General Secretary's Desk
We know the constraints, difficulties and problems in collecting Declaration forms from all members in the midst of peak summer prevailing with Loo…, General election etc. But we have to do it. The same constraints are available to other organisations also.
We are having more leaders and cadres in each division/branch. It is quite possible to obtain 100% declaration forms from our members besides attracting others by our activities, aims, objects and functioning. Our leaders and cadres, as usual, shall proceed on immediate leave; go round the entire division; collect declaration forms; Assist SBCO, P4, GDS Unions to collect more declarations for their unions too;
We are having the history; Still we are the sine-qua-non of Postal Employees. We are committed to work for the betterment of Postal workers. Popularize our activities among the Postal workers. Compare the CHQ activities and works. We can proudly say that 90% of problems brought to the CHQ notice had been resolved ; of course except the issues related to Government policy and programme – Your CHQ is the only CHQ contacting the Divisional Secretaries frequently; ascertain the problems and taking appropriate action. Educate and Explain all these to the basic workers. We are not only old but also youth in activities. We will leave no stone unturned in mitigating the issues of Postal workers.
We are proud to hear that there is no second union in Patiala, Faridkot in Punjab Circle. The Divisional Secretary, Koppal Karnataka confirmed the same. In Delhi Capital, there is no second union in P3 in New Delhi South West Division. We are receiving reports that in many divisions, the Divisional/Branch Secretaries are taking all out efforts to increase the membership around 15 to 20%. Let it be spread to the entire nation. Let us strengthen our capacity of collective bargaining at Division/Circle and All India levels with our increased membership.
The CHQ will honour by presenting awards and mementos to the best branches which enrolled more membership in the next All India conference. Why not, your branch is one among the winner. Time is too short. Act, Advance and achieve the target and intimate the CHQ for ensuring the award.
v Amendment to Service Rules/Recruitment Rules: -
The DOPT vide its OM No. AB 14017/61/2008-Estt (RR) dt. 24.03.09 has amended the Service rules after the revision of Pay scales as per the 6th CPC.
(i) The existing pay scales have to be substituted by new pay and Grade Pay straightaway without making any reference.
(ii) Single set of recruitment rules may be formulated and notified for merged grade.
(iii) Minimum eligibility for promotion etc in a grade was prescribed as follows: -
SL. No. | Grade Pay | Minimum Qualifying Service for promotion | |
From | To | ||
1. | 1900 | 2000 | 3 years |
2. | 1900 | 2400 | 8 years |
3. | 2000 | 2400 | 5 years |
4. | 2400 | 2800 | 5 years |
5. | 2400 | 4200 | 10 years |
6. | 2800 | 4200 | 6 years |
7. | 4200 | 4600 | 5 years |
8. | 4200 | 4800 | 6 years |
9. | 4200 | 5400 | 8 years |
10. | 4600 | 4800 | 2 years |
11. | 4600 | 5400 | 3 years |
From the above, the qualifying service of LSG, HSG II and HSG I may be determined as 5 years, 6 years and 5 years respectively. It will disturb the present qualifying service of 3 years from LSG to HSG II and 3 years from HSG II to HSG I.
We placed our demand to the department to follow the present prescribed 3 years of qualifying service for HSG II & HSG I promotion. The Department has assured to take up the issue and revise the recruitment rules as per the present qualifying service.
v Classification of Posts – Gazette Notification: -
The DOPT & Training vide its Gazette Notification dt. 09.04.2009 under S. O. 946 (E) has classified the Civil Posts with the following revised classification.
Sl. No. | Description of Posts | Classification of posts |
1 (a)
(B) | A Central Civil post in Cabinet Secretary's scale (Rs. 90000-fixed), Apex Scale (Rs.800000-fixed and Higher Administrative Grade plus scale (Rs.75500-80000) and A Central Civil Post carrying the following grade pays: - Rs. 12000, Rs.10000, Rs.8900 and Rs.8700 in the scale of pay of Rs.37400-67000 in Pay Band -4, and Rs.7600, Rs. 6600 and Rs. 5400 in the scale of pay of Rs. 15600-39100 in Pay Band – 3 |
Group A |
2. | A Central Civil Post carrying the following grade pays: - Rs. 5400, Rs.4800, Rs.4200 in the scale of pay of Rs.9300-34800 in Pay Band – 2. |
Group B
3. | A Central Civil post carrying the following grade pays: - Rs.2800, Rs.2400, Rs.2000, Rs.1900 and Rs.1800 in the scale of pay of Rs.5200-20200 in Pay Band- 1 |
Group C |
4. | A Central Civil post carrying the following grade pays: - Rs.1300, Rs.1400, Rs.1600, Rs.1650 in the scale of pay of Rs.4440-7440 in 1S Scale | Group D (till the posts are upgraded) |
All posts carrying the Grade pay right from Rs.4200/- to Rs.5400/- (Pay band II) are now classified as Group 'B' as per the abovesaid order. This has created some confusion about the application of Gazette status & others. The said notification was brought into effect from 09.04.2009
v Cadre Restructuring & Formation of Anomaly Committee: -
The proposals for cadre restructuring was submitted by us on 02.08.2008 itself. Similarly NFPE has nominated the members for the Anomaly Committee. It is told that the formation of Anomaly Committee is being delayed due to non submission of nomination of two members from FNPO. Similarly, they have not submitted any proposals on cadre review so far. The NFPE delegation met DDG (Establishment) on 22.04.09 and conveyed our concern over the delay in processing the cadre restructuring proposal and formation of anomaly committee.
