I Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi 110001
T-24, Atul Grove, New Delhi 110001
Dear Comrades / Colleagues,
The Department of Posts has filed SLP in the Supreme Court of India
against the judgment of Madras High Court upholding the earlier CAT
Chennai Judgment which directed the Department to absorb all the RRR
Candidates recruited under Compassionate Appointment Rules to Group C
and D posts. This move of filing SLP is in blatant violation of the
commitment held out to the leaders of the Postal Joint Council of
Action by the DG Posts during the negotiations on the eve of April
2007 Indefinite Strike.
This anti worker action of the Department of Posts will smash all
confidence and faith in any negotiations with the Postal Board for all
times to come. It was the solemn word of the Director General of Posts
during the talks that the issue of absorption of RRR Candidates will
be settled irrespective of the verdict of the Honourable Madras High
Court whether it is in favour of the department or staff side. The
Judgment that had followed the negotiations went in favour of the RRR
Candidates. The Honourable Madras High Court dismissed the appeal of
the Department and pronounced a judgment upholding the CAT judgment to
absorb all the RRR Candidates in the Department. The Department, in
utter violation of the assurance held out during the strike
negotiations, has now preferred an SLP in the Apex Court to further
delay the absorption of the wards of poor deceased postal employees
who were recruited and imparted training and engaged regularly for
more than 10 to 12 years.
The Postal Joint Council of Action strongly protests the action of the
Department of Posts and calls upon the entirety of the postal workers
to come out in strong protest against the treachery of the Postal
Board to violate its own assurance during strike negotiations. The
Postal Joint Council of Action calls upon the postal employees to hold
massive protest demonstrations on 05.10.2007 at the level of all
branches / divisions / regional offices / and Circle offices to demand
immediate withdrawal of the SLP filed in the Supreme Court and to
absorb all RRR Candidates against regular posts of Group C and D
without further delay as assured during the talks in April 2007.
The Postal JCA also calls the rank and file workers to send protest
Telegrams / Savingrams / e-posts to the Secretary, Department of
Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi 110001 and to the Honourable Minister of
Communications and IT, Lodhi Colony, New Delhi 110003.
We strongly condemn the anti-labour move of the Postal Board to file
SLP in the Supreme Court against absorption of all RRR Candidates
recruited by the department under the Relaxation of Recruitment Rules
to Group C and D posts AAA This is gross violation of assurance held
out during strike negotiations in April 2007 AAA We demand withdrawal
of SLP and absorption of RRR Candidates immediately and avert further
course of Trade Union action.
Comradely Yours
Sd… Sd…
R.N.Parashar D.Theagarajan
Offg. Secretary General Secretary General
1ST FLOOR, North Avenue Post office building, New Delhi- 110001
Ref: PF-02 (b)/19/07 Dated- 28th Sept 2007
Shri I.M.G. Khan,
Department of Post
Dak Bhawan New Delhi-110001
Sub: Arbitary action in filing SLP against absorption of approved wait
listed candidates of Tamilnadu circle- Request to honour the
A kind reference is invited to the assurance you have made personally
on 19.4.07 during the talks to settle the issue on absorption of
approved candidates of Tamilnadu circle.
Thereafter, the DDG (P) had a meeting with the staff side on 21.5.07
and it was assured that since the Chennai High Court reserved its
judgement and expected to pronounce the some in the first week of June
2007. The absorption of the approved candidates will be carried out
after the receipt of the judgment whether it is positive or negative.
Again another meeting was held on 25.5.07 and on behalf of this
Federation, Sri. K.V.Sridhararn, General Secretary P3 attended. Sri.
D.Theagarajan, Secretary General FNPO also attended. The DDG (P) has
furnished the details and discussed about absorption of 622 approved
candidates of Tamilnadu circle (PA 216; PM 158; Group 'D' 248). He
informed that he has suggested to calculate the vacancies from 2000
onwards in direct recruitment of vacancies by applying revised norms
(5% of vacancies before subjected to screening committee) and thereby
all approved candidates could be absorbed. So far the postmen & Group
D approved candidates, efforts will be taken to accommodate them in
APS and other Postal administrative areas.
