General Secretary's Desk
The Postal JCA including GDS unions met 21.09.09 discussed in detail about the situation prevailing on GDS committee report and the inordinate delay in its implementation over ten months. The JCA also noted with concern that the modification sought for on pro rata wages, increment, Fixation formula etc have not been incorporated in the Cabinet memo.
After a thorough discussion the JCA has decided to serve Strike notice immediate on 22.09.09 for the proposed indefinite Strike from 07.10.09 on two point Charter of Demands as follows: -
(1) Approve and implement immediately the GDS Pay Commission with the modifications sought by the Staff Side; and
(2) Remove the discrimination against the GDS on the issue of grant of Bonus ceiling.
Postal JCA also decided to organize a Joint Strike Tour in all Circles between 01.10.09 to 05.10.09.
Attention of All Branch/Divisional Secretaries This Strike action is only for the immediate settlement of GDS Pay Committee report. We have not included any other demands since the importance of the demand should not be diluted. It is the GDS who participated the Bonus strike for Departmental employees and all the strikes even though their demands were not found place. The December 2008 episode should not be repeated in any division/circles who have miserably failed then. 100% participation should be ensured by all members by organizing tours , meetings etc. Don't forget! It is our primary duty to extend all help to GDS for settlement of their fundamental demands. Please ensure the Strike a most successful one.
All Circle Secretaries are requested to tour their circles intensively and ensure full participation of all cadres in the ensuing Strike from 07.10.09. Reports shall be sent to CHQ as frequently as possible about the mobilization and other issues.
Let us unite, shed our differences if any for the cause of GDS and for their upliftment. Let us show our oneness in the strike and mitigate the GDS demands.
The Department of Posts has caused orders vide its OM no. 4-7/(MACPs)/2009/PCC dt. 18.09.09 for the implementation of MACP scheme in the Department of Posts. The full text of the orders is being published in the ensuing Bhartiya Post and also exhibited in our CHQ Website.
1. Three Financial upgradations under MACP at intervals of 10,20 & 30 years of continuous regular service with effect from 1.9.2008.
2. The TBOP & BCR shall stand withdrawn with effect from 1.9.2008.
3. There shall be no change in the designation, classification or higher status, but financial & other benefits shall be permitted.
4. Action should be finalized at once for grant of TBOP/BCR due for the period till 31.08.2008.
5. Screening Committee should be constituted immediately for grant of MACP. There shall be a time schedule and meet twice in a financial year. Preferably in the first week of January & First week of July for advance processing of the cases maturing in that half year.
6. No stepping up of pay in the pay band or grade pay would be admissible.
This MACP is based on the DOPT orders and it should be read with the DOPT order dated 19.05.2009.
The main features of the DOPT orders stated above is as follows: -
(i) There shall be three financial upgradations counted from the direct entry grade on completion of 10,20 & 30 years respectively.
(ii) Financial upgradation will be admissible whenever a person has spent 10 years continuously in the same grade pay.
(iii) Benefit of pay fixation for regular promotion shall be allowed on MACP. 3% of the total pay in the Pay band and grade pay drawn before such upgradation shall be granted.
(iv) However no further fixation of pay on regular promotion if it is in the same grade pay as granted under MACP. If higher grade pay, only difference of grade pay is admissible on regular promotion.
(v) Promotions earned in the Post carrying same grade pay in the promotional hierarchy as per Recruitment Rules shall be counted for the purpose of MACPs.
(vi) 'Regular Service' shall commence from the date of joining of a Post
(vii) On grant of financial upgradation, there shall be no change in the designation, classification or higher status. However, financial and certain other benefits such as HBA, allotment of quarters shall be permitted.
(viii) The Financial upgradation would be on non functional basis subject to fitness, in the hierarchy of grade pay within the PB I (No bench Mark application up to Rs.2800/- Grade Pay). Thereafter application of bench mark 'good' will be there till the grade pay of Rs.6600/- in PB 3.
(ix) No reservation orders/roster shall apply to the MACPs
(x) Financial upgradation under the MACPs shall be purely personal to the employee and shall have no relevance to his seniority position.
(xi) If a regular promotion has been offered but was refused by the employee before becoming entitled to a financial upgradation, no financial upgradation shall be allowed. He will not be eligible for further financial upgradation till he agrees to be considered for promotion again and the second and the next financial upgradiaton shall also be deferred to the extend of period of debarment due to the refusal.
The Department of Posts has simply adopted the orders without any deviation. Certainly the introduction of MACP scheme in the Postal is another mile stone ahead in our history. All are requested to send their feed backs about the MACP.
The National Executive of the Confederation met on 13.09.2009 at New Delhi.
