Orders opening of Post Offices upto 10
p.m. modified. Where there is no work
P.O. will not be kept open and LADY STAFF will not be detained
beyond 7 p.m.
from Directorate have been issued to all Head of Circles.
Secretary General NFPE &
General Secretary P-III
Thursday, March 31, 2016
national federation of postal employees
all india postal employees union group-c
all india postal employees union postmen & mts
all india rms and mms employees union group-c
all india rms and mms employees
union mail guard & mts
all india postal administrtive offices employees
all india postal accounts employees association
all india sbco employees association
all india civil wing employees association
all india postal employees union gds
Headquarters , New
Delhi-110 001.
most important/urgent
PF-01(e)/2016 CIRCULAR 31.03.2016
1.All Circle Secretaries/Divisional/Branch
2.All CHQ Office Bearers of NFPE and
affiliated Unions/Associations.
GDS Membership Verification
Our Responsibilities and immediate task elect and select AIPEU-GDS as the only one
recognised GDS union
As all of you are aware
Department of Posts has commenced the process of verification of membership of
Gramin Dak Sevaks for grant of recognition.
The AIPEU-GDS was formed in the year 2012 and the Federal Council of
NFPE held at Hyderabad in 2013, which is the highest decision and policy making
body of NFPE, has decided to grant
“Associate Membership” to the newly formed AIPEU-GDS. For the last four years, AIPEU-GDS is
functioning without recognition and joined all the programmes of NFPE including
strike. During this four year period it
had conducted two All India Conferences and formed Branches in all the 22
Circles. After formation of AIPEU-GDS,
it is the first membership verification taking place.
There is no doubt that the
AIPEU-GDS will get recognition and shall become number one recognised GDS
Union, with flying colours. But that is
not enough - we should make the AIPEU-GDS as the only one recognised GDS Union
in the Department of Posts. It is not
For fulfilling the above
task, all Circle/Divisional Branches of NFPE affiliated Unions/Associations and
also all CHQ office bearers are hereby requested to take immediate action to
implement the following directions of NFPE.
1. It should be ensured that
Circle/Divisional Unions of AIPEU-GDS is formed in all Circles/Divisions.
2. The name, designation and
official address of the Circle/Divisional Secretaries should be intimated to
“Com.P.Panduranga Rao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS, 1, Patel Road, Shadipur,
Dada Ghosh Bhavan PO, New Delhi-110 008”.
Email ID: aipeugdsnfpe@gmail.com
Mob: 09849466595. Divisional
Secretaries should inform the above particulars to Circle Secretaries also.
3. Still there are some divisions
where the branches of AIPEU-GDS are not yet formed, inspite of repeated
instructions from NFPE. All those
Divisions where the branch of AIPEU-GDS is not yet formed should form the
Branch Union or at least an Adhoc Committee at Divisional level with a
Secretary or Convenor before 15th April 2016. The name, designation and official address
with pin code and mobile number of the newly elected Secretary or Adhoc
Committee Convenor should be intimated to the General Secretary and Circle
Secretary. Wherever Circle Unions are
not functioning immediate action should be taken to form a functioning Circle
Union or Circle level Adhoc Committee of AIPEU-GDS.
4. It is reported from some circles
that some P3 and P4 Divisional Unions of NFPE has not taken any positive action
to form the Divisional Branches of AIPEU-GDS.
Not only that in some limited divisions, the rival GDS Union, which is
campaigning against NFPE and has formed separate unions for Group-C and
Postmen/MTS in the name of “UNITED” to break our P3 and P4 Union and thereby to
destabilise NFPE, is given all help and assistance by the some P3 and P4 Unions
of NFPE and also holding joint meetings with the rival GDS Union which is no
more an affiliate or Associate of NFPE.
This is not permissile and is in violation of the directions and
guidelines issued by NFPE. It is once
again made clear that disciplinary action will be taken against those divisions
which refuse to form the branches of AIPEU-GDS and which are still cooperating
and extending all help to the rival GDS Union and conducting joint
meetings. The recognition of all such
Divisional Unions which refuse to carry out the directions of NFPE will be
withdrawn without any further notice.
