Test shall be for a duration of 30 minutes (15 minutes each for Typewriting and data entry) consisting of one passage of 450 words in English or 375 words in Hindi to be typed with a minimum speed of 30/25 words per minute respectively & Data entry of some figures and letters each carrying equal marks on Computers.
The typing test and test of data entry operations will be conducted on Computer key board but not on type writer.
Note: The final merit shall be prepared on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained by the Applicants in the Aptitude Test (Paper I) only subject to their qualifying in Computer/Typing test ( Paper II). ie, there will be no marks for Typing/Data entry test. You have to just qualify the minimum criteria in Paper-2 and final merit list shall be prepared on the basis of marks of Paper-I only.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
From .07.2013
The Sr. Superintendent
of Pos.,
Sub: Settlement of minus balances in SB Accounts at
......... – Reg.
Ref: SSPOs., Letter No……………..……………………..
dated …………………..
With reference to
the letter cited , it has been mentioned
that , there is negligence on my part, on the noted SB
accounts which resulted in minus balance on
the said accounts. Based on that, a recovery of Rs…………….
is proposed to be made from my pay and allowances.
In this connection , I
am to submit the following for your
kind consideration and for issue of favourable orders.
1. Rule
18 of PO SB General Rules, 1981 empower the Postal Department to recover any
excess paid amount paid to the depositor as arrears of Land Revenue from the
depositors. Hence I request to initiate action as per the Rule ibid for
settlement of the Minus Balance.
2. Further,
I was not given any of the copy of documents, by which ,
establishing that I was actually responsible for the minus balance,
since the noted dates of transactions were between the year …………… to ……………..
For eg. copy of nominal role, user code maintenance record containing
authorization on the software, print out copy of my pass word usage on
the said transactions, copy of LOTs concerned , SO SB OM Register, SBCO
OM register , SB 46 registers etc. Though, instructed in the ref., I was
not allowed to pursue with the connected vouchers/supplied with copies of
records etc. This is totally a denial of natural
3. As
per Rule 48 (ii) of PO SB Manual Volume I, the Ledger Assistant
at HO should post the entries in the ledgers concerned and
any discrepancy noticed should be booked into. This was not done in
this case and the part of S.O. SB is completely
hided , with a motive to favour on selected interests.
4. As
per Rule 92 (2) (i) , (ii) , (iii), (v) and Rule 92(3) of PO SB
Manual Volume I, Objection registers should be maintained with recordings
of difference in balances at SO SB and SBCO and extract
should be sent to S.O.s to rectify then and there. Monthly statement
of the pending objections should be sent to the AO ICO (SB) and
Senior Superintendent to take further action. These were not done in this
case and if so the relevant records should be given
access to the charged official to prove his innocence.
5. Since
there are agreements made by the SBCO years-to-gether,
and list of balances verified through the authorities concerned,
for any reported left over/excess/short
entries in manual ledgers/computers of …….. years
back, the official working at S.O. level should not be selectively
6. As
per Standard Inspection Questionnaire prescribed by the Department ,
vide para 27 (ii) and 32(c) checks should be made by the
Inspecting authorities for verification of balances through issuance of SB 46
notices to the depositors concerned, and verification of SO balances concerned
with HOs and nothing seems to be done in this case for the
past …………….. years and failure, if any, is now rushed to be fixed
only on the part of SO level, leaving the Inspecting authorities/Mail
Overseers in a biased manner.
7. No
sub- ordinate officers/ inspecting authorities/SO SB/SBCO officials, are
issued with notices for recovery of pay, on whose part there are
many such lapses in such of those cases, and I should not be
singled out for any recovery in this case.
8. As
per Rule 106 of P&T Man. Vol. III , any recovery can be imposed only
when it is established, and in this case it was not done.
9. As
per Rule 107 of P&T Man.Vol. III , the Disc. Authority
should correctly assess in a realistic manner the contributory
negligence, and while determining any omission or lapses on the
loss considered and the extenuating circumstances in which the duties
were performed by the official, shall be given due weight, but
nothing has been done in this case.
In view of above, it is
requested that I may be allowed to go through the
records pertaining to the periods covered/ supplied with the copies of
records as said above, under which such minus balances
occurred. Thereafter, I shall give my final reply in this connection.
