Welcome to the official website of All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C'- अखिल भारतीय डाक कर्मचारी संघ वर्ग 'सी' की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट में आपका स्वागत है

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

General Secretary's Desk 


1.   Discussions on Charter of Demands

The Secretary (P) has intimated in the discussions held on 13.01.09 on Strike charters that the DDG level meetings will be held shortly to discuss the issues related to the sectional Charter of demands. Accordingly, the CHQ has sorted out the issues and send notes to the Department for discussions with concerned DDGs. Apart from them, the CHQ has listed further sixty items for discussion pertaining to our cadre and forwarded the same to the Secretary with a request to discuss these items also at DDG level meetings, so that some long pending issues could be sorted out peacefully. The issues will be published in the next Bhartiya Post.


2.   Notional Promotions

The Directorate has intimated that all Circles except Punjab, Rajasthan and West Bengal Circles have prepared the draft Gradation lists for circulation to all concerned. Similarly all circles except Bihar, Rajasthan. N.E. and Jharkhand have granted notional / regular promotions up to the year 2002-06. During discussions, the Department intimated that nothing is pending in respect of other circles.


All Circle Secretaries are requested to intimate whether any case is pending in respect of their circle on the grant of notional promotion and non issue of gradation list. If so, details along with the reply circle administration may please be sent before 18.2.09. Matter is most urgent.


3.   Residual vacancies

During discussions on 13.1.09, the Department has mentioned that there is no reference from Circle is pending under this issue. It is informed that the Chief PMG Orissa Circle has been clarified and accordingly he has also notified the residual vacancies for recruitment. Similarly at Rajasthan, the public notification has already been issued to fill up the pending vacancies. In respect of Chhatisgarh, it is stated that the process is over. The CHQ is not having any particulars in respect of other circles. Please intimate whether the process of filling up of residual vacancies have been filled up or not in your circle. If not, please state the position with full particulars. Please note, in the absence of complete facts and figures, the CHQ is handicapped to proceed further in this serious issue. Report from the Circle Unions is expected before 18.2.09.


4.   Pending petitions

The Member (P) assured to dispose all the petitions pending at Directorate at the earliest and ask us to give a list of such cases pending years together. All are requested to send the details of petitions if any pending at Directorate along with the summary of the case before 18.2.09 positively so that we can consolidate them and hand over to the Member (P) for his personal intervention.


5.   Anomaly committees

Consequent upon the declaration of formation of Anomaly committees by the Government, the Department of Post may constitute the anomaly committee within a fortnight. On behalf of our union, we have decided to discuss the following in the said committee.


(i)                 TBOP/LSG to be placed under pay Band 2

(ii)               The injustice caused to PO & RMS Accountants

(iii)             System Administrators

(iv)              Marketing Executives

(v)                Cash handling Allowance to Treasurer

(vi)              Grant of Supervisory Allowance to LSG/HSG II/HSG I Supervisors

(vii)            Staff working in postal Dispensaries.


Despite some of the above issues do not cover under the anomalies; we have decided to emphasis their settlement favorably.


In respect of C. G. Employee's front, the following issues have been taken through Confederation of C. G. Employees & workers for placement in the committee for discussions at national level.


(i)         Anomaly in the grant of annual increment after promotion (A detailed note is enclosed)

(ii)       Anomaly in fixation of Pay and denial of due increments for those eligible from Feb to June. One Advance increment should be granted for them also or the date of increments may be modified as 1st Jan & 1st July.

(iii)     The officials working as on 1.1.2006 are getting lesser pay than the fresh recruitees joined after 1.1.06.

(iv)      In respect of elevated scales of Pay, (For example Postmen, HSG I) the pay fixation has not been made first in the elevated pay scale and then exercised the Pay fixation. The benefit of elevated pay scale has not been availed by such officials.

(v)        Similarly on promotion, if the minimum pay of the said promotional post is higher than the fixation made in the pay drawn of the official on promotion, the higher pay should be applied in such cases. For example, many HSG I officials have been affected in the lack of such provisions and their fixation was made lesser than the minimum of the HSG I pay scale.

(vi)      The discrimination between the Railways & others in the grant of Daily Allowance should be placed as one of the items.


If the Branch/Divisional/Circle Secretaries desire to bring any further new items of similar cases of anomalies, they are requested to send the details positively before 18.2.09.


6.   Clarification of Daily Allowance on Tour

The Ministry of Finance vides its letter No. 19030/3/2008-E IV. Dt. 22.01.09 clarified that the employee can claim D.A. either at the new rules by producing food bills or at the old rates available prior to Sixth Pay Commission. In other words, officers may choose to be governed either by orders dated 22.09.08 or dated 17.04.98 in regard to daily allowance on tour.