It is decided that the triennial National Council meeting will be held on 4th,5th and 6th December, 2009 at New Delhi. The inaugural session will commence at 2.30 PM on 4th (Friday) and shall be concluded by 6.30 PM. Business session will commence on 5th at 10.30AM and the conference will be concluding its deliberations on 6th by 5.30PM. The inaugural session will be participated and addressed by all the Central T.U. representatives, all affiliates of the TUI-PAE in Indian Sub-continent, Sri Lanka, Japan and Vietnam. The TUI General Secretary will also be invited to address the inaugural session.
It was decided that the Secretariat should once again circulate the details of membership of each affiliated Association/Union (as declared earlier) and permit them to correct the declared membership and pay the arrear dues.
The following programme of action has been decided to be carried out.
(i) The Executive decided to organize meetings in front of all offices and other campaign programmes like issuance of leaflets etc. to popularize the following demands and adopt the resolution demanding the convening of the Departmental Council of the respective Ministries/Department. This should be carried out by all affiliates and its units and branches during September and October, 2009. The resolution adopted in this regard to be sent to the concerned Secretary of the respective Ministries/Department with a copy to the Confederation CHQ.
(ii) To organize a human chain on 25th November, 2009 in all Cities/Towns by eliciting massive participation of the members. The human chain should preferably connect two Central Govt. offices as is chosen by the concerned COCs. The human chain is to be organized to project the following demands as detailed in the annexed resolution.
(a) To reduce the price of all essential commodities.
(b) To rescind the orders on outsourcing of Governmental functions and closure of offices
(c) To fill up all vacancies of Group D posts by regular recruitment and stop contracting out the Group D functions and employing daily rated/casual workers to carry out the Group D functions;
(d) Remove the condition imposed on employees who are recruited after 1.1.2004 to draw the 60% arrears (viz. the compulsory filing of application for registration to NPS)
(e) To rescind the decision to replace the CGHS and Medical facilities by Medical Insurance scheme without causing any discussion in this regard with the Staff Side.
(f) To restore the Departmental Council functioning in all Ministries/Departments and ensure that the meetings of the Councils are held once in every four months. Convene the meeting of the Anomaly committees to discuss and settle the issues.
It was decided that the Confederation will write to the Cabinet Secretary, on (i) the non functioning of the JCM for a (especially the National Council, Standing Committee and the National Anomaly Committee) (ii) to the Director CGHS to restore the emergency consultation facility in CGHS dispensaries and (iii) to place the copy of all important correspondence with the authorities on the website of the Confederation.
The Directorate in its letter No. 1/1/2009-SR dt. 17.09.09 intimated that sufficient allotment of funds has been placed to all the Circles in the Budget allotment 2009-10 to wipe out all the pending bills like TA, Medical, OTA etc. we have placed this as one of the subjects for discussions in the ensuing periodical meeting.
All Branch/Divisional Secretaries requested to furnish pending bills headwise to the Circle & CHQ. The Circle Secretaries are requested to collect the details and forward to CHQ atleast before 15.10.2009. This is most important.
The Nine Central Trade Unions viz. INTUC, BMS, CITU, AITUC, HMS, AICCTU, AIUTUC, TUCC and UTUC having different political shades come together and conducted a historic convention on 14.09.09 at New Delhi. The convention adopted a Joint declaration, called for state level joint conventions and issued a call for observance of National protest day on 28.10.09 through joint mobilisation urging the Government to take urgent remedial/corrective measures on price rise and PDS system, Employment Protection, Strict enforcement of all labour laws, Social security for the unorganised sector employees, stop disinvestment process of Public Sector enterprises etc. The country has now witnessed a 'rare unity' for the concern of working class and toiling mass.
Finance Ministry issued fresh guidelines vide its memo No. 7 (1) E Coord/2009 dt. 7.09.2009 on expenditure management. For the year 2009-10, every Ministry/ Department shell effect a Mandatory 10% cut in non plan expenditure under the following heads:
A) Domestic and Foreign Travel Expenses.
B) Publications.
C) Professional Services
D) Advertising and Publicity
E) Office expenses
F) POL (except for security related arrangement)
G) Other administrative expenses.
The remaining portions of non plan expenditure, excluding interest payments, repayment of debt, Defence capital, Salaries, Pension and the Finance Commission grants to the states will be subjected to a mandatory 5% cut. No re-appropriation of funds to augment the non-plan heads of expenditure shall be allowed during the current financial year. No increase in budgetary allocation. Purchase of vehicles, except for operational requirement of the Defence forces, Central Para Military Forces and Security related organization will not be permitted.
Sri. Pranab Mukherjee, Hon'ble Finance Minister & other VIPS like Smt. Sonia Gandhi, Sri. Sharad Pawar etc are flying in the economic class of a commercial flights eventhough special charted plane was waiting. The austerity measures now adopted by the Ministers should be applied to Burocrates. How much of amount is being spent on functions and foreign tours every day in the Department of Post itself. Shall we expect that the Postal Managers will adopt austerity measures and set an example to others.
