Welcome to the official website of All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C'- अखिल भारतीय डाक कर्मचारी संघ वर्ग 'सी' की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट में आपका स्वागत है

Saturday, September 28, 2013


1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110001
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi - 110001

Ref: JCA/GDS/2013                                                           Dated – 26.09.2013


Dr. Manmohan Singh
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
New Delhi – 110001


Sub: -  Inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks of Department of Posts under the purview of the proposed Seventh Pay Commission – regarding.

With due respect and regards, we put forth the following for your kind consideration and favourable decision please.

In the Department of Posts, the 50% of the total work force are called as Gramin Dak Sevaks and they are continuously being discriminated by separate committees formed for the consideration of their wages and service conditions.

The Supreme Court of India declared that these Gramin Dak Sevaks are holder of civil posts and it is a well settled law. Despite the judgment, the same civil servant status has not been accorded yet to them except a part in case of disciplinary proceedings.

The Fourth Central Pay Commission categorically emphasized that, the GDS issues shall be brought under the purview of Pay Commissions. But still separate committees are constituted.

The last committee constituted at the time of Sixth Central Pay Commission caused clear injustice to these employees and they are deprived all the service benefits at par with civil servants even though the law of the land declared and settled them as the holder of the civil posts.

Under these circumstances, we most humbly request the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India to consider our request and cause orders to include the GDS of the Department of Posts under the terms of reference of the Seventh Central Pay Commission.

With profound regards,

Yours sincerely,

(M. Krishnan)                                                                                      (D. Theagarajan)
Secretary General, NFPE                                                                     Secretary General, FNPO



Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2012-13

Friday, September 27, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

(Central Head Quarters)
1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office building, New Delhi - 110001

Dated: 26.09.2013

3rd October, 2013
Call from World Federation of Trade Unions

Dear Comrades,

                As you are aware, the World Federation of Trade Union was founded in an international conference of Trade Unions held at Paris from 3rd October, to 8th October, 1945.  At the 16th Conference of WFTU held at Athens, Greece in April, 2011, it was decided to observe 3rd October, every year (the foundation day of WFTU) as International day of Action.  In 2012, we observed the day raising the demand for food, water, health, education and housing for all.

Food: 850 million people in the world are undernourished.  India is on the tgop of nations with largest member of cases of malnutrition.

Water: Privatisation of water, has caused havoc as it has become one of the most profitable enterprise.  The people’s right to water(without which life cannot exist) is trampled upon in many countries in favour of Corporate profits.

Education: Education has become a commercial activity after the advent of neo liberal economic policies.  The campaign for free education for all must be made intensive.

Health: Health is an extremely lucrative business.  Govt. of India over the years since 1991 has withdrawn itself from this sector making private enterprises to thrive increasing the agony of the people.

Housing: A large number of our population has no dwelling place today.  There is no governmental initiative in the matter in most of the countries.  The poor people all over the world are left high and dry.

WFTU has now called upon the workers of the world to reiterate these demands, observe 3rd October, as International day of Action by holding rallies, demonstration etc.  All employees may be requested to wear the badge depicting the five demands mentioned above on 3.10,2013. A specimen of the badge is appended hereunder.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General


Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Secretary, Department of Posts invited Secretary General NFPE for attending a function of Hon’ble Minister of Communications & IT on 28-09-2013 regarding enhancement of GDS bonus ceiling. 

(Central Head Quarters)
1st Floor, North Avenue Post office Building, New Delhi - 110001

Dated – 25.09.2013


Central Government has announced the constitution of 7th Central Pay Commission. Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers has been raising this demand before the Government right from 2011 onwards and has conducted series of agitational programmes including Parliament March and one day nationwide strike on 12th December 2012.

While welcoming the decision of the Government, we are disappointed to note that our demand for five years wage revision w.e.f. 01.01.2011 and merger of DA has not been considered favourably by the Government. When the public sector employees are given five years wage revision and the erosion in real wages has reached an all time high due to steep price rise, grant of five year wage revision to Central Government employees is fully justified. Similarly every time the Government appointed pay commission merger of DA was also granted. This time Government has not acceded the demand for merger of DA with pay now. Thus by appointing pay commission employees will not be getting any financial benefit now. The demand for inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks under the purview of the 7th CPC and grant of merger of DA to GDS is also pending.

In view of the above, the National Secretariat of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers urge upon the Government to consider the above demands also favourably failing which the confederation shall be constrained go for further agitational programmes.