5. Last date for submission of
application by GDS Unions for participating in the membership verification
process is 31-03-2016. AIPEU-GDS has
already submitted application to the Directorate on 18-03-2016. Please note that the name of our union is
“AIPEU-GDS”. Department may issue orders
fixing the last date for submission of authorisation forms to the Divisional
heads, along with the model authorisation form with the signature of an officer
of the Directorate. Immediately on publishing
the authorisation form by the department all the affiliated unions of NFPE
should jointly jump into action and collect maximum number of authorisation
forms from GDS of each division. As
GDS are working in remote villages, action plan should be chalked out now
itself, for visiting each and every Branch Post Office by the NFPE leadership,
for collecting authorisation forms signed by the GDS in favour of AIPEU-GDS.
6. AIPEU-GDS is the GDS Union of
NFPE and it is the collective responsibility of all Circle/Divisional Unions of
NFPE to make our GDS Union as the only one recognised union. Let us take it as a challenge and prove that
it is possible.
7. A separate circular issued by
AIPEU-GDS CHQ is also enclosed herewith.
A meeting with Cabinet Secretary
Sri. P. K. Sinha was held at Cabinet Secretariat Committee Room, Rashtrapati
Bhawan, New Delhi on 30.03.2016. All Members of empowered committee i.e.
Secretaries of Various Departments were present in the meeting. Department of
Post was represented by Sri. Ashutosh Tripathi, Member (Personal), Sri
Shailendra Dashora, DDG (Estt) Ms. Manju Pandey, DDG (Personal) & Ms. Anju
Nigam DDG (SR) from NFPE Com. R. N. Parashar, Secretary General NFPE &
General Secretary P3, Com. Giriraj Singh, President NFPE & General
Secretary, R3 & Com. R. Seethalakshmi, Dy. Secretary General, NFPE &
General Secretary P4 from FNPO, Com. D. Theagrajan, Secretary General, FNPO
& General Secretary R3, Com. T. N. Rahate, President FNPO & General
Secretary P4 and from BPEF. Com. S. K. Sinha, General Secretary Postal Accounts
Association participated. We presented our views in support of each and every
demand submitted by NFPE & FNPO in memorandum to Pay Commission and
Empowered Committee and implementation cell. We demanded upgraded scales for
each cadre of Department. The meeting was held in a very congenial atmosphere. We
may hope for the better.
Schemes for retiring officials for
voluntary work
the link below to view) ENGLISH VERSION HINDI_VERSION
No proposal under consideration to replace
the National Pension System (NPS) with old pension scheme - Govt. replied in
Lok Sabha.
(Click the link below to view) PDF/WORD(Hindi) PDF/WORD
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
make aipeu-gds the number one and only one
recognised union of gds
Govt. of India, Department of Posts, has issued two important
orders relating to Gramin Dak Sevaks.
First order is regarding appointment of separate GDS committee headed by
retired Postal Board Member (P) Shri.Kamalesh Chandra, Second order is long
awaited Membership verification orders of GDS.
Regarding GDS Committee
headed by the retired officer Shri. Kamalesh Chandra, NFPE and AIPEU-GDS had
already submitted its memorandum on 18-03-2016.
Our main demands submitted before the GDS committee are (1) Grant of
civil servant status and all benefits of departmental employees on pro-rata
basis (2) Pay scale, increment and all other allowances admissible to
departmental employees on pro-rata basis (3) Fixation of minimum five hours and
maximum eight hours wages (4) Pension and other pensionary benefits like Family
Pension, Commutation Pension, Leave surrender etc. (5) Time bound promotion or
Assured Career Progression (ACP) on completion of 10,20 and 30 years of service
(6) Medical reimbursement facilities and (7) Grant of all kinds of leave
including CL, EL, Commuted Leave, Maternity Leave, Child Care Leave and Special
Casual leave etc. There are many other
demands also which we have included in the memorandum.
