Services /Transaction | Success Indicators | Service Stan-dards | Unit |
Delivery of unregistered Articles like Inland Letter Card (ILC).Post Card (PC) / Envelopes / Invitation Cards/ Periodicals/ Magazines | Delivery of ordinary mails between Metro/within city/town/district (Average time of delivery from the date of posting) | 2 | Days |
Delivery of ordinary mails to Inter State capital/within state (Average time for delivery from the date of posting) | 3 | Days |
Delivery of ordinary mails to inter state other than those between capitals (Average time for delivery from the date of posting) | 4 | Days |
Booking and Delivery of Registered/Insured Articles | Booking Registered Letter (average Time taken in a computerized Post office). | 2 | Minutes |
Booking of Registered Parcel (average Time taken in a computerized Post Office). | 5 | Minutes |
Booking of insured Letter/parcel (Average Time taken in a computerized Post Office). | 8 | Minutes |
Delivery of registered and insured mails between Metro/within city/town/district (Average time for delivery from the date of posting). | 4 | Days |
Delivery of registered and insured mails to Inter State capital/within state (Average time for delivery from the date of posting). | 5 | Days |
Delivery of registered and insured mails to inter state other than those between capitals (Average time for delivery from the date of posting) | 6 | Days |
Booking and Delivery of VP Articles / Insured VP Articles | Booking of value payable letter (average Time taken in a computerized Post office). | 5 | Minutes |
Booking of Value payable parcel (average Time taken in a computerized Post Office). | 5 | Minutes |
Booking of VP Insured Letter | 8 | Minutes |
Booking of VP Insured Parcel | 8 | Minutes |
Delivery of VP and Insured VP mails between Metro/within city/town/district (Average time for delivery from the date of posting). | 4 | Days |
Delivery of VP and Insured VP articles to Inter State capital/within state (Average time for delivery from the date of posting). | 5 | Days |
Delivery of VP and Insured VP mails to inter state other than those between capitals (Average time for delivery from the date of posting) | 6 | Days |
Booking and Delivery of Speed Post Articles | Booking of Speed Post article (average Time taken in a computerized Post Office). | 2 | Minutes |
Delivery of Speed Post articles between Metro/within city/town/district (Average time for delivery from the date of posting). Delivery of Speed Post shall be specific to the location and time of booking. | 2 | Days |
Delivery of Speed Post articles to inter state capital/within state (Average time for delivery from the date of posting). Delivery of Speed Post shall be specific to the location and time of booking. | 3 | Days |
Delivery of Speed Post articles to inter state other than those between capitals (Average time for delivery from the date of posting). Delivery of Speed Post shall be specific to the location and time of booking. | 4 | Days |
Booking and payment of Ordinary Money Orders | Booking of Money Order (Average Time taken in a computerized Post Office). | 2 | Minutes |
Payment of ordinary Money Order between Metro/within city/town/district (Average time for payment from the date of posting). | 4 | Days |
Payment of ordinary Money order to Inter State capital/within state (Average time for payment from the date of posting). | 5 | Days |
Payment of ordinary Money Order to Inter state other than those between capitals (Average time for payment from the date of posting) | 6 | Days |
Booking and payment of -Electronic Money Orders (eMOs) | Average time taken for booking of Electronic Money Order (eMOs) | 2 | Minutes |
Average time taken for payment of Electronic Money Orders (eMOs) in the eMO Office of receipt.) | 2 | Days |
Average time taken for payment of Electronic Money Orders (eMOs) at non eMO office of payment. | 3 | Days |
Booking & payment of Instant Money Orders (iMOs) | Booking of instant money order (average Time taken in a computerized Post Office). | 15 | Minutes |
Payment of Instant Money Orders (average Time taken in a computerized Post office). | 20 | Minutes |
Opening of Post office Savings Bank Account (SB,RD MIS, SCSS and TD etc.) | The average time taken is for a computerized Post Office | 10 | Minutes |
The average time taken is for non-computerized Head Post Offices & Sub Post Offices. | 1 | Day |
Deposit in small savings account (SB and RD) | The average time taken is for a computerized Post Office | 5 | Minutes |
Withdrawal from small savings account (SB, RD, MIS, SCSS and TD etc.) | The average time taken is for a computerized Post Office | 5 | Minutes |
Updation of Savings Bank passbook (SB, RD, MIS, SCSS and TD etc.) | Average Time taken for the computerized Post Office where account stands. | 5 | Minutes |
Closure/Premature Closure of Post Office Saving Bank Account | At the Head Post Office (Average time for a computerized office). | 6 | Minutes |
