Dear Comrade,
Long March
After a long gap, we are meeting through this desk and my advance greetings to all on Pooja, Diwali and other festivals. After the deferment of the proposed strike, you would have realized that many issues prolonged for years together are being settled one after another. Of course, trade union is the incessant movement and even if we solved all the issues, new issues will creep. As Com. Lenin rightly quoted that the gains achieved through various struggles will motivate the workers for a long struggle for their advancement, the Postal workers can proudly say that they are resisting till now the adverse effects of globalization in the communication sector and these small gains achieved through struggles will keep them ready to resist further onslaughts of these effects. Let us keep vigil. Let us first discuss about the orders issued on the Strike Charter of Demands. Orders for the following items have been issued by the department.
Gains on our demands
1. Applicability of various kinds of Travelling Allowances in case of systems administrators, Marketing Executives, PRI (P)s & Road Mileage Allowance to the staff entrusted the work of Cheque clearance.
(DG (P) No. 17-01/2011-PAP dt. 23.06.2011)
2. Imparting training to physically disabled non matriculate erstwhile Group D employees & those promoted to Postman/Mail guard or PA/SA after 1.1.2006.
(DG (P) No. 1-20/2008-PCC dt. 15.06.2011)
3. Post attached Quarters - instructions reg.
(DG (P) No. 7-1_2010-Bldg dated 16.06.2011)
4. Reconstitution of cadre restructuring committee.
(DG (P) No. 1/4/2010-SR dt. 12.07.2011)
5. Enhancement of Savings Bank Allowance to Postal Assistants working in Savings Bank branches.
(DG (P) No. 113-07/2010-SB dt. 21.06.2011)
6. Orders on Contributory Negligence
(DG (P) No. 14013/03/2010-VP dt. 22.06.2011)
7. Implementation of Modified Assured Career Prgression Scheme (MACPs) - Clarification on constitution of Divisional Scrutiny Committee.
(DG (P) No. 4-7/(MACPs)/2009-PCC dt. 30.06.2011)
8. Charge in designation of Sorting Postman - Clarification
(DG (P) No. 25-20/2008-PE I dt. 12.07.2011)
9. Posting of Sub Postmasters in Single handed and double handed sub Post office - reg.
(DG (P) No. 37-56/2008-SPB II dt. 15.07.2011)
10. Abnormal delay in Payment of Speed Pos delivery incentive bills
(DG (P) No. 16/56/2011-SR dt, 07.07.2011)
11. Non implementation of modified assured career Progression Scheme (MACOS)
(DG (P) No. 4-7/MACPs/2009-PCC - dt 22.06.2011)
12. New examination System - conducting limited Departmental Competitive Exam for the year 2011.
(DG (P) No. A-34020/08/2010-DE dt. 30.05.2011)
13. Clarification on MACP to the Group 'D' & Postmen entry in the Department of Posts.
(DG (P) No. 4-7/MACPs/2009/PCC dt. 25.04.2011)
14. Fixation of seniority of PAs/SAs in General line and Accounts line for promotion to the cadre of LSG (NB)
(DG (P) No. 06-04/2011-SPB II dt. 09.03.2011)
15. Grant of financial upgradation in the promotional Hierarchy instead of Grade pay Hierarchy under the MACPs - furnishing information - reg.
(DG (P) No. 4-7/(MACPS)/2009-PCC dt. 16.05.2011)
16. Grant of leave to the staff working under HSG-I Postmaster.
(DG (P) No. 51-4/2011-SPB II dt. 01.08.2011)
17. Out Station Allowance to RMS Staff - revision of rates thereof.
(DG (P) No. 28-2/2010-D dt. 19.07.2011)
18. Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 1900, Rs.2000/- with effect from 1.1.2006 to those Group D (MTS) who were given TBOP/BCR before 1.1.2006 vis-à-vis - Applicability of provisions of para 6 of annexure I to OM on MACPs dt. 18.09.2009.
(DG (P) No. 1-20/2008-{CC (Pt) dt. 18.7.2011)
19. Imposing of statuary punishment for non performance of OT duty - reg.
(DG (P) No. 8-9/2011-SR dt. 21.07.2011)
20. Increase in the number of chances to appear in the LDCE (LGO) exam to fill up the posts of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistants
(DG (P) No. 60-10/2011-SPB I dt. 26.07.2011)
21. Organizing frequent meetings/Melas on holidays and Sundays - denial of legitimate rights to the employees to avail Sundays etc.
