The 29th All
India conference of our union was held from 10.03.2013 to 13.03.2013 at RDR
Auditorium, (Nani Banerjee Nagar) Thiruvananthapuram under the presidentship of
Com. M. Krishnan CHQ President. Never in the past such a huge participation was
witnessed by anyone in the Postal Trade union movement. More than 4000 comrades
participated as delegates and visitors from all parts of the country. The Auditorium
which has seating arrangements for 1800 was always full. Besides the additional
auditorium arrangement made to accommodate around 1500 comrades as an extension
of the main hall was also almost full all the time. Live TV telecast arrangements
was provided in both auditoriums. The conference was flooded with the fullest
participation by our comrades. More young comrades could be seen this time
which establishes the growth of our union among the new recruits. The
attendance of more than 200 lady comrades was also encouraging.
The AIC commenced
its proceedings with the flag hoisting at 10.30 hours on 10.03.2013. The
National flag was hoisted by B. G. Tamhankar, Ex- President, CHQ. The NFPE flag
was hoisted by Com D. K. Rahate, President, NFPE and the AIPEU Group 'C' flag was
hoisted by Com K. V. Sridharan, Ex General Secretary. Flying of the balloons
and bursting of fire crackers rented the air which made a magnificent and
colourful scene at that time. Homage to the Martyrs was made at martyrs column.
Prior to the programme, there was a Flag Jatha on the
previous day 09.03.2013 and the flags were carried from the Statue of the great
Freedom Fighter of Kerala Late Swadeshabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai of Neyyattinkara.
The flags were carried by hundreds of volunteers accompanied by motorcyclists
to the conference venue.
The Reception
Committee under the able guidance of CHQ president Com. M.Krishnan conducted a
propaganda Jatha and Seminar on 7.3.2013. The seminar was inaugurated by Vaikom
Viswan, State convenoer of the Left and Democratic front Kerala. Com. C.
Divakaran, Ex Minister (AITUC), Sri V. R. Pratapan, District President INTUC,
Com V. Sivan Kutty MLA and Com K. V. Sridharan, Ex General Secretary attended.
There was a press meet organized by the reception committee on 8.3.2013 and all
the press and TV media covered the proceedings all the days of AIC right from that day. The systematic, orderly
and well planned arrangements of the Reception Committee paved way for the
great success of the conference.
The inaugural as
well as open session commenced at 11.00 hours on 10.03.2013. Adv. K. Chandrika.
Hon’ble Mayor, Thiruvananthapuram Corporation and the Chairperson, Reception
Committee welcomed all the participants
and guests. Before that, welcome songs were presented by the MBS Youth Choir,
Thiruvananthapuram. Com M. Krishnan CHQ
President presided.
The conference
was inaugurated by Com A.K. Padmanabhan, National President, CITU who covered
the adverse impact of neoliberal policies on the working class and the need for
further united struggle of the working class to save the nation. He hailed the
role of our Federation and unions in the mass movements and also the massive
participation in the February 2013 strike. After the inauguration, the
following leaders of various political parties and Trade Unions greeted our conference
with their speeches. Com. P. Karunakaran, MP & Chairman NFPE Kerala, Sri R.
Chandrasekharan, National Vice President & State President INTUC, Com J. Udhayabhanu,
Secretary AITUC, State Council, and Com P. Satheedevi, EX MP. Com
D.Theyagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO while delivering his speech pointed out
the unity maintained at all India level and hailed the services of the
Secretary General, NFPE in Postal JCA and also Com K. V. Sridharan in the JCM
Departmental Council.
A Seminar on the
topic of ‘Future of India Post’ was conducted in the midst of the inaugural
session. The Chief Guest Ms. P. Gopinath, Secretary, Department of Posts after
greeting the conference made a power point presentation on the topic and
explained the proposed modernization plan and the role of the postal employees.
Smt Shobha Koshy, Chief Postmaster General, Kerala Circle also addressed the
conference. This is the special occasion that the Secretary Department of Posts
attended our union conference after a period of more than three decades ie. 30
years. Com. M. Krishnan, President appealed the Secretary to expedite action to
mitigate the major pending issues like cadre review, Filling up of HSG I posts,
Postmaster Cadre related problems, creation of system administrators, PO &
RMS Accountants case, counting of RTP services, GDS related issues, Casual
Labour Problems etc. A special appeal was made to the Secretary to reinstate
Com S. C. Jain Circle Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’, Madhya Pradersh Circle on considering
his representation against his premature
retirement from service for participating in trade union activities including
strikes. The Secretary (P) assured to consider all the issues positively.
