Secretary [Posts] [Chairperson] took a meeting with National Federation of Postal Employees and its affiliated Service Associations on 13.01.2009 to discuss 19 points Charter of Demands. The following were present.
Official Side | Staff Side |
1. Shri.S.Samant, Member, Postal Service Board | 1.Shri.K.Ragavendran, Secretary General, NFPE |
2. Shri. R.K.Singh, Member, Postal Service Board | 2. Shri. K.V.Sridharan, General Secretary, AIPEU Group 'C' |
3. Shri. Kamlesh Chandra, DDG(P) | 3. Shri. Giriraj Singh General Secretary, AIRMS & MMS Employees Union Gr.'C |
4. Shri. A.K.Sharma, DDG[Estt] | 4. Shri Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary, AIPEU Postmen & Group 'D' |
5. Shri.V.C.Kajla, Director(SPN) | 5. Shri.P.Suresh, General Secretary, AIRMS&MMS Employees Union. MGs&Group'D' |
6. Shri. Subhash Chander, Director (SR&Legal) | 6. Shri.S.P.Mukherjee, General Secretary, AIPAOEU, Group 'C'&'D' |
| 7. Shri.P.Raj Nayagam, General Secretary, AIPAEA. |
The meeting started with brief introduction of both staff side and official side members, followed by preliminary remarks of Secretary General, NFPE in which he tanked the Chairperson for having a meeting with the staff side. The other points which were covered by the Secretary General in his preliminary remarks are as under:
(a) Timely holding of periodical & JCM meetings;
(b) Minutes of the meetings to be issued urgently; and
(c) For discussing emergent/urgent items, senior officers may grant meeting/interview at short notice.
The Chairperson responded positively to the Staff Side with the observation that in regard to unscheduled meetings, it may not always possible for the officers to meet the staff side members. Further, considerations of agenda items etc in such meetings may also not be feasible as the officers have to get the requisite feedback from their units before meeting the staff side. Therefore, itemwise discussion was held and the gist of discussion is as follows:
Item No.1: Modify and improve the recommendations of Nataraja Murti Committee and reject the retrograde recommendations.
The staff side apprised that the Report of Nataraja Murti Committee was still under examination by a group of Senior Officers of the Department. However, the Chairperson agreed to the demand of the Staff Side to get release of the report expedited.
Item No.2: Re-fix the wages all Paid substitutes – RRR Candiudates Part Time / Contingent w.e.f. 1.1.2006 on the basis of 6th CPC Revised Pay Scales.
The Staff Side was apprised that as advised by Internal Finance Wing, the issue was being referred to the DOP&T. On the point of taking into account HRA, CCA etc, for computing the wages, the Chairperson directed for examination of the matter.
Item No.3: Exempt Postal Department from the purview of Screening Committee and fill up all vacant posts in all cadres immediately.
The attention of Staff Side was drawn to the 'Action Taken Report' in this regard which indicates various actions taken by the Department. The Chairperson further informed the Staff Side that a meeting with Secretary (personnel) on this issue likely to be held soon.
Item No. 4: Hold Periodical Meeting and JCM Departmental Council / RJCM Regional Council meetings as per the schedule.
The Staff Side was informed that in future meetings will be held as per schedule.
Item No. 5 and 6: [i] Implement all issues of April 2007 Strike Settlement.
[ii] Negotiate and settle the sectional charter of demands
submitted by Federations and unions on 15.02.2008.
The Staff Side was informed that the present position in regard to the issues referred to above has been shown in the Action Taken Report circulated among them. However, the Staff Side drew the attention of the Chairperson to the following issues which were part of the above references.
(a) abnormal delay in payment of OTA and Medical reimbursement.
(b) Filling up of residual vacancies.
(c) Conferring of temporary status on casual labourers.
The Chairperson stated that the above issues will be examined. In the context of filling up of residual vacancies, Member (P) suggested the staff side that their circle unions may have a meeting with the Circle Heads.
Item No. 7: Finalise Cadre Review for all cadres – creation of a separate establishment for System Administrators and redressing their current problems.
In the meeting held on 16.09.2008 with the staff side under the Chairpersonship of the then Member (P), the Federations were advised to submit detailed proposals to facilitate examining their demands. The proposals from the Federations are still awaited. However, during the course of discussion on this item, the staff side inadvertently mentioned that they had submitted the proposals. In fact the proposal are yet to be received and these will be examined after receipt. In the context ot cadre restructuring of System Administrators, the staff side stated that the interest of the existing incumbents should be taken care of, upon which Member [D] made it clear that this aspect will be looked into.
Item No. 8: Improve the ACP and make it applicable to Postal Employees.
The staff side was informed that formal order from Department of Personnel & Training / Ministry of Finance on the modified ACP scheme are awaited. The issue will be examined after receipt of details from DOP&T /Ministry of Finance.
Item No. 9: Remove all trade union victimisation in all Circles and end irrational application of Contributory Negligence orders.
The Chairperson made it clear to the Staff Side that there are definite rules to deal with the case of this nature and the competent authority is required to adhere to thesae rules. Further, there is a scope to file appeal, revision/review petition against the order passed in this regard and that is how the interest of the employees is duly protected.
Item No. 10: Do not introduce new schemes without consultations with the Staff Side.
The view point of the Staff Side was that implementation of the new schemes will become smoother if these are introduced with prior consultation with the Staff Side. While referring to the 'Project Arrow', the Staff Side stated that this was resulting in reducing the number of Postman beats. At the outset, the Chiarperson made it clear that the public convenience has to kept uppermost in mind while introducing any new scheme and it may not always possible to discuss every point with the Staff Side. As regards number of beats etc Member [D] clarified that number of articles is the deciding factor. The Chairperson summed up the discussion with the remarks that the position will be reviewed.
Item No. 11: Withdraw the SLP against the RRR Candidates and absorb them immediately.
The Staff Side was apprised that the SLPs were filed on the advice of Ministry of Law and Justice and the matter is now subjudice.
Item No. 12: Grant immediate fixation of higher scale as per 6th CPC to TBOP/BCR Postmen/Mailguards.
The Staff Side was informed that the orders clarifying the revised pay bands applicable to TBOP/BCR Postmen/Mailguard had been issued.
Item No. 13: Grant higher pay scales to Head Mail Peons at par with Postmen / Mailguards.
Clarifying the status of Head Mail Peon in MMS, DDG[Estt] stated that the proposal to grant the benefit of TBOP/BCR on the basis of Postal / RMS will be taken up as the Head Mail Peons are on deputation from Postal / RMS Wing.
Item No. 14: Grant Notional fixation of Artisan Grade I in MMS w.e.f. 1.1.1996 at par with the Railways and Defense.
The Chairperson advised the Staff Side to have a separate meeting in this regard with DDG[Estt]
Item No. 15: Redistribute the LSG/HSG II/ HSG I Posts for Circle Offices including DPLI Kolkata.
The Staff Side was informed that distribution of posts was done on the basis of workload and on the requirement of posts projected by each circle. The discussion was summed up by the Chairperson with the observation that the issue will be looked into.
Item No. 16: Withdraw decentralization of PLI/RPLI functions in Circle Offices.
The Staff Side was informed that as on date only work relating to acceptance of proposal and issue of PR book was decentralised at divisional level. The Staff side was of the view that in the wake of technological developments, need for decentralisation may not be there. In response to the above, Member [D] stated that PLI/RPLI was a very competitive product and we have to be extremely cautious in handling it. Member (D) further mentioned that technological developments will dictate its own system.
Item No. 17: Stipulate periodicity of deputationists to Circle offices and recruit new incumbents.
Suitable instructions will be issued in this regard.
Item No. 18: Ensure integration of all Accounting streams in DOP under PA Wing and stop the proposed mode to decentralise Postal Accounts.
The Staff Side was informed that no decision to decentralize the Postal Accounts Offices had been taken so far. The Chairperson further clarified that view of the Staff Side will be taken before taking any such view in future.
Item No. 19: Restore the 3-year periodicity of promotion to Senior Accountant cadre.
The Staff Side was informed that the matter was under examination in consultation with the DOPT/Ministry of Finance.
The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair.
- Item No. 6: The DDG level meetings agreed upon to discuss the issues in our 15th February Sectional Charter of Demands with reference to the ATRs supplied to the Staff Side by the Department is omitted in the Official Minutes.
- Item No. 7: Cadre Review proposals from different unions were already submitted to the Secretary [P] in writing on different dates. This was pointed out during the meeting by us. However as the Department wanted a consolidation of all proposals from all unions through Federation, the same was supplied on 16.01.2009.
- Item No. 12: The discussion about Group 'D' Matriculate and non-matriculate fixation of higher pay scales during discussion of Postmen pay scales and the assurance from the Official Side that this will be done for Matriculates early and before the month of February 2009 for all non-matriculate Group D is missing in the minutes.
- Item No. 13: On higher scale of pay to Head Mail Peons on par with Postmen/Mailguard was decided to be further discussed with the DDG [Estt]. This mention is omitted in the minutes.
NFPE will write a separate letter for inclusion of the above mentioned items in the minutes. NFPE and all CHQs are preparing our submissions on many items of Action Taken Reports supplied to the Staff Side in the meeting on 13.01.2009 and the same will be submitted within a day or two to the Department seeking DDG wise official meetings for further discussion. As we find in the ATRs, the Department's position on many issues requires to be changed positively. However we are furnishing the entire Action Taken Report supplied by the Official Side in the meeting on 13.01.2009 hereunder for the information and comments of the Circles / Divisional / Branch Unions. Since the DDG level meetings might be fixed in February, comrades are requested to send their comments, opinions and suggestions etc to the NFPE/CHQs before the end of January 2009, to facilitate a better discussion with the DDGs.
Once again we remind our comrades that the Action Taken Report [ATR] is only the stand point of the Administration on all issues of our Charter of Demands and no discussion over them have taken place on 13.01.2009. After our written submissions we will meet respective DDGs for further discussions on them. But for the information of our comrades the entire ATR is furnished below:
Action Taken Report on the issues raised in the Charter of Demands submitted by NFPE and its affiliated Associations
19 Points Charter of Demands
S. No. | Particulars of item | Action Taken Report |
1. | Modify and improve the recommendations of Natarajan Murti Committee and reject the retrograde recommendations (list of modifications/rejections endorsed separately). | Report of Natarajan Murti Committee is still under examination by a Group of Senior Officers of the Department. |
2. | Re-fix the wages all Paid substitutes – RRR Candidates – Part Time/ contingent w.e.f. 1.1.2006 on the basis of 6th CPC Revised Pay Scales. | The issue is being referred to DOP&T on the advice of Internal Finance wing. |
3 | Exempt Postal Department from the purview of Screening Committee and fill up all vacant posts in all cadres immediately. | The Department follows the scheme regarding optimization of direct recruitment to civilian posts contained in the DOP&T OM NO. 2/8/100-PC dated 16.05.2001 for filling up of direct recruitment vacancies. The validity of the scheme has been extended up to 31.3.2009 vide DOP&T OM No. 2/8/2001-PIC dated 30.8.2006. According to these instructions, 1/3rd of the direct recruitment vacancies arising in a year subject to a further ceiling of 1% of the sanctioned strength of the Department can be filled up after getting clearance from the Screening Committee. The said OM further provided that the vacancies finally cleared by the Screening Committee would be filled up duly applying the rules for reservation for handicapped persons, compassionate quota thereon. The remaining direct recruitment vacancies are required to be abolished. The restriction imposed by the DOPT in filling up the direct recruitment vacancies are applicable to all Ministries/Departments. There is no restrictions in filling up the promotion post. Thus Departmental Promotion Committee meetings and Departmental Examination are being held to fill up promotion posts.
2. When the Screening Committee last met to finalize the Annual Direct Recruitment Plan (ADRP) for the year 2005 it was decided by the Chairperson of the Committee viz. Secretary (Posts) that keeping in view the operational requirement of this Department, the proposal to fill the remaining vacancies not approved by the Screening Committee under ADRP 2005 will be taken up with the competent authority in the Government of India for exempting the Department of Posts from abolition of posts in respect of the direct recruitment vacancies.
