MACP: Modifications – Improvements – and Clarifications
NFPE as well as the Staff Side have unanimously decided to embrace the Modified ACP Scheme in lieu of TBOP / BCR after much internal discussions and consensus. We were aware of certain negative in-built aspects in the MACP Scheme but without getting into the scheme we will not be able to attempt modifying or improving the scheme. MACP Scheme has been now extended to the Postal Employees. We are dealing with the following issues:
1. Benefit of MACP to Promotees: The promotion from one cadre to another through competitive departmental examinations also is taken as REGULAR PROMOTION under the ACP / MACP Schemes. This reduces the number of MACP benefit to Promotees. The Group D promoted as Postmen / Mailguard first and then as PA/SA will be deprived of two financial upgradations under these Rules. NFPE has taken up this issue with the Secretary Staff Side JCM National Council and Confederation leaders for discussions with the Government for modification of this contention. In our opinion 'REGULAR PROMOTION' means only those promotions an official can get by virtue of his seniority-cum-fitness in his own cadre and not the promotions an official can get only by writing an examination. Therefore all promotions attained by examinations from one cadre to another shall be excluded from the contention of REGULAR PROMOTION for the grant of three ACP financial upgradations. If this point is clinched then all Promotees from Group D to Postman / Mailguard or from LGO to PA/SA or from PA/SA to IPO etc would be eligible for all the three financial upgradations thereafter. NFPE is pursuing this issue with the Staff Side.
2. Hierarchical benefit under MACP: Hierarchical promotion system available for a cadre in a department and Financial Upgradations under the ACP Scheme were identical earlier. But the 6th CPC has twisted this factor and recommended for de-linking the ACP from the hierarchy of promotions available to officials. Government also while increasing the number of upgradations from 2 to 3 under MACP Scheme, accepted the new factor of de-linking the hierarchical promotion from the MACP as recommended by the 6th CPC and ordered that all MACP upgradations will be only to the next Grade Pay. This is causing damage to some categories of employees whose regular promotions are for higher Grade Pay because these officials will get only the next Grade Pay and not the Grade Pay to which he can go under REGULAR PROMOTION. For example the Work Shop Staff of MMS whose entry grade is PB-1 with 1900 GP are getting their hierarchical promotion to GP 2400. But under MACP they will get upgradation only to GP 2000/- and not 2400/-. This issue has been taken up by NFPE with the Staff Side and Confederation for discussion with Government and for modification.
3. Benchmark: Bench-mark 'Good' is compulsory for financial upgradation beyond the level of Grade Pay 2800/- as per Para 17 of Annexure-I of MACP Orders. This means all upgradations beyond PB-1 will require the benchmark 'Good' grading. The Railways have issued an orders instructing '…averaging ACRs ratings as followed in case of normal DPC be adopted with reference to the respective benchmark for MACP purposes'. NFPE has written to Department of Posts enclosing a copy of the Railway Ministry Orders demanding grant of MACP on 'Average' Grading in ACRs. NFPE has written to Confederation also to take up this issue with the DOPT for extending this benefit to all other CG employees like Railways. We have also earlier discussed the matter of benchmark with the Department and on the grounds that 'Average' was not a negative remark in the CRs as per the earlier situation, the same should not be held against the official now for granting MACP. The DOPT has subsequently issued an order for supply of the ACR Grading prior to 2008-09 for representation if any from officials before the meeting of DPCs and appropriate action by the Reviewing Authority. In the Department of Posts however there was no system of automatic review of CRS by a Reviewing Authority and all these points were discussed with the Department for not applying the benchmark retrospectively for grant of MACP. Now after the Railways issuing the order for taking 'Average' grading sufficient for grant of MACP, NFPE has renewed its efforts to get similar orders for the Postal Employees also.
4. Better Benefit under other Promotional Schemes: There are cases wherein the officials may be eligible for better financial benefits under different financial upgradation schemes like 2 ACP Scheme or TBOP/BCR Schemes that what is available under the latest MACP Scheme. For example, a Promotee from Group D to Postman and then from Postmen to PA/SA has got his TBOP already, he would not be eligible for any more financial upgradations under the MACP Scheme. But if the official continues in TBOP/BCR Scheme itself, he will be eligible for BCR upgradation on completion of 26 years of PA/SA Service. For such officials the TBOP/BCR would be better than MACP if we could not effect necessary changes in the MACP Scheme by discounting examination based promotions against number of MACP upgradations. A consensus amongst the Staff Side was reportedly arrived at to demand option for such employees either to remain under old upgradation schemes or going over to MACP Scheme whichever is beneficial.