(M. Krishnan)

Secretary General



Central Government today announced the constitution of the 7th CPC. Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers alongwith NFPE has been demanding appointment of 7th CPC right from 2011 onwards. We have conducted continuous agitational programmes including Parliament March and also one day nationwide strike on 12th December 2012. After 12th December Strike we have decided to go for indefinite strike and strike ballot is also announced. We congratulate the entire Central Government employees who rallied behind Confederation. Confederation is the only organization which has conducted serious agitation demanding constitution of 7th CPC.

Government has not yet announced the Chairman, Committee members etc of the 7th CPC and also terms of reference. Further our demand for merger of DA, giving effect from 01.01.2011, inclusion of three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks under the purview of 7th CPC, granting DA merger to GDS and settlement of other demands in the 15 points Charter of Demands are also pending. Before announcing the terms of reference of 7th CPC. If Government is not ready to accept our above demands, Confederation National Executive will meet shortly and shall decide for further course of action.




Tuesday, September 24, 2013

GDS bonus ceiling raised from Rs.2500- to Rs.3500- Cabinet approved

FLASH NEWS .... !!!!

GDS bonus ceiling for Rs.3500- has been approved by the Cabinet today. The bonus is sanctioned with prospective effect i.e., from this year itself.

PIB News:

Enhancement of ceiling for calculation of ex-gratia bonus payable to Gramin Dak Sevaks 

The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal of the Department of Posts to enhance the ceiling for calculation of ex-gratia bonus payable to Gramin Dak Sevaks from Rs. 2,500/- to Rs.3,500/- same as that prescribed for the regular departmental employees. The decision would be applicable with prospective effect that is from the accounting year 2012-13 payable in 2013-14.

The increase in bonus calculation ceiling will restore the long established parity between regular departmental employees and Gramin Dak Sevaks on the issue of payment of bonus. This decision will benefit 2.63 lakh Gramin Dak Sevaks working in the Department of Posts, who play a very vital role in providing postal, financial and insurance services in the rural, hilly and tribal areas of the country. 


ग्रामीण डाक सेवकों को देय अनुग्रह बोनस के संयोजन की अधिकतम सीमा बढ़ाई गयी 
  केन्‍द्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने आज ग्रामीण डाक सेवकों को देय अनु्ग्रह बोनस के संयोजन की अधिकतम सीमा 2500 रुपये से बढ़ाकर 3500 रुपये कर दी है। अब उन्‍हें विभाग के नियमित कर्मचारियों के बराबर अनु्ग्रह बोनस प्राप्‍त होगा। यह निर्णय वर्ष 2012-13 के संबंध में है और बोनस वर्ष 2013-14 में देय होगा। 
   इस निर्णय से डाक विभाग में कार्यरत 2.63 लाख ग्रामीण डाक सेवकों को लाभ मिलेगा, जो देश के ग्रामीण, पहाड़ी और जनजातीय इलाकों में डाक, वित्‍तीय और बीमा सेवाएं प्रदान करने में बहुत अहम भूमिका निभाते हैं।
(Release ID 24521)



Finally the ruling Congress party and the main opposition Party BJP joined together and passed the Pension Fund and Regulatory Authority Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) Bill in the Parliament. In the year 1982 on 17th December, the Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court consisting of Justice (s) Y. B. Chandrachud, V. D. Tulzapurkar, O. Chinnappa Reddy. D. A. Desai and Bahrul Islam deliverd the historic judgment on pension in the D. S. Nakara case, which declared as follows:

“(i) Pension is neither a bounty nor a matter of grace depending upon the sweet will of the employer and it is Fundamental right (ii) Pension is not an ex-gratia payment, but it is payment for past service rendered (iii) It is a social welfare measure rendering socio-economic justice to those who in the heyday of their life ceaselessly toiled for the employer on an assurance that in their old age they would not be left in lurch.”

After 30 years, the bill passed by Parliament categorically proclaims that the Contributory Pension Scheme introduced w.e.f 01.01.2004 will not give any guarantee for a minimum pension of 50% of the pay drawn at the time of retirement of the employee. Nor does it provide for the protection of the family members in the form of family pension in the event of death. New pension is going to make the social security uncertain and dependent on market forces. Government compulsorily imposed the scheme on one section of the employees in a most discriminatory manner, inspite of the fact that such scheme had been a failure in many countries including Chile, U K and even in USA. In USA the entire pension wealth (fund) has been wiped out leaving no pension due to the economic recession and share market crash. In Argentine the contributory scheme which was introduced at the instance of IMF was replaced with the defined benefit pension scheme. In majority of the countries “pay as you go” is the system of pension.

