Welcome to the official website of All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C'- अखिल भारतीय डाक कर्मचारी संघ वर्ग 'सी' की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट में आपका स्वागत है

Wednesday, April 30, 2014





Dear Comrade,

            We place hereunder the draft reply to the questionnaire issued by the 7th CPC.  We want you to go through the same and make suggestions to enrich it further.  We propose to place the same at the staff side meeting of the National Council on 6th May, 2014.  The final version as formulated by the Staff Side will also be published on7th May. 2014.  We have to arrive at a consensus taking into account all shades of opinions.
            The replies are drafted to make it as brief as possible.  It covers only common issues. The staff side National Council will be submitting a detailed memorandum later as and when it is called for by the 7th CPC.  The said memorandum will be drafted taking into account the views of all organizations including pensioners organisations. Department specific issues are to be covered by the memorandum submitted by the respective departmental organizations.  Since there will be very short time available for submission of memorandum, in view of the overall time frame of 18 months  all affiliates are requested to finalize their approach and prepare the memorandum and keep it ready for submission without loss of time.
            It will be our endeavor that on common issues, complete unanimity of opinion emerges amongst all Federations of Central Govt. employees.

Suggestions may be sent by e-mail to confederationhq@gmail.com

With greetings,

Yours fraternally

S. K. Vyas                                             K. K. N. Kutty                                       M. Krishnan
Advisor                                                President                                             Secretary General

Mob: 09868244035                             Mob: 09811048303                             Mob: 09447068125



                  TODAY (30/04/2014) is the last date for enrolment of membership for this year. Before close of today, all Divisional Secretaries will submit membership forms duly filled in properly to the Divisional Head concerned without fail. This task is much important to strengthen our union.  DON’T FORGET TO ACT TODAY.
                   ==   M.Krishnan   Secretary General   NFPE


                        CHQ: Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Road, New Delhi - 110008


Ref: P/5-4/Seminar                                                                                                       Dated – 29.04.2014


The Secretary
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001


Sub: -  All India Seminar on “7th Central Pay Commission – Postal Assistant & allied Cadres”, - Request for grant of special casual leave to the delegates.

All India Postal Employees Union Group ‘C’ (NFPE), Central Head Quarters, is organizing a two days All India work shop on 26th & 27th May 2014 at New Delhi for preparing the memorandum to be submitted to the 7th CPC.

All India seminar on the subject – “7th Central Pay Commission – Postal Assistant & allied cadres” is also being organised on 26th May 2014 in connection with the workshop. All Circle Secretaries and Branch/Divisional Secretaries and other delegates will be attending the seminar.

Shri Alok Saxena, Deputy Director General (PMU) & Secretary, Postal Services Board, has kindly consented to deliver his key note address in the seminar on 26th May 2014 at 3:00 PM.

It is requested that instructions may please be issued to all Circle heads to grant eligible special casual leave to the delegates who are attending the All India workshop and seminar on 26th & 27th May 2014.

Awaiting early orders

Yours faithfully,

(M. Krishnan)
General Secretary

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


There is a clause in the Cadre Restructuring agreement that – “in respect of Postmaster Grade I, Grade II and Grade III posts, once the recommendations of this committee are implemented, the matter will be examined in the light of the same”. Many officials have sought clarification on this clause. Hence the following clarification is given.

As already mentioned by us in our letter given to the Chairman of the Cadre Restructuring committee after the last meeting (published in Website) and also in the circular dated 28.04.2014, the staff side has tried its best to get higher pay scale to Post Master cadre official. Official side took a firm stand that first promotion from PA cadre in General line and Post Master cadre should be to the G.P. 2800/- and rejected our plea for 4200 G. P.

Second argument placed by us is that as all the LSG Post offices/posts are agreed to be upgraded to HSG II, the grade pay of the officials working in those General line posts will be 4200 (eventhough official working in that post is promoted from LSG with G. P. 2800)

Postmaster Grade I officials are working in LSG offices (converted as Grade I). When LSG Post offices are upgraded to HSG II status, Post Master Grade I post offices are also to be upgraded to HSG II status with grade pay of 4200. Inspite of our repeated argument and submission the administration side did not agree to grant G.P. 4200 to PM Grade I. Finally it is agreed to examine the case again once the present proposal is approved by the Government.