3. Meanwhile the Sixth Pay Commission has also recommended to the Government to review the policy laid down in the Optimization Scheme. In the light of DOP&T's O.M. No. 2/2/2007-PIC dated 31.7.2008 a proposal seeking exemption of this Department from the purview of the optimization scheme introduced vide Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 2/8/2001-PIC dated 16.5.2001 in direct recruitment to civilian posts has since been sent to Secretary, DOPT on 26.9.2008 for approval. As soon as the proposal is approved by the said Department, necessary action will be taken to fill up all the direct recruitment vacancies in all the Postal Circles.
It has already been decided at the level of Secretary (Posts) that Departmental Examination to the cadre of PA/SA for the year 2008 as per the existing syllabus. Accordingly DE branch was requested to take further necessary action in the matter and the examination has already been held. The revised syllabus for Departmental LGO Examination to the cadre of PA/SA in Postal and RMS Wing is separately under examination. |
4. | Hold periodical Meeting and JCM Departmental Council/RJCM Regional Council meetings as per the Schedule. | Meetings will be held as per schedule. |
5. | Implement all issues of April 2007 Strike Settlement. Annexure I | Statement of Action Taken Report enclosed (Annexure I) |
6. | Negotiate and settle the sectional charter of demands submitted by Federations and unions on 15.02.2008 | Statement of Action Taken Report enclosed (Annexure II) |
7. | Finalise Cadre Review for all cadres – creation of a separate establishment for System Administrators and redressing their current problems. | In the meeting held on 16.09.2008 between the Federation and the then Member (P), Federations were advised to submit detailed proposals to facilitate examining their demands for which they have agreed. Proposal from Federations are awaited. |
8. | Improve the ACP and make it applicable to Postal Employees. | Formal orders from Department of Personnel & Trg on the modified ACP scheme are awaited. The issue will be examined after receipt of details from MOF/DOPT. |
9. | Remove all trade union victimization in all Circles and end irrational application of Contributory Negligence orders. | As and when any specific instance was brought to the notice, the Department took prompt action. However, due to lack of any specific instance of victimization it is not feasible to take action in this regard. |
10. | Do not introduce new schemes without consultations with the staff Side. | The Department has taken up new services with an aim to generate more revenue thereby reducing the deficit on Department of Posts. Further, in the present scenario of globalization and stiff competition in all actions of Post Office, it is necessary to provide better facilities to the postal consumers to retain the present customers. Hence, undertaking new scheme is a necessity to survive in a competitive environment. Whenever the Department introduces new schemes/change in the procedure, suggestions given by the Staff Side are always taken into consideration and necessary changes incorporated. |
11. | Withdraw the SLP against the RRR Candidates and absorb them immediately. | The SLPs were filed after due consideration and recommendation of Ministry of Law & Justice. So the matter is now sub-judice before Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. |
12. | Grant immediate fixation of higher scale as per 6th CPC to TBOP/BCR Postmen/Mailguards. | Orders clarifying the revised Pay Bands applicable to TBOP/BCR Postmen/Mailguards have since been issued. |
13. | Grant higher pay scales to Head Mail Peons at par with Postman/Mailguard. | The issue was examined earlier and it was found that there is no justification as Head Mail Peons belong to Group 'D' cadre. Copy of reply given to the General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union, Postmen & Group 'D' vide letter dated 6.11.2002 is enclosed. |
14. | Grant Notional fixation of Artisan Grade I in MMS w.e.f. 1.1.1996 at par with the Railways and Defence. | A proposal for restructuring the Artisan Grade-I at par with the Artisan in the Ministry of Defence was sent to Ministry of Finance. In the meantime, Government had constituted Sixth CPC. The issue was referred to Sixth CPC. The issue was duly considered by Sixth CPC and the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.4000-6000 has been upgraded to Rs.4500-7000 w.e.f. 1.1.2006 and placed in the revised pay band of Rs.5200-20200 with grade pay of Rs.2800. There is no justification for granting notional fixation w.e.f. 1.1.1996. |
15. | Redistribute the LSG/HSG II/HSG I Posts for Circle offices including DPLI Kolkata. | Distribution was done on the basis of workload and also basing on the requirement of posts projected by each circle. |
16. | Withdraw decentralization of PLI/RPLI functions of Circle offices. | As on day only work relating to acceptance of proposal and issue of PR Book was Decentralized at Divisional Level. Whereas PLI data will be migrated and managed at National Date Centre, after sales activities are required to be decentralized for providing better service to customers. |
17. | Stipulate periodicity of deputationists to Circle offices and recruit new incumbents. | In this regard. Comments from all the Circle have been called for. From the response received so far it is noticed that the said arrangement has been resorted by the Circle due to shortage of manpower. Therefore, it is presumed that as soon the vacancies in Circle office are filled up, these officials will reverted to their parent units. |
18. | Ensure integration of all Accounting streams in DOP under PA wing and stop the propose mode to decentralize Postal Accounts. | No such decision to decentralize the Postal Accounts Offices of this Department has so far been taken. |
19. | Restore the 3-year periodicity of promotion to Senior Accountant cadre. | The proposal of restoration of service condition of 3 years in the R/Rs of Sr. Accountants has not been approved by DOP&Trg. |
Annexure - I
Action taken report on the issues raised in the Charter of Demands given by Postal JCM comprising NFPE/FNPO (meeting taken by Secretary (Posts) on 19.04.2007)
S.N/ Item No. | Particular of the item | Action Taken Report |
1 | Appointment of Judicial committee/Commission for GDS and grant status and pension to GDS Employees – staff side was appraised that in view of special status of GDS, they were out of purview of JCM scheme which also takes them beyond the cope of 6th Central Pay Commission. However, the Staff Side insisted on another attempt to be made for consideration of GDSs issues by the 6th CPC, set up for the Central Government Employees. The request of the Staff Side that the matter may be referred to 6th CPC by the Department has been considered. The Department will make the request to the Government that 6th CPC may look into GDS also | The item is treated as closed. |
2. | Exempt Department of Posts from the purview of reduction of staff strength and fill up all vacant posts in all cadres in Postal/RMS/MMS/Circle/Regional Offices/ Postal Accounts and GDS including residual vacancies. | The Department follows the scheme regarding optimization of direct recruitment to civilian posts contained in the DOP&T OM No. 2/8/100-PC dated 16.05.2001 for filling up of direct recruitment vacancies. The validity of the scheme has been extended up to 31.3.2009 vide DOP&T OM No. 2/8/2001-PIC dated 30.8.2006. According to these instructions, 1/3rd of the direct recruitment vacancies arising in a year subject to a further ceiling of 1% of the sanctioned strength of the Department can be filled up after getting clearance from the Screening Committee. The said OM further provided that the vacancies finally cleared by the Screening Committee would be filled up duly applying the rules for reservation handicapped persons, compassionate quota thereon. The remaining direct recruitment vacancies are required to be abolished. The restrictions imposed by the DOPT in filling up the direct recruitment vacancies are applicable to all Ministries/Departments. There is no restrictions in filling up the promotion posts. Thus Departmental Promotion Committee meetings and Departmental Examination are being held to fill up promotion posts. 2. When the Screening Committee last met to finalize the Annual Direct Recruitment Plan (ADRP) for the year 2005 it was decided by the Chairperson of the Committee viz. Secretary (Posts) that keeping in view the operational requirement of this Department, the proposal to fill the remaining vacancies not approved by the Screening Committee under ADRP 2005 will be taken up with the competent authority in the Government of India for exempting the Department of Posts from abolition of posts in respect of the direct recruitment vacancies. 3. Meanwhile the Sixth Pay Commission has also recommended to the Government to review the policy laid down in the Optimization Scheme. In the light of DOP&T's O.M. No.2/2/2007-PIC dated 31.7.2008 a proposal seeking exemption of this Department from the purview of the optimization scheme introduced vide Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 2/8/2001-PIC dated 16.5.2001 in direct recruitment to civilian posts has since been sent to Secretary, DOPT on 26.9.2008 for approval. As soon as the proposal is approved by the said Department, necessary action will be taken to fill up all the direct recruitment vacancies in all the Postal Circles. |
3. | Drop Franchising of Postal Scheme, Stop closure of Post Offices/RMS Offices, Transit Sections/Relocation & merger of offices and Divisions, stop combination of beats of Postmen/stop curtailment of Postal Deliveries, Outsourcing of PAO functions etc. | The Department is committed to provide affordable services in all parts of the country. Up to 9th Five Year Plan, the Department has built up its network by obtaining Plan Support from the Government under successive Five Year Plan. During the 10th Five Year Plan, meager Plan Support was provided by the Government for expansion of its postal network. The 10th Five Year Plan has issued certain guidelines for consolidating and rationalizing the network. During the 11th Five year Plan, the Department has projected a case with the Ministry of Finance for creation of certain number of GDS posts for manning the proposed new EDBOs to be opened during the Plan Period. The proposal is under active consideration with the Ministry of Finance. In the interim following steps have been taken by the Department during the current Plan Period: Franchisee Scheme: The objective of the Franchisee scheme is to provide better accessibility to customers and availability of postal counter facilities, especially in areas such as new upcoming urban townships, SEZs, major highway projects, upcoming new industrial centers, colleges, etc, where it is not otherwise possible to open Post Offices thought redeployment of staff. The Outlets are being opened in those areas where there is no justification for opening of Post Offices on Prescribed norms of distance and population. The Outlets are linked to a specified Post Office where business transacted by Franchised Outlets is processed and are operating more or less like extension counters. These operate from predetermined location. Franchisees are authorized to perform some of the counter functions. Mails transmission/delivery, SB functions etc. have not been franchised. There are also no such outlets in rural areas. Franchisee scheme has not led to reduction in establishment or closure of Post Offices. This has helped in capturing new business, which earlier had gone to couriers. The Department has drawn new business and customer satisfaction has increased. Closure of Post Offices: The Department has no general policy to close down/Downgrade Post Office in the country. However, closure of Post offices is sometimes resorted to in unavoidable circumstances like completion of ongoing work at a project site, dilapidated accommodation, non-availability of suitable alternate accommodation and court orders for vacation of buildings etc. Relocation/Merger of Post Offices: Since 1980s, with the advancements in communication technology and the advent of alternate means of communication and service providers, the traffic in post offices has reflected a declining trend. This has resulted in many urban post offices becoming no longer financially self-sufficient. It was also noted that there are many post offices in urban areas located in close proximity to each other and that many do not fulfill the distance norms of 2kms. In areas with population below 20 lakhs and 1.5 kms. in areas with population over 20 lakhs. This reduces the viability of all offices in the vicinity. There are also many new urban areas which are not being provided post office facilities for want of Plan targets. Over the last few years, new post offices have been opened only by redeploying existing vacant posts. Therefore, there has been some constraint in catering to the growing need for postal services in newly developed urban areas.