Another milestone
of the AIC is the release of a third and revised edition of ‘VENTURE 2013’. The
compilation of various staff oriented Govt orders published by the All India
Postal Employees Union Group C has been launched in the open session and the first
copy was presented to Com D. Theyagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO, by Mrs.
P.Gopinath, Secretary (P). The other publication ‘THE PIONEER’ containing 1000
questions & answers on various staff rulings was also launched. The first
copy of the book was presented to Com M. Krishnan, Secretary General NFPE by
Smt Shobha Koshy, Chief Postmaster General, Kerala Circle. Another ‘AVANT
GARDE’, containing the soft copies of major original orders on subject wise was
also launched in the form of a DVD. The marvellous and the industrious efforts
taken by our Ex General Secretary, Com K. V. Sridharan in compiling all the
three releases was hailed by everyone attended the conference. Com Jacob
Thomas, General Convenor, Reception Committee delivered vote of thanks.
The following
were the main speakers in the open session as well as in the midst of subject
Com. K. K. N.
Kutty, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and workers,
Com. A. Sreekumar, AGS, All India State Govt Employees Federation (AISGEF), Com.
C. C. Pillai, Ex Secretary General NFPE, Com K. Ragavendran, Ex Secretary
General, Com R .L. Bhattacharjee, Ex Deputy Secretary General, NFPE, Com. B. G.Tamhankar,
Ex President CHQ, Com P. Balakrishnan,
Ex Secreatry NFPE, Com S. S. Roy, Ex AGS, CHQ, Com N. C. Pillai, Ex Working
President CHQ, Com Shankar Kaduskar, Ex Vice President CHQ, Com. T. P. Mishra,
Leader U. P. Circle, Com D. K. Rahate, President, NFPE, Com R. Sivannarayana,
General Secretary, Com. Ishwar Singh
Dabas, General Secretary, P4, Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, R3, Com.
P. Suresh, General Secretary, R4, Com Pranab Bhattacharjee, General Secretary,
AIPAOEU, Com P. Pandurangarao, General
Secretary AIPEU GDS (NFPE), Com S. Appanraj,
Ex General Secretary, AISBCOEA, and Com P. Mohan, General Secretary, Casual
Labourers Federation, Com. K. G. Jayaraj, GS, All India BSNL DOT Pensioners
Association. The newly elected General Secretary of SBCO association Com.
Virendra Tiwary and Working President of casual workers union Com. Y. Nagabhooshanam
also graced the occasion by their presence.
The delegate session
was commenced in the evening on 10.3.2013 and the agenda for the AIC was
approved unanimously. The Biennial report by Com. R. Sivannarayana, GS, and the
audited accounts by Com. Balwinder Singh, Financial Secretary were presented
for adoption. Various sub committees were formed for preparation of resolutions
on various issues.
On 11.3.2013, in
the midst of the subject committee, a special session was conducted on the
topic of ‘WOMEN EMPLOYEES & ROLE OF TRADE UNIONS’. Com. P. Rema, Mahila Committee
Member CHQ delivered the welcome address. Com P. K. Sreemathi, Teacher, Ex
Minister Kerala delivered special address. P3 Mahila Sub Committee Members and
Confederation Mahila Sub Committee Members were honoured by Mayor, Adv, K.
Chandrika. Thereafter the ceremony of prize distribution was made for the best two in the competitions conducted
at All India level and circle level. In the All India Essay Competition on ‘Future
of India Post’, the following two comrades secured the first two positions.
Com Brahaspati Samal,
Divisonal Secretary, Bhubaneswar (Odhisha)
Com N. K. Mohandasan,
Ottapalam Division (Kerala)
The comrades of Kerala
Circle have also been selected in the essay competition,poem and short story. Com.
EzhacherryRamachandran, renowned Poet who has selected the poem and short
stories distributed the prizes after his oration.