5. MACP Scheme to Drivers: The DOPT orders mentions that existing time-bound promotion scheme, including in-situ promotion scheme, staff car driver scheme etc cannot run concurrently with the MACPs. NFPE has written to Confederation that the promotion scheme to drivers' viz., 9:15:5% Selection Grade is not an automatic promotion scheme but only prescribes the eligibility to be considered for promotion on completion of 9 years and 15 years of service and the top most 5% only get the selection grade. In fact no driver in our department is getting his first or second promotion in 9 years or 15 years. Therefore they should be extended with the benefit of MACP scheme on the same understanding that the Drivers will get ACP if they don't get the regular promotion within 10, 20 and 30 years. We will pursue the issue.
6. Discounting of erstwhile LDC to UDC promotion for SBCO officials: The Administration has refused the benefit of financial upgradation under MACP to many SBCO Officials who were earlier promoted from LDC to UDC in the Department of Posts. Such promotions have to be discounted because of the fact that erstwhile LDC and UDC have been merged into a single cadre of PA/SA for SBCO staff and any earlier promotion granted between such merged grades have to be discounted for the purpose of MACP Scheme as per the understanding of the MACP Orders. NFPE has written to Department of Posts for issue of necessary clarificatory orders on this issue.
7. Grant of next Grade Pay under MACP for Workshop Staff: As per the MACP Orders the next Grade Pay in the hierarchy of Pay Band and Grade Pay has to be granted under financial upgradation. In the Ministry of Railways the Workshop staff who were earlier granted 2nd ACP under the earlier ACP Scheme in the pre-revised pay scale of 4500-7000 are fitted into the 6th CPC recommended PB-1 with GP 2800. Such officials on eligibility to get their 3rd MACP under the new MACP Scheme are awarded with the next Grade Pay of 4200/-. Similarly placed MMS Workshop staffs are not granted with the same benefit but clarifications are pending at the level of the Postal Directorate on this issue. NFPE has written to Department of Posts for extending the same benefit under MACP as like Railways to the MMS workshop staff.
8. Contradictory Clarification: In the meanwhile a contradictory clarification by the DOPT is causing confusion and denial of MACP to officials. The DOPT had clarified in contradicting its original orders on MACP stating that on completion of 30 years of service or 10 years from the date of second promotion / upgradation, whichever is later. This 'whichever is later' phrase in the clarifications is to be removed. Now the issue has been reportedly referred to Pay Commission Cell for clarification. NFPE has already taken this matter to the knowledge of Confederation for getting the contradiction cleared by DOPT.
After hectic and protracted discussion for more than two hours with Shri Raja, Minister of Communications & IT, agreement was reached on the demands raised by the Joint Action Committee. Accordingly the JCA met and decided so call off the strike. JAC requests all the workers to resume duty immediately. NFPE congratulates the BSNL Workers for their success of the Strike. The press release issued by Joint Action Committee can be downloaded by clicking the link below:
DOPT issued orders vide Memo No.31011/4/2007-Estt.(A) dated 20/04/2010 extending the relaxation for travel by Air to visit North East Region under CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 for further two years beyond 1st May 2010.
For original order copy please click the below link and down load.
IRDA tells postal dept to fall in line, triggers row
India's top insurance regulator has demanded that the country’s postal department adhere to its norms while selling insurance products, triggering a potentially damaging row between the two and forcing the finance ministry’s intervention.
The Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA), which regulates all insurance products in the country, has threatened to ban all policies sold by the Department of Posts (DoP) in case of a failure to comply.
A rattled finance ministry, which is already locked in a high-profile mediation effort to resolve a row between the IRDA and Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) over unit linked insurance policies (ULIPS), was forced to step in asking for restraint and the matter is now being discussed between the three.
“....We are working to find an amicable solution on how both IRDA and the Postal Department can solve this issue. Any final decision will be taken only after giving due consideration to benefit of existing policy holders,” a finance ministry official said.
The postal life insurance has over 15 million policy holders. It offers two life insurance schemes, Postal Life Insurance and Rural Postal life Insurance with a corpus fund of Rs 14,000 crore and Rs 4,000 crore, respectively as on March 2009. All insurance products offered by the DoP are not covered by IRDA’s rules and regulations.
The current one and the bigger battle between IRDA and SEBI highlight the importance of clear rules of demarcation between various regulators and government bodies in a sector whose growth has assumed gigantic proportions.