(DG (P) No. 16/56/2011-SR dt. 08.07.2011)
22. Grant of officiating pay & Allowance to selection Grade officials - reg.
(DG (P) 137-64/2010-SPB II dt. 28.07.2011)
23. Declining promotion to Postmaster Grade II by the officials declared successful in Postmaster Grade I - Departmental Competitive exam held on 12.06.2011
(DG (P) No. 4-24/2011-SPB II dt. 09.08.2011)
24. Continuation of adhoc promotion made in the cadre of HSG I
(DG (P) No. 4-16/2002-SPB II dt. 01.08.2011)
25. Orders on CCL
(DG (P) No. 51-3/2009-SPB-Ii Dt. 15.06.2011)
In respect of many items, the files are under process and let us know some details about the pending issues in the following paras.
Progress on Demands
1)Cadre Review Committee: - The first sitting of cadre review committee will be held on 29.9.2011 at Directorate. We are updating our proposal and suggestions if any can be sent before 29.09.2011
2) Filling up of vacancies for 2011: - When the Directorate called for vacancy position, it is alarmingly felt that still there are many vacancies for the earlier years left unfilled up. The Directorate sought for information from all circles to furnish all the current & previous unfilled vacancies in all cadres and also to mention the oldest vacancy still unfilled up - On receipt of particulars, process similar to last recruitment will be conducted at Directorate before December 2011 to fill up all the remaining vacancies.
All our Branch/Divisional Secretaries are requested to verify the establishment sanction actual staff strength available and calculate the actual vacancies of their divisions and to intimate the same to circle union immediately so that the circle union can pursue at circle level ensuring that no post is left unfilled up.Unless Branch/Divisional Secretaries act vigilantly, nothing is probable to come out from the issue of shortage of staff.
3) HSG I Recruitment Rules: - UPSC has not approved yet the HSG-I Recruitment Rules. It raised objections that the number of Posts in feeder cadre HSG-II and HSG-I is similar and to reduce the number of HSG I posts to the ratio of at least 2:1. The Department replied about the justification and functional requirements. It is expected that the recruitment rules will be released from UPSC within a fortnight or maximum a month.
In the revised HSG-I Recruitment Rules, all HSG-I posts including the posts which are now reserved for IPO line are being brought under general line. DOPT informed that after the approval of the Recruitment Rules for HSG-I, the conditions of minimum service in HSG II( 5 years) will be relaxed as before considering the requirements of the department.
4) Filling up of Postmaster Grade III Posts: - According to the scheme, Postmaster Grade-III posts will be carved out only when the posts are filled up. As such, technically there is no Postmaster Grade III post in existence. After the finalization of HSG I Recruitment Rules and offered regular promotion to the present adhoc HSG I official and others, option will be called for among them whether they will opt for Postmaster Grade III. The posts will be filled up at first with the HSG-I officials opted for the cadre and the remaining Postmaster Grade III posts will be declared for promotion under the channel of Postmaster's cadre. After the creation of Grade III, the Department assured to consider the one time relaxation to fill up all the unfilled up Grade II & Grade III posts by relaxing the minimum service conditions required.
5) Filling up of Postmaster Grade I unfilled up posts: - We placed a demand to consider the remaining candidates in the selection list of Postmaster Grade I exam for filling up the vacancies caused due to declination by some candidates after declaring the results. This was agreed. All circles will be addressed soon to ascertain the number of officials declined. We are expecting orders shortly.
6) Gradation List: - This is one of the major problems prevailing in all circles. All circles have been addressed to compile Gradation list of all cadres at once. All divisional Secretaries should follow up the same since this is most important document now to determine the promotional aspects of the employees.
7) Tenure posting in Single handed offices: - Despite strong objection from vigilance section of the Directorate, as assured during discussions on the strike charters, the Department is issuing orders for reposting officials to sub offices if the officials have not come out with any cases in preceding 10 years. Orders are expected to be released shortly.
8) Allowing P. H. candidates to IPO Exam: -The Department has formalized the reservation for promotion in I.P cadre for P. H. candidates and forwarded the file to Ministry of social Welfare for formal approval. This will definitely become a boost to the physically challenged Postal Assistants.
9) Doubling the Treasury Allowance: - A specific clarification about Treasury Allowance to Treasurer is under issue.