After the pronouncement of the judgement, by the Hon'ble Chennai High
court on 20.6.07 while dismissing the writ petition and confirming the
orders passed by the CAT Chennai to absorb all approved candidates
with in three months, the Principle chief PMG Tamilnadu circle has
sent a proposal to Directorate on 24.07.07 to absorb all the approved
wait listed candidates as one time measure.
All the service unions had also appealed the Secretary to honour his
commitment and absorb all the approved wait listed candidates.
It is rather shocking and dismayed to note that the Dept of Posts
instead of honouring its commitment extended to service unions has
decided to file a SLP before the Hon'ble Supreme court of India. It is
a naked attack on the Postal families and nothing but kicking below
the belt. We record our strong protest and resentment.
If the Dept file SLP, the life of the most of the approved candidates
who are regularly working for more than 10 years will be under
question. They have decided to sit on indefinite hunger fast
culminating to death. We cannot shut our eyes over these developments
and remain as silent spectators even after violating your own
assurances and taking cruel decision to crush the life of 622 Postal
It is therefore requested to withdraw such action and implement the
assurance in order to keep peace and amity in the Postal Service.
Soliciting your immediate response by causing orders to absorb all the
wait listed candidates.
Yours faithfully,
(R.N. Parasar)
Secretary General
Ref: P/4-1/Staff Dated- 26.09.2007
Ms. Radhika Doraisamy,
Member (P)
Dept of Posts,
New Delhi- 110001
Sub: Long pending and burning problems - Request to arrange an
interview for discussion and expeditious settlement.
It is constrained to bring to your kind notice that despite our
persistent requests to mitigate the enclosed issues confronting the
Postal Group 'C' for months together, there is no improvement and
things are moving in snails pace only. The assurances given during the
talks we had on 19.4.07 have not been implemented but protracted under
one pretext or the other. We are very much fed up with the delay which
is causing serious resentment amidst the employees.
We shall be obliged if you will arrange a meeting for discussions on
the issues enclosed herewith and arrange immediate and expeditious
settlement of the problems mentioned therein at the earliest.
Shall I seek your response Madam,
With kind regards,
DA: as above.
Yours sincerely,
General Secretary
Copy to:-
All CHQ office bearers &Circle Secretaries
1. Filling up the Posts of LSG, HSG II & HSG I Posts
Despite the orders of the Directorate dt. 20.11.06 Prescribing the
checklist for LSG, HSG II & HSG Promotions, subsequent orders, and I
the issue has not been totally implemented in many circles.
I. In many circles, the LSG Promotion on notional basis was not
accorded and has given with prospective effect only resulting denial
of HSG II & HSG I Promotions. In M.P. circle & A.P. Circle, the LSG
Promotions are not accorded so far.
II. In respect of Orissa circle, the notional promotion was granted
only from 1993 instead of from 1984, the Dept assured to depute the
Director SPN Sri V.C. kajla to verify the file in May'07 itself but
yet the problem remains as it was. The Orissa circle administration
mentioned that there were 258 number of surplus LSG official as on
1.1.84 and adjusted them up to the vacancies of 1991 which is not at
all possible and prior to 1984, the LSG was accorded based on the
vacancies. Then there was no chance of surplus LSG.
Despite the assurances to sort out the mistake and grant notional
promotion to the seniors, this is not being exercised so far resulting
deprival of their dues to the senior officials.
III. The orders of the Directorate dated 22.5.07 to verify the
exercise of notional promotions and correct the same in case of any
mistakes in order to ensure due promotions to the senior officials
has not been carried out in any circle. There was no check prescribed
for this purpose. The seniority list of LSG officials after correcting
the date of notional promotion to LSG official has not been circulated
in many circles for making reprasentation by the affected officials.
IV. The 1/3 rd LSG vacancies earmarked for general category from
4-1-02 to 18-05-06 and unfilled vacancies of 2/3rd earmarked for FTP
examination should also be filled up on notional basis.As the date of
national promotion has not been corrected in many circles, there is a
dearth of eligible LSG officials for HSG II promotion as per the
recruitment rules resulting non-filling up of such HSG II Posts.