Thanking you Sir,
Yours faithfully,
The 9th Federal Council of NFPE
held at Hyderabad from 9th to 13th June 2013, gave a
clarion call to the five lakhs Postal and RMS employees including Gramin Dak
Sevaks (GDS) to be ready for an indefinite strike, in case our demand for
setting up of seventh Central Pay Commission (CPC) and merger of DA with pay is
rejected by the Central Government. The conference in one voice also demanded
the Government to withdraw the Contributory Pension Scheme and scrap the
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) Bill. It further
decided that even if Pay Commission is appointed, if the Government refuse to
include the revision of wages and service conditions of GDS in the term of
reference of the CPC and grant the DA merger benefit to GDS, entire employees
shall go on indefinite strike.
The Confederation of Central
Government Employees and Workers, the united fighting organisation of Central
Government Employees, in its 24th National Conference held at
Kolkata from 4th to 6th May 2013 has taken a historic
decision to go on indefinite strike demanding constitution of seventh CPC, DA
merger, scrapping of New Pension Scheme and the settlement of the 15 point
charter of demands. The decision of the Confederation clearly reflected the
aspiration and commitment of about 28 lakhs of Central Government Employees and
about 40 lakh Central Government Pensioners. Unlike in the past, this time, the
Confederation has rightly decided to project the GDS demands as one of the main
demands and in the 12th December 2012 strike the GDS participated in
the strike en-masse as per the call given by NFPE, even though the so-called
recognized union of GDS has not even given strike notice.
Finally, as in the past, as a
logical corollary, the Railway and Defence employees Federations have also
decided to go for an indefinite strike raising the 7th CPC and DA
merger demand. Due to conscious and persistent effort made by Confederation,
especially its versatile and undisputed leader Com. S. K. Vyas Ji, a joint
meeting of AIRF, AIDEF and Confederation was arranged on 29th July
2013 and Joint Council of Action (JCA) is formed, the JCA decided to organize
various campaign programmes, culminating in indefinite strike. As a first step
it is decided to submit a letter to the Government listing out the demands and
also its time-bound settlement. The seven point charter of demands includes
setting up of 7th CPC, DA merger, compassionate appointment, regularization
of GDS and Casual Labourers, Scrapping of PFRDA Bill, removal of bonus
emolument ceiling, functioning of JCM and implementation of arbitration awards.
Even though in the past, the dominant leadership of the National Council JCM
has taken a stand that as GDS do not come under JCM, their demand cannot be
included, this time the Confederation and NFPE leadership could convince them
and they agreed for inclusion of GDS demands also.
Thus a situation has emerged
wherein the entire Central Government employees stands united and determined to
realize just and genuine demands. The message is loud and clear. Now it is the
duty and responsibility of each and every one of us to carry the message to the
grass-root level workers and build up broadest unity among the rank and file.
Once such a rock-like unity for struggle is achieved, no Government can reject
our justified demands. Time is short. Let us awake, arise and unite.
Probation period of PA/SA
Directorate vide memo No. 60-3/2013-SPB-I dated 8/7/2013 has clarified that ás per revised Recruitment Rules for the post of Postal Assistant / Sorting Assitant notified on 3rd November 2011, the period of probation is the same i.e. two years but the provision of Examination for confirmation has been discontinued and clearance of probation period is to be decided by the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC). It is also clarified that who have not yet cleared the confirmation test may not be subjected to confirmation examination but may be assessed for clearing their probation after taking into consideration their performance during the induction training, the special report /ACRs and any other relevant input. If they are not found up to the mark, their probation period may be extended as per the Government's instructins. In such cases, PAs/SAs shall be considered for clearance of probation period from a prospective date and not with retrospective effect.
Friday, July 26, 2013
C. G. Employees and their dependents can avail treatment in a non empanelled Private hospitals in emergency conditions and get reimbursement
(G.I MH OM No. F. No. S. 14025/14/2012-MS, dated 11.06.2013)
Revision of
rates for reimbursement of medical expenses incurred in emergency conditions
under CS (MA) Rules, 1944
The undersigned is directed to
state that the issue of revision of rates for reimbursement of medical expenses
incurred on availing medical treatment in emergency conditions under CS (MA)
Rules, 1944, when treatment is taken in a non-empanelled private hospital, has
been under consideration of the Government for some time.
2. It has now been decided that, reimbursement
of medical expenses incurred by a Central Government employee covered under
CS(MA) Rules, 1944 on availing medical treatment for himself and his dependent
family members in emergency conditions, would be allowed as per the prevailing
non –NABH CGHS rates as applicable to a CGHS covered city and non-NABH rates applicable
to the nearest CGHS covered city in case of non-CGHS city, as the case may be,
or the actuals, whichever is less.