Government introduced the contributory pension scheme on the specious plea that the out flow on pension had been increasing year by year and is likely to cross the wage bill. In fact, by making the pension contributory, the Government expenditure on this score is not going to get reduced for the next three decades because of the reason that as per the new pension scheme, the Government is to contribute the same amount to the pension fund of each employee coupled with the stipulation that for the existing Central Government Employees who were in service prior to 01.01.2004 Government is duty bound to make payment of statutory pension. The Contribution collected from the employees who are recruited after 01.01.2004 is to be managed by mutual fund operators for investment in stock market and thus it is the vagaries of the stock market which will determine the quantum of pension or in other words annuity which would be cost-indexed and market-oriented.

The decision of the Government to allow FDI in pension fund operations has made the real intention of the PFRDA bill crystal clear. It is now clear that the decision behind the contributory pension scheme is the pressure imposed by imperialist powers and corporate houses and more specifically IMF.

NFPE and Confederation has opposed the new Pension Scheme and the PFRDA Bill from the very beginning and organized series of agitational programmes against it demanding withdrawal of the scheme and the PFRDA bill. We shall continue our opposition and struggle and demand for reversion of the scheme. Let us intensify our struggle against the neo-liberal economic policies of the Government jointly with all those forces which supported our cause inside the Parliament and outside. Let us identify who are our real friends and foes.
general secretary’s desk
battle lines are drawn, let us be ready for a final show down
Dear Comrades,

1.    7th CPC & DA MERGER - INDEFINITE STRIKE:  As all of you are aware, inspite of the peaceful agitational programmes including Parliament March and one day strike on 12th December 2012, the Central Government is not yet ready to concede our demand for appointment of 7th CPC, DA merger and the other demands raised by Confederation in the 15 point charter of demands.  Thus confrontation has become inevitable.  Before embarking upon a nationwide indefinite strike, Confederation has decided to conduct strike ballot on25th, 26th & 27th September, 2013.  Details are available in the enclosed circulars of NFPF and Confederation.

          The strike Ballot programme should be organised in a most effective manner in all the Circles and Divisions. P-3 Divisional Unions and Circle Unions should take the initiative to organise the strike ballot in their respective Divisions and Circles.  Instructions regarding conducting of the strike ballot is given in the Confederation Circular.  Please undertake intensive campaign in all Divisions and Circles. Conduct squad work, print and circulate the appeal, model strike ballot and 15 point charter of demands, posters etc.  Each and every employee may be requested to cast their vote. The Programme should be implemented in all Divisions without fail.  Full details are available in the website.

2.       ALL INDIA TRADE UNION EDUCATION CAMP - MUMBAI - 2013 NOVEMBER 15 & 16:    Details of the Camp is available in the enclosed circulars of NFPE and Confederation. Quota fixed for P3 Union is 30.  Following number of P3 delegates shall attend the Camp at Mumbai on 15th and 16th November, 2013.
          1)      All CHQ Office bearers.
          2)      All Circle Secretaries (or their nominees)
          3)      Maharashtra Circle - 5 delegates.

          Please book the tickets in advance.

          Details are available in the enclosed circulars of NFPE and Confederation.  Quota fixed for P-3 Union is 25.  Following number of Women P3 delegates shall attend the Convention at New Delhi on 25th & 26th Nov. 2013. 
          1)      All P3 CHQ Mahila Sub Committee members.
          2)      In addition minimum one lady delegate from each circle.  (Effort may be made to ensure more participation)
          3)      Participation of maximum delegates from Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, UP & Rajasthan Circles.

          Please book the tickets in advance.

4.      NFPE DIAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS INAUGURATION - 2013 NOVEMBER 24 - NEW DELHI: As decided in the Hyderabad Federal Council, one year long Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of NFPE will be organised throughout the country from 24-11-2013 to 24-11-2014. The inaugural function of the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations will be held at New Delhi (MP’s Club, Near NFPE Office, North Avenue) on 24th November 2013.  Those women delegates attending the Women’s Convention on 25th & 26th may attend this function also, if they can arrive on 24th morning.  P-3 leaders in and around Delhi are requested to attend the inaugural function.  During the one year period from 2013 November 24 to 2014 November 24, Diamond Jubilee of NFPE may be celebrated in all Divisions and Circles in a befitting manner.

          AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) has decided to organise a massive Parliament March on 11th December 2013 at New Delhi.  As P3 Union has always been championing the cause of GDS, it is our bounden duty to extend full solidarity and support to all the struggle programmes of GDS Union.  All the Circle and Divisional Unions of P-3 are requested to ensure participation of maximum P3 members also in the GDS Parliament March on 11th December, 2013.  Please book your travel tickets well in advance.