In the afternoon,
there was a colorful rally, never seen in the last two decades in any AIC, participated
by thousands of comrades with red flags, banners and slogan shouting passing
through the main roads of Trivandrum City. On the way at every point, there was
salutation by the fraternal organizations and they also joined the rally. More
than 20 of such fraternal organizations greeted our rally and took part. It was
a wonderful event and many enthusiastically participated despite the scorching
sun. After the rally, there was a public meeting amidst the greenery of Gandhi
Park. Com P. K. Muraleedharan, Deputizing Circle Secretary, Kerala delivered
the welcome speech. Com C. P.Shobana, CHQ Vice president presided the meeting.
Dr. Prabhat Patnaik the veteran and renowned economist inaugurated with his intellectual and
beautiful oration on the current economic crisis and the role of the working
class. Com M.Vijayakumar, Ex Minister Kerala (CPI (M)), Com Panniyan Ravindran,
Ex MP (CPI), A.A.Aseez, MLA (RSP), Com Mathew T. Thomas , MLA Janata Dal, Com
Kadannappalli Ramachandran, Ex Minister Kerala (Congress-S), Com P. Surendran Pillai,
Ex Minister, Kerala Congress, Com. K. V. Sridharan, Ex General Secretary, Com.
K. Mohanan, Circle Secretary BSNLEU were the speakers in the open meeting. Com.
Mathews Mathew, ACS, Kerala circle delivered vote of thanks. It was a
remarkable and a new experience so far for many of the delegates participated
in the conference.
There was cultural
programme on the first day morning and evening,the second day after the end of
the rally and public meeting and also on the third day morning. The night
session started at 9 PM on 11th and lasted up to 3.50 am in the
morning on 12th. The next session of the subject committee commenced
again at 9 AM. There was a programme at 11 am to release the souvenir which was
launched to mark the occasion of the 29th AIC. Com Sukomalsen Senior
Vice President AISGEF made a special address in the august conference.
Following that, the artists who worked for the success of the conference were
honouredby the reception committee. Com
Karakkamandapam Vijayakumar and Com. Anil Sreekariyam were honoured for their
splendid work in designing Logo & Souvenir cover design and the stage and
Gate respectively.
Com K.
V.Sridharan, Ex General Secretary delivered his speech on 12.3.2013 at the end
of the session covering all the issues confronting the postal class three
employees. Com. K. V. Sridharan has been honoured and felicitated by the AIC
remembering his precious dedicated service to the CHQ.
In the AIC, all
the circle secretaries and a record number of delegates representing from all
circles participated in the lively discussions on the agenda of organizational
issues and others. There was all round appreciations about the functioning of
the CHQ which exhibited their confidence and faith in the leadership of CHQ.
This is the first conference that there was discussion only on issues
confronting the employees and there was no unwarranted criticism or comments on
any one. It is our pride to record that this is the first conference that
during the entire subject committee, the hall was fully packed and there was
total concentration while the delegates delivered their views. Total 91
delegates including the circle secretaries participated in the organizational
review. General Secretary, Com R. Sivannarayana summed up all the issues. Com
M.Krishnnan, CHQ President also addressed the session.
The resolution on
policy and programme was unanimously adopted at the conference. The resolution
committees formed for finalization and presentation on various agendas
presented their draft resolutions which were unanimously resolved. The full
details of the resolutions will be published in the Bhartiya Post. The only one
amendment to the Constitution of the Union raising the union subscription to
the extent of Rs. 50 with the allocation of Divisions : Rs.24.50; Circle –
Rs.15; All India Rs.8; Federation Rs.2.50
was unanimously moved and adopted considering the escalation of all
prices including the press and journey tickets.
The biennial
report and audited accounts were unanimously approved and adopted by the
delegates and thereafter the election of office bearers was held. The following
office bearers were elected unanimously for the ensuing term.
List of office-bearers elected in the 29th All
India Conference of AIPEU Group 'C' held at Thiruvananthapuram from10.3.2013 to 13.3.2013
President : Com. R. Sivannarayana, PA, Guntur
Collectorate SO - 522004 (Andhra Pradesh)
Working Presidents : Com. Mangesh
Parab, P.A, Mumbai GPO - 400001 (Maharashtra)
N.Gopalakrishnan, APM, T.Nagar Chennai 600017 (Tamilnadu)
Vice Presidents : Com. R.