Department of Post issued orders for Extension of Outsourcing Collection Scheme to Logistics Post/Logistics Post Air/Overnight Parcels Service. Now the heads of the Circles delegated powers to appoint collection agents to collect the cargo business and they will get 5% Commission on the business procured. Earlier the department issued orders for outsourcing of data entry work related to Bulk Speed post articles and Now for Logistic Post/Logistic Post Air/Overnight Parcel Service.
NFPE is bringing out two Books - One Book on our great leader Comrade N.J.Iyer, the Founder President of NFPE and former General Secretary of R3 NFPTE Union - Second Book on our another great leader Comrade K.Adinarayana, the Former Secretary General of NFPE and Former General Secretary P4 NFPTE / NFPE.
The Book on Comrade Iyer is captioned as "Iyer's Vision" containing many of his ideological articles and articles on many important issues together with the write ups of many leaders of Central Government Employees Movement about the leadership of Comrade Iyer.
The Book on Comrade Adi is a Biography written by a famous biography Writer Comrade Ramakrishnan. He has vividly narrated the leadership of Comrade Adi in a biography form.
All Circle Secretaries are requested to intimate the Federation over phone or through emails about the number of copies of each book they want to purchase for their circles and branches. It will be appreciated if at least each branch purchase five copies of each book for their important office bearers and for circulation. PLEASE PLACE THE ORDER IMMEDIATELY. - SECRETARY GENERAL, NFPE.
v Circle conference of West Bengal circle is scheduled to be held from 11th to 14th October 2009 at Barasat (West Bengal). General Secretary is attending.
v The CWC meeting of M.P. Circle will be held on 04.10.09 at Bhopal. General Secretary & Financial Secretary, CHQ are attending the meeting.
v The CWC Meeting of U. P. Circle is scheduled to be held on 10 & 11th October 09 at Kanpur. General Secretary is attending.
v The Department has sought subjects to the ensuing periodical meeting with Secretary, Department of Posts. Accordingly we have given the following subjects for the discussions.
(i) Inordinate delay in settlement of personal claims like TA, OTA, Medical etc for want of funds since 2003-04.
(ii) Filling up of Residual Vacancies.
(iii) Filling up the posts of APM Accounts & Promotional avenue to the Accounts line officials.
v CAT, Chandigarh held that the GDS are entitled to get revised bonus ceiling of Rs. 3500/-. However, the Department has filed a writ petition in the High Court of Punjab to set aside the judgment. This year, the Department has mentioned in the bonus order itself restricting the ceiling to Rs. 2500/- This discrimination has to be fought unitedly by all.
v Even though, the New Pension bill has not been placed and passed in the Parliament, the Government has forcibly obtained declaration forms from all the new entrants after 1.1.2004 for switching over to New Pension scheme by withholding the 60% arrears. The Government should be a model employer in concept and action but acted in a deceived manner and introduced the New pension scheme at the time of disbursement of 60% arrears by obtaining declarations and forms from the officials. This is nothing but an act of back door method to introduce the bill shortly.
v The Government has now allowed part withdrawal in NREGS Account. This will increase the work load at rural post offices.
v As per the Gazette notification dt. 27.05.09, the official holding the post in Pay Band 2 and drawing Grade pay of Rs.4200/- but less then 4800/- they should keep the minimum balance of Rs. 15000/- in their GPF account. For Grade Pay from 1400/- but less than 4200/- the balance should be kept to the tune of Rs.10000/-.
v The Department of Post has circulated the calendar of Examination now for the year 2009. The IPO Exam is scheduled to be held from 4 to 6th January 2010. The date for Group B exam did not find place. The CHQ has taken up the case.
v The Department has caused orders to fill up all the vacancies pertaining to 2006, 2007 & 2008 with the existing recruitment rules. There are more than 15000 posts which will be filled up shortly. This is one of the Charter demands formulated by our CHQ and insisted continuously. This will provide some relief to the toiling Group 'C' Comrades.
The All India Seminar on Technology and Systems Administrators, organised by the NFPE will be held at New Delhi on 07.11.09. Sri. S. Samant, Member, Technology, Postal Services Board accepted the invitation and will deliver special lecture on the topic of the seminar viz. "Technology sweep in Department of Posts. Present & Future vision – Challenges before the Management and Staff – Role of 'System Administrators' – Let us make the seminar a fruitful & purposeful in focusing the issues of the Systems Administrators.
The Branches which have not remitted any donation to CHQ as fixed @Rs.20/- per membership are requested to remit the amount without fail. CHQ should have a sound and good financial position.
Further, more than 75% of the branches have not remitted any Quota for the current financial year 2009-10. All of them are requested to clear upto date Quota and Bhartiya Post dues.
The copes of 'Union constitution and Trade Union Facilities' are available at CHQ. if any desires to indent, please advise them to send Rs.50/- to CHQ.
Please ensure clearance of Quota, Bhartiya Post dues & Special donation of Rs.20/- per membership forthwith.
May I seek your response comrade?
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