V. Similarly, the assurances to relax the minimum qualifying service
for HSG II promotion in order to fill up the HSG II posts in the
absence of eligible LSG official has not been implemented. There are
several HSG II Posts existing vacant.
VI. The DO P&T had agreed as a special case to fill up the HSG I
vacancies among HSG II officials as one time measure for a period of
one year on adhoc basis with out prescription of any minimum service
in HSG II. According to the DO P&T instructions, the revised
recruitment rules for HSG I should be notified before the end of
Oct'07. Otherwise, there will be problem once again in filling up the
Posts of HSG I. This may please be expedited.
VII. According to the DO P&T guidelines & also the Directorate orders
the Bench mark for LSG Promotion was introduced only in 2002 vide
notification No GSR 88 (E) communicated in letter No. 137-10-96-SPB II
dt. 19.2.02. Where as in many circles, the benchmark of the current
period had been applied for notional promotions for the vacancies from
1984 onwards resulting denial of due LSG Promotion for the vacancies
of earlier periods. Moreover the Directorate instructions contained in
letter No 137.04/2006 SPB II (pt) dt 16.5.07, (i.e.) "the DPC should
be realistic and objective in their assessment in order to avoid
unnecessary staff grievances and depriving dues of the staff for
Promotion"- has not been practiced in any circle.
VIII. In many circles like Tamilnadu, Ordered LSG promotion on regular
basis against the vacancies and intimated that the promotions of the
officials will take effect form the date on which the officials
actually join the Post of LSG, Some officials have been posted in the
same office or nearby who could immediately assumed charge on receipt
of orders. Whereas other are awaiting for relives to hand over charge
before join the new Posts. This will result Postponement of HSG II
promotion for the later and loss his seniority in LSG. Hence, the
condition that promotion will take effect form the date on which they
actually join the post of LSG should be removed. The date of promotion
should take effect form the date of order of promotion issued by the
circle office.
IX. The following anomaly has been arisen due to notional promotion
now accorded since 2006.
i. Since the LSG notional promotion was granted on notional basis, in
some divisions due to more number of LSG Posts in existence, the
juniors got their LSG promotion. In other divisions due to dearth of
LSG Posts, the seniors are deprived notional LSG promotion.
ii. Similarly, the Rule 38 transferees could not get their LSG
notional promotion due to application of Divisional gradation List.
In order to mitigate the genuine grievances of the above said
officials in promotional aspects, modifications of LSG' by granting
national promotion may be explored since the anomaly is prevailing due
to various changes if the procedures of the LSG/HSG II recruitment
X. The pay scale of HSG II & BCR is one and the same. After the
modification of FR 22 on 30.8.99, any official holding/drawing the pay
of HSG II on regular basis even for a single day can very well
officiate in HSG I, as these promotions are in the same general line.
The officiating pay for the officiation in HSG I Posts by the BCR
officials have been denied in many circles. This may please be
XI. In same circles like Tamilnadu, west Bengal, same BCR officials
were allowed to officiate in HSG I Posts for more than one year during
2002-2005 in the absence of clarity order and the circle needs
referred the matter to regularise the arrangement beyond one year as
one time measure which is pending at the Directorate over one year.
The due officiating pay had neither drawn nor taken for pensionary
XII. The unfilled 2/3rd vacancies in LSG earmarked from 2002 to 2006
may also be filled up alongwith 1/3rd vacancies among senior officials
on notional basis which will facilitate to have more number of
eligible LSG officials to avail HSG II promotion without resorting for
exemption and seniors will be benefits.
2. Clarificatory orders on TBOP equating with LSG- declining
promotion- contained in Directorate letter No. 22-5/95-PEI dt
21.5.07-request to withdraw the instructions.
In Para 2 of the above said letter, it is clarified that if an
official declines regular promotion after getting higher pay scale
under TBOP/BCR promotion schemes, his/her placement in higher pay
scale under BCR scheme/regular promotion be delayed for the period
he/she declined regular promotion.