Chairman, GDS Committee has
written a letter to General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS for submission of memorandum
to the Committee. The Committee has
assured NFPE and AIPEU-GDS that they will be given an opportunity to give oral
evidence before the Committee. We will
try our best to get our demands accepted by the GDS Committee.
already filed a case in the Supreme Court for implementation of the 1977
judgement and grant of Civil servant status to GDS. Supreme Court has transferred the case to
Delhi High Court and High Court has transferred the case to Principal Bench,
Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) Delhi.
The case is posted for final hearing on 4th April, 2016.
Regarding membership
verification, all of us are aware that AIPEU-GDS was formed in the month of
April, 2012. For the last four years we
are working without any recognition from the Government and Department. Majority of the GDS in all 22 circles have
joined AIPEU-GDS. We have conducted two All
India Conferences at Chennai and Shimla.
Full-fledged democratic functioning is ensured from Branch/Divisional
level to Circle and All India. We have
conducted two All India strikes jointly with NFPE and AIPEU-GDS in December
2012 and February 2014 in which the main demands are GDS issues.
Recognised GDS union is
functioning for the last seventeen years, with all the help and patronage of
the Department and Govt. including Department provided Union office in
Delhi. Talwar Committee report was
implemented partially and in a distorted manner in the year 1998 and GDS was
granted TRCA, Increment, Paid leave, Ex-Gratia Gratuity, Severance Amount
etc. The recognised GDS Union was formed
in the year 1999 ie. after partial implementation of Talwar Committee
recommendations. After the formation of
the recognised union not even a single demand of GDS was settled. Natarajamurthy Committee made most retrograde
recommendations including change of cash handling point from Rs.1000/- to
Rs.20,000/-. This time also recognised
GDS union signed an agreement with the department for appointment of separate
GDS committee. All the main demands of
GDS such as Civil Servant status, Minimum and maximum wage, promotion, pension,
medical facilities still remained unsettled.
What is the balance sheet of the recognised GDS Union for the last
seventeen years? It is a big zero. Whatever benefits achieved for GDS was only
because of the struggle conducted by NFPE in the past. Recognised GDS Union went on accusing NFPE
and tried its best for dividing GDS and Departmental employees. AIPEU-GDS always believed in united struggle
of GDS and Departmental employees. Thus
it can be seen that AIPEU-GDS is the only GDS union which is fighting, both
organisationally and legally, for the cause of GDS. Recognised GDS Union is spreading lies and
always cheating the GDS and failed miserably to settle any of the demands of
the GDS.
GDS want change and this is
the time for change. In the coming
membership verification, it is the duty of every GDS and all NFPE members to
defeat the recognised GDS Union and make AIPEU-GDS the only one recognised GDS
Union. We should get the membership
authorisation letter signed by all GDS in favour of AIPEU-GDS and submit it to
the concerned authorities duly countersigned by the Divisional Secretary or
authorised representative of AIPEU-GDS.
There are some divisions where the Branch of AIPEU-GDS is not yet
formed. In such Divisions we should form
an Adhoc Committee immediately and intimate the name and designation of the
authorised representative or convenor/secretary to General Secretary AIPEU-GDS.
Let us declare that we will
make AIPEU-GDS, the only one recognised GDS Union of GDS in the membership
All CBS Sub offices has to send the KYC application form (
Single sheet) to concerned HO only day-to- day basis One official should
identify @ HO to scrutinize the all KYC application forms received from Sub
offices and if there are any omissions in KYC application forms the same should
be return to Sub offices in SO bags for wanting of omissions. If KYC forms are
in order, then all the KYC forms of sub offices along with the KYC forms of
Head Office should be sent to CPC (CBS) in one cover/bag by registered post on
daily basis w.e.f 01.04.2016
The following
points should observe while scrutiny the documents at HO level
All AOF forms, KYC
documents (ID proof/ Address proof/Age proof) and any other documents submitted
by customer should preserve at SOL level only in date-wise A4 size binders.