10) Problems of Casual Labourers: - An internal committee headed by the Chief PMG, Assam has been constituted to study the problems of casual labourers like regularization, alternate method of appointments for subsequent requirements, Pay related issues as per the Sixth CPC etc. The first preliminary sitting is expected to be held at Kolkata on 19.09.2011. DDG (P) & DDG (Establishment) are the other members. ADG (PCC) will be the member (Secretary). In respect of application of Sixth CPC wages to casual labourers, it is being delayed due to non receipt of information from five circles. They have been reminded by the Directorate.
11) Internal Committee to review Allowances: - Another committee has been constituted to review the allowances available in the Department under the chairmanship of Sri. Santosh Gauriar, Chief PMG, M. P. Circle, Sri. V. P. Singh, DDG Establishment, Sri. B. Selvakumar PMG Agra, Sri. D. Manoj, G.M. Finance Maharashtra Circle will be the members. Sri. S. V. Rao ADG (Establishment) will functions as ADG (Member Secretary)
1) The allowances, which are to be examined by the Committee, are as under:
(a) Grant of Special Allowance to all Group 'A' & Group 'B' officers working in Circle offices and Regional offices irrespective of their designation.
(b) Grant of Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance to Mail overseers instead of Nigh Halt Allowance.
(c) Revival of Cash Handling Allowance to Postmen.
(d) Removal of distance criteria for grant of Cycle Maintenance Allowance (CMA) to Postmen.
(e) Revision of Cash Allowance to SPMs in the absence of Treasurers.
(f) Upward revision of Conveyance Allowance to PRIs (P)
(g) Grant of Road Mileage Allowance to staff entrusted with the work of clearance of cheques.
(h) Grant of Fixed Conveyance Allowance to Marketing Executives.
(i) Enhancement of Split Duty Allowance.
(j) Grant of Special Allowance to unqualified accounts irrespective of financial up gradation granted under TBOP/BCR/MACP
(k) Special Allowance to PO & RMS accountants on grant of financial up gradation under MACPs.
(l) Grant of Treasury Allowance to those officials who are given financial up gradation under MACP
2) The terms of reference of the Committee will be to examine and give specific recommendation on each allowance indicated above with a view that:
i) Any upward revision is required in the current scenario in the allowances.
ii) Whether the already discontinued allowances or allowances not being paid to specific cadre are needed to be restored or allowed.
3) The Committee will submit its Report within Three months.
Our CHQ is sending a proposals to the said committee on all issues and also to restore charge allowance to Postmasters as existed prior to introduction of TBOP and also to restore MPCM allowance to counter Assistants. Our letter will be published in the Bhartiya Post.
12) Departmental Council (JCM): - it was intimated to hold the Departmental Council (JCM) in the month of October 2011. The last date for submission of subjects has been fixed as 28.09.2011. If any specific issue is to be taken up, the Divisional/Branch/Circle secretaries are at liberty to e-mail the issues before 25.09.2011 to CHQ.
13) Dropping of Confirmation exam: - It is under process. Orders will be expedited.
14) Revised Recruitment rules for Postal Assistants: - As per the RR 2002, there are 49 categories eligible to appear the LGO exam and most of the categories are not in existence. Hence the process of eliminating such categories is under progress. Thereafter it will be finalized by including the agreed demands of thrown open the unfilled vacancies of LGO to GDS without any mark condition. The deletion of confirmation examination is included in the revised R. R.
15) Permission to opt for General line from Accounts line: - We demanded that the options obtained at the time of TBOP become obsolete and the option exercised only at the time of regular promotion to LSG accounts shall be taken into account. This has been accepted by the Department and orders issued.
16) Training Allowance to WCTU instructors: - Proposals for creation of regular trainers will be taken up. Revision of training allowance to instructors is training centre & introduction of training allowance to regular trainers appointed in WCTU is under consideration.
17) Revision of honorarium for Departmental Exam: - The file is under process. The allowance, as it is told, will be doubled.
18) Counting of past services to RTP: - The CHQ has written one more letter department to implement the decision of Mumbai CAT decision to all the similarly situated persons. This will be discussed further with the Secretary in the ensuing Department Council Meeting.
19) Counting of Special Allowance for pay fixation - Case of PO & RMS Accountants: - We are demanding for implementation of Karnataka High court judgment and not to file SLP. This is being pursued.
20) Irregular attachment of unoccupied staff quarters as post attached quarters: - Today the relevant rulings of 1929 & others were towed handed. It is assured to cause necessary orders at the earliest.