C. Mishra, PRI (P) Bhubaneshwar GPO, 751001 (Orissa)
Com. C. P. Shobana, SPM, Pallikkunam S.O, Kannur, (Kerala)
General Secretary : Com. M. Krishnan, PA, Thycaud P.O,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695014 (Kerala)
Deputy General Secretary : Com. N. Subramanian, Postmaster Grade-II,
Tirupur Cotton Market 641604 (Tamilnadu)
Assistant General Secretaries : Com.
R. N. Parashar, SPM, Mathura City PO (Uttar
Gaurangdev Maity, SPM, Mayena SO, Tamluk (West Bengal)
A. Veeramani, PA, Anna Road HPO – 600002, (Tamilnadu)
Financial Secretary : Com. Balwinder
Singh, PRI (P), Patel Nagar P.O. New Delhi – 110008
Assistant Financial Secretary : Com. Hari Prasad Diwakar, SPM, Durga Shariff PO, Ajmer - 305001
Organizing Gen, Secretaries : Com. S. A. Hameed, SPM, Kachery P.O,
Raipur (Chattisgarh)
Com. U. K. Tiwari, P.A, Patna GPO -
800001 (Bihar)
Com. L. P. Saikia, Postmaster, Nagaon –
782001 (Assam)
The following
comrades were declared unanimously as Women’s sub Committee Members for the
current term for encouraging the women employees in organizational activities.
Chairperson : Com. Nandasen (West Bengal)
Convener : Com.C.P.Sobhana (Kerala)
Members : Com.K. Pushpeswaridevi (Andhra
Com.P. Rema
Com. Manali Daundkar
(Madhya Pradesh)
Com. G. Srimathi
(Andhra Pradesh)
Com. Angel
Sathyanathan (Tamilnadu)
The AIC places on record that the reception committee headed by Adv. K. Chandrika, Hon’ble Mayor, Thiruvananthapuram Corporation and the Chairperson, Reception Committee and Com Jacob Thomas, General Convenor under the able and systematic guidance of our CHQ President Com M. Krishnan has made all arrangements amazingly, outstandingly and stupendously for the AIC. The Thiruvananthapuram AIC stretched every one’s eyebrows and saying whether holding of conferences in such an orderly manner is possible in the future? The reception committee deserves all appreciations.
The AIC places
its appreciations on record of the outgoing office bearers Com K. V. Sridharan,
General Secretary and Com. Subhash Mishra, Asst. General Secretary. U.P. Circle
came forward to host the next All India conference.
This conference
is an historic and significant success and it is the best record breaking one
also in the history of the All India conferences held sofar. The stunning
and tireless work carried out by hundreds of volunteers for the success of
the conference is ever be reminisced and they deserve and merit all
appreciations. The policy and program resolution adopted in the conference is
furnished hereunder.
The 29th AIC has given the CHQ more confidence by the unprecedented
presence and participation of delegates and visitors sharing with the CHQ in
all its activities, reviewing the requirements for the future etc. The CHQ is
fully confident that with the total cooperation of all circles, divisions and
members, the huge task and the challenges posed to us will be met with the
utmost satisfaction of all. We assure that we will strive hard to live up to
the expectations of all our comrades in the rank and file at the grass root
level and march ahead.
With fraternal greetings,
M.Krishnan R.
secretary CHQ
1. The after
effects of the recession that devastated the economy of the capitalist
countries is still looming large over their head and there is no immediate sign
of recovery, eventhough the pro-capitalist economists and heads of the
developed nations are claiming to the contrary.
The financial and industrial sectors of these countries are reeling
under the negative impacts of recession.
Unemployment is growing like anything.
The bailout packages and other short and long term measures taken has
only helped the trans-national corporations to survive, but the plight of the
workers and common man is becoming more and more miserable. Cuts in employment and social security
measures have further aggravated the situation. The economies of the countries
which are pursing a pro-socialist and anti-globalization policies are
comparatively less effected and are poised for rapid economic growth. The resistance against the ill-effects of the
neo-liberal globalization policies are gaining momentum all over the world. Workers went on strike and common people of
those countries are also coming out to the street in large numbers protesting
against these policies. This 29th All
India Conference of AIPEU Group-C, extend full solidarity and support to the
struggles conducted by the workers and other toiling masses all over the world
and pledge to be a part and parcel of this struggle.