Don’t fold the KYC
Application Forms while sending to CPC. Kindly ensure the sufficient size
covers for register booking purpose
Don’t staple the
Photograph on KYC Application Form. Please paste the photograph on KYC
application form at space provided.
For Joint a/cs don’t use
Joint photograph of the customers. Please paste the individual Photographs of
the customers against the fields mentioned for Applicant (1) /Applicant (2).
Please mention correct
CIF id and Account id / Registration number of certificates against the fields
provided in the KYC Application Form.
If any images (sign
& photo) are not clear in Finacle application please send the revised KYC
Application Form for re-scanning
If any omissions are
there in KYC application forms pl return the forms to concerned sub offices for
supply of omissions.
Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by Public Servants under
section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 - Filling of Returns by
public servants on or before 15th April, 2016 - regarding.
To view please Click Here.
Government Holiday Homes
Updated List as on 11.01.2016, provided by
Directorate of Estates – Holiday Homes can be availed by MPs, working and
retired Central government Employees, State Government Employees, Autonomous
and Statutory bodies employees:
of Holiday Homes
Notifying of
Recruitment Rules within ten weeks time period after the same are approved by
Recruitment Rules
should be reviewed once in 5 yrs, pending RR should be update before
30.09.2016: DoPT CLICK
Monday, March 28, 2016
Today on dated 28.03.2016 a meeting of Secretary Generals of NFPE , FNPO and BPEF
was held with the DDG(P) (Nodal
Officer of Department with Pay Commission Implementation Cell) ,
DDG (Estt) and DDG(SR)at Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
detailed discussion took place on the demands mentioned in the Memorandum submitted
to Secretary (Post) for modification. We emphasized that all demands should
be achieved.
We demanded upgraded pay scales for PA, SA, Postman,
Mail Guard, MTS, MMS (All categories), Admn, SBCO, Postal accounts and Civil
Wing staff etc.
meeting with Empowered Committee under Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary will
be held on 30.03.2016 at Cabinet Secretariat, Committee Room, Rashtrapati
Bhawan, New Delhi.
On behalf of NFPE Com. R.N.
Parashar Secretary General NFPE & General Secretary P-III , Com. Giriraj
Singh General Secretary R-III , Com. R. Seethalakshmi General Secretary P-IV will take part in
the meeting
Today on
dated 28.03.2016, Com. R.N. Parashar Secretary General NFPE along with Com. D. Theagarajan
Secretary General FNPO met with Shri V.B. Sudhakar, Member (Technology) and
Shri Ashutosh Tripathi, Member (Personal) and apprised of the worst situation
being faced by Postal Staff due to CBS.
After detailed discussion, the
following remedial measures have been declared by the Department.
(Technology) directortech@indiapost.gov.in (Email: 28.03.2016)
1:58 PM (53 minutes ago)
In response to your concerns regarding CBS functioning, I
am directed to inform the following:
1. Two to three levels of EOD will be done
centrally from CEPT, Mysuru from 1st
April, 2016.
2. Two additional servers are being
provided at the Data Centre today so
that additional load can be absorbed.
3. The Business Continuity Plan (BCP) has
been permitted by the FS Division
from 23.03.2016. This will enable operations to be done across the counter.
4. An Emergency Response Team (ERT) has
been constituted at CEPT, Mysuru to deal
with outages.
5. A top to bottom review of the
Application is being undertaken to
ensure smooth operations.
Your co-operation is sought for
effective implementation of CBS.
This issues with
approval of Member (Technology).
Postal Circle Admit Card 2016 Released For Postman/ Mail Guard/ MTS Posts CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Memorandum submitted to GDS Committee by NFPE & AIPEU-GDS
Click the link below:
Copy of Memorandum by NFPE
Copy of Memorandum by AIPEU GDS
Copy of Memorandum by NFPE
Copy of Memorandum by AIPEU GDS
Press Information Bureau Government of India
23-March-2016 16:29 IST
Release of additional
instalment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees and Dearness
Relief to Pensioners due from 1.1.2016
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra
Modi, has approved release of an additional instalment of Dearness Allowance
(DA) to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief (DR) to Pensioners
w.e.f. 01.01.2016. This represents an increase of 6 percent over the existing
rate of 119 percent of the Basic Pay/Pension, to compensate for price rise.
