Ref: P/4-1/Staff – RTP Dated – 04.02.2011
All CHQ office bearers &
Circle Secretaries
Dear Comrade,
Sub: - Counting of Past Services rendered by RTP for promotion.
We have submitted a memorandum to Honble Minister of State for communication & IT on 29.12.2010 in which we sought settlement of R.T.P issue hanging over the decades with the new dimension.
(i) The Department has regularized the past services of RTP for those deputed to APS with retrospective effect based on Supreme Court orders. Resultantly, the seniors to those officials are deprived of their seniority, promotional benefits etc. As per the Rules, the seniority should be decided based on the merit in the recruitment list. All the seniors should be stepped up at par with their juniors deputed APS. This is a new area, developed recently.
(ii) There are certain officials approached CAT like Kerala whose RTP services were earlier taken for all purposes. We are demanding the same to the similarly situated persons.
(iii) There is every justification for regularising their RTP service for which we cited many cases in the past through our correspondences.
Based on our submission, the Department has now called for details from all circles vide its letter No.44-1/2011 - SPN dt. 13.01.2011. The Copy of the letter is enclosed.
All circle secretaries are requested to approach the circle administration and see the required particulars are submitted favourably.
We should not leave any stone unturned in the case of counting of past services to the ex RTPs.
Let us move in this direction.
With greetings,
DA: as above
Comradely yours,
(K. V. Sridharan)
General SecretaryIMMEDIATE
Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts
All Heads of Postal Circle
Subject: - Counting of adhoc services rendered by Reserve Trained Pool (RTP) PAs/SAs for promotion.
I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of letter No.P/1-1/AIC, dated 29.12.2010 addressed to Hon’ble MOS (C&IT) (K) by the General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union Group ‘C’, New Delhi on the above subject.
(b) No. of such ad-hoc officials who were thereafter appointed as PA/SA on regular basis and (i) retained in the Circles as such and (ii) deputed in APS.
(c) Whether any of such PA/SA appointed after rendering ad-hoc service and regularized and retained in the Circle itself has approached Hon’ble CAT for regularization of their ad-hoc service?
(d) If so, number of such PA/SA regularized may be intimated and
(e) Copies of the Court’s orders, CO order implementing these court orders along with letter number of Directorate under which approval has been obtained by the Circle for implementation of the Court’s orders may be furnished to the Directorate.
Encl: As above
Yours faithfully,
(Suran Bhan)
Asstt. Director General (SPN)
1 comment:
It's great to see that this almost dead case had again been given life thro' our CHQ. It would be heartening if the case has its logical successful conclusion. We are confident that our CHQ can definitely achieve this.
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