This is arbitrary, unjust and against to the spirit of TBOP/BCR
schemes, which were introduced after surrendering posts on matching
savings as per the agreement, reached between the Dept & staff side.
'The placement of and official in higher pay scale under BCR promotion
scheme' can be delayed only when a TBOP official due for BCR promotion
declined BCR promotion and the period of such declination is valid for
one year normally.
Declining promotion is the right of an official and it is not and
offence for which no punishment such as reduction in the pay or pay
scale could be ordered as there are no such provisions in the FR
commonly applicable for all central Govt Servants, similarly there is
also no provision or procedure in the FRS for such delaying of a scale
of pay to and official who has not committed any punishable offence.
The dept vide its letter no. 137-18/2001-SPB II dt 23.4.01 clarified
that upgradation under TBOP/BCR schemes and promotions to LSG/HSG II
as per the provisions of recruitment rules are two distinct matters.
As such the present linkage with BCR with regular LSG is in
contradiction of such orders. This will tantamount to the wrong
application of powers and freezing the benefits of financial
upgradation like ACP miscounstruing the normal channel of regular
This is nothing but a farce as BCR officials in the pay scale of RS.
5000-8000 are being given promotion to a cadre with a lower pay scale
of Rs 45000-7000. Without any monetary benefits but involving change
of work spot, maintenance of double establishment etc.
It is requested to withdraw the orders forthwith
3. Filling up the post of APM Accounts LSG & HSG.II posts
In almost all the circles, the notional promotion to APM (LSG)
Accounts cadre since 1986 has not been granted to the PO and RMS
Accounts qualified officials based on the gradation list prepared with
the date of qualifying in the PO & RMS Accountants Examination.
In some circles, the FTP qualified officials possessing accounts
qualifications were considered for the APM Accounts post. They are of
the considered opinion that there is no discrimination between General
and Accounts line and Accounts line lost its identity.
The CAT Chennai in its OA No. 201/2006 in the case of Shri P. Ramadoss
vs. The Principal Chief PMG, Tamil Nadu Circle held the separate
identity of APM Accounts cadre and directed to conduct the DPC for
Accounts line without any procastination based on the Recruitment
Rules dated 13-09-76 and issue necessary promotion orders to the
eligible PO and RMS Accounts line officials within a period of four
Since there is no amendment has given to the LSG Accountants Rule 1976
and it will be most appropriate to maintain a separate entity of the
cadre, it is requested to issue necessary clarificatory orders to all
the circles to issue notional and regular promotion to LSG & HSG.II
from 1986 onwards to the Accounts line cadre.
4. Filling up of Residual Vacancies.
While thanking the kind gesture of the Dept in causing orders to fill
up the Residual vacancies vide its letter No. 60-5/2007- SPB I dt
15.5.07 in very clear terms, it is constrained to note that this has
not been implemented in true spirit in any circle.
I. In respect of Tamilnadu circle, decision has not been taken to fill
up 858 PA vacancies and seeking clarifications on flimsy reasons. The
regularisation of adhoc candidates was held in direct recruit
vacanciesduring 2001,2002 &2003. The marks obtained by them may be
taken as the cut off mark for the recruitment year and the Posts may
be filled up.
II. So far the case of Andhra Circle, the chief PMG,AP Circle has
sought permission by extending one time relaxation form the
recruitment rule vide Col II of schedule to recruitment rules 2002 to
fill up the 1045 PA Posts kept unfilled under this catogary.
III. Similarly, the chief PMG, Chattisgarh has sent proposal for
approval to fill up the PA Posts.
IV. In respect of Rajasthan, there are 292 PA Posts kept unfilled up
and the chief PMG has not initiated any action.
V. The chief PMG, Jharkhand Circle informed that there are 134 PA
vacancies kept unfilled up under this category
VI. The chief PMG, Orissa submitted proposal to approve for filling up
of 190 PA Posts vide his letter dt. 11.06.07.
VII. In Uttarakhand Circle, no action has been initiated to fill up
the 112 PA vacancies which are kept unfilled up under this category.