Keeping in view these facts, in January, 2003 a decision was taken to allow relocation of posts offices situated in close proximity to each other, within the permissible distance norms, to needy areas, or even to merge them with neighboring post offices, since it is possible to provide more facilities to the pubic through larger post offices besides improving their viability. A similar decision was taken on 28.1.05 to relocate those Extra Departmental Branch Post Offices which are located in normal rural areas and do not fulfill the current distance norm to needy areas. However, even in this exercise, special care was taken to exclude Extra Departmental Branch Post Offices/Extra Departmental Sub Offices situated in hilly, tribal, desert and inaccessible locations, given their socio-economic conditions and for safeguarding the interests of staff working there. This was done in consonance with the 10th Five Year Plan directives. Such relocations/mergers are being done after giving due notice to the public and the staff are also conveniently accommodated against vacancies in nearby offices. |
4. | Ensure monopoly of collection, conveyance and delivery of letter mail by the Department of Posts as recommended by the parliamentary Standing Committee. | It was explained that adequate care is being taken to safeguard the monopoly of the Department while proposing amendment of IPO Act. The case of amendment of IPO Act has been withdrawn by the competent authority and the new IPO Bill will try to address the problem. |
5. | Regularize Casual Laborers/Full Time/Part Time contingency Paid. | In Compliance with the directions of the Hon'ble Supreme Court, a scheme known as "Casual Labourers (Grant of Temporary Status and Regulation) Scheme" was drawn up by this Department in consultation with the Ministries of Law, Finance and DOPT and necessary orders were issued in this regard vide letter No. 45-95/87-SPB-I dated 12.04.1991. The salient features of the scheme were:- (i) Temporary status would be conferred on the causal labourers in employment as on 29.11.1989 and who continued to be employed (at that time) and had rendered continuous service of at least one year. During the year they must have been engaged for a period of 240 days (206 days in the case of offices observing five days weeks). (ii) Conferment of Temporary Status would not automatically imply that the causal labourers would be appointed as a regular Group 'D' employee within any fixed time frame. Appointment to Group 'D' vacancies would continue to be done as per the extant recruitment rules, which stipulated preference to eligible ED employees. (iii) The Conferment of temporary status has no relation to availability of sanctioned regular Group 'D' posts. 2. Vide this Department's letter No.45-37/91-SPB.I dated 5.6.1991, it was clarified that the scheme is effective from 29.11.89 and hence the eligible casual labourers may be conferred temporary status w.e.f. 29.11.89. It was further clarified vide letter No.45-37/91-SPB.I dated 16.08.1991 that part time casual labourer are not covered by the casual labourers (Grant of Temporary Status and Regularization Scheme).
3. Subsequently it was provided by order No.66-9/91-SPB.I dated 30.11.92 that the casual labourers of the Department conferred with temporary status as per the scheme dated 12.4.91 were to be treated at par with Group 'D' employees with effect from the date they complete three years service in the newly acquired temporary status as per the scheme. From that date they were entitled for various benefits admissible to temporary Group 'D' employees such as all kinds of leave, GPF, Medical aid, etc. The benefits of the scheme were later extended to cover full time casual labourers engaged up to 1.9.93 vide letter No. 66-52/92-SPB.I dated 1.11.95 as amended vide letter No. 66-52/92-SPB I dated 8.11.95).
4. The method of recruitment prescribed in the recruitment rule for Group D post in the subordinate offices is in the manner specified below: -
A test shall be held to determine the working eligibility of the candidates holding non-test category posts like Chowkidar, Safaiwala. In case suitable candidates are not found to fill up the posts by such test, the remaining posts shall be filled up by the method as specified below: (i) 75% of the vacancies remaining unfilled after recruitment from non-test category employees shall be filled up by Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Recruiting Division or Unit where such vacancies occur failing which by Gramin Dak Sevaks of the neighboring Division or Unit by selection-cum-seniority. (ii) 25% of the vacancies remaining unfilled after recruitment of non-test category employees shall be filled up by selection–cum-seniority in the following order: (a) by Casual labourers with temporary status of the recruiting division or unit failing which; (b) by full–time Casual labourers of the Recruiting Division or unit failing which; (c) by part-time Casual labourers of the neighbouring divisions or units failing which; (d) by part-time Casual labourers of the Recruiting Division or unit failing which; (iii) by direct recruitment. 5. Casual labourers are accordingly regularized against Group D posts. |
6. | Filling up all norms based LSG/HSG.II/HSG.I posts and restore periodicity of Junior Accountants promotion to Senior Accountants as 3 years. | (a) A meeting was held under the Chairmanship of DDG (P) on 4.5.2007 in the Directorate with the APMGs/ADs of all the Postal Circle in order to monitor/review the latest position regarding filling up of norm based posts of LSG/HSG.II/HSG.I and to remove bottleneck/difficulty, if any faced by the Circles. It was impressed upon them that action to fill up the vacant posts be expedited and the process completed at the earliest. Issue of benchmark for promotion to LSG etc. was also taken up during the meeting. All Heads of Circles were requested vide letter dated 22-5-2007 to ensure filling up all the norms based LSG/HSG.II/HSG.I posts. (b) Circles were requested to prepare Circle Gradation list of all PAs/SAs vide letter dated 9.7.2007 so that based on it promotions to LSG could be made. All Circles except Punjab, Rajasthan and W.B Circles have prepared the draft Gradation Lists for circulation to all concerned. Maharashtra Circle has yet to circulate the Gradation list of PAs as they are in the process of preparing the same. All Circles except the Bihar, Rajasthan, NE and Jharkhand have since granted notional/regular promotion upto the year 2002/2006. Status of grant of regular/notional promotion in LSG/HSG.II from Bihar, Rajasthan, North East and Jharkhand Circles is awaited. (c) HSG. I norm based posts are not being filled up due to non availability of officials in the feeder grade of HSG.II with requisite length of regular service in the grade i.e. three years. However, instructions dated 29.11.2006 have been issued after obtaining the approval of DOP&Trg. To fill up the existing vacancies in HSG.I on ad-hoc basis without prescription of any minimum service in HSG.II for one year. This ad-hoc arrangement has been further continued for six months vide instructions dated 4.1.2008. (d) The proposal of restoration of service condition of 3 years in the R/Rs of Sr. Accountants has not been approved by DOP&T. |
7. | Encashment of all pending bills OTA/TA/Medical/RPLI commission etc. | Funds were released under the heads to the extent of Budget having been allotted by the Ministry of Finance. No liability under the heads is pending in the Budget Branch of the Directorate. Encashment of pending bills, is the sole jurisdiction of Heads of Circle/Dns. Concerned. Directorate of (PLI) has reported no pendency in bills in respect of RPLI Commission. |
8. | Grant of compassionate appointments to eligible candidates and absorb all approved candidates. | Appointment on compassionate grounds is made in accordance with the consolidated instructions of DOP&T's O.M. No. 14014/6/64-Estt (D) dated 09.10.98. (P-129/Corr) |
9. | Complete take over of POSB and PLI by the Postal Department and accord full Autonomy to Postal Board as in the case of Railway Board. | So far as Post Office Saving Bank is concerned, there is no proposal at present to take over POSB by the Department. |
10. | Recognition of Federations and setting up of Councils at all level. | The Federation namely: National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) and Federation of National Postal Organisations (FNPO) have been recognized vide office order No. 17/9/2007-SR dated 27th March,2008.
Necessary action for formation of Regional Councils in the Postal Circles under the "Scheme for Joint Consultative Machinery and Compulsory Arbitration for Central government Employees" has been initiated vide the Department's letter No. 6/1/2008-SR dated 04.06.2008. Some of the Circles have already completed this action in consultation with the Staff Side. |
Action Taken Report on the issues raised in the Charter of Demands submitted by Joint Council of Action comprising NFPE and FNPO
Postal Charter of Demands
S. No./ Item | Particular of the item | Action Taken Report |
1. | Recognize Federations under CCS (RSA) rules 1993 and restore all forums or negotiating machinery. Restore holding of Periodical Meetings with the Federations and All India Unions. | The Federations namely National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) and Federation of National Postal Employees (FNPO) have been recognized vide office order No. 17/9/2007-SR dated 27.03.2008. Necessary action to convene periodical meetings with the Federations and Service Associations is being taken. (SR) |
2. | Protect letter mail monopoly as recommended by the Parliamentary Standing Committee headed by Shri Somnath Chatterjee | The Proposed Indian Post Office (Amendment) Bill, 2008 has been withdrawn by the competent authority and the new IPO Bill will try to address the problems. |
3. | Amend the GDS conduct & Service Rules for Payment of Gratuity under the Gratuity rules; 1972 as per the Supreme Court Judgment, Grant Status; Pension, Maternity leave and other benefits on prorata basis; Count the service period of GDS for pension on their regularization; Liberalize recruitment rules for GDS to appear for the examination for PA/SA: No reduction of TRCA under any circumstances; No Cycle Beat Formula; Allow request transfer to GDS; Stop harassing with unreasonable RPLI targets; Introduce uniforms and kits to outdoor GDS; and Grant all Trade union rights to GDS including right to affiliate with Federation by amending the Recognition Rules. | Report of Natrajamurthy Committee is still under examination by a Group of Senior Officers of the Department. |
4. | Exempt Department of Posts from the purview of Screening Committee; Fill up all vacant posts immediately in all cadres in Postal, RMS, MMS, Administrative and Postal Accounts including GDS; Hold special examination under a liberalized syllabus to fill up all accumulated residual vacancies in PA/SA cadre in Postal/RMS/Admin wings; Expedite clearance of 2006/2007 ADR vacancies. | The Department follows the scheme regarding optimization of direct recruitment to civilian posts contained in the DOP&T OM No. 2/8/100-PC dated 16.5.2001 for filling up of direct recruitment vacancies. The validity of the scheme has been extended up to 31.3.2009 vide DOP&T OM No. 2/8/2001-PIC dated 30.8.2006. According to these instructions, 1/3rd of the direct recruitment vacancies arising in a year subject to a further ceiling of 1% of the sanctioned strength of the Department can be filled up after getting clearance from the Screening Committee. The said OM further provided that the vacancies finally cleared by the Screening Committee would be filled up duly applying the rules for reservation handicapped persons, compassionate quota thereon. The remaining direct recruitment vacancies are required to be abolished. The restrictions imposed by the DOPT in filling up the direct recruitment vacancies are applicable to all Ministries/Departments. There is no restriction in filling up the promotion post. Thus Departmental Promotion Committee meetings and Departmental Examination are being held to fill up promotion posts.
2. When the Screening Committee last met to finalize the Annual Direct Recruitment Plan (ADRP) for the year 2005 it was decided by the Chairperson of the Committee viz. Secretary (Posts) that keeping in view the operational requirements of this Department, the proposal to fill the remaining vacancies not approved by the Screening Committee under ADRP 2005 will be taken up with the competent authority in the Government of India for exempting the Department of Posts from abolition of posts in respect of the direct recruitment vacancies.
3. Meanwhile the Sixth Pay Commission has also recommended to the Government to review the policy laid down in the Optimization Scheme. In the light of DOP&T's O.M. No.2/2/2007-PIC dated 31.7.2008 a proposal seeking exemption of this Department from the purview of the optimization scheme introduced vide Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 2/8/2001-PIC dated 16.5.2001 in direct recruitment to civilian posts has since been sent to Secretary, DOPT on 26.09.2008 for approval. As soon as the proposal is approved by the said Department, necessary action will be taken to fill up all the direct recruitment vacancies in all the Postal Circles.