The insurance regulator argued that compliance with IRDA’s norms will actually benefit the department of post. “In fact they (department of post) have lost a number of times to get group insurance schemes from public sector players such as BSNL in the past,” said an IRDA official stating the case for expedition of decision on investment of the corpus under Post Office Insurance Fund as per IRDA guidelines.
Under the Insurance Act 1938, Section 118 (C), life insurance schemes run by several state governments for their employees and the Postal Life Insurance Scheme of the central government don’t come under the IRDA purview. The insurance regulator is looking to extend its reach. “IRDA has asked us to form a separate insurance division. They further want us to follow their norms regarding requirement for capital and deposits. Given our huge base, it doesn’t make sense unless some relaxation is provided for,” said an official in the ministry of Communications and IT.
As per a report from Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG), the department of post failed to achieve the yearly target set for procurement of business both in Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and Rural Life Insurance during 2002-03 and 2006-07. It states that in case of PLI, the shortfall in target went up from 17% in 2002-03 to 41% in 2006-07.
Source: Economic Times
NFPE and AIPEU Group 'C' CHQ extends total solidarity to the Joint Acton Committee of BSNL Associations / Unions and greets the entire BSNL Employees for a glorious strike
NFPE and CHQ Call upon our Circle Unions and Divisional and Branch Unions to organise solidarity demonstrations in support of BSNL Employees in which the leaders of BSNL Associations and Leaders be invited. We also call upon the entirety of Postal Workers to extend all possible supportive activities to the struggling BSNL Workers.
(Department of Personnel and Training)
New Delhi, the 2nd February, 20 I0
G.S.R. 55(E).-In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 and clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution, and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in relation to persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, namely :-
1. (1) These rules may he called the Central Civil Services (Classification, control and Appeal) Amendment Rules, 2009.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, in rule 11, for clause (vi), the following clause shall he substituted, namely:-
"(vi) reduction to lower time-scale of pay. grade, post or Service for a period to be specified in the order of penalty, which shall be a bar to the promotion of the Government servant during such specified period to the time-scale of pay, grade, post or Service from which he was reduced, with direction as to whether or not, on promotion on the expiry of the said specified period-
(a) the period of reduction to time-scale of pay, grade, post or service shall operate to postpone
future increments of his pay, and if so, to what
(b) the Government servant shall regain his original seniority in the higher time scale of pay, grade,
post or service;"
[F. No. 11012/2/2005-Estt (A)]
A. BALARAM, Under Secy.
These instructions are now reiterated in the following Directorate letter based on the demand of the CHQ citing the cases of Bhatinda, Punjab, Tamilnadu Circle & others.
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Building Section)
No. 7-1/2010-Bldg. New Delhi, dated 08.04.2010
All the Chief Postmasters General.
Subject: - Post attached quarters – instructions regarding.
Instructions/guidelines were issued vide this Directorate letter no. 10-4/2003-Bldg. dated 06.05.2003 wherein powers were delegated to the Heads of Circle regarding de-quarterisation/suspension of post attached rent free quarters of PMs/SPMs under SR-313(a),(b), (c) and (f) (Copy enclosed).
2. It is therefore, requested that the case of suspension of post attached accommodation may be decided in the light of instructions/guidelines referred to above so that the officials posted under an officiating arrangement are allowed the benefit of drawl of HRA as envisaged in the letter No. 24/3/76/PAP dated 20th August, 1979 (copy enclosed).
3. Efforts should also be made to ensure that the vacant post attached accommodation is allotted to willing and eligible officials as per the provision of SR 313(4) to the extent possible.
Yours faithfully,
(R. B. Chawla)
Director (E&MM)
Encl: As above.
Copy to: - Service Unions (as per mailing list).
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Parliament Street
New Delhi – 110001
No. 10-4/2003-Bldg. Dated – 6/7/2003
All Heads of Postal Circles
Sub: - Postal pool quarters and post attached rent free quarters of PMs/SPMs – delegation of powers.
Normal period of retention of Govt. residential accommodation in case of transfer from one station to another is 2 months under Supplementary Rule 317-B-11. However, further retention for a period not exceeding six months can also be granted on educational / medical ground under Supplementary Rule 317-B-22. Damage rent is chargeable if the accommodation is not vacated after the expiry of the period for which permission is granted which in any case shall not exceed a total of eight months as mentioned above.