This will benefit about 50 lakh Government employees and 58 lakh
The increase is in accordance with the accepted formula, which
is based on the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission (CPC). The
combined impact on the exchequer on account of both Dearness Allowance and
Dearness Relief would be of Rs. 6796.50 crore per annum and Rs.7929.24 crore
respectively, in the financial year 2016-17 (for a period of 14 months from
January, 2016 to February, 2017). PIB
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
7th Pay Commission: Minutes of the 2nd meeting of Empowered Committee held with NCJCM Staff Side
Minutes of the 2nd meeting of Empowered Committee of Secretaries (E-CoS)
Venue: Committee Room, Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhawan
Date of Meeting: Thursday, the 1 st March, 2016
Time of Meeting: 6:45 PM
Members of E-CoS present
1 Cabinet Secretary
2. Chairman, Railway Board
3. Home Secretary
4 Defence Secretary
5 Secretary, D/o Science & Technology
6. Secretary, D/o Personnel & Training
7. M/o Health & Family-Welfare
8. Secretary, D/o Pension and Pensioner’s Welfare
9. Secretary (Security), Cabinet Secretariat
10. Secretary, D/o Posts
11 . Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General
Venue: Committee Room, Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhawan
Date of Meeting: Thursday, the 1 st March, 2016
Time of Meeting: 6:45 PM
Members of E-CoS present
1 Cabinet Secretary
2. Chairman, Railway Board
3. Home Secretary
4 Defence Secretary
5 Secretary, D/o Science & Technology
6. Secretary, D/o Personnel & Training
7. M/o Health & Family-Welfare
8. Secretary, D/o Pension and Pensioner’s Welfare
9. Secretary (Security), Cabinet Secretariat
10. Secretary, D/o Posts
11 . Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General
Secretariat for E-CoS:
1. Jöint Secretary, Implementation Cell, D/o Expenditure
2. Director, Implementation Cell, D/o Expenditure
Representatives of JCM (Staff-side):
1 . Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra
2. Shri M. Raghavaiah
3. Shri Rakhal Das Gupta
4. Shri Ch. Sankara Rao
5. Shri J.R. Bhosle
6. Shri Guman Singh
7. Shri R.P. Bhatnagar
8. Shri K.S. Murty
9. Shri K.K.N. Kutty
10. Shri C. Srikumar
11 . Shri R. Srinivasan
12. Shri M. Krishnan
13. Shri M.S. Raja
1. Jöint Secretary, Implementation Cell, D/o Expenditure
2. Director, Implementation Cell, D/o Expenditure
Representatives of JCM (Staff-side):
1 . Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra
2. Shri M. Raghavaiah
3. Shri Rakhal Das Gupta
4. Shri Ch. Sankara Rao
5. Shri J.R. Bhosle
6. Shri Guman Singh
7. Shri R.P. Bhatnagar
8. Shri K.S. Murty
9. Shri K.K.N. Kutty
10. Shri C. Srikumar
11 . Shri R. Srinivasan
12. Shri M. Krishnan
13. Shri M.S. Raja
Subject: Implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission — 2nd meeting of the E-CoS
A meeting of the Empowered Committee of Secretaries (E-CoS) was held on 1 st March, 2016 in the Cabinet Secretariat under the chairmanship of the Cabinet Secretary to discuss issues raised by Staff„side of JCM
2. Welcoming the members of E-CoS and JCM Staff side, Cabinet Secretary observed that the meeting had been called to take a note of concerns of Stäff-$ide of JCM regarding recommendations of the 7th CPC and invited the members Of Staff-side of JCM to share their views on the recommendations.