v Meeting with DDG (Establishment): -
We met the DDG (Establishment) on 22.04.2009. The issues like Cadre Restructuring, Road Mileage Allowance to Systems Administrators, Doubling of PO & RMS Accountant's Special Allowance, Grant of Special Allowance to the Accountants holding TBOP, implementation of Group D higher pay for all Group D, Stoppage of recovery of OTA amount paid to ineligible officials, Formation of anomaly committee, Revision of FSC, the recovery case of APM Accounts, Pune H.O due to overdrawal for Postmen etc were discussed threadbare. The DDG assured for early decisions on all the issues.
v Filling up of Vacant HSG I Posts
The DOPT has approved the proposal of the Department relaxing the HSG I Recruitment Rules again as one time measure and fill up the Posts on adhoc basis with the HSG II officials without observing any minimum qualifying service. Similarly, the Present HSG I officials promoted on adhoc basis will continue further in the posts. Orders are under issue and is expected before the end of this week. The recruitment rules for HSG I will be submitted soon to DOPT for approval.
v BCR from the date of completion of 26 years service
Consequent upon the High court, Hyderabad judgment on the issue, the Department is now pursuing to the modify the orders to grant BCR promotions on completion of 26 years of Service. It is told that the opinion of the law ministry has been obtained for this effect.
v GDS Pay revision: -
The file related to GDS committee implementation has gone to Finance Ministry. No further progress or information is available at present. The implementation of the Committee's report or Ad hoc payment of arrears etc may be only after the conclusion of General Section.
v Three ACP: -
The File had been returned back by the Election Commission with the instructions to cause order after the General Election. As such, ACP orders for Government employees is expected only after the General Election. There after, it should be discussed with the Department to implement the same to the Postal officials besides processing the cadre review for ensuring more promotional avenues to the existing employees.
v Sixth CPC – National Anomaly Committee: -
The following items were placed in the National Anomaly Committee for discussion
(1) Pay Fixation in case of merger of pre-revised pay scale.
(2) Issues on revised Pay Rules 2008 like (i) Option (ii) Special Allowance for fixation purpose on promotion w.e.f. 01.01.2006 (iii) Existing pay should not be less than the minimum of upgraded pay scales. (iv) Removal of disparity about direct recruits & promotees (v) Date of next increment between 1st Feb to June'06 – Grant one increment as one time measure (vi) No Tax from arrears for Group D & others be allowed to exercise option to tax arrears either on receipt basis or accrual basis. (vii) Temporary status casual labourers – up gradation by imparting training to non matriculates.
(3) Benefit on promotion: - Minimum benefit of not less than 10% of the pay & Grade pay of the feeder post.
(4) Refixation of pension/Family pension – Para 9 of MOP PG & Pensions O.M. dt. 01.09.2008 to be revised including both paras 4.1. & 4.2 thereof.
(5) Anomaly in pension for Government servants who retired/died in harness between 1.1.2006 and 1.9.2008. – Application of 6th CPC recommendations that pension should be paid at 50% of average emoluments during the past ten months or last pay drawn with minimum pensionable service of 20years should be made to them also.
(6) Commutation of Pension – Suitable amendment to the table is requested.
(7) Grant Revised Allowance with effect from 01.01.2006 - All allowances may be granted at the revised rates w. e. f. 1.1.2006.
(8) Transport Allowance – (i) Below the Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- should be revised to Rs. 1600 + DA for A/A1 Towns and Rs.1200/- +DA for other towns.
(ii) Absence of more than a month for disentitling the employees for TA may be done away with.
(iii) 50% TA may be counted as wages for determining overtime rates.
(9) Revision of Existing Allowance: - Risk Allowance, Patient care allowance etc. which were withdrawn be paid with doubled rates till alternate schemes are implemented.
(10) Parity in Pension of all Pre 1996 retirees with those who retired on or after 01.01.96 – Notional Pension as on 01.01.96 may be revised first as per the 5th CPC and revision of pension be granted with 50% of the Grade Pay of the Pay Scale from which retired and not 40% of Basic pension.
