Meeting With Secretary, Posts.
A delegation consisting Com. C.C. Pillai, Secretary General, Com.
Desraj Sharma, Deputy Secretary General, Com K.V. Sridharan, General
Secretary, Com. Ishwar Singh Dapas G/S P4, & Com. P. Rajanayagam, G/S
Postal Accounts met Secretary, Posts on 28.09.07 and had discussions
for an hour on various issues. Sri Kamalesh Chandra D D G (P) also
present during the discussions. The following are the important
decisions arrived in the discussion.
(i) All Circle Heads will be addressed to fill up all the pending
residual vacancies by fixing target date irrespective of the years of
unfilled vacancies or obtaining revival sanction to fill up the Posts.
The clarifications sought for by some of the circles will be disposed
(ii) Another meeting at Directorate will be convened with the APMG/ AD
(staff) of all Circles to dispose all the pending issues prevailing in
LSG, HSG II & HSG I promotion at their circles.
(iii) One officer will immediately be deputed to Orissa circle as
assured earlier to sort out the discrepancies in the notional LSG
(iv) The revised syllabus for LGO exam is in progress and will be
finalised very shortly.
(v) The Secretary assured to issue instructions to all Heads of
Circles that whenever any business activity is introduced,
compensation should be fixed at the introduction stage itself.
Incentive in respect of IMT work will be finalised shortly.
(vi) The Secretary sought the details about the circles which are not
granting OTA for Postal operative staff. We mentioned that except four
or five circles, the OTA is not granted in other Circles for the
absentism. The Secretary assured to cause appropriate instructions.
(vii) A new scheme of engaging Retired Postal employees with fixed
remuneration is under consideration and will be decided soon.
(viii) While demanding to withdraw the order dt 21.5.07 on declining
regular LSG promotion affecting BCR, the Secretary instructed the DDG
(P) to cause necessary orders since BCR & regular promotions are two
distinct categories. We requested to release earlier orders.
(ix) The Secretary reiterated once again that there will he no
curtailment of deliveries and assured to pursue the incidents we
discussed about Rajasthan Circle.
We discussed further about the arbitary Rule 37 transfer orders issued
to the Circle President of Postal Accounts Union from Patna to
Ahmedabad. The Secretary assured to intervene.
So for the filing of SLP against High court Chennai judgment
pronounced in favour of the approved wait listed RRR candidates of
Tamilnadu directing for their immediate absorption, we registered our
strong protest to the secretary and requested him to withdraw the move
and save the life of 622 Postal families as assured earlier. The
secretary assured that he will discuss the issue once again with the
Member (P) on 3.10.07 and decide further.
Hold Demonstration on 5.10.07 & Send Savingrams/ Post card campaign.
The Postal JCA has decided to hold Demonstration at all work spots on
5.10.07 demanding to drop the move of filing SLP in the Supreme Court
against the High Court judgment on RRR approved candidates and
implement the assurances made during the discussions on 19.4.07 to
absorb all the approved candidates of Tamilnadu circle as one time
measure. Similarly Savingrams campaign may also be organised to exert
pressure to implement the commitment. All Branch/ Divisional/ Circle
Secretaries are requested to send report after observing the programme
Federal Council from 7.10.07 To 9.10.07
The Seventh Federal Council Session of the National Federation of
Postal Employees is scheduled to be held at Monlali Yuva Kendra,
Kolkata 14 form 7.10.07 to 9.10.07. Out of 64 Federal Councillors,
our union is entitled only 18 Councillors due to improper remittance
of quota by the divisional/ Branch Unions.
Nationwide Strike on 30.10.07
The Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers, NFPE & FNPO
have decided jointly to organise one day nationwide strike demanding
settlement of 12 Point charter of demands on 30.10.07. All the Branch/
Divisional/ Circle Secretaries are requested to launch Campaign
Programmes sincerely & seriously for the successful conduct of the
Strike Programme.
While discussing with Secretary, Posts on 28.9.07, he informed that
more number of days than last year has been recommended to Ministry of
Finance this year and MOF has to clear the same. We demanded to remove
the cap of 60 days and grant full entitled bonus.
It is unfortunate that even though the prime minister has given
statement for enhancement of payment ceiling from Rs. 2500/- to Rs.
3500/- nothing has been decided in the cabinet till date.
Financial Asst To NFPE
The NFPE has made an appeal for collection and remittance of Rs 10/-
per member to Federation whose finance has reached nil balance due to
various court cases. We also requested the Divisions through CWC
meeting Allahabad to remit Rs. 3/- to confederation through CHQ and
Rs. 7/- to CHQ as donation so that we could stand with good financial
All Branch/ Divisional Secretaries are requested to collect the same
and remit to NFPE, Confederation & CHQ through CHQ during the first
fortnight of October' 07.
Madhya Pradesh Circle office bearers Election.
According to the decisions of the Allahabad CWC meeting to sort out
the Dispute of M.P. Circle Union, the CHQ notified the Election of
office bearers on 23.09.07 at Bhopal. Com. K.V. Sridharan General
Secretary conducted the election and he was assisted by Com. Balwinder
Singh, Asst Tr. Com. I. L. Purohit, Com. V.K. Jain, Com.S.C. Gupta
were duly elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary & Circle
Treasurer respectively. We record our congratulations to the newly
elected office bearers.
One copy of compilations of rulings named as 'Venture' has been
despatched to all the Branches/Divisions in the first fortnight of
September ' 07. All would have received the copy. Please indent the
required number of copies for your division and remit money. All
activists should keep the 'Venture' on hand and it will help in their
endeavour to serve in the movement.
Okay: Let us meet in the next.
With fraternal greetings,
Comradely yours,
New Delhi - 110008
Date- 29.09.2007
General Secretary
1 comment:
I congratulate our General Secretary for his efforts to convey the informations and news then and there to our comrades through this website., Hats Off! Comrade. K.Jayachandran, Asst.Secretary, Vellore Division.
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