If the proposal is approved by the Government, there is every possibility of getting higher pay scale for Post Master grade officials, on the principle of “equal pay for equal work”, as their counter parts working in LSG post offices upgraded to HSG II will be in 4200 G.P. By signing the cadre restructuring agreement, we have already created a strong ground for getting higher pay scale to Postmaster Grade officials. If the proposal signed is rejected by DOP&T and Finance, we have to present our case before 7th CPC. Hence in the interest of both General line and Postmaster Cadre officials, implementation of the present proposal is most important.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General


Monday, April 28, 2014


                                         NFPE- FNPO
                           CENTRAL HEAD QUARTERS, NEWDELHI


                 At last after several round of protracted negotiations with the administration, JCM Staff side, Departmental council ( NFPE & FNPO) has signed the cadre restructuring proposal. The staff side has tried to the best of its ability to make maximum improvement in the proposal. In spite of our hard bargaining we could not achieve 100 percent success. Our demand for separate higher pay scale for PO& RMS Accountants, Creation of separate cadre for System Administrators or grant of special pay/allowance, bringing MTS also under cadre restructuring etc is not accepted by the administration. Regarding Postmaster Cadre after much bargaining, it is agreed to examine our claim for higher pay scale after the present proposal is approved by the government.

                  As Govt has already appointed 7th CPC and the Pay Commission has already published the questionnaire, any further delay in completing the cadre restructuring will adversely affect the interest of Postal employees. We will take up the remaining issues, which are not agreed by the administration in the cadre restructuring committee with the 7th CPC in our memorandum and make one more effort to get a favourable recommendation.

                  Taking into consideration all the above aspects and also keeping in mind the larger interest of the employees, we have decided to sign the agreement

Copy of the agreement is published below.

The Salient features of the agreement are as follows :
1. Number of LSG posts will increase from 8 % to 22 %
2. Number of HSG II  posts will increase from 2 % to 12 %
3. Number of HSG I  posts will increase from 1.5 % to 4 %
4. After completion of 2 years in HSG I the official will be promoted to 4800 GP (Non-functional Basis)
5. The above proposal will be applicable to RMS, Circle Office and SBCO in the same ratio
6. Postman/Mail guard will get the same ratio of promotion.

  The present proposal is to be approved by Postal Board, DoPT & Finance Ministry. We will make all out effort to get the proposal implemented at an early date.

                                                                        Yours sincerely
    D.Theagarajan                                                                               M.Krishnan
  Secretary General                                                                  Secretary General
         FNPO                                                                                              NFPE

Guidelines on treatment of effect of penalties on promotion — Role of Departmental Promotion Committee


Clarification on increase in certain allowances by further 25% as a result of enhancement of Dearness Allowances w.e.f. 1.1.2014



                        CHQ: Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Road, New Delhi - 110008


Dear Comrade,

It is noticed that inspite of repeated letters, E-mails, phone calls and SMS, you have not sent the Proforma I & II as instructed by the CHQ.

I am once again enclosing the copies of the Proforma I & II to you.

You are requested to fill up the Proforma I & II and send it to CHQ either by email or by Speed Post, before 03.05.2014.

Please send it without fail.

Yours fraternally,

(M. Krishnan)
General Secretary

Dated – 28.04.2014

all india postal employees union group-c
............................................ Branch / division / circle branch
proforma - I
(To be submitted to CHQ by Emial or Speed Post on or before 30-04-2014)
1.      Name of the Division/Branch                                    :
2.      Name of the Circle                                                         :
3.      Name of Divisional/Branch Secretary                    :
4.      Name of Circle Secretary                                             :
5.      Present full Postal Address with                              :
          Pincode. (Please give correct full
6.      Mobile Number                                                               :
7.      Email ID                                                                               :
8.      Pending problems to be settled at
          All India level by CHQ
          (Please attach seperate paper.  Please
          given full details of each case
          separately and briefly).
9.      Pending problems to be settled at                          :
          Circle level by Circle Unions:
          (Please attachseperate paper. 
          Please given full details of each case
          separately and briefly).
10.    Whether Monthly meetings with                             :
          Divisional head is being held regularly.
          Reason for non-holding, if any.
11.    Whether Circle level RJCM                                         :
          Four monthly and Bi-monthly
          meetings are being held regularly.
          Reason for non-holding, if any.

Place:                                                                                             Signature:
Date :                                                                                              Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretary:
Submitted to: 1) Com. M. Krishnan, General Secretary, AIPEU Group-C (CHQ)
  Dada  Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Road, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot,         
  New Delhi - 110008.
                                  Email ID of CHQ: aipeugrc@gmail.com.
                                  Email ID of GS :  mkrishnan6854@gmail.com

all india postal employees union group-c
..................... Branch / Division/Circle Branch.