2. Cases have been brought to the notice of the Directorate where there are no takers of postal pool accommodation even if it is vacated after expiry of the maximum permissible retention period of eight months granted under SR 317-B-11 read with SR 317-B-22 though the officer / official on transfer continues to require that accommodation on medical / educational grounds. Vacation of accommodation in such eventuality by the existing occupant on expiry of the permission granted would result in loss to the Department in the shape of non-receipt of rentals besides lack of maintenance in case such quarters remain vacant for unusually long period. Moreover, the policy of the Department is to provide residential accommodation to staff as far as possible.
3. As regards, post attached rent free quarters of PMs / SPMs, the allotment subsists only during the period of incumbency and immediately on change of incumbency; the successor incumbent becomes the allottee of the residence in question. Further, it is mandatory for incumbents to occupy such quarters. Guidelines issued vide Directorate letter No. 5-6/860NB (P) dated 09-08-1990 provide for suspension of post attached quarters of PMs / SPMs by Heads of Circles up to a maximum period of six months under SR -313 (1) (a), (b), (c) and (f). Cases regarding suspension of such quarters for the period exceeding six months are required to be sent to the Directorate. Proposals from circles are received from time to time for:-
(a) Retention of post attached quarter on transfer by outgoing incumbent.
(b) Suspension of ear-marked post attached quarters and its allotment to some other non-entitled official.
(c) Merger of post attached accommodation with the post office accommodation due to inadequacy of space in the pot office.
(d) Dequartarisation of a post attached accommodation due to inhabitable conditions.
4. The matter has been reviewed and it has been decided by the competent authority that Heads of Circles themselves may decide cases falling under SR 313 (1) (a), (b), (c) and (f) as well as those mentioned in the above para Nos (2) and (3). The power of dequarterisation of a post attached accommodation due to inhabitable condition is now also delegated to the Head of Circle. Following guidelines are issued in the exercise of these powers:-
(i) The allottees of Govt. residential accommodation from postal pool on transfer from one station to another may be further permitted by Heads of Circles to continue to retain the accommodation even beyond the maximum permissible period of retention i.e. 8 months, if the occupants so desire and there are no takers of staff quarters, subject to the following conditions:-
(a) Request by such an allottee in this regard should be made well in advance of the expiry of already permitted period by Head of Circle under SR - 317-B-11 read with SR 317-B-22.
(b) As and when an eligible contender for the quarter arises, the quarter should be vacated on thirty days notice.
(c) The occupant will have to pay double the licence fee for the permitted period of retention beyond expiry of maximum period of eight months provided under SR 317-B-11 read with SR 317-B-22.
(ii) While considering request for retention of post attached accommodation, the outgoing incumbent may be permitted to retain the same accommodation if the incoming incumbent does not require the said post attached accommodation. Retention of post attached accommodation at previous placed of functioning on request may be permitted subject to the following conditions:-
(a) The allotment of post attached accommodation will be cancelled on the basis of one months notice whenever such accommodation is required for the use of the regular incumbent entitled to the post attached quarters.
(b) The retention will be at double the rate of licence fee for period exceeding eight months.
(iii) Suspension of post attached accommodation for the reason of non-occupation by the incumbents due to their having own residential accommodation / arrangement in the area may be permitted only on the condition that it does not adversely effect the work of PM / SPM.
(iv) In case of merger of post-attached quarter with post office space, Head of Circle will have to record a certificate to the effect that:-
(a) The post office is a profit making one;
(b) Extra benefit will be there if such merger takes place; and
(c) Total space of post office on merger does not exceed the justified SOA of the post office.
(v) In case of dequarterisation of post attached accommodation, Head of Circle may take a decision about dequarterisation till it becomes habitable by carrying out repairs or put the accommodation to any other official use.
5. These instructions may be circulated to all concerned for information, guidance and implementation.
6. Receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged to the ADG (Bldg.), Dak Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi -110001.
7. Hindi version will follow.
Bhartiya Dak Aur Tar Vibhag
Office of Dak aur Tar Mahanideshak
Sanchar Bhavan, (PAP Section)
20 – Ashoka Road, New Delhi – 110001
No. 24/3/76/PAP Dated – 20 Aug 1979
Sub: - Grant of HRA to incumbents working/officiating in local arrangements against posts in which rent free accommodation is attached.
I am directed to invite a reference to this office letter of even No. dated 22nd September, 77 wherein it was decided that compensation in lieu of rent free recommendation can be granted to a Government servant for a maximum period of 3 months when he is posted to officiate in a post to which rent free accommodation is attached but which is not provided to him.
