‘May Day’ is a day of international importance and has acquired an unique significance in the history of mankind. It is commonly understood as a day celebrated by the entire working class of the world as the Labour Day; as a day to mark renewed effort for ushering in the millennium which will establish perfect human rights to every worker.
The historical significance of the day has been variously and differently recorded. The celebration of May Day can be traced to medieval times. The origin is obscure. Its historical significance, however, was established by Robert Owen, who in 1833 declared May 1st as the day for the desired commencement of the millennium – the redemption of Labour from slave conditions of service. But its actual observance was not regularized till after 1899.
A convention thus grew. This festivities of the day were taken advantage of by the working classes to consolidate an united front and the labourers, in most of the States of U.S.A. especially in Chicago used to assemble and discuss problems confronting them. In 1883, a ‘combine’ of labourers in Chicago formulated a charter of demands and distributed it throughout the States. One of the demands was that May 1st of every year should be observed as a national holiday. The sponsors of this movement also resolved that if the demands conveyed in the charter were not conceded within one year, they would force acceptance by direct action.
In pursuance of this resolution the labour force in Chicago came out on May 1st in 1884, paraded the streets and came into conflict with the police. The State imposed its authority with such virulent violence that there was actually a blood bath in the streets of Chicago and about 100 labourers lost their lives – the first martyrs of the working class to lay down their lives for their lives for the freedom of the workers. This incident created a tremendous sensation throughout the various States in America and also had its repercussion on the continent. Slowly the agitation of the ‘knights’ of labour gathered momentum. The workers who rose in revolt were plunged in blood bath on May 1886 August Spices, Fredrick Engels, Fishchr, persons were sent to gallows on 11.11.1887. The first state which recognized the labour day was Oregan and subsequently other states like New York, New Jersey followed suit.
In 1889 the International Socialists’ Congress met in Paris. More familiarly known as “Second International” it reviewed the events in the working class movement and resolved to fix May day as the International labour day. From that year onwards, the day has been regularly celebrated on the continent and frequently sanguinary conflicts have occurred with the police. In Britain the celebration generally takes place on the first Sunday after May 1st. In London the traditional meeting place is Hydepark. In most of the States in America and Europe the day is observed with the sanction of the law of the land, a holiday being declared. In the U.S.S.R., naturally, the day is celebrated as a national festival. But till day, the may 1st has not been declared as holiday by the Government of India.
The Flag of the working class was soaked in the blood of the worker martyr. Salute the Red Flag and observe the May Day. Remember and honour the martyrs who dies to make the lives of their fellow men better and free from Exploitation.
Let us Praise the martyrs and May Day
May Day Greetings to All Comrades
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