2. In our
country, the UPA Govt. is virtually toeing the US line and is going ahead with
the neo-liberal agenda. Steep rise in
prices of essential commodities, disbanding of public distribution system,
disinvestment of public sector, introduction of casual and contract labour
system, decision to allow 51% FDI in
multi-brand retail trade, hectic persuation to get major financial sector
related bills on pension privatisation, banking and insurance sector, the game
plan for privatisation of vital infrastructural and public utility services,
the so-called private-public partnership in almost every sector, the repeated
hike in prices of petroleum products are glaring examples of this policy. Big scams and corruption has become the
order of the day. Struggle and strikes are taking place in every sector against
the neo-liberal reforms and also against the anti-worker, anti-people policies
of the Govt. The entire working class of
India under the banner of United Platform of Mass Organizations is spearheading
the struggle against these policies. In
the 2012 February 28th strike and in the 2013 February 20, 21 two days strike
more than ten crores workers in the organized and unorganized sector have
participated. In the coming days, the
struggle will be further intensified.
The Postal employees under the banner of National Federation of Postal
Employees have participated in all the national strikes organized by the
Central Trade Unions, including the last two days General Strike. This 29th AIC of AIPEU Group-C congratulates
the workers and employees who participated in the united struggle of the
working class and we shall continue our struggle and shall always identify
ourselves with the mainstream of the working class.
3. The Central
Govt. Employees are the first victims of the neo-liberal economic policies
pursued by the Central Govt. from 1991 onwards.
During the last twenty years about eight lakhs posts are abolished. Further five lakhs posts are lying vacant in
various departments. Many departments
are closed or privatized. More and more
casual and contract workers are engaged. Social security schemes, including
statutory pension scheme are given a go-bye.
Instead share market oriented contributory Pension Scheme is
introduced. Three lakhs Gramin Dak
Sevaks are denied of their legitimate rights.
Casual, Part-time contingent employees are not given their due wage
revision. Even compassionate appointments
are denied, imposing arbitrary restrictions.
Bonus ceiling not yet raised. The
demand for appointment of 7th Central
Pay Commission is not yet accepted, in spite of the thundering success of the
12th December strike organised by the Confederation of Central Government
Employees & Workers. Merger of 50%
D.A. with pay stands rejected. This 29th
AIC of AIPEU Group-C, while saluting the Central Govt. Employees, particularly
Postal employees, who participated in the 12th December strike in a big way and
made it a historic success and calls upon the National leadership of the
confederation to carry forward the struggle till the demands are met by the
Government, especially the appointment of the 7th CPC, D A merger and reversion
of the policy of down sizing, outsourcing, contractorisation and privatisation.
4. In the
Postal sector the Government has declared the draft National Postal Policy
2012. It is nothing but a road-map to
privatisation of Postal services by amending the Indian Post Office Act and
granting licences to the multi-national
courier services. Government want to
close down post offices in the name of loss.
Posts are abolished without any justification. Workload has increased but new posts are not
created. Cadre restructuring and other
sectional issues are yet to be settled.
The National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) has taken initiative
to organise agitational programmes and mobilise the employees for action
including indefinite strikes and as a result the Postal Administration was
compelled to stop their move for closure of 9797 Post Offices. Many long pending issues are settled and mass
scale recruitment has taken place.
Department was forced to convene the JCM Departmental Council meetings
and formal meetings and discuss all the issues with the staffside. The Government is reluctant to settle the
issues relating to Gramin Dak Sevaks and casual labourers. Only through a united struggle of the entire
Postal employees the policy offensives of the Govt. can be resisted and also
the pending issues of the Postal employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks can be
settled. This 29th AIC of AIPEU Group-C
appreciates the positive steps taken by NFPE and the P-3 CHQ in strengthening
the unity of the Postal employees and also for making sustained efforts for
settling the sectional demands of the Postal employees. This conference further calls upon NFPE to
chalkout agitational programmes in a phased manner for realisation of the
pending demands.
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