It has already been decided at the level of Secretary (Posts) that Departmental Examination to the cadre of PA/SA for the year 2008 as per the existing syllabus. Accordingly DE Branch was requested to take further necessary action in the matter and the examination has already been held. The revised syllabus for Departmental LGO Examination to the cadre of PA/SA in Postal and RMS wing is separately under examination. |
5. | Strengthen the delivery by dropping the measures of curtailment of delivery; Stop combination of Postmen beats and withdraw DG Order No.10-7/2001-PEII Dated 15.3.2004; Drop single beat system and single delivery etc. |
6. | Increase the chances to 10 for appearing LGO examination for Postmen, Mail guards and Group D staff. | For promotion of lower grade officials to the cadre of Postal/Sorting Assistants through LGO examination, the maximum number of chances were five earlier. This was raised to six in 1999 only. The number of chances available for the eligible officials who are serious in getting promotion seems to be sufficient. In view of the nature of duties attached to the post of PA/SA, it will not bee appropriate to enhance the number of chances for appearing in LGO examination. |
7. | Terminate all licenses granted to Franchisee outlets; withdraw unilateral proposals before the Planning commission for extending the franchisee scheme and stop any types of outsourcing of Postal function; Stop outsourcing of functions of PAO. | Franchisee outlets-Item No.3 of Annexure. I (P-7) Secretary (Posts) has accorded approval to get the data entry work for CC issue posting through outsourcing to clear the humanly unmanageable arrears as a special measure in view of the large scale CC frauds amounting to hundreds Crores of Rupees remaining undetected for very long period. Even this data entry would be done under close supervision of PAO and only that quantum of data entry would be covered, which cannot be handled by our staff in their normal day to day working. (DDG-PAF) |
8. | Restore sorting offices and ensure at least one RMS office in every revenue State and revenue District. | The location of a mail office is decided on the basis of mail flow pattern and sorting district. It has no correlation to revenue district and depends on transmission pattern and delivery links. Establishing a mail offices in each district will increase mail-handling rate, increase No. of bags, increase overhead, reduce sorting efficiency of mail office in terms of no. delivery offices to be served. |
9. | Fill up all vacant posts of MMS Drivers and Technical Staff and ease the workload; Impart necessary computer training to handle new generation power vehicles. | Same as stated for item No. 3 in the Charter of Demands of National Federation of Postal Employees contained in their letter No. PF-12 (d)/2008 dated 10.12.2008. However, the MV Division has issued necessary instructions to all Heads of Postal Circles regarding outsourcing of drivers and cleaner (Group-D) in MMS Unit. The Heads of Circles have been informed that it has now been decided that heads of circles can permit MMS Units to outsource the work of Drivers and Cleaners (Group D) through Private agencies after observing necessary formalities in accordance with the guidelines mentioned in Rules – 179 to 185 of GFR to the extent of vacancies within the sanctioned strength. |
10. | Grant Temporary Status to all eligible full time casual laborers; absorb TS CLS and GDS in Group D vacancies under 25% - 75% formula without abolishing Group D vacancies as per the Ernakulam CAT Judgement; Regularize all part time casual labours and contingency paid and absorb them as GDS; Treat all the Temporary Service CLs as pre – 2004 entrants and recommence recovery of GPF and restore payment of wages including HRA/CCA quantum to substitutes as per Madras High Court Judgment. | (i) As mentioned against item No. 5. (Charter of Demands dated 9.4.2007) (ii) Being done. (iii) The subject matter concerns GDS Section. (iv) The scheme of grant of temporary status and regularization casual laborers formulated by this Department vide No. 45-95/87-SPB-I dated 12.04.1991 has been reviewed in the light of introduction of New Pension Scheme in respect of persons appointed to the Central government service on or after 01.01.2004. In consultation with the Department of Personnel and Training, the scheme has been modified as under vide letter No.45-6/2005-SPB.I dated 2.9.2005.
(i) As the new pension scheme is based on defined contributions, the length of qualifying service for the purpose of retirement benefits has lost its relevance. No credit of casual service is available to the casual laborers on their regularization against Group D posts on or after 1.01.2004. As there is no provision of General Provident Fund in the new pension scheme, it will not serve any useful purpose to continue deductions towards GPF from the existing casual employees, in terms of para 8 of the scheme for grant of temporary status. Therefore, no further deductions towards General Provident Fund can be effected from the casual labourers w.e.f. 1.1.2004 onwards and the amount lying in their General Provident Fund accounts, including deductions made after 1.1.2004, has been refunded to them. |
11. | Grant three financial upgradations to all Group C and D officials on completion of 10, 20 and 25 years of service. | Consequent of the implementation of the 6th CPC recommendation, the formal order from the Department of Personnel & Training have not been received in this regard so far. Hence, the necessary action will be initiated in accordance with DOP&T's instructions. |
12. | Allot 19% of Group B vacancies for General Line and permit all Group 'C' officials in Postal, RMS, Administrative and Postal Accounts with a minimum of 20 years service to appear for the competitive examination by dispensing with the present reservation of posts to RMS & Admn staff. |
13. | Grant notional promotion to eligible seniors by holding the DPC year by year basis from 1983 to Postal and RMS wings and from 1993 in Administrative wing within a time frame of one month; Restore periodicity of Junior Accountant Promotion to Senior Accountant as 3 years. | Vide Directorate's letter No. 4-16/2002-SPB.II dated 12.11.2002, all the Circles had already been advised that norm based LSG/HSG.II posts should be filled up notionally in terms of the relevant R/Rs from the year when the norm based promotions had not been carried out so that promotions to upgraded posts in HSG.I could be made from amongst the eligible HSG.II officials. These instructions apply to all norm-based posts in LSG/HSG.II/HSG.I in Postal & Accounts wings, SBCO and Circle offices and therefore norms based LSG/HSG.II posts in the Circle offices should be filled up notionally in terms of the relevant R/Rs from the year when the norm based promotions had not been carried out.
The Circles were requested vide Member (P)'s letter dated 19.10.2007 to furnish a feed back regarding filling up of the LSG and HSG.II Posts in Pos/RMS offices through notional promotion to be given from the year 1983. Most of the Circles have confirmed to have carried out the exercise of granting notional promotion in LSG and HSG.II from the year 1983. However, we are in touch with few Circles who seem to have not carried out the exercise in the desired manner. |
14. | Withdraw the SLP and absorb all RRR Candidates recruited under compassionate ground of recruitment. | The SLP was filed after due consideration and as per advice of the Ministry of Law & Justice. The matter is now subjudice under the Hon'ble Apex Court'. |
15. | Regularize the services of RTP for promotion and pension by ending the discrimination between the APS RTPs and others. | Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal Nos. 80-123 of 1996 has held that any service which was rendered as RTP prior to regular appointment in the cadre cannot be counted and it cannot be considered as service in any cadre. In view of this the claim for counting of past services of erstwhile R.T.P for promotion & pension cannot be acceded to, as it will be against the judgment of the Apex Court. What is the discrimination between the APS RTP and other has not been mentioned clearly.
16 | Create avenues of promotion to all JAO qualified officials and approve the proposals for common cadre with DOT. | The case relating to cadre management of Group 'B' accounts personnel of Department of Posts and Department of Telecom by common cadre controlling authority involves several departments and is under process.
17. | Remove the unilateral Cap of 60 days in the PLB formula. | The Sixth CPC had recommended that all Departments should ultimately replace the existing productivity Linked Bonus Scheme (PLB) with performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS). The existing Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme may be continued in a modified manner where formula for computing the bonus have a direct nexus with the increased profitability/productivity under well defined financial parameters. The productivity Linked Bonus in the Department of Posts is calculated with respect to the total volume of mail of the base year 1996-97, which is increased with respect to the revenue increase during the accounting year. Present formula, therefore, needs modification so as to establish a nexus with the increase profitability/productivity. The Department has not imposed any unilateral cap of 60 days on the PLB. |
18. | Fix time factor for all work to which no norms available at present. |
19. | Get funds from Ministry of Finance for one time clearance of all pending OT Bills, Medical Bills etc; Take measures to get the Arbitration Award on Postal OTA rates implemented by the Government; Revise the OTA rates @ double the normal wages in future; stop compulsory OT Duty. | Ministry of Finance treats OTA as a ceiling item hence there would be always a restriction on OTA. Moreover, efforts are being made to enhance the Ceiling under OTA and the ceiling under OTA has been increased from Rs.38.48 Crores in BE 2007-08 to Rs. 40.00 crores in RE 2007-08. Moreover pending liability under OTA from all the circles have already been called for and maximum allotment of funds to wipe out the same have also done. More than 83% of the demand of funds under OTA have been met in RE 2007-08. Hence there should not be any problem for the circles to meet most of the claims under OTA during this year. Since the difference of OT demand and allotment is never more than 15-20%. Outstanding bills should invariably get cleared next year. Pendency of bills from 2003-04 is not comprehensive, if exact details are given, we may ask circles for reasons as to why they were not earlier paid. As far as, the allotment for Medical expenses is concerned, the RE demands of Circles have been met in full. As such, there may not be any problem in the clearance of medical claim. Regarding the revision of OTA rates @ double the normal wages in future and stop compulsory OT duty, necessary information my be sought from Establishment Dn. |
20. | Remove all trade union victimization and vindictive punishments awarded for lapses committed due to unbearable workload. | For want of specific information, it may not be possible to comments. |
21. | Settle all long pending and urgent Sectional issues listed in the enclosed Annexure I, II, III, IV, and V for different sections of Postal employees. |
ANNEXURE – 1 Postal Group 'C' Issues
| |||
Filling up of LSG ,HSGII & I Posts | |||
| (i) | Recast the notional promotions since1982/1983 onwards and fill up all vacant posts of LSG/HSG II & HSG-I. | The Circles were requested vide Member (P)'s letter dated 19.10.2007 to furnish a feedback regarding filling up of the LSG and HSG-II posts in POs/RMS offices through notional promotion given from the year 1983. Most of the Circles have confirmed to have carried out the exercise of granting notional promotion in LSG and HSG-II from the year 1983. However, we are in touch with few Circles who seem to have not carried out the exercise in the desired manner. |
| (ii) | Fill up 2/3rd unfilled LSG vacancies notionally from 7.2.02 to 18.05.2006. | In the year 2002, 1622 posts in HSG.II were upgraded to HSG.I. Certain clarification in this regard were issued vide this Department's letter No.22-1/89-PE.I (Vol.II) dated 18.04.2002. Many references were received from various circles stating that they were facing problems in filling up HSG.I posts due to non-availability of eligible officers who had completed 3 years of service in HSG.II cadre as prescribed in the relevant R/Rs. The question of relaxing of R/Rs. to allow the Circles to fill up these posts amongst officials who had completed 3 years service was taken up with the Department of Personnel & Trg. That Department advised that norm based LSG/HSG.II posts may be filled up notionally in term of R/Rs from the year when norm based promotions have not been carried out and promotion to the upgraded posts in HSG.I could be made in accordance with the R/Rs from amongst those formally appointed in HSG.II with the requisite 3 years actual/notional service in the grade as the case may be. The Circles were accordingly requested to carry out exercise as per the advice of DOP&T vide letter No. 4-16/2002-SPB.II dated 12.11.2002.
As per the Recruitment Rules dated 24.01.2002.notified on 7.7.2002 the mode of recruitment for the posts in LSG in PO & RMS offices was as under: (a) 1/3rd quota by promotion from PA/SA who have put in not less than 16years of regular service in the grade. (b) 2/3rd quota through a limited Departmental merit examination from PAs/SAs who have put in not less than 10 years regular service in grade. (c) The recruitment Rules, 2006 notified on 18.05.2006 provides for 100% promotion from PAs/SAs with ten years regular service to the post of LSG In PO/RMS offices 2. It has already been decided that the vacancies which are lying unfilled may be filled up as per the revised Recruitment Rules dated 18.05.2006 and has been conveyed to all Circles/Regions etc vide this office Letter No. 137-4/2006-SPB-II dated 30.05.2006. in view of the above and keeping in view the fact that the approval of DOP&T was obtained only to fill up norm based LSG/HSG.II posts notionally in term of relevant R/Rs from the year when norm based promotions have not been carried out for granting promotion to the upgraded post in HSG.I in accordance with the R/Rs from amongst formally appointed in HSG.II with the requisite 3 years actual/notional service in the grade, as the case may be, it is not permissible to fill up 2/3rd unfilled LSG vacancies notionally from 7.2.2002 to 18.05.2006. |
| (iii) | Relax minimum-qualifying service for HSG II promotion. | As per the Recruitment Rules,2002 the qualifying service for promotion through selection cum seniority under 1/3rd quota of posts from LSG to HSG –II was 10 years regular service in LSG. Vide this office letter No. 4-16/2002-SPB-II dated 12.11.2002. Circles were allowed to fill up all LSG/HSG-II posts notionally from the year the norm based promotions have not been carried out so that promotions to upgraded posts in HSG-I could be made from amongst the eligible HSG II officials. It has not been possible to fill up HSG I norm-based posts on regular basis during the years 2006 due to non-availability of officials in the feeder grade of HSG.II with requisite length of regular service in the grade i.e. three years. However, instructions dated 20.11.2006 were issued after obtaining the approval of Department of Personnel & Training to fill up the existing vacancies in HSG.I on adhoc basis without prescription of any minimum service in HSG.II for one year. This adhoc arrangement has been further continued for six months vide instructions dated 4.1.2008.