7.   RSA Rules – Fresh Verification of membership (?)

The Chennai High Court while disposing the writ appeal No.2333 of 2003 and other writ petitions mostly filed by the affiliates Bhartiya Postal union held as follows.


(i)     Belated application submitted by All India rural Postal Employees union is not legally sustainable.

(ii)   Secret Ballot for verification can not be accepted.

(iii) Since DDOs who are procuring the verification belonging to particular unions participating in the verification, there is likelihood of bias.

(iv)  Hence the task of verification should be entrusted to an independent officer in the rank of divisional superintendent and accordingly the writ petitions are disposed of and the impugned order dt. 12.2.99 is set aside.


The court has further directed that in order to follow and maintain principles of natural justice, to entrust the verification process towards recognition of the trade unions, to an independent officer in the rank of Divisional Superintendent and scrutinize the option/authorization forms in the presence of one representative from each of the unions.


The court has directed to issue fresh notification towards the recognition of trade unions and decide the same with in four months. The Department has therefore to formulate the new process of verification and procedures.


Thus, a fresh verification is offing. Earlier process becomes obsolete. All Divisional / Branch Secretaries are requested to be active in the process and be ready at any time even in case of short notice.


8    Screening Committee

The high level meeting with Cabinet Secretary to finalise the issue of granting exemption to the Postal department from the purview of the Screening committee on 21.1.2009 has been deferred at the last moment due to hospitalization of the Prime Minister. The said meeting is expected to be held during the first fortnight of February 2009









3 hours – 75 points


3045 + 3% increment


3 hours – 4 hrs – 100 points


4060+3% increment


4 Hours to 5 hrs. (Above 100)


5075+3% increment




upto 3 hours






2890 + 3% increment




3-3.45 hours


3840 + 3% increment


Above 3.45 hours


4800 + 3% increment




upto 3 hours






2805 + 35 increment




3 to 3.45 hours


3740 + 3% increment


Above 3.45 hours


4675 + 3% increment



Full details of the Gopinath committee recommendations were already published in the web site. Please go through for the details. Instead of protracting the issues, the department should come forward to grant prorate wages as accepted by the committees in the revised scales of pay granted to Mail Overseer, Postmen and upgraded Group D posts with the increment ratio of 3 % before the Code of conduct announced by the Election commission. The rest of the items can be discussed further. A detailed letter addressed to Department has been published in the web site.



It is learnt that the Secretary, Dept of Posts in her D.O. Letter dated 27.1.2009 has intimated the Circle heads that the proposals for creation of Postmasters cadre has been cleared by the Postal Services board and changes in the recruitment rules have been made accordingly and sent to DOPT. It is shocked to note that no discussions with Staff side were held so far and the dept wants to introduce the examination unilaterally. We record our strong protest over this arbitrary decision and let all be prepared to launch serious agitations against any such move of introduction of any kind of examination without any discussions and decisions.


11.  Donation to CHQ

Still more than 75% branches have not remitted any amount to CHQ towards donation fixed at the rate of Rs.20/- per membership despite issuing individual reminders. Neither it is fair nor good to receive spate of reminders from CHQ requesting to carry out the decision & direction. The branches who have not remitted any amount so far are requested to send the due donation amount forthwith.


12. Branch Conferences

Branches are reminded that they are constitutionally obliged to forward to the CHQ, a copy of the Biennial report and audited accounts adopted by the Biennial Conference. The complete list of office bearers who have been elected, showing particulars of the official designation and office of employment should also be forwarded, which will enable the CHQ to maintain a neat record of all branches. The branches which have not send the Proforma sent by the CHQ seeking information's so far are requested to send the same at once for the compilation of details.


13. G. S on tour

General Secretary is out of head quarters from 02.02.09 to 17.02.09 as he is attending the Circle conference of Tamilnadu Circle on 9 & 10.2.09 and attending the I.T.E.F conference at Mumbai from 11.2.09. Com. Balwinder Singh, Financial Secretary will be in charge of the CHQ and attend current duties.


14. Com. R. Sivannarayana, AGS joins CHQ

Com. R. Sivannarayana, Asst. General Secretary, CHQ is joining the Head Quarters on 15.02.09 and remains in the CHQ to assist the General Secretary for two months.


With warm greetings'


Comradely yours,


(K. V. Sridharan)

General Secretary


Dated – 31.01.2009

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