VIII. The chief PMG West Bengal has also sought clarification to fill
up the vacant posts which is more than 1000 under this category.
In short, the guidelines issued by the directorate have not been
strictly implemented. All circle heads are seeking clarifications or
approvals from the Directorate resulting in unwarranted delay in
filling up of such vacant posts. Suitable action may please be taken
to fill up all the vacant posts under this category at the earliest.
5. Recovery of alleged over Payment of Pay & Allowances to Postman on
account of fixation from the officials of Accounts branches of Head
Post offices.
Please refer this union letter No P/4-2/Pay dated 5.4.07 on this subject.
The drawing and disbursing officers have been made as scapegoats in
this case. According to Rule 87 of P&T FHB. Vol I, any excess payment
can be recovered at any time. The apex court also confirmed that any
excess paid due to administrative mistake, there is no rule which
prohibits such recovery (udayasankaran Vs. Union of India JT 1996 (4)
The most pertinent point that the inspection parties like ICIR and
audit have approved and certified such drawals in many places. the
clarification regarding fixation of pay of postmen in scale of Rs.
2750-4400 (with two advance interments) was issued only on 10.6.99
wide letter no. 23-66/97-PEI (PCC) dt. 10.6.99. The defective order dt
9.10.97 resulted in over payments. For this over payments and
consequently for obtaining undertakings, accounts branch alone cannot
be held responsible.
It is inhuman to recover the amount in lakhs from the poor officials
of Account branch for minor negligence of not obtaining undertakings.
It is therefore requested to stop such recovery and drop action if any
initiated anywhere to recover the amount from the officials working in
Accounts branch.
6. Counting of Special Allowance for pay fixation – case of PO and RMS
A kind attention is invited to the letter No. 9 (1)/2004-PA Admn.
I/501 to 504 dated 29-10-2006 from Shri T.K. Mitra, ADG (PA and Admn)
of the Directorate wherein it is informed that the Special Pay, which
is now called as Special Allowance drawn in lieu of higher pay scale,
may be taken into account for fixing pay under ACP to the JAO
examination qualified candidates on ACP promotion.
The above said instructions were issued in consultation with DOP&T and
the same and similar analogy should be applied in the case of PO and
RMS Accountants also and their Special Allowance should be taken for
fixation of pay in the higher cadre on promotion.
Further, vide letter No. 8 (1)/2004-PA-Admn/1/54 to 76 dated 23-04-07,
it was mentioned that this issue relates to operative offices, the
matter may be taken up with Directorate through CPMG, which exhibits
lack of coordination among the branches in the Directorate.
It is, therefore, requested to cause immediate orders on the issue,
which is hanging over ten years. Further the orders applicable to JAO
qualified official be applied to the similarly situated official
working in the post offices on acquiring TBOP / BCR promotion.
7. Tenure posting of officials in Single & Double Handed post offices
– request to withdraw the conditions
Please refer this union letter No. P/38-RT dated 24-01-2006. The
condition that the SPM / PA working in Single / Double handed offices
should not be posted back to the same office during their entire
service is against the statutory rules of P&T Manual Volume IV. The
doubts about the integrity of all Postal Assistants / Sub Postmasters
will mar the interest of the officials and it is requested to withdraw
the conditions forthwith.
8. Restriction in posting of SPM due to minor penalties / CR entries
The Directorate has given instructions to all the Circle Heads from
investigation section dated 06-11-2006 that if an official is awarded
with anyone of the minor or major punishments or adverse entries in
the CR, he should not be posted as SPM throughout his career.
The suggestion given by the Investigation wing as a preventive measure
to minimise and eradicate the losses and frauds has been circulated
for implementation not only in the RT 2007 but also in the existing
The suggestion is practicable only if the department is having full
staff strength and it is not feasible to implement when the shortage
exceeds 30% in the Postal Assistant cadre. This will create hardship
to the officials. That too reverting the existing SPMs from their SPM
posts as Postal Assistant before completing their tenure is unjust and
bad in law and against to the natural justice. This will spoil their
reputations earned from the public by shifting them from SPMs post
before completing their tenure.