Since circles were also facing difficulties in filing up HSG.II Posts, the Dte after obtaining the approval of DOPT had instructed the Circles vide letter No. 44-28/2004-SPB.II dated 12.07.2005 that only as an adhoc one time measure the length of regular service in LSG cadre for promotion to HSG.II cadre against the seniority quota would be three years. It may therefore be observed that the qualifying service had been significantly relaxed form 10 years to 3 years. As per the Recruitment Rules, 2006 notified on 18.05.2006, all the posts of HSG.II will be filled up by promotion by selection from the feeder cadre of LSG with the regular qualifying service of three years.
As per the R/Rs 2006 on 18.05.2006 all the posts of HSG.II will be filled up by promotion by selection from the feeder cadre of LSG with the regular qualifying service of 3 years. However, due to implementation of pay commissions' recommendations, all the recruitment rules will be amended in the light of the guidelines to be issued by DOP&Trg. This issue in question will be examined while amending the R/Rs. |
| (iv) | Irregular application of bench mark of current period for notional promotions. | According to the Recruitment Rules, 1976, under which the notional promotion were required to be given in LSG/HSG II/HSG.I cadres, the posts of LSG were to be filled up under 2/3rd quota by seniority cum fitness. The HSG.II posts were to be filled up by promotion through non-selection method. HSG.I posts will be filled up by promotion by selection method. As per Department of Personnel & Trainings (DOP&T) OM No. 22011/6/75-Estt. D, dated 30.12.1976, in the case of promotion by Selection, the officials excluding those considered unfit for promotion were to be classified by the DPC as 'Outstanding, Very Good and Good', on the basis of their merit, as assessed by the DPC after examination of their records of service. Thereafter the panel was required to be drawn up to the extent necessary by placing the names of the outstanding Officers first followed by the Officers categorized as Very Good and Good. In the case of non selection method, DPC the instructions provided that there was no need to make a comparative assessment of the records of officers and they were to be categorized as 'Fit' or 'Not Yet Fit' for promotion on the basis of assessment of their records of service. The officers categorized fit were to be placed in the panel in the order of their seniority in the grade from which promotions are to be made. As per the relevant instructions, it has been laid down that while 'Average' may not be taken as adverse remark in respect of an officer, at the same time, it cannot be regarded as complimentary to the officer, as 'Average' performance should be regarded as routine and undistinguished. It has been categorically stated that it is only performance that is above average which should entitle an officer to recognition and suitable rewards in the matter of promotion. The above instructions of DOPT were modified vide 35034/7/97-Estt. (D) dated 8.2.2002. According to the DOP&T O.M. No. 22.011/5/91-Estt. Dated 27.3.97 and as per these instructions, the benchmark for all Group 'C', Group 'B' and Group 'A' posts (upto and excluding the level of Rs.3700-5000 (pre-revised) presently JAG) is Good'. Therefore, there will be no adverse effect on the notional promotions as officials having ACRs with the benchmark of 'Good' for the relevant period of years are only eligible for grant of notional promotion. As per DOPT instructions dated 16.6.2000, only CRs for the years immediately preceding the years of vacancy/panel should be considered even if DPCs are held later than the schedule prescribed in the Model Calendar. |
| (v) | Date of LSG Promotion be calculated from the date of issue of orders and not from the date of joining. | As per DOP&T guidelines on the subject, the date on which promotion will be effective will be the date on which the officer was actually promoted,. Therefore, date of promotion to LSG will be taken accordingly. |
| (vi) | Grant of modification of LSG as one time measure for those aggrieved due to dearth of LSG vacancies/Rule 38 transfers. | The Portal of the demands is not clear and needs elaboration. |
| (vii) | Drawal of pay to senior BCR officials in HSG I posts as the pay scales of HSG II & BCR is one and the same & settlement of earlier officiating cases of Tamilnadu, West Bengal & other Circles as one time measure. | Filling up the posts of short tem vacancies are governed as per the Department of personnel & Trainings O.M. No. 28036/8/87-Estt. (D), dated 30.3.1988 and O.M. No. AB.14017/54/2003-Estt. (RR), dated 04.12.2003 circulated vide this Department's letter No. 137-2/2004-SPB-II dated 13/13th January, 2004. It has been reiterated in the above cited OM dated 04.12.2003 that those employees in the feeder grade who fulfill the eligibility conditions prescribed in the Recruitment Rules should be considered for ad-hoc promotion. As such, in the case of adhoc appointment to HSG.I posts only those officials who hold the norm based post of HSG.II and fulfill the eligibility conditions prescribed in the Recruitment Rules for HSG.I posts are eligible for consideration. In view of the above, PAs/SAs who have been given upgraded scale under the BCR scheme can only be considered for promotion to HSG.II (NB) on adhoc/regular basis when they put in prescribed qualifying service in the feeder cadre i.e. LSG (NB) cadre. |
| (viii) | Fill up all the vacancies by relaxing the minimum qualified service for HSG-II and HSG-I promotion. | For filling up of the vacancies in HSG.II and HSG.I, three years regular services in the feeder grade viz. LSG and HSG.II only respectively is required. The Circles were facing difficulties in filling up HSG I norm based posts on regular basis during the year 2006 due to non-availability of officials in the feeder grade of HSG.II with requisite length of regular service in the grade i.e. three years. Instructions dated 20.11.2006 were issued after obtaining the approval of Department of Personnel & Training to fill up the existing vacancies in HSG.I on adhoc basis with prescription of any minimum service in HSG.II for one year. This adhoc arrangement has been further continued for six months vide instruction dated 4.1.2008. Therefore, there seems to be no scope of further relaxing/reducing the qualifying service for promotion to HSG.II. Since the Circles have already started conducting the exercise of granting notional promotion to eligible officials, it is expected that the vacancies in HSG.II and HSG.I will be filled soon. |
| (ix) | Anomaly in the preparation of PA Gradation list. Date of confirmation should not be taken now and Date of appointment be taken for construing seniority. Fixing seniority based on the date of confirmation is unconstitutional and discriminatory. | As per the DOPT's instructions dated 28.3.88, which are effective from 1.4.88, confirmation will be made only once in the service which will be in the entry grade and confirmation is delinked from the availability of permanent vacancy in the grade. Seniority will be determined on the basis of confirmation in the grade. For confirmation in the grade to which the officials were initially recruited, the appointee should satisfactorily complete the probation, which will be confirmed by the DPC and order issued to the effect. The DOPT has revised the above instructions vide their instructions dated 4.11.92 laying down the following principles in so far as seniority is concerned. (a) Seniority of a person regularly appointed to a post according to rule would be determined by the order of merit indicated at the time of initial appointment and not according to the date of his confirmation. (b) This will take effect from the date of issue of the order. (c) Seniority already determined according to the existing principles on the date of issue of the order will not be reopened even if in some cases seniority has already been challenged or is in dispute. Since the D/o Posts follows the DOPT's instructions on the subject, seniority of already confirmed officials prior to 4.11.92 will remain unaltered and they cannot be given seniority based on their date of appointment. |
| 2. | Withdraw the draconian orders contained in the Dte letter No. 22-5/95- PE.I dated 21.05.07 denying BCR benefits to those declining LSG promotion. Several officials were arbitrarily, unjustified denied the due BCR Promotions | After considering several representations from Federation of National Postal Organizations against the guidelines issued vide letter No. 22-5/95-P.E.I dated 21.05.2007 the matter has been reviewed at the level of Secretary (Posts) and further clarificatory orders have been issued vide letter date 27.03.2008. Since the issue has already been reviewed at the highest level and the FNPO has been apprised of the same, further action on this issue is not considered necessary at present. DDG(Estt) |
| 3. | Filling up the APM Accounts LSG, HSG-II posts as per 1976 LSG Accountants recruitment Rules. | This issue is being examined. |
| 4. | Filling up Residual vacancies since 1999-2000 onwards without any further delay; and return the deputationists from CO/RO to manage the acute shortage of staff in divisions. | Necessary instructions have already been issued to all the Circles vide letter No. 60-5/2007-SPB-I dated 15.5.2007 regarding filling up of residual vacancies. Regarding deputations brief will be sent by SPB – II Sections. |
| 5. | Immediate withdrawal of orders discriminating regular and FTP LSG and posting them in Delivery offices. | The Directorate has issued orders dated 7.12.2007 to the Circles to post the LSG officials qualified under Fast Track Promotion in LSG delivery offices in the overall interest of the Department in order to further improve the supervision in Posts Offices. Due to personal reasons, some officials are not in a position to move to the new place of posting/transfer. Therefore, instructions have been issued on 31.3.2008 to all the CPMsG advising them that they may consider such requests received if any, and defer the transfer on purely temporary basis in most deserving cases only. |
| 6. | Withdraw the Directorate letter dated 22.10.2007 on Systems Administrators and form uniform & correct norms and guidelines first before passing sarcastic comments. | The intention of the Directorate instructions is to stop indiscreet sharing of general resources on the server by keeping dumps of application and also to stop sharing the drive. It is wrong to interpret that restriction on server administration will make server and LAN defunct or that it is any comment on System Administration will the system administrator has a different role to play; imposing SQL server restrictions will in no way hamper the Server or the network. It is reiterated that operative database should be made secured and delinked from the control of System administrators of operative offices and should be managed at the level of Divisional Head (Tech) |
| 7. | Withdraw the orders fixing responsibility on D.D.Os/ APM Accounts for the over payment of Pay and Allowances to Postman on account of Fixation under R. P. Rules. | The Case is pending CAT Mumbai Bench; therefore, the mater is subjudice. |
| 8. | Counting of special Allowance for pay fixation case of PO & RMS Accountants. | Two cases are pending in CAT Bangalore and Ernakulam Benches; therefore, the matter is subjudice. |
| 9. | Counting of Past services of erstwhile R.T.P. for promotion & pension as per the Supreme Court direction | Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal Nos. 80-12of 1996 has held that any service, which was rendered as RTP prior to regular appointment in the cadre cannot be counted and it cannot be considered as service in any cadre. In view of the position the claim of counting of past service of erstwhile RTP for promotion & pension cannot be acceded to, as it will be against the judgment of the Apex Court. |
| 10. | Withdraw the condition in tenure posting of Single & Double Handed offices and restriction in posting of SPM due to minor penalties/CR entries which are in violation of provisions of statutory rules of volume IV. |
| 11. | Allowing all TBOP officials to appear for Group B exam to be held in Feb'08 as per original orders and various judicial pronouncements. The cut of date should be extended for the current exam as on 01.01.2008. The exam should be conducted after completing the process of notional promotions to LSG In all circles. |
| 12 | Counting of Training period for increment and promotion to the departmental candidate also. | The Department follows DOP&T's instructions regarding counting of training period for the purpose of drawal for increments. As per clarification of the DOPT, departmental candidate is treated as on duty while under training and draws pay of the lower post and the period of training is counted for increments under FR 26 in the lower post. Thus in the case of a departmental candidate, the training period prior to appointment to the higher post will be counted for increments(s) in the lower post only and such training period prior to appointment to the substantive post is not eligible for grant of promotion to next grade. P-158/C |
| 13. | Revision of FSC to Post offices & Enhancement of honorarium for RD PMC work in Sub offices, Department Exam invigilation work etc. | Revision of Fixed Stationery Charges is being examined by the Committee set up by the Department. |
| 14. | Implement the assurance made on 19.04.2007 in fixing incentive to RPLI, IMT, Pass Port applications, NRGEIS, other business activities etc., grant of OTA to operative staff, Engagement of SDPA to manage the shortage etc. Dispensation of Confirmation Exam as agreed upon by amending the PA/SA Recruitment Rules. | So far as International Money Transfer Service (IMTS) is concerned, there is no provision for incentive for the staff. |
| 15. | Creation of Systems Manager/Administrator Posts & Marketing Executive. Grant of SPL pay and grant of Road mileage Allowance without restrictions. Trainers Allowance for imparting training norms be paid. Norms be fixed for Systems Administrators uniformly to all Circles; providing mobile phones and Fix duties & responsibilities of their work. |
| 16. | Allotment of adequate funds to clear all pending personal claims like OTA, TA medical etc. pending since 2002-03. | Bill may have been kept pending in the units but certainly shortage of funds may not be the sole reason (as mentioned in the Union letter). Ministry of Finance treats expenditure under OT Travel & Medical as Ceiling items and hence there would be always some restriction on OTA. Moreover, efforts are being taken to enhance the Ceiling under OTA and the Ceiling under OTA has been increased from Rs.38.48 Crores in BE 2007-08 to Rs.40.00 from all the circles have already been called for and maximum allotment of funds to wipe out the same have also been done. As far as, the allotment for medical Expenses is concerned, the requirement of Circles have been met in full. As such, there may not be any problem in the clearance of Medical claims. In Travel Expenses, the Ceiling has been raised from Rs.37.18 crores in BE 2007-08 to Rs.38.00 crores in RE 2007-08. More than 85% of the demands of the circles are being met under Travel Expenses. Further course of action on this issue may be possible on receipt of the pending liabilities from the units. DDG (PAG) |