21) Training to Postmaster Grade I: - All Training Centres have been instructed to finalise the Grade I training before 15.1.2012. The Training Centre have accordingly allotted seats to the circles.
Let us now discuss about the organizational activities in glance.
Confederation decisions on agitation against PFRDA Bill
i) Signature campaign: - Please refer Bhartiya Post September 2011 issue. Please start signature campaign by involving all the membership and through them the people at large. Maximum signature shall be obtained and forwarded to CHQ which should reach the CHQ before 22.11.2011.
ii) March to Parliament:- NFPE has fixed target to P3 as 3500 for the minimum participation in the march to parliament on 25.11.2011. All Divisional Secretaries/Circle Secretaries with their activists may book their journey tickets well in advance to participate the rally.
Let us mobilize in full swing to take part in the rally organized to show our protest against new pension Bill and demanding to restore old pension scheme for all new recruits.
iii) Convention - If state level conventions are not held so far, please initiate efforts to hold convention of Confederation to popularize the demands finalized by the Confederation on C. G. Employees.
NFPE - All India Workshop
All India study camp for CHQ office bearers and Circle secretaries of all affiliated unions will be held at Allahabad from 04.12.2011 to 06.12.2011. Delegate fee has been fixed as Rs.500/- All concerned are requested to book their journey tickets well in advance.
1st All India Convention of Casual, Part time, contingent employees
Our Federation has notified to hold the first All India Convention of Casual, Part time and Contingent employees at Tirupati (A.P) from 13.11.2011 to 14.11.2011. Secretary General directed all the Circle secretaries to take initiates to form circle level organization for such employees and depute the delegates elected in the conference. All Circle Secretaries are requested to kindly do their best for the formation of their circle union.
P3 Special Workshop
A special workshop exlusively for P3 office bearers is scheduled to be held at Puri, Odisha during the month of January 2011. This will be an educative workshop. Date & Venue will be intimated later.
Let us revamp our functioning
Finally, let us come to the important section of this desk. Many positive instructions were issued from the Directorate in the recent times. But unfortunately many of the items have not been properly implemented in true spirit at lower levels. We are also not appraised about the position by more than 95% of the divisional/ branch secretaries. Sometimes, we could not challenge the officers in the absence of adequate informations.
A questionnaire has been prepared and attached with this desk. All branch/divisional secretaries should compile and send the same to the CHQ and circle before 15.10.2011. Don't feel shy when some of the issues have not taken at your level. Don't bother. At least we will start now. Don't suppress the information and be frank in furnishing such items. It is the need to revamp our organization and style of functioning at all levels. Let us move with this direction.
Okay comrade. I have taken a lot of time from you. Once again my greetings to one and all.
With greetings,
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
Questionnaire to Divisional/Branch Secretaries
2. i)Whether APAR for the year 2010-11 was issued to all PAs during July 2011 or subsequently.
ii) If not, have you placed this as one of the subjects in monthly meeting.
iii) Have you sought assistance from Circle Union?
(Please see Note 1)
ii) Whether process for MACP for second half has been initiated in July 2011 or not?
iii) If the process is not initiated, have you discussed in the monthly meeting?
iv) Have you brought the delay to the notice of Circle union?
(Please see Note 2)
4. i) Whether Screening Committee for upgradation of average entries to the left out officials is reconstituted or not?
ii) Whether all are accorded MACP or how many left out?
iii) Whether 15 days notice was issued to represent against the entries in case of officials who have not again been considered by the Scrutiny Committee?
iv) Whether the issue of non-grant/delay in constituting scrutiny committee was taken in the monthly meeting?
v) Have you sought the assistance of Circle union to mitigate the grievances of left out officials?
(Please see Note 3)
5) i) Whether the recruitment process for vacancies upto 2010 was completed or not?
ii) Whether the unfilled up vacancies of LGO (Residual vacancies are filled up with GDS or open recruitment upto the year 2010 or not?
iii) If not filled up, how many posts are still remaining? (Year wise break figures)
iv) Have you taken up the issue with divisional head in monthly meeting?
iii) Is the Circle union being appraised about the existence of vacancies and seeking action?
iv) Whether the training process was completed in respect of new recruits of 2010?
v) If not how many left out so far? How many of them are not given appointment so far?