         A mammoth Parliament March will be organised by Central Trade Unions in New Delhi on 12th December 2013 to protest against the anti-people and anti-labour policies of the Central Government.   Those employees who are participating in the GDS Parliament March are requested to participate in the 12th December Parliament march also.  Return tickets may be booked for 13th December, 2013.

          Other issues:     Cadre restructuring committee has been reconstituted and Secretary, Posts has assured that the committee shall finalise the proposals by the end of October, 2013.  JCM, Departmental Council meeting is also scheduled to be held in October, 2013.  Minutes of the JCM (DC) Standing Committee held on 23-8-2013 is published in the website.  PA Recruitment final results of first phase circles will be announced shortly.  Results of remaining circles will also be announced without much delay.  LGO Examination is being held in September 2013.  JCM National Circle meeting will be held in the month of October/November 2013. 
          RTP Case - P3 CHQ has decided to file a case for regularisation of RTP service in the Principal Bench of CAT, New Delhi.  Case will be filed in the month of September 2013 itself.

          Yours sincerely,
          M. Krishnan,
General Secretary.

Dated – 13.09.2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday 23 September 2013


                   NFPE North Zone Study Camp was held at Ghaziabad from 21st Sept. to 22nd Sept. 2013 at Aapka Bhawan ,Kavi nagar , Ghaziabad (UP).

                   The programme commenced with flag hoisting by Com. I.S. Dabas Dy. S/G , NFPE & G/S P-IV union and after that froral tribute was paid to the martyrs .Before start of inaugural session            all leaders and guests were honoured by the Reception Committee, Ghaziabad by garlanding and presenting files and mementos. The Inaugural session was presided over by Com. T.P. Mishra, Ex. President P-III UP and Advisor of NFPE unions UP Circle. The camp was inaugurated by Com. S.K. Vyas Advisor Confederation and he also took Ist Class on the Subject ”National situation and role of working class “and in addition to this he also described the role of Confederation. NFPTE & NFPE in achieving the demands of Central Government employees starting  from the IInd Pay Commission to 6th Pay Commission. Coms. M. Krishnan, S/G NFPE, K. Ragavendran Ex. S/G NFPE, Giriraj Singh , President NFPE & G/S R-III, I.S. Dabas Dy. S/G NFPE and G/S P-IV , Virendra Tiwari, G/S SBCO Association , S.B. Yadav offg. G/S Postal Accounts Association, P. Pandurangarao G/SGDS (NFPE) union, Y. Nagabhushnam, Working President Casual Labourers Federation and Com. R.N. Parashar  were present on dias.

                   A felicitation was given to Com. M.S. Raja Working President Confederation and Secretary General All India Audit and Accounts Association and he also delivered a very valuable speech.
                   . Com. K. Ragavendran Ex. Secretary General NFPE took IInd Class on the subject “Organization and our task”. He made power point presentation on the subject in a very excellent manner which made all the delegates understand the subject well.

                   IIIrd Class on the subject “Lessons of past and task ahead of  trade union movement” was taken by Com. M. Krishnan Secretary General NFPE and G/S P-III who elaborately described the role of NFPTE . NFPE and Confederation and its leaders in building the trade union movement and achievement through sustained struggle. He also emphasized  to make broader unity of entire working class  so that the attacks unleashed by the Govt. of India in the wake of globalization   policies could be resisted and genuine and justified demands of workers can be achieved . This session was presided over by Com. R.K. Gupta Vice President R-III CHQ and Circle Secretary R-III U.P.

                   At 5P.M. a Seminar on “ Future of India Post” was organized .Shri John Samuel , Director, Postal Staff College Ghaziabad was the Chief Guest who made very excellent power point presentation on the subject. As a Guest of Honour , Shri V.K. Verma, Joint Director Postal Staff College, Shri Umesh Verma, Joint Director, Postal Staff College , Shri Sanjay Singh , Director Ghaziabad  and Shri B.K. Singh ADG Philately Postal Directorate , New Delhi were present and they delivered very good speeches on the subject. All The officers were honoured by the Reception Committee by presenting flower bouquets, Shawls, mementos and files. Vote of thanks was offered by Com. R.N. Parashar, ASG, NFPE.

                   On 22nd September 2013 IVth  Class was taken by Com. K.V. Sridharan Ex. G/S P-III and Leader Staff Side, JCM (Departmental Council) on the subject “Service Rules and Role of Unionists.” He made  power point presentation in English in a very excellent manner which was translated in Hindi by Com. R.N. Parashar, ASG NFPE. Com. K.V. Sridharan replied all the queries and questions raised by the delegates. This session was presided over by Com. Subhash Mishra Circle Secretary P-III UP.