| 17. | Spot payment of incentive to SPM/BPM for procuring RPLI business, Grant of incentive for schedule work/verification of commission bills in accounts branch. Grant of incentive to SPMs for processing RPLI Proposals. Grant incentive instead of Honorarium for RPLI work in Divisional Offices without RPLI ceiling limit. | Spot payment of incentive for procuring RPLI business is not feasible because incentive is paid only after acceptance of Proposals and on receipt of first three months premiums in a new Policy. P-191/c |
| 18. | Drawal of SB Allowances to all working in SB branches on computers. |
| 19. | Refund of Fee for appearing AMFI (Association of Mutual Fund industry) Exam to all candidates. | Information has been called for from the Circles which is being examined and compiled. Subsequently, further action will be taken in the matter. |
| 20. | JAO Qualified be regularized in DOT by agreeing to the proposal for common cadre. | Same as item No. 16 above of Postal Charter Demands (DDG (PAF) |
| 21. | Stop harassing staff on contributory factors for simple and flimsy reasons by misusing the provision of 'unbecoming of Government Servant' deviating the rulings contained in Volume III, FHB etc. | Specific instances to be considered. It may not be possible to pass a sweeping order. |
| 22. | Stop fixing impractical target to Marketing Activities. |
ANNEXURE II: Postmen & Group D Issues:
1. | Stop combination of Postmen Beats and withdrawal of orders of guidelines for engaging paid substitutes against leave/absentees Group 'D' and Postmen staff issued vide DG (Posts) No. 10-7/2001-PE-II dated 5.3.2004. | The order were issued on 15.3.2004 for making arrangements against the leave and absentee postman in the offices with more than 4 Group 'D'/Postmen staff. The instruction was to manage the work of the absentee postman by redistribution of work or by paying double duty allowance to postman and also no substitute should be engaged against vacant post of Group 'D' and postmen in Departmental offices having a combined staff strength of Group 'D' & postmen exceeding four. The orders dated 15.3.2004 have subsequently been modified allowing divisional heads and gazetted postmasters to make substitute arrangements upto a maximum of 90 days. If the substitute arrangement exceeds 90 days, approval of the head of Circle or Regional PMG is necessary. DDG (Estt) | ||||||||||||
2. | Stop curtailment of deliveries and introduction of single delivery system. |
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3. | Stop reducing the clearance of letter boxes. |
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4. | Newly accepted norms for sanctioning of Postmen staff need to be circulated immediately for taking confidence into union for finalization as suggested earlier by this union. | The revision of norms for Postman is still under process of finalization in consultation with Internal Work Study Unit/IF wing. Hence the contention of the Union that the new norms have been accepted by the Department is not correct. DDG (Estt) | ||||||||||||
5. | Include the workload of Speed Post Mails/hybrid mails etc. as accountable articles for calculation of time factor and grant of postmen staff. | -do- | ||||||||||||
6. | Fill up all vacant pots of postmen and Group 'D'. The large number of vacancies of postmen and Group 'D' are lying vacant for various administrative reasons at local level since long which is causing operational difficulties for efficient and smooth functioning of delivery system. Immediate action be ensured to fill up all vacant posts of postmen and Group 'D' | Group 'D' posts do not fall under the purview of Screening Committee. However the file regarding filling up of posts of Postman is under submission. (DDG-P) | ||||||||||||
| Supply of uniform & other kit items and allied matters.
(a) Replace the present uniform with that of earlier Khaki Uniform and assure supply of best quality and quantity of cloth.
(b) The Periodicity of summer uniform should be two sets in one year and periodicity of winter uniform should be one set in two years and it should be ensured that supply should be made timely and of best quality. (c) Rate of washing allowance should be enhanced from Rs.30 to Rs,150/-
(d) Postmen and Group 'D' staff at Solan and Shimla should be included in that area for supply of Far ka Coat and it should be ensured that the supply should be made timely and best quality which is very indispensable to cope up with the prevailing climate. (e) Postmen and Group 'D' staff at Shimla should be treated at par with Kinnor and Lohspiti and Supply of Snow Boots and Googles timely to this area. (f) Supply of Shoes and Chappals. (i) A very good quality of shoes and Chappals be supplied in time to avoid complaint from entirety of staff. |
(a) Earlier there was proposal under examination for change in colour of uniform supplied to eligible staff of RMS and MMS. Subsequently, demands have been received from the National Union of Postal Employees Group 'D' Central HQ Delhi for change in the colour of uniform from blue to the earlier khaki Cloth. The matter was examined and it was decided to seek the comment of other unions and circles, Accordingly, a letter was sent in October, 2008 to the Circles and Unions. A general view is that the colour of the uniform should be changed to the earlier Khaki colour. Accordingly, proposal is being put up for consideration of the competent authority for order. (b) The last orders in this regard were issued in 2005. Any change at this stage may not be desirable but the demand shall be examined in due course.
(C) The DOP has issued orders for increase in the rate of washing allowance from Rs.30/- to Rs.60/-. However, the increase beyond this amount for Postal employees shall be examined in due course. (d) The matter has been examined. The approval of the competent authority has been received for providing Far Ka Coat according to prescribed norms of periodicity and orders shall be issued shortly.
(e) The matter has been examined and it is observed that the Snow Boots and Goggles are not covered under the norms. However, the matter shall be examined as to whether these norms could be relaxed.
As orders for revision in the rates of shoes, chappals have already been issued on 3rd May, 2007, it is perhaps to early to make any further changes at this stage. | ||||||||||||
(ii) | The present rate of shoes repair charges is very less and this needs to be enhanced to Rs.50. | (ii) & (iii) The demand shall be examined in due course. | ||||||||||||
(iii) | The periodicity of shoes and Chappals should be reduced. |
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(g) | Supply of Umbrella & Rain Coat. The good quality folding type umbrella be supplied to Postmen staff to avoid inconvenience while performing their duties during rainy season.
Supply of Rain Coat: Ensure timely and durable quality of the raincoats. | Umbrella: - Procurement of umbrellas is a decentralized item and is made on DGS&D rate contracts. However, considering the fact that long handled umbrella are not easy to be carried and receipt of some references from certain quarters, the matter has been considered in the Department of posts and it has been decided that Circles may provide folding type of umbrellas also (in place of long handled steel umbrellas presently being provided to eligible staff working in the field units) to those employees preferring them provided it is on R/C of DGS&D. However, the rates of folding type of umbrellas should not exceed the rates finalized by DGS&D rate contract for long handled steel umbrellas. Accordingly, general instructions were issued on 18th September 2007 to all Heads of Circles. (Annex –VIII) Rain Coat: - It is stated that the kit item like rain coat is a decentralized item and there is no DOP&T's guideline in this regard. It is not known whether there is any specification prescribed by DGS&D for rain coat. Nevertheless, Circles have been addressed vide letter No. 12-41/2005-UPE dated 24.11.2005 that good quality of materials of raincoats should be supplied. (DDG-MM) | ||||||||||||
(h) | Supply of Postman Bag. Durable and timely supply of Postman Bag should be ensured being very indispensable for safety of mail | DGS&D had returned the consolidated indent for supply of different types of bags for 2005-06 as its value was less than 10 lakh. They do not accept indents whose value is less than 10 Lakh. The item has since been decentralized to the postal circles and now circles will procure left over quantity of canvas delivery bags for postmen, if any. All Circles have been informed of he specifications of all bags including waterproof canvas bags vide letter no. 12-34/2005-UPE dated 3.8.2006 (Annex-IX) (MM Dn) | ||||||||||||
8. | The rate of OTA (FMC) for postmen staffs should be revised as under: -
| The orders issued vide letter No. 10-7/2001-PE.II dated 28-1-03 for enhancing the double duty allowance as follows: When Postmen performing the duties of another Postmen – Rs.29/- per day. 2. When the beat of the postmen is divided – Rs.14 per person. 3. Holiday duty Rs.43/- per person. The quantum of FMC (Fixed Monetary Compensation) has a linkage to the OTA rates to which they are not entitled. The rates of OTA have not been revised by the Ministry of Finance after 5th CPC. | ||||||||||||
9. | Restriction of 3 hours limit of OTA to Sorting Postmen & Group 'D' worked on Holiday duty should be removed with enhanced rate of Rs.200/- | The orders were issued on 11.10.2002 fixing a ceiling of 3 hours OTA for sorting postmen and Group 'D'. The post offices are ordered to perform delivery work if three holidays comes in succession and only identified offices are performing delivery of unregistered articles only. There is a considerable decline in the mail traffic in recent years and the present ceiling of 3 hours minimum OTA for sorting postman and Group 'D' for performing duty on Holidays is adequate to meet the actual work of requirement. The rates of overtime allowance are fixed by the Ministry of Finance. | ||||||||||||
10. | Cash handling allowance of Postmen should be enhanced from Rs.5/-, Rs.10/- to Rs.75/- and Rs.100/- per month. | Cash handling Allowance to Postmen was granted on the basis of Board of Arbitration Award in CA Reference No.14 of 1981. The Board of Arbitration Awards operative for 3 years as per JCM Scheme. As such, this benefit was available only upto 30.11.1986. However, various Circles continued this till orders were issued by the Departments of Posts for withdrawing the payment of cash handling allowance to postmen with effect from February 2001 after the demand was raised by the Union in the Departmental Council for restoration of this allowance, it was agreed to take up the matter with the Department of Expenditure. Accordingly, the matter was referred to the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure). On their advice, the matter was taken up with the Department of Personnel and Training (DOPT). They considered the case but did not agree for restoration of this allowance, as they found no justification in the proposal. The Sixth CPC has now upgraded the pay scale of Postmen to Rs.3200-4900 and Cash Handling is a part of the normal duty of the Postmen and no separate Cash handling Allowance is justified
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11 | Cash Handling Allowance of Cash Overseers should be enhanced from Rs.30/- to Rs.100/- per month | Cash Handling Allowance to Cash Overseers was granted on the basis of Board of Arbitration Award in CA reference No.15 of 1980, which was given effect from 01.12.1980. This allowance was initially fixed @ Rs.15/- per month but subsequently enhanced to Rs.30/- per month with effect from 1.1.93. The Board of Arbitration Award is valid for 3 years only. Also as decided earlier, the matter was referred to Ministry of Finance for consideration, but it was returned with some queries to be clarified, along with views of Internal Finance. On re-submission, Integrated Finance Wing has observed that as far Government of India Instructions 1(a) in App-8, the special pay already admissible would be doubled in t hose cases where it was sanctioned at the current rates between 1.1.86 and December 1990 and enhanced by 50% in those cases where it was revised / introduced at rate higher than current rate after December 31, 1990 (after implementation of 5th CPC). The proposal to enhance / revise Cash Handling Allowance from Rs.30 to Rs.100, is not covered under the existing instructions. | ||||||||||||
12. | Mail Overseers: should be treated as IPOs/ASPs when they are on visit of BOs. They should be granted daily allowance as like other inspecting officers and should be granted full daily allowance instead of night halt allowance. | This demand has already been considered in consultation with IF Wing and the same has been rejected. Even in one case (Andhra Pradesh Circle), the overpaid full DA to the mail Overseers has been recovered. The request of the Chief Postmaster General, A. P. Circle, to write off the overpaid full DA to Mail Overseers, has been rejected by the IF Wing. The CPMG, AP and the Union have been informed accordingly. | ||||||||||||
13 | Justified incentive to Mail overseers for RPLI business. | Mail Overseers are eligible for incentive on procurement of new RPLI business @ Rs.2.50 for every Thousand Rupees of Sum Assured as per this Directorate letter No. 28-5/2000-LI dated 29.6.2006 P-162/c | ||||||||||||
14. | Arbitrary change of designation of test category Group 'D' posts. The department arbitrarily changed the designation of test category Group 'D' vide its letter dated 27.10.2004 as peon and Mail peon instead of packer. Peon is not acceptable as the said staff are doing hard, skilled, arduous and hazardous of official duties. The order dated 27.10.2004 be reversed and restore the original designation of packer to all test category of Group 'D' staff of department of posts. | In their Note No. 1-17/2007-PCC dated 1.11.2004, the Establishment Division had requested Personnel Division that consequent upon approval by the Postal Services Board to change the designation of packer of Department of Posts, the necessary changes in the recruitment rules of Group D posts test category may be carried out as under:
Packer in administrative office (except Foreign Post Offices) and sub-ordinate offices re-designated as Peon. Packer in Foreign Post Offices re-designated as mail Peon.