6) i) How many systems Administrators/Marketing Executive posts are in existence in your division?
ii) Whether provisions of rotational transfers are applied against them in your division?
iii) What is the actual requirement of Systems administrators in your division (Please assess properly & send full details)?
iv) Whether road mileage/conveyance allowance is granted to them in your division?
v) How many POs under your jurisdiction are fully computerized?
vi) Whether the systems Administrators are provided with recharge coupon for their mobile phones?
7) i) How many review petitions were forwarded to Directorate and still remain indisposed (Specific cases if any)?
ii) How many appeals/petitions are pending at CO/RO level in respect of officials of your division?
iii) Whether the delay in disposal of appeal/petition was taken up the circle union?
(Please see note No. 4)
8) i) How many APM Accounts, Accountants posts are available in your division?
ii) Whether all the posts are managed with PO & RMS Accountants qualified officials?
iii) When the last exam for PO & RMS Accountants was held in your circle?
iv) How many Accountants are facing with recovery due to fixation of pay on TBOP by taking special allowance? (Details are urgently required)
v) Whether any recovery is ordered to APM Accounts and Accountants towards irregular fixation of pay to postmen after 5th CPC. If so what is the Quantum? Whether the official appealed against such recovery or not? Whether the appeal/Petitions are disposed or not?
vi) Whether the issue was taken up at circle level and if so what is the result?
vii) Whether any recovery is ordered for excess drawal of Bonus on APM Accounts/Accountants if so please send details.
9) i) Whether the service books entries are update in your HOs?
ii) Whether the official are being allowed in Accounts branch to verify their service books?
iii) Whether all the members are appraised by the Divisional union to verify their service book entries and leave accounts periodically atleast once in a year?
iv) Whether the Divisional Secretaries are permitted to verify the reservation roster every year?
v) Whether you are checking regularly about the prompt maintenance of the reservation roster? If not, please begin now itself?
10) i) Whether incentive/Honorarium for all business products are fixed? (Maximum of 25% shall be fixed as per directorate orders)
ii) If not, have you taken up with the Circle union?
iii) Whether the Treasury Allowance has been doubled and paid in your division after the Sixth CPC?
iv) Whether CEA, Hostel subsidy bills are regularly cleared as per revised rates?
v) whether Split Duty Allowance for the officials brought on split duty is being drawn or not?
vi) Whether the MPCM Allowance is still being drawn or stopped in your division?
vi) In case of non drawal of any items stated above, have you sought the intervention of circle union and if so what the result is.
Note to the Questionnaire
Note 1: -
APAR (earlier called as confidential report) shall be written before 30th June of every year (DOPT OM dt. 16.02.2009). An opportunity of 15 days should be given to officials by reporting officers on the grading he made after circulating the copy of APAR. If no representation is made within 15 days, it shall be deemed as accepted. If representation is made, it should be decided within 30 days from the date of receipt of representation. (OMdt. 14.05.2009). The bench mark will be brought into effect only after the disposal of the representation submitted.
Note 2: -
For grant of MACP promotion the screening committee should meet twice in a financial year – preferably in the first week of January and first week of July for advance processing of cases maturity in that half. (DOPT OM dt. 19.05.2009)
Note 3: -
According to our demand, the Directorate clarified vide its letter dt. 30.06.2011 that scrutiny committee for left out officials in the first & subsequent batches shall be constituted within one month (31.07.2011). The findings of the scrutiny committee shall be communicated to concerned DPS for approval. Even after one is not considered, he should be given an opportunity to represent against the bench mark before it is placed to DPC. Thereafter only, the MACP can be denied. The process of communicating the entry is a must for those not considered and that too it should be made before the DPC is met for MACP.
Note 4: -
You can suggest the aggrieved officials for whom the petitions are pending at Directorate level, Circle level or RO level, to seek informations under RTI (Right to Information Act) to CPIO/VP Section (Directorate), Chief PMG, PMG etc. about the date of receipt of petition at Directorate, appeals at RO/C.O etc. Date wise action taken, Comments/Remarks/note on the file and the present stage of the petition. Please suggest them to send the copies of reply to their respective Circle/CHQ for taking up such cases at their levels.
Note 5: -
Service Book of the officials is not a secret document. According to DG’s order below SR 202 the entries is service book can be verified by the respective official. After verification they can attest the entries in the service book. Similarly at the time of quitting, the copy of service book entries can be obtained by payment of Rs.5/-.
As per chapter IV, Rule 6 of Swamy’s Compilation on reservation & concessions for SC/STs, the reservation roster is not a confidential document and it can be shown to individual officials/association and if necessary, through the liaison officer.
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