2. A question has now been raised as to how cases where though the rent free accommodation is available, but the concerned official has not occupied the same in view of the short duration of posting, are to be regulated. The case has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and the President is pleased to decide that in such cases, House rent allowance as admissible to a Government servant not entitled to rent free accommodation may be granted for a maximum period of 90 days provided the vacancies are short term ones involving local arrangements.
3. These orders take effect from the date of issue and past cases decided otherwise than in accordance with these orders need not be reopened.
This issues with the concurrence of P & T. Finance vide their Dy. No. 2097/FA-III/79 dated 20.07.79.
Yours faithfully,
(R. S. N. Murti)
Asst. Director General (PE)
INDIA Post is creating a virtual post office that will sell stamps and enable money transfer online, the latest attempt by the centuries-old government organization to stay relevant in the internet age.
The virtual post office that is expected to be operational by the year-end will provide universal access to various postal services at the click of the mouse. Payment for the services can be made either through credit cards or internet banking through recognized banks. The project is a huge step by the world’s largest network of post offices towards making postal service delivery customer friendly. It is targeted at the internet-savvy educated urban audience consumer. India Post runs 155,333 post offices across the country.
“We want to take essential postal services to the doorstep of every citizen of the country.” Said an official with the ministry of communications and IT that runs India Post, “The idea is to create a portal where citizens can login to purchase postal stamps and also send in money orders,” he said, requesting anonymity.
The modalities for the project are being worked out. The department will scout for financial institutions which will join as partners to make the payment process simple and user-friendly.
“The proposal sounds very practical and most feasible. India has made a quantum league in technology. Lot of rigorous manual processes can be substituted by electronic processes. Activities like endorsement of stamps and transferring money can be done over the internet, “said Yes Bank MD & CEO Rana Kapoor.
India Post, which traces its origins to post offices in Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata setup by the British East India Company, will turns 246 years old this year.
A large number of Indians still send money orders despite several options of money transfer, mainly because of the department’s reach and access to interior villages.
One of the issues that the department will have to tackle is to make the stamps electronically secured. The department is studying various aspects of this project on the usage of the stamps and putting them to use.
India Post is expanding its array of services to attract customer’s attention. In the past, various new-age services have been extended by the department including railway ticketing, foreign remittance and even collecting mobile telephone bills. It is also planning to introduce pre-paid cards that will support cashless transactions at retail outlets across the country.
- Economics Times, dated – 16.04.2010
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Bhawan
New Delhi, dated the 12th April, 2010
All Chief Postmasters General
All Postmasters General
All Directors / Dy.Director of Accounts [Postal]
Subject: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) at revised rates with effect from 01.01.2010.
Sir / Madam,
Consequent upon grant of another installment of dearness allowance with effect from 01.01.2010 to Central Government Employees, vide Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure O.M. No. 1(3)/2010-E.II (B) dated 26th March, 2010,the Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS), have also become entitled to the payment of dearness allowance on basic TRCA at the revised rate with effect from 01.01.2010.It has, therefore, been decided that the dearness allowance payable to the Gramin Dak Sevaks shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 27% to 35%,on the basic Time Related Continuity Allowance ,with effect from 01.01.2010.
2. The additional Installment of dearness allowance payable under this order shall be paid in cash to all Gramin Dak Sevaks. The payment of arrears of dearness allowance for the month of January and February, 2010 shall not be made before the date of disbursement of TRCA of March 2010.
3. The expenditure on this account will be debitable to the Sub Head 'Salaries' under the relevant head and should be met from the sanctioned grant.
4. This Issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their Diary No. 80/FA/10/10/CS, dated 12.04.2010.
(K. Rameshwara Rao)
Asstt. Director General (Estt)
Applications of Government Servants suffering from disability for employment elsewhere shall be readily forwarded for consideration.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 30th March, 2010
Subject: Forwarding of applications of Government Servants suffering from disability for employment elsewhere.
The undersigned is directed to say that instructions provide that applications of Central Government servants belonging to the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes for employment elsewhere should be readily forwarded except in very rare cases. Representations have been received requesting that similar facility should be provided to the employees suffering from disability.
2. The matter has been considered and it has been decided that applications for employment elsewhere of Central Government Servants suffering from disability in terms of the provisions of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 shall be readily forwarded except in very rare and exceptional cases where there may be compelling grounds of public interest for withholding such applications.
3. These instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned
(K.G. Verma)