Portal in sub-ordinate offices was re-designated as mailman, Accordingly Establishment Division had requested that while amending the R/R of packer the Portal designation may be re-place by Mailman.
In view of the position stated above necessary notification amending the Department of Posts (Group D Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2002 were issued vide Notification No. 37-45/2004-SPB-I dated 24.01.2005. | ||||||||||||
15. | ACP Promotion scheme: - ACP promotion scheme should also be implemented on wiremen and electrical staff in the department of posts. |
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16. | Enhance the financial powers: Enhance the financial powers of SPOs/SSPOs in sanctioning the NHA of Mail Overseers to Rs.1000/- instead of Rs.500/-. |
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17. | Cycle Allowance:
To increase the cycle maintenance allowance from Rs.30 to Rs.150/- | The demand of the Union to increase the Cycle maintenance Allowance from Rs.30/- to Rs.150/ per month was taken up with the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance has observed that since the 5th Central Pay Commission did not make any specific recommendation and the financial implication (Rs.2.11 crores additional amount per annum) is quite sizeable, it would be appropriate to maintain status quo till the next pay Commission. The 6th CPC has recommended to enhance this allowance. Accordingly, the Ministry of Finance has issued orders enhancing this allowance from Rs.30/- to Rs.60/- per month with effect from the 1st September 2008, vide their O.M. No. 19039/3/2008-E. IV, dated the 29th August 2008. As such, there is no justification for further enhancing this allowance | ||||||||||||
18. | Time factor for Stamp Vendor: Modify the unscientific fixation of norms fixed for calculation of establishment of stamp vendors and time factor for sale of postal stationery. | Keeping in view increase in Postal rates of stamps and stationery and other allied factors, general instructions were issued vide letter no. 4-5/99-PE.I dated 3.12.2003. The purpose of issuance of these instructions was to update the previous norms circulated more than 20 years back. Before formulating the new yard sticks, all factors are taken into consideration on the basis of which manpower of particular office is assessed. As applicability of revised norms may go either way, i.e. withdrawal of these orders does not arise. However, where necessary and justified, Head of the Circle is competent to provide extra staff by way of redeployment from other offices. Here it may also be mentioned that instructions have been issued vide letter no. 4-5/99-PE.I dated 06.05.2005 that while implementing these norms, it may please be ensured that all aspects relating to requirements of manpower are duly taken in to account at the time of carrying out establishment reviews. Hence, the contention of the Union is not correct. | ||||||||||||
19. | No transfer of Delivery work to RMS:
Stop delivering letters and speed posts articles to public through RMS staff instead of Postmen by withdrawing the Department of Posts No.38-1/2000-D (Vol.II) dated 13/16/ April 2007. | There is no proposal to transfer the delivery work from post office to RMS office. Under the new mail paradigm, mail business centre (MBC) would provide direct delivery to the build addresses. The work of delivery to retail customer will remain with post offices. With the expansion of cities, there is pressure on the postmen staff while new post cannot be created. Delivery to bulk addresses would mitigate this pressure to some extent and would also be operationally convenient. Instructions in this regard have been issued to the Circles vide letter No. 38-1/2000-D Vol.II dated 13/16.4.2007. |
1. | Implementation of the arbitration award on revision of OTA rates, which was last revised in 1990, removing the Rs.6800 ceiling on eligibility to perform OTA, clearance of all pending OTA bill and stop compulsory order to perform OT duty. | The issue for removing the ceiling of Rs.6800/- for performing OTA by operative staff in post offices/RMS offices was taken up with DOP&T. in their U.O. No. 15011/04/2006-Estt (AL) dated 21.08.2006 it was intimated that payment of OTA was continued to be payable as per the existing orders on the basis of notional pay admissible in the pre-revised scale of pay and in view of the austerity measures to reduce payment of OTA, the DOP&T has stated that it is not possible to consider the proposal. The revised orders of MOF on OTA in consequence of 6th CPC recommendations are not yet received. Further, the 6the CPC in Para No. 4.42 has recommended abolition of OTA except to those belonging to operational staff who are governed by statuary provisions will need to be paid this allowance in accordance with extant rules. DDG (Estt) |
2. | Filling up of all vacant posts in Group C & D in RMS & MMS, hold special examination to fill up all residual vacancies immediately, sanction Driver Posts for operation long distance Schedules. | The Circles were already instructed vide letter No.137-4/2006-SPB-II dated 22.5.2007, that the notional promotion to norm-based posts as advised vide letter dated 12.11.2002 was not supposed to be one-time exercise but was to be carried out notionally from year to year w.e.f. the year the promotions had not been carried out and a critical review may be carried out to ensure that notional promotions had been carried out at the Divisional level in the LSG cadre upto the year 2002 and vacancies which arose after the notification of revised Recruitment Rules notified on 7.2.2002 till 17.5.2006 have been filled up in terms of the provisions of the said Recruitment Rules. After latest revision of Recruitment Rules notified on 18.5.2006, the vacancies in LSG are require to be filled by promotion as Circle cadre. |
3. | Fill up all promotional vacancies of LSG /HSG II/ HSG-I strictly on seniority basis by granting notional promotion from 1983 onwards year by year. | Same as item No. 2 |
4. | Discontinue to bag account numbering in mail system. | Bag no. system, was introduced with the aim of having a quality monitoring system to bring in consistency in transit of mail. This will also reduce No. of bags being closed with "Nil" content and save manpower. Thirdly, it will also facilitate bag accounting.
A Software has been developed by the System Administrator in Sambalpur Division of Orissa Circle. The Software is currently being tested between Bhubaneshwear and Sambalpur. It is expected that once the software is installed in Mail Offices/Post offices across the country, a manual entry of bag numbers and issue of error extracts etc. would be replaced by the computerized system and additional work, if any, on account of bag numbering would be taken care of by that system.
However, there may be a case for having a re-look in the Bag No. system to ensure that it is easier and more efficient. |
5. | Provide separate Mails Vans in Sections and adequate accommodations wherever mail vans are not provided. | The problem of paucity of accommodation in mail carrying trains has been taken up with the Railway Board. Original accommodation has been restored in some of these trains since then. In spite of railways assurance they have not been able to accede to all requirements of Department. |
6. | Compilation of fresh statistics as with II class and Business mails for those offices having less than that 10000 mail consequent on increasing mail traffic at present, retain one mail office in a revenue state/district and no mail office to be merged with post office. | In view of the changed mail profile and decline in mail traffic, the mail network is currently under revision and mail offices are being consolidated as per mail flow pattern. As such the concept of having a mail office in every revenue district etc. is not in line with the requirements of the current mail transmission pattern. There is no policy to merge mail office with post offices. However, in a few odd cases, administrative and operational reasons might have required such an action. |
7. | Norms for CRC's EPP Logistic and SPCC's to be scientific basis, withdraw CRC norms fixed arbitrarily as 900. | CRC: The time factor for each job in the job list was communicated to Head of Circles vide this office memo No. 28-5/2006-D dated 19.2.2008 for grater clarity and operational convenience. These norms will continue till changes in the existing software are made. |
8. | Provide adequate motor vehicles for conveyance of mails/logistics etc Replace all condemned vehicles, impart sufficient computer training to the technical staff to deal with modem power vehicles, insure MMS vehicles. Recruitment rules for the Assistant Managers of MMS should be issued soon. | (i) No such proposal/demand is pending from any Circle except from NE Circle, which is being processed, (ii) In spite of ban imposed by Ministry of Finance for procurement of new vehicles, condemned vehicles are being replaced every year with the approval of MOF. 93 Vehicles have been replaced during 2006-2007, 83 vehicle in 2007-08 and 62 vehicle in 2008-09. (iii) Central Government vehicles have been exempted from compulsory Insurance vide MOF letter No. F.1 (62)-E.II (A)/62 dated 7th February, 1963.