The other suggestion given by the same section earlier that not to
keep vacant in B & A class offices and fill up the Postal Assistant
posts has not been implemented. As such this will create many
hardships to all the officials who are unwilling to take position as
This is most pertinent to mention that after lapse of certain periods,
the officials inflicted with punishment become eligible to write the
promotional exams like IPO, JAO, Group B etc. As such, mere imposition
of even a minor penalty which will be the disqualification to be a SPM
throughout his career is nothing but a farce and not maintainable.
If the suggestions are implemented retrospectively, at one stage none
will be available for the post of SPM due to prevailing shortage, a
well senior official has to work as Postal Assistant under the
supervision of his most junior which will also be a punishment not
improvised in the CCS CCA Rules.
9. Counting the training period for benefits of promotion under TBOP /
BCR scheme
Despite the clear instructions contained in Directorate letter No.
44-47/98-SPB.II dated 31-07-2000 & 27-07-2001, that the period of
induction training may also be counted as qualifying service for the
benefit of TBOP / BCR promotions, this has not been implemented in
many circles.
To cite an instance, the circle IFA, Tamil Nadu Circle has denied such
kind of benefits to those recruited and deputed for training before
01-01-86. Based on the opinion, the Chief Postmaster General, Tamil
Nadu Circle has issued instructions vide his letter No.
STA/80-1/00/Rlgs dated 21-02-2003 in which it was stated that the
period of Induction training can be taken for the benefit of promotion
under TBOP / BCR only if the person selected was under training on
01-01-86 or deputed for training on or after 01-01-86, apart the
fulfilment of other conditions such as obligatory nature of such
training, immediate promotion on completion of such training.
Resultantly, the officials granted with BCR promotions based on the
Directorate orders dated 31-07-2000 taking into account of their
training period for promotion have faced recovery and re-fixation.
The opinion of the circle IFA to cut short the benefits from 01-01-86
is wrong and arbitrary one.
It is, therefore, requested to cause necessary instructions to all the
circle heads to count the training period without any restriction and
stop recovery immediately.
Similarly, the induction training period of the promotes to LGOs may
also be taken as service rendered in Postal Assistant cadre if opted
for fixation and other benefits.
10. Non conducting of Group B examination since 2003
On the pretext of CAT case, no Group B examination has been conducted
since 2003, depriving the chances of many bright officials aspiring
for Group B promotion.
The department has neither gone for appeal nor brought out updated
version of postal manuals prescribed for the examination. It is a
gross neglect of the interest of the so many bright officials.
Under the present context of modernisation with a sea change in the
printing industry, the printing of volumes within a short span of
three months does not pose any problem or otherwise as in the case of
Volume VII & V, we can authorise the publishers like Swamy's
Publishers, Nabhi Publishers etc. to accomplish this task.
A pertinent point to be noted in this regard is that after the 5th Pay
Commission, the department, unmindful of the amendment of the
recruitment rules by due notification with the approval of nodal
ministries, has plunged to controversial issue of orders permitting
only those officials who are holding standard LSG post on regular
basis, blocking out all TBOP / BCR officials. As everybody knows, the
bunch of Group B officers passed Group B examination when they were
holding TBOP / BCR status and many of them retired. To deny such
benefits available to the TBOP / BCR officials, a sudden switch over
to standard LSG criteria has neither been consulted with service union
nor has amended the recruitment rules with the due approval of nodal
Hence, it is requested to conduct the Group B exam immediately
permitting the officials having 20 years of clerical service
irrespective of the fact whether they are LSG or TBOP.
11. Allowing to appear in the Departmental Exam like IPOs – case of
physically handicapped officials
The Directorate has clarified vide its letter No. 7-8/04-SPB dated
28-07-2005 that physically handicapped officials should not be allowed
to appear in the IPO Examination as they are unable to perform the
physically demanding nature of work.