                   At 01PM on 22.09.13 the open session was started. The open session was presided over by Com. R.N. Parashar, ASG NFPE, and Circle President P-III UP.. The open session was inaugurated by Com. Giri Raj Singh President, NFPE and G/S R-III.

                    In this session Coms. P. Suresh, G/S R-IV , K.K. Sharma Vice President , NFPE, R. Shivanarayana, President, P-III CHQ , N. Subramaniam Dy. G/S P-III CHQ , Balwinder Singh Financial Secretay, P-III CHQ were present. All these leaders were honoured by Reception Committee by garlanding and presenting mementos and files. They all delivered their speech and guided the delegates. Besides them, Coms. Virendra Tiwari G/S SBCO Association, S.B. Yadav, Offg. General Secretary , Postal Accounts Association, Jagdish Prasad Financial Secretary, R-III CHQ  also delivered their speech . Coms. Vikram Shah Circle Secretary P-IV UP, Narottam Lal Tripathi C/S R-IV UP, R.S. Sosodiya, Circle President GDS (NFPE) and mostly CWC members and Divisional Secretaries of all NFPE Unions of UP Circle remained present in the camp.

                   At last Com. R.N. Parashar delivered his presidential speech. He appreciated the role of Reception Committee, Ghaziabad under able leadership of Com. J.P. Yadav, Rajendra Sharma, Rajesh Jain, Narendravir, Sachin and Aafat Khan and all other members of Reception Committee in making very excellent arrangements in Study Camp. He offered Vote of thanks to all the leaders, guests, delegates and members of Reception Committee who contributed their best in making the camp a grand success.

                   The Camp was ended by shouting revolutionary slogans.

Formation of All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association

The Department of Posts is one of the largest Central Government Departments next to Railways and Defence and the strength of Pensioners of Postal Department is also one of the biggest in the country. NFPE in its 9th Federal Council had resolved to extend full support and solidarity to the efforts of mobilizing the entirety of Pensioners of Postal Department, especially in the specific background of very serious attacks on Pension and Social Security of all Pensioners and Government Employees under LPG policies of Central Government. We also note with concern that despite the existence and functioning of different Pensioners’ Organizations in the country, more than 80% of Postal Pensioners remain unorganized. 

This weakness has to be eliminated in order to combat the attacks on Pension and Social Security. Mobilization of all Pensioners of Postal and RMS disregarding their union affiliations in the past is the need of the hour.
In this background, the National Federation of Postal Employees extends all support to the endeavor of mobilizing the entirety of Pensioners of the Department of Posts in the country by our retired Comrades, who have served in various capacities in the Postal Unions in the past.

The name of the new Organization will be All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association.
A Steering Committee formed by the senior retired comrades and headed by the under-mentioned comrades with the former Secretary General of NFPE Comrade K.Ragavendran as the General Convenor should be rendered all assistance and help by the entirety of NFPE Organizations at all levels in order to build a strong organization for the Postal Pensioners.
Steering Committee of All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association
Chairman:    Com.D.K.Rahate      [Former President NFPE]

Vice Chairman: Com. T.Narasimhan [Vice President Confederation]                                         [Mobile09440056969]

General Convener:  Com. K.Ragavendran [Former Secretary General NFPE] [Mobile: 09444919295]

In order to complete the formation of the All India Association in a time bound manner, formation of the Circle level All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association and Division / District level Associations [District level or if feasible Divisional level according to local conditions] shall be completed before the 31st December, 2013. An All India Special Conference will be organized thereafter to complete the CHQ formation.
All are requested to extend total cooperation in the endeavor to build a strong organisation for the Pensioners of Postal Department.
Comradely Yours,
Secretary General NFPE

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013


Release of additional installment of dearness allowance to Central Government employees and dearness relief to Pensioners, due from 1.7.2013

The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal to release an additional installment of Dearness Allowance (DA) to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief (DR) to pensioners with effect from 01.07.2013, in cash, at the rate of 10 per cent increase over the existing rate of 80 per cent.

Hence, the Central Government employees as well as the pensioners are entitled for DA/DR at the rate of 90 per cent of the basic with effect from 01.07.2013. The increase is in accordance with the accepted formula based on the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission.

The combined impact on the exchequer on account of both dearness allowance and dearness relief would be of the order of Rs. 10879.60 crore per annum and Rs. 7253.10 crore in the financial year 2013-14 ( i.e. for a period of 8 month from July, 2013 to February 2014).

Source: PIB


Enhancement of HRA - Notifying the Cities/UA having a prescribed population as X & Y categories on the basis of Census 2011- reg.