3. Opening the discussion, representative of Staff-side of JCM expressed gratitude to Cabinet Secretary for inviting them for interaction regarding the recommendations of the 7th CPC and requested that more frequent interactions of JCM may be held to resolve outstanding issues across the table. It was expressed that 7th CPC has recommended a meager increase of 14% in the minimum pay as against increase ranging up to 54% during previous Pay Commissions. It was further stated that the recommendations on minimum pay, allowances, advances etc. will cause difficulty to employees. Representative of Staff-side informed that they have already submitted a charter of demands to the Cabinet Secretary bringing out the issues. These have also been discussed in the meeting of JS (IC) with Staff-side of JCM held on 19.02.2016.
4. Major concerns expressed by JCM Staff-side were as under:
The minimum pay of Rs. 18000/- p.m. recommended by the Commission is on lower side and needs to be revised upward by taking into account the prices of commodities as on 01.07.2015 and appropriately factoring in for social obligations & housing.
(ii) New Pension Scheme should be done away with. Persons governed by the NPS are deprived of Family Pension and do not have provision of provident fund. As a result they are at a disadvantageous position as compared to the persons governed by the old system.
(iii) Recommendations on allowances need to be properly examined before taking a decision.
(iv) Fixed Medical Allowance should be increased from existing Rs. 500 p.m. to Rs. 2000 p.m. as majority of cities are not covered under CGI-IS and people residing outside the CGHS covered area are unable to meet their medical needs with meager amount of Rs. 500 p.m.
(v) Recommendation regarding withdrawal of non-interest bearing advances may not be accepted.
(vi) Outsourcing of services should be discouraged as the contract workers are being exploited by contractors and at the game time the service delivery is being compromised due to inefficiency and lack of accountability of low aid contractual staff.
(vii) Enhancement in contribution towards Group Insurance Scheme, is not justified as this would reduce the actual increase in take home salary considerably. If the rates are to be raised, the Government should bear the insurance premium
(viii) The recommendation regarding grant of only 80% of salary for the second year of Child Care Leave need not be accepted as this would deter women from availing of CCL, which was introduced as a welfare measure.
(ix) Annual increments be granted @ 5% instead of existing 3% and increments may be granted on two dates viz., 1 st of January and 1 st of July of every year as in the present system of grant of increment on 1 st July of every year, employees joining/promoted after 1 st January, who do not complete 6 months services as on 1 st July, have to wait for up to 18 months for grant of increment.
(x) The Commission’s recommendation of downgrading the Assistants of Central Secretariat for bringing in parity with their counterparts in the field offices is not appropriate.
(xi) Recommendation regarding PRIS need not be accepted as no scientific mechanism has been devised to assess the performance of employees and the same could ecourage favoritism.
5. Issues regarding financial upgradation under MACPS in promotional hierarchy without grading stipulation. grant of two increments on promotion introduction of Productivity Linked Bonus, treating Grameen Dak Sevak as Government employees, removal of pap of 5% on compassionate appointment 8i full pay and allowances In case of Work Related Illness and Injury Leave improving promotional avenues for technical and supervisory staff etc. were also raised by members of JCM.
6. During the discussion, representatives of JCM also suggested that the Nodal Officers nominated by various Ministries/Departments may hold interactions with recognized Staff Associations and other stakeholders under their purview so as to identify issues specific to those Ministries/Departments for redressal.
7. After hearing the participants, Cabinet Secretary observed that the deliberations have helped E-CoS in understanding the major concerns of the Staff-side and said that all issues have been taken note of. He assured that fair consideration will be given to all points brought out by JCM before taking a final view. He further stated that the E-CoS needs to examine the Report of the Commission in entirety as well as the issues raised by JCM in consultation with all other stakeholders. As such, it may take some time to take a final call on the recommendations of the Commission.
8. Cabinet Secretary also advised the members of E-CoS to hold interactions with their Staff Associations and other stakeholders under their purview preferably within a week.
9. Meeting ended with vote of thanks to the chair.
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