This is unfortunate and total injustice to the physically handicapped
officials who fulfil all the required qualifications, skills etc. and
could perform the duties efficiently and effectively. There are many
jobs in IPO cadre, which did not require any outdoor duties. Even in
the case of physically handicapped officials, they could also do the
outdoor duties with the vehicle, advance equipments or with the
Their disability should not be construed or taken as a ruse to deny
their justified right to appear in the examination which is against to
the canon of natural justice.
It is, therefore, requested to reconsider the decision and allow all
physically handicapped officials to appear in the exam under relaxed
terms or at least fix some reservation of the posts of IPOs which do
not require any outdoor duties like circle, regional offices.
12. Revision of FSC
The Fixed Stationery Charges fixed to office / officials does not
commensurate with the expenses being incurred for the purpose due to
spiral increase of commodities & inflation.
The present amount does not meet the 1/3rd requirements and the
incharges are incurring expenses at their own cost.
It is requested to consider the same and revise the FSC with
retrospective effect.
13. Enhancement of honorarium to RD premature closures
The rates fixed for RD PMC work a decade back needs revision. The
norms were also revised. During 1996, the PMC was permitted without
interest after one year. Now PMC is allowed only after three years
with SB interest. Resultantly IBB has to be worked out for more than
three years consuming more time. After RD decentralisation, it
becomes very difficult and risky too.
It is requested to revise the honorarium upward at the following rates.
Sub Postmaster - Rs. 5.00 per account
Postal Assistant - Rs. 10 per account
Clarification may also be issued about the quantum of honorarium
entitled to single handed SPMs.
14. Assurances made on 19.4.07 for settlement of genuine, Serious
Problems confronting the staff
I. During discussions on 19.4.07 with the Secretary, it was assured to
cause orders to employ retired pensioners to manage the shortage of
staff in post offices.
Orders have not been issued so far
II. It was stated that an internal committee will be appointed to
process and decide the quantum of honorarium/incentive for the new
business activities like RPLI/Western Union Money Transfer, processing
of pass port Applications, verification of addresses for cell phones,
NRGEIS. Etc and uniform application of honorarium in all circles for
common work. This is yet to be finalised.
III. It was assured that the syllabus for LGO exam will be liberalised
in order to fill up the posts and the draft copy was also handed over
later to unions. There after there is no information. The assured
special exam for LGOS in the month of November '07 may be implemented
with the revised syllabus duly increasing the number of chances as
IV. It was assured to grant OTA to Postal operative staff to manage
the excess work due to absenteeism and shortage. The Secretary
personally agreed this. Whereas no orders have been communicated to
the circles so far despite our repeated requests and reminders.
V. It was assured to dispense the confirmation examination and stated
that it will be included in the revised recruitment rules for postal
asst. it is requested to expedite the same.
15. Non-allotment of adequate funds to clear Personal Claims of the officials.
The adequate funds under OTA, TE, HON, have not been allotted to
circles. The circles have been advised to spent1/12th every month of
total allotment for the year and whenever we are demanding to clear
pending bills, we have been replied that adequate funds are available.
But the reality is different.
In many divisions, the TA Bills are pending since 2004/2005. OTA Bills
are pending years together; Medical Bills are also pending similarly.
For instance, in Ongole division in A. P. Circle, T.A Bills are
pending since 2002 amounting to Rs. 1200000 approximately where as the
allotment of 3 lakhs only was made for the current year. Similar is
the position of most of the divisions.
It is therefore requested to correctly assess the total requirement of
funds under all heads from all divisions and seek extra allotment of
funds from the MOF as one time measure as it was done earlier and
wiped out the pending bills then.
16. Inspector post Examination - Request to increase the number of chances
In accordance with the Directorate letter No. A-3402/01/2007-DE. Dt
13.4.07, the surplus qualified candidates who are available over &
above the selected candidates in a circle can be allotted to the
different circles. This has given effect from 2007.
In many circles, the officials who secured higher marks in the I.P.O.
Exam but could not be declared successful due to dearth of Vacancies
in their circles have exhausted the maximum number of chances earlier.
As such, the benefits of this order do not reach the merited
It is requested that due to introduction of new system, one more
chance be given to the officials who exhausted their chances to appear
in the ensuing I.P.O. examination.
General Secretary