Average time taken at the Sub Post Office authorized to close Recurring Deposit (RD), Monthly Income Scheme (MIS), Senior Citizen’s Savings Schemes (SCSS) and Term deposit. Mukhya Dak Ghar (MDG) can also authorize closure of Post Office Savings Bank in addition to these four categories. | 10 | Minutes |
Transfer of Post Office Savings Bank Account | Average time taken if transfer application is give at the Head Post Office (HPO) for transfer of account to another HO or Sub Post Office of the same HO. | 1 | Day |
Average time taken if transfer application is given at the Sub Post Office for transfer of account to another Sub Post Office of the same HO. | 7 | Days |
Average time taken if transfer application is given at the transferee Post office | 20 | Days |
Settlement of Deceased Claim Case w.r.t Post Office Savings Bank | Average time taken for settlement of deceased claim cases | 7 | Days |
Issue of Post Office Savings Bank Duplicate Passbook | The average time taken is for the Post Office where account stands | 10 | Minutes |
Return of Post Office Savings Bank passbook (Received for interest posting) | Average time taken for return of Post Office Savings Bank Pass Book after interest posting. | 7 | Days |
Issue of Savings Certificates | Average time taken to issue the certificate on submission of the application directly by the applicant. | 15 | Minutes |
Average time taken to issue the certificate on submission of the application through the small savings agent | 1 | Day |
Discharge of Savings Certificates | Average time taken when applied at Post Office of Registration. | 7 | Minutes |
Average time taken for discharge of savings certificate at other office than the office issue. | 15 | Days |
Transfer of Savings Certificates | Average time taken when applied at Post Office of Registration. | 7 | Days |
Average time taken if application for transfer submitted at the transferee Post Office | 20 | Days |
Issue of Duplicate savings Certificates | Average time taken to issue Duplicate savings Certificate if applied at the office of issue | 7 | Days |
Average time taken to issue Duplicate Savings Certificate at other office | 30 | Days |
Issue of Acceptance Letter and Policy Bond of PLI/RPLI | Average time taken to issue acceptance letter of PLI/RPLI policy | 15 | Days |
Average time taken to issue PLI/RPLI policy Bond | 15 | Days |
Acceptance of PLI/RPLI premium | Average Time taken for acceptance of PLI/RPLI premium in a computerized Post Office | 2 | Minutes |
Inter-circle transfer of PLI/RPLI policies | Average time taken for inter-circle transfer of PLI/RPLI policies | 10 | days |
Settlement of PLI/RPLI claims on maturity | Average Time taken for Settlement of PLI/RPLI Claims on Maturity | 30 | Days |
Settlement of PLI / RPLI Claims on Death with nominations | Average Time taken for Settlement of PLI/RPLI Claims on Average time taken for Death | 30 | Days |
Settlement of PLI/RPLI Claims on Death without nomination involving inquiry | Average Time taken for Settlement of PLI/RPLI claims on average time taken for Death without nomination involving inquiry | 90 | Days |
Paid up value of PLI/RPLI policy | Average Time taken for paid up value of PLI/RPLI policy | 30 | Days |
Loan against PLI/RPLI Policies | Average Time taken for Loan against PLI/RPLI Policies | 10 | Days |
Change of Address for PLI/RPLI policy | Average Time taken for change of address for PLI/RPLI Polices | 10 | Days |
Change of Nomination of PLI/RPLI policy | Average Time taken for change of nomination of PLI/RPLI policy | 10 | Days |
Assignment of PLI/RPLI Policy | Average Time taken for assignment of PLI/RPLI Policy | 10 | Days |
Issue of Duplicate PLI/RPLI Policy Bond | Average Time taken for issue of duplicate PLI/RPLI Policy Bond | 10 | Days |
Revival of PLI/RPLI Policy | Average Time taken for revival of PLI/RPLI Policy | 15 | Days |
Conversion of PLI/RPLI Policy | Average Time taken for conversion of PLI/RPLI Policy | 15 | Days |
Deposit in Unclassified Receipt | The average time taken is for a computerized Post Office | 3 | Minutes |
Deposit of Bills | The average time taken is for a computerized Post Office | 3 | Minutes |
Sale and discharge of Indian Postal Order | The average time taken is for a computerized Post office | 3 | Minutes |
Grievance Redress mechanism (GRM) in the DOP | If complaint is lodged by Complainant him self at web based Computerized Customer Care System of DOP or PG Portal (CPGRAMS), acknowledgement of grievance is instantaneous. | 1 | Day |
Average time taking to acknowledge any compliant received by post and to seek additional information, if necessary. Any compliant could be addressed to the local Superintendent of Post Offices except in the case of a First Class Head Post Office, the Postmaster in charge of which is competent to attend to any complaint relating to his office. | 7 | Days |
Average time take to send interim reply in case more time is required in settlement of the grievance. | 30 | Days |
Average time taken for grievance settlement | 60 | Days |