(11) Anomaly in Pension to those retiring with in first 9 months of 2006 not fully rectified – The period preceding between 1.10.06 and 30.09.08 should be taken as 'Basic Pay multiplied by 1.86 plus notional increase in the basic pay by the Grade pay applicable and not 40% of basic pay in the pre-revised pay scale.
(12) Revision of Pension of those retired during the period 01.01.2006 to 01.09.2008 – Not only those retired between 1.1.2006 to 1.9.2008 but even those who retired prior to 1.1.2006 may be granted full pension if they had rendered 20 years of service (i.e.) 50% of the average emoluments for the last 10 months or the last pay if that be more beneficial.
(13) Allowance – Daily Allowance on Tour: - Demanding Fixed Daily Allowance for stay, Local travel food etc as before. The proposed DA: -
Grade pay 4800 to 4200 - 50% of hotel rates i.e. Rs.500/- plus 350 for local travel and food i.e. Rs.850/-
Below Rs.4200/- - 50% of hotel rates i.e. Rs.350 + Rs.350 (i.e.) Rs.700/-
(14) 50% of revised Pay band +Grade Pay not correctly determined – The revised table worked out & placed with the subjects to correct the irregularities.
(15) Revision of Pension of those who are receiving two pensions.
Minimum floor ceiling should apply separately to each pension and not to the total of the pension taken together.
(16) Special Provision for those retired on or after 1.1.2006 but retain pre-revised scales of Pay – Such cases may be very few. Provision be made in Para 13 for suitable amendment/amplification.
(17) Commutation of additional pension on retrospective revision of pension in respect of post 31.12.2005 retirees – Request to maintain status Quo by applying the provisions of Rule 10 of CCS (commutation of Pension) Rules 1981.
(18) Constant Attendant Allowance – Correction/amendment to the orders about the increase of allowance after the DA crosses 50% is required.
(19) Grant of Grade pay of Rs.5400 in PB 2 for Asst. Accounts/Audit officers – Demanded to upgrade the grade pay of Rs.5400/- in PB II.
(20) Revision in Base Index for DA: The base index in (2001=100) series for the computation of DA in Pay scale of 6th CPC may be taken as 115.12 and not 115.76.
(21) Child Care Leave – The clarification dt. 18.11.2008 may be withdrawn since the 6th CPC had not indicated that the leave will be available only in the event of there being no leave at credit.
(22) Cumulative loss in wages as a result of New Fixation Formula on promotion to the next higher grade: Demanding that the pay of the existing employee shall not be fixed at a stage lower than the pay at which a fresh recruit appointed on or after 1.1.2006 is fixed.
(23) Fixation of Pay on Promotion: - On promotion to the next higher grade pay, an employees should be fixed by adding 10% of pay plus the grade pay as demanded by NC/JCM.
(24) Denial of monetary benefit in the matter of fixation of pay while granting higher replacement scale: - when a post is upgraded the fixation of pay should be done on the basis of upgraded pay scale.
(25) Reopening of option for fixation of pay on promotion: - The existing employees who have been promoted to the higher post during 2005, 2006, 2007 or prior to 2.9.2008 may be allowed fresh option for fixation of their pay.
v Departmental Anomaly Committee:-
The following items have been notified for discussion in the anomaly committee constituted in the Postal department.
(i) TBOP/BCR Postal Asst. – The anomaly prevailing between Postal & Telecom may be taken in to account and the TBOP/LSG should be placed in Pay band 2.
(ii) PO & RMS Accountants: - The special Allowance should be taken for Pay fixation on promotion.
(iii) Systems Administrators: - Promotional cadre to PAs, 10% Pay + Grade Pay as Special Pay.
(iv) Marketing Executive: - 10% pay + Grade Pay as special pay.
(v) Supervisory Allowance: - Revival of Supervisory Allowance to LSG, HSG II & HSG I, PRI (P) – 10% Pay + Grade Pay.
(vi) Technical Postal Assistant: - Anomaly in grant of PB 2 with Grade Pay at par with other Department 'diploma' qualified cadres.
(vii) Head Mail peon – The relativity with Postman/mailguard to be restored.
(viii) Charge Hands – Should be placed in PB 2 with Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
(ix) Artisan Grade – Parity from 1.1.96 at par with Railways & Defence sought for.
(x) Date Entry Operator – Should be placed with Rs.2400/- Grade Pay at par with other C. G. Departments.
(xi) Cash handing Allowance to PO Treasurers – It should be common for PO & RMS and the disparity should be set aside.
(xii) P & T Dispensaries – the anomaly for Laboratory Technicians, Medical Store Keepers, Staff Nurse, be removed at par with other C. G. Hospitals.
(xiii) Sorters in DAP – should be placed in PB 1 with Grade Pay Rs.1900/-
With fraternal greetings,
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
Dated – 30.04.2009
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