Proforma - II
(To be submitted to CHQ by Email or Speed Post on before 30-04-2014)

1.     Name of the Division/Branch       :
2      Name of the Circle                      :
3.     Number of Delegates attending
        the Convention and workshop
        from  Division/Branch (Visitors
        not compulsory.  Only limited
        visitors are allowed)
4.     Delegates arriving at New Delhi
        on (Date)                                    :
5.     Departure from New Delhi on
        (Date)                                         :
6.     Whether staying at the
        accomodation arranged by          :
        CHQ ( Hall with floor beddings)                              
        or arranging own  accomodation
        seperately at your  cost
7.     Mobile Number of Divisional /     :
        Branch Secretary.
8.     Email ID of Divisional/Branch Secretary          :

                                                            Signature   :
                                                            Name        :
                                                            Division     :         

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Departmentalisation of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)  and inclusion of GDS under 7TH  Central Pay Commission
First Hearing of the court case on 7th May 2014
Hon’ble Delhi High Court issued notice to the Government and Department of Posts.
          As already reported the Hon’ble Delhi High Court has issued notice to Government and Department of Posts in the Writ Petition filed by NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India which stands transferred to Delhi High Court for grant of Civil Servant status and inclusion of GDS in 7th Central Pay Commission.  Next hearing of the case is posted for 7th May, 2014.  In the Writ Petition filed by NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) following are the main prayers:
(1)     Give direction to the Government of India and Department of Posts to grant Civil Servant Status to GDS as per the 1977 Supreme Court Judgement and grant all the benefits of the Departmental Employees.
(2)     Include GDS under the purview of 7th CPC.
(3)     Quash the GDS conduct & Engagement Rules 2011.
          Government of India, Department of Posts shall have to file its reply in the High Court.  Now the files have started moving in the Directorate and DoP&T.
Recognised GDS Union (Mahadevaiah) has no role to play:
          Recognised GDS Union (Mahadevaiah) has already signed an agreement with the Department of Posts accepting separate committee for GDS and accordingly Government has excluded  GDS from the purview of the terms of reference of the 7th Central Pay Commission.  NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) is fighting both organisationally and legally for Departmentalisation and for inclusion of GDS under 7th CPC.
          Shri. Mahadevaiah wrote in his journal (April 2014 Issue) and website supporting separate committee for GDS and claimed that separate committee is better than 7th Pay Commission.  In his journal and website he wrote as follows:
          -  One man GDS committee more independent than a judge heading a pay commission with other members” (!!!!).  Thus Shri. Mahadevaiah has fully justified separate committee for GDS and he claimed that he has signed a “respectable agreement” by accepting separate one-man committee!!
          Let Shri.Mahadevaiah and his Recognised GDS Union support the Government and Department of Posts, by cheating three lakhs GDS by signing their “ death warrant ” in the name of “ respectable agreement”.  NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) will not compromise with the Government and shall continue its struggle both legally and organizationally.

Shri Mahadevaiah Don’t Want the Support Of
 Departmental Employees

            Shri.Mahadevaiah, General Secretary of the recognised GDS Union has requested the Department of Posts NOT TO ALLOW other Federations and Unions to take up the issues relating to the Gramin Dak Sevaks.  As Shri. Mahadevadevaiah has helped the Government and Department by accepting separate committee for GDS, the Department accepted the request of Shri. Mahadevaiah and issued orders.  It shows that Shri Magadevaiah don’t want the support of Departmental employees who are members of NFPE & FNPO.  NFPE & / AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) believes that the GDS demands can be achieved only with the full support and joint struggle of both GDS & of the Departmental employees. 
          This is the difference between the recognised GDS Union (Mahadevaiah) and AIPEU-GDS (NFPE).  LET THE GDS employees decide which union stands for the cause of GDS.

All GDS& Departmental Employes  BE ready to finish the recognised GDS union in the next Membership Verification
          Recognition is not a licence to cheat the GDS employees.  Recognised GDS Union has signed an agreement with the Department accepting separate committee and thus admitting that GDS are not civil servants.  Thus recognized GDS Union’s role is over and it has no role to play hereafter.  NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) is challenging in the Delhi High Court the stand taken by the Department of Posts and the Recognised GDS Union (Mahadevaiah). 
          NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) calls upon all GDS Departmental Employees be ready to finish the “Recognised GDS Union” in the next membership verification.  We are sure that AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) shall become the number One  recognised GDS union in the next membership verification with flying colours. Days are not far away.