3. For the medical treatment in
such cases where package rates are prescribed under CGHS, the non-NABH rates of
the CGHS covered city and non-NABH rates of the nearest CGHS city (in case of
non-CGHS covered city) or the actuals, whichever is less, will be applicable.
4. This OM supersedes all earlier
orders issued from time to time under CS (MA) Rules, 1944 on this subject for
allowing reimbursement of medical expenses in emergency conditions when treatment
is taken in a non-empanelled private hospital.
5. This OM will come into effect
from the date of issue.
6. This issue with the concurrence
of the Integrated Finance Division vide their Dy. No. C-282, dated 22.05.2013.
2013 August 25th & 26th Pushkar (Rajasthan)
As you are aware the South Zone Study Camp of NFPE was held at Chennai, Central Zone Study Camp was held at Vidisha (MP) and Eastern Zone Study Camp at Guwahati (Assam) was also held successfully. The next camp for Western Zone will be held at Pushkar (Rajastahan). Delegates from affiliates of NFPE from Rajasthan, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir shall attend the two days Western Zone Study Camp.
The number of delegates allotted to each circle union is furnished as below:
Postal Accounts
Civil Wing
Casual Labour
Himachal Pradesh
J & K
In addition all General Secretaries of the above unions shall attend the camp.
Circle Secretaries are requested to select the delegates of their union immediately and instruct them to book the up and down tickets without any further delay. They should reach Pushkar (Rajasthan) before 08-30 AM on 25th August 2013. They can leave the camp only after 6 PM on 26th August 2013. Maximum lady comrades may be included as delegates. The names of the delegates attending the camp should be intimated to the respective General Secretaries before 15th August 2013. Delegates fee per head is fixed as Rs. 600/- (Rs. Six Hundred only). Exact venue and programme notice will be sent separately.
All General Secretaries are requested to instruct their circle Secretaries suitably for immediate follow up action.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
1st Floor,
North Avenue Post office Building, New Delhi – 110001
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Circular No. 2/2013 Dated
– 23.07.2013
22.07.2013 – NEW DELHI
Dear Comrades,
The first meeting of the National
Secretariat of the Confederation was held at New Delhi on 22.07.2013. Com. K.
K. N. Kutty, National President, presided. The
following office bearers were present:
Com. S. K. Vyas (Advisor), Com.
K. K. N. Kutty (President), Com. M. S. Raja (Working President), Com. Giriraj
Singh (Vice President), Com. M. Durai Pandian (Vice President), Com. N. Somaiah
(Vice President), Com. M. Krishnan (Secretary General), Com. K. V. Jayaraj
(Asst Secretary), Com. Pijush Roy (Asst. Secretary) Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas
(Asst. Secretary), Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee (Financial Secretary), Com. G. Mani
Achari (Org. Secretary) Com. R. P. Singh (Org. Secretary) Com. Arup Chatterjee
(Org. Secretary).
The following office bearers applied for leave/expressed their
inability to attend:
Com. R. N. Parashar (Asst.
Secretary) Com. C. P. Sobhana (Org. Secretary) Com. Venkata Subramanian (Org.
Secretary), Com. K. P. Rajagopal (Secretary)
The following office bearers could not reach due to train
Com. T. Narasimhan (Vice
President), Com. B. Krishna Gaud (Asst. Secretary), Com. Nilesh D. Nasare (Org.
Secretary) Com. P. Suresh (Org. Secretary) Com. V. Nageswara Rao (Org.
Secretary), Com. T. Satyanarayana (Org. Secretary), Com. T. K. R. Pillai
The following comrades were absent:
Com. Ashok B. Salunke (Vice
President), Com. Ashok Kumar Kanojia (Org Secretary) Com. R. Seethalakshmi
(Org. Secretary), Com. Y. Purohit (Org. Secretary).
Before Commencement the meeting
paid homage to Late Com. Samar Mukherjee, Ex-MP and Veteran Parliamentarian by
observing two minutes silence.
Com. S. K. Vyas, Advisor, in his
opening remarks, explained the background of events which led to the formation
of a Joint Council of Action of Railway (AIRF) Defence (AIDEF) and
Confederation and also pointed out its weaknesses and limitations. He stressed
the need to further strengthen the unity. He opined that on the 15 point
charter of demands, Confederation must conduct its own independent campaign and
agitational programmes. If the Railway and defence Federations come forward for
serious agitational programmes including indefinite strike we must join such
campaign and strike action.