9. | Count RTP service for all purpose including pension. | Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal Nos. 80-123 of 1996 has held that any service, which was rendered as RTP prior to regular appointment in the cadre cannot be counted and it cannot be considered as service in any cadre. In view of the position the claim for counting of past services of erstwhile RTP for promotion & pension cannot be acceded to, as it will be against the judgment of the Apex Court |
10 | Withdraw the SLP and absorb all RRR Candidates. | As against item No.11 of 'Charter of Demands'(P3) |
11 | In view of concentrating business mail including logistics in RMS all MMS units under SSPOs/SPOs be transferred to RMS division | The MMS largely operates on schedules between a large number of Post Offices and few mail offices. Due to administrative constraints, therefore, it is not possible to bring all MMS units under the control of RMS. |
12 | Payments of OSA and other benefits on par with RMS staff to MMS drivers working in long distance schedule and allow to engage casual drivers temporarily to work till regular arrangement is made |
13 | Grant of four more chances in appearing in the LGO Examination in the revised syllabus for Mailguards and Group D officials. | The syllabus for LGOs for promotion to PAS/SAs was revised vide letter dated 26.04.1991. further this syllabus has not been revised. For promotion of lower grade officials to the cadre of Postal/Sorting Assistants through LGO examination, the maximum number of changes were five earlier. This was raised to six in 1999 only. The number of chances available for the eligible officials who are serious in getting promotion seems to be sufficient. In view of the nature of duties attached to the post of PA/SA, and need of maintaining integrity of the examination, it will not be appropriate to enhance the number of chances for appearing in LGO examination. DDG(P) |
14 | Dispense with the reservation of vacancies of PSS Group 'B' and permit to write the examination by increasing the General Line Quota to 19%. |
15 | Fill all Group 'D' posts from GDS/Temporary Status @ 25% & 75% without any abolition under screening committee. |
16 | Drop the move to change the nomenclature of 'RMS' as Mail Business Arm. | This subject was taken up with staff union to seek their opinion on the subject. The Staff Union had informed that the subject was being discussed at their circle level and had sought more time. The service Union may be requested to send in their constructive suggestions on how to make RMS wing more customer oriented in the next 10 days so that a Committee constituted of senior officers can discuss it internally. |
17 | Removal of existing discrimination in recruitment of GDS official to the posts of Postmen/mail guards. | The matter is under consideration. |
18 | Withdraw the order fixing responsibility on DDOs for the over payment of Pay & Allowance to mail guard on account of Fixation under RP Rules. | Item No. 7 of Annexure Ii (P-III items) (P-26/Corr) |
19 | Creation of System Manager/Administrators Posts & Marketing Executive. Grant of Special Pay and grant of Road Mileage Allowance without restriction. Trainers Allowance for imparting Norms be fixed for Systems Administrators uniformly to all Circles; providing mobile phones, Fixing duties & responsibilities. |
20 | Counting of Training period for increment and promotion to the departmental candidates also. | This Department follows DOP&T's instructions regarding counting of training period for the purpose of drawal of increments. As per clarification of DOPT, a departmental candidate is treated as on duty while under training and draws pay of the lower post and the period of training is counted for increments under FR 26 in the lower post. Thus in the case of a departmental candidate the training period prior to appointment to the higher post will be counted for increment(s) in the lower post only and such training period prior to appointment to the substantive post is not eligible for gnat of promotion to next grade. – 159/c |
1 | Withdraw the order of Decentralization of PLI/RPLI and augment staff strength in CO/RO and DPLI, Kolkata to handle increased volume of work. | As on day only work relating of acceptance of proposals and issue of PR Book was Decentralized at Divisional Level. Whereas PLI data will be migrated and managed at National Data Centre, after sales activities are required to be decentralized for providing better service to customers. P-162/c |
2 | Increase the Number of HSG-I, HSG-II and LSG Posts in Circle and Regional Offices to boost the promotional avenue. |
3 | Hold the LGO examination for Administrative Group D also under the liberalized syllabus to fill up al residual vacancies in CO/RO and DPLI Kolkata. | The method of recruitment prescribed in the Department of Posts (Postal Assistants in CO/RO) 1996 is 80% by direct recruitment and 20% by promotion through a competitive test from amongst confirmed officials in Group 'D' of CO/ Administrative offices. Promotion is amongst confirmed officials in Group 'D' cadre in CO/Administrative offices on the basis of competitive examination. Revision of syllabus of LGO examination is presently under consideration. (DDG (P)) |
4 | Allow the left out categories of Circle office viz. Lift Operator etc. to appear for LGO exam. | The method of recruitment prescribed in the Department of Posts (Postal Assistant in CO/RO) 1996 is 80% by direct recruitment and 20% by promotion through a competitive test from amongst confirmed officials in Group 'D' of CO/ Administrative offices. Promotion is from amongst confirmed officials in Group 'D' cadre in CO/ Administrative offices on the basis of competitive examination. Revision of syllabus of LGO examination is presently under consideration. As per the Department of Telecommunication (Liftmen) recruitment rules 1987 the post of liftmen is a Group 'D' post, there is no separate recruitment rules for the post of Liftmen for the Department of posts. These rules are also applicable in Department of Posts. (DDG (P) |
5 | Withdraw the deputationists brought in Circle office against unfilled vacancies and fill up all vacant posts on regular measure. | In this regard, comments from all the Circles have been called for. From the response received so far it is noted that the said arrangement has been resorted by the circles due to shortage of manpower. Therefore, it is presumed that as soon the vacancies in the Circles office are filled up, these officials will be reverted to their parent unit. |
6 | Renovate the postal printing press, Bubhaneshwar. | As reported by the Circle, a high level committee headed by Member (O & M) has been constituted vide Directorate No. 6-2/2009-PPU dated 27.02.2008 for renovation of Postal Printing Press. As regards, maintenance of the Printing Press building at Bhuabneshwar is concerned, the same is being carried out by the Circle through the Civil wing. (DDG Estt) 171/Corr |
7 | Implement the Order of TBOP/BCR of 1998 to the eligible CO staff of Karnataka and Orissa Circle. |
8 | Grant Special Pay for System Administrators in CO/RO including DPLI Kolkata. |
9 | Introduce the System of competitive examination for PSS Group 'B' along with Postal employees instead of existing reservation system by increasing the percentage of Group 'B' for General Line. |
1 | Review result of JAO Part II examination in respect of SC & ST candidates held in July 1997 and other Departmental Examination of SC/ST candidates held during 23rd July 1997 to 2 October 2000 by restoring the privilege of awarding in grace marking during that period. | As per the orders of the Govt. of India there was a provision of lower qualifying marks/lesser standard of evaluation for reserved candidates which have been withdrawn by Department of Personnel & Training, the nodal Ministry vide their letter dated 22.7.97 in accordance with the Supreme Court judgment in the matter. However, letter dated 22.7.97 was withdrawan by the DOP&T and all the facilities/provison of reserved category candidates was restored with effect from 3.10.2000. These orders was given effect from 3.10.2000 only and was not applicable to cases arisen between 22.7.97 to 2.10.2000. The matter was referred to DOP&T the nodal Ministry, on numerous occasion but there was no change from the stance already taken hence cannot be extended to the result of JAO part II exam held in July 1997. |
2. | Grant benefits of first & second financial upgradation under ACP Scheme to all D/E passed JR. Accountant (Promotees) on completion of 12/24 years of service as in the case of direct recruited Jr. Accountants. | Matter was referred to D.O. P&T but was not agreed to. DDG (PAF) |
3. | Withdraw Charge sheets and suspension in connection with CC Works. | The issue has been coordinated by DDG (Vigilance) with circle concerned. |
4. | Fill up all vacancies including backlog vacancies in all Cadres and provide due share to PAO in ADR Plan 2005 & 2006. | Vacancies arising under DR quota can be filled up only after obtaining the approval of Screening Committee. Instructions already exist for filling up of promotional quota vacancies by eligible candidates. As regards ADR Plan for 2005, it is mentioned that the Screening Committee has not approved any of the vacancies relating to 2005 for filling up. However, DDG (P) has assured that serious efforts are being taken to obtain permission from the Screening Committee to fill up the vacancies (enclosed). Report in respect of the vacancies relating to 2006 has not so far been received. DDG (PAF) |
5. | Provide departmental building to all PAOs. | The construction of departmental buildings for accommodating the PAOs, which are functioning in rented building, will be considered subject to approval of EFC of XIth Five Year Plan, availability of fund, availability of vacant plot and feasibility for construction etc. (DDG E & PN) P-171/Corr |
6. | Cause full functioning of newly formed PAOs. | PAO Jammu has since been made fully functional. Matter relating to fill up the vacant post in newly formed PAOs is under process. Repatriation of the officials from PAO Jammu to their parent office will be made on availability of substitutes by permanent absorption of migrant staff.
PAO Ranchi, Raipur & Dehradun have not yet started to function in the respective Circles for want of accommodation. Matter has already been taken up with Building Branch of Directorate by HOCs, PAF Dn and also by the Union Federation. (DDG (PAF) |
7. | Start induction training to JAs/ SAs/ AAOs. | Provision has been made in the EFC for 11th Five Year Plan to impart training only at induction level i.e. junior Accountants and junior Accounts Officers at the Postal Training Centres. |
8. | Cause regularization of RR in the Cadre of Sorter LDC & Jr. Accts. And allow the Promotee Sorters (Senior Group 'D') to negotiate DE to JA Cadre on par with Promotee LDCs (Junior Gr. 'D') in the ensuing exam. | The case has been recently taken up by the Union. It involved change in RPs/ relaxation in RRS for which the case is under process. (DDG-PAF) |
9. | Ensure speedy caste verification of SC/ST at Government level and promote officials from due date. | Necessary instructions have already been issued vide this office file No.2-22/2005-PACE/Promotion AO to Sr.AO to all concerned for speeding up the matter. |
10 | Count RTP service for the purpose of pension and ACP | Same as stated for item No. 15 of the Annexure.II (P-19) |
11 | Allow PAO officials to negotiate PSS Group 'B' examination as in the case of JAO of PAO allowed to all officials of DOP | The matter is under active consideration with staff branch of Directorate in file No.3-7/2000-PACE. |
12 | Restore Member (Finance) Post in Postal Service Board in the Departmental of Posts. | The matter is under consideration. |
13 | No out sourcing of Cash Certificate work in PAO and fixing of Supervisory responsibility on the staff of PAO. |
14 | Group D Cadre: Rectify the anomaly due to promotion of Gr. 'D' to LDC cadre in PAO viz. Senior Group D Promotees in Sorter Cadre remaining as Sorters and Junior Group 'D' becoming LDCs.
Grant special pay/allowance to D/E passed Group 'D'/Sorter awaiting promotion as in the case of other cadre; also grant ACP in the scale of Sorters for those Group 'D' officials passed DE before 2000.
Fix pay of T/S group 'D' on regularization by taking all annual increments already earned; count T/S service for pension and ACP purpose as in Indian Railway. | (i) The matter regarding anomaly due to promotion of Group 'D' to LDC cadre in PAOs is under Process.
(ii) The demand regarding grant of special pay and ACP scale to Group 'D' officials has not so far been recorded. However, it cannot be examined, unless further details of the case are made available.
(iii) As per orders issued by DOP&T OM No, 49014/4/97-Estt (C) dated 29.01.1998 the pay of casual labours with temporary status on their regularization against Group 'D' post is to be fixed at the minimum of pay scale of the relevant Group 'D' Post. The ACP scheme is not applicable in respect of casual employees (including those with temporary status). (DDG (PAF)
15 | Sorter Cadre:
Merger Sorter cadre into LDC cadre as recommended by GOM AND also Postal Board. | The proposal of the department regarding merger of Sorter cadre into LDC has not been agreed to by Ministry of Finance. (DDG (PAF) |
16 | LDC cadre:
Upgrade 61% posts of LDC cadre to junior Accountant Cadre as per recommendation of Restructuring and Dutta Committee. | In this regard the decision of Group of Ministries as conveyed by DOP'&T has already been implemented and no action on the part of Administration is pending.
However, all the demands of AIPAEA were duly recommended to the 6th CPC. DDG (PAF) |
17 | Canteen Employees:
Fill up all vacant posts in all cadres of Departmental Canteens with special reference of D/E passed canteen employees of PAO, Kolkata | Report is being obtained from Wet Bengal Circle. DDG (P) |
18 | JA Cadre: Restore residency period to 3 years in the case of Junior Accountant to Senior Accountant promotion. | The proposal for restoration of the service condition of 03 years in the RRs of Senior Accountant has not been approved by DOP&T. (P-63/Corr) DDG (PAF) |
19 | JAO Cadre: Hold JAO part II exam followed by part I; restore its qualifying nature.
Grant special allowance Rs.140.00 from the date of passing the examination of JAO Part II similar to other organized Accounts Wing and IA and AD.
Sanction justified posts of JAO in PLI/RPLI & BD without diverting the posts of existing JAOs. | (i) As regards holding of JAO Part-II examination, it is mentioned that about 500 JAO part-II passed candidates are awaiting promotion to JAO cadre for want of vacancies. Therefore, it was decided not to hold JAO Part II examination.
(ii) The benefits introduced by DO&PT take effect from a prospective date only until otherwise specified therein.
(iii) There is a ban on creation of new posts. However, wherever a post is found justified the concerned unit can take up the case with matching saving by surrender of posts. At present no such proposal is pending. DDG (PAF) |
20 | Stenographers: Restore parity of pay Scales of Stenographers on par with Jr/Sr. Accountant. | Sr./Jr. Acctt. are the specific cadres of organized Accounts departments where as the cadre of stenographer is a common cadre existing in other subordinate offices also. Pay structure of Stenos working in all subordinate offices including PAOs is identical. As there is no parity in the duties and responsibilities of Stenos and Sr./Jr/ Acctts., parity in the pay scales cannot be justified. |
21 | Date Entry Operator: Regularize Data Entry Operator Cadre in Chennai PAO and upgrade them to the Cadre of Junior Accountant as recommended by Re-structuring Committee constituted during 1998. | The Association has not so far made any demand for upgradation of posts of Data Entry Operator in the pay scale of Junior Accountant. |
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