Com. K. Raghavendran, Ex-Working
President, Confederation also addressed the meeting. Thereafter discussion on
all agenda items took place.
The following are the main highlights and decision of the National
Secretariat meeting
1. Review of 24th National
Conference held at Kolkata from 4th to 6th May 2013
Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary
General made a brief presentation of the Conference proceedings, which was
approved by the house after discussion.
2. 15 Pointes charter of demands and future
course of action.
The meeting decided to organize
independent campaign and agitational programmes culminating in indefinite
strike. The specific decisions were:
(i) To organize state level joint strike conventions of C-o-C with the participation of all affiliated
unions/Associations/Federations during the month of August 2013. Whereever the
C-O-C functioning is not satisfactory or has no participation of district
units, efforts must be taken to revamp the committee.
(ii) To organize mass Relay dharna at different
places in all important stations during the first week of September 2013 (from 02.09.2013 to 07.09.2013).
(iii)To conduct nationwide strike ballot during the
last week of September 2013 (On 25, 26
and 27th September) Model of the ballot will be sent later.
(iv)To convene the Central Working Committee/Central
Executive committee meetings of all affiliated unions/Associations/Federations
before the 1st week of October 2013. All India Office Bearers of the
Confederation may be invited to attend the meeting.
3. Joint programme of AIRF, AIDEF and
It was decided to make all out
effort to further strengthen the Joint council of action (JCA) and also to
launch serious agitational programmes culminating in indefinite strike before
December 2013.
4. Formation of State Committees and
District Committees
It was decided to reorganize the
COCs which are defunct or not functioning satisfactorily. This is to be done
when the state level strike campaign conventions are organized. Participation
of representatives of all affiliates should be ensured in the conventions.
5. Conducting of All India Mahila
Convention of the Confederation.
It was decided to conduct two
day’s All India Mahila Convention at New Delhi in the 3rd week of
October 2013. C-O-C Delhi has agreed to host the Mahila Convention. Delegate
fee shall be Rs.600/- per delegate. Participation of maximum number of Lady
comrades from all states/affiliates should be ensured.
6. Organising Trade Union Education Camp:
It was decided to hold the Trade
Union Education Camp at Mumbai in November/December 2013. Number of participants
shall be 150 (maximum). Delegate fee Rs. 600/- per delegate Postal, ITEF, Audit
& Accounts and Atomic Energy delegates accommodation shall be arranged by
their respective Federations. C-O-C Mumbai shall function as the Reception
committee. Date and Venue will be intimated later.
7. Publication of journal
Decided to publish a monthly
journal. Name of the journal shall be “CONFEDERATION NEWS” (subject to
availability at RNI) Editorial Board shall consist of Com. S. K. Vyas (Advisor)
Com. K. K. N. Kutty (President) Com. M. S. Raja (Working President) Com. M
.Krishnan (Secretary General) com. K. P. Rajagopal (Secretary) and Com. Vrigu
Bhattacharjee (Financial Secretary).
8. Financial Review:
Financial Secretary shall present
the actual picture in the next meeting. Meanwhile letters should be sent to all
affiliated unions to remit the arrears of quota immediately.
9. Letter from ITEF and reply
A letter received from Secretary
General, ITEF and the reply given, regarding the election of new office bearers
of the Confederation was presented in the meeting by the Secretary General,
Confederation. It was decided to send an appeal letter to the ITEF requesting
them to resolve the issue amicably.
10. Affiliation to new organizations:
The application for affiliation
received from the following two organisations was considered and it is decided
to grant affiliation subject to their accepting the terms & conditions for
Indian School of Mines Karmachari Sangh,
Song and Drama Division Employees Associations,
New Delhi
11. National Convention of Central Trade
Unions on 6th August 2013.
The available National
Secretariat members/leaders at Delhi will attend the convention on 6th.
President, Com. K. K. N. Kutty in
his concluding remarks, briefed decisions taken in the meeting. The meeting
ended at 5 PM.
All office Bearers, State Committees, other C-O-Cs and Affiliated
Unions/ Associations/Federations are requested to implement the above
mentioned decisions of the National Secretariat meeting, WITHOUT FAIL.
This may be treated as most urgent/important,
Fraternally yours,
(K. K. N. Kutty) (M.
President Secretary
Mob: 09811048303 Mob:
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