The Government of India and Department of Posts is not serious to settle the genuine demands of Postal employees. The common demands of D. A. merger, Interim relief, inclusion of GDS in 7th C.P.C. alongwith other demands have been rejected by the Government of India. The way through which Pay Commission seems to be working is not going to submit its report in the due period and no more benefit is expected to come in the wake of economic policies being pursued by Modi Government.
The genuine and justified demands of all sections of Postal , RMS and GDS employees are lying pending since long and Postal Board does not seem to be serious about the settlement of the same which are creating more difficulties to the employees.
The Postal JCA had submitted a 39 Points Charter of Demands on 1st September, 2014 conveying the grievances of all sections but the Department did not pay any attention to this. Being aggrieved the Postal Joint Council of Action of NFPE, FNPO and GDS unions decided unanimously to start agitational programmes in a phased manner culminating in to an indefinite strike from 6th May, 2015 and served notice to the Department. After receiving notice Department of Posts has convened a meeting on 5th February, 2015. In the mean time Task Force Committee headed by TSR Subramaian constituted as per direction of Prime Minister has submitted its report which has categorically mentioned to divide Department of Post in six holding Companies/Corporations to pave the way for privatization, which is a very disastrous move to destroy this department just like BSNL. The Task Force Committee has also recommended amendment of Indian Post Office Act 1898 to give legality and licenses to Couriers Companies.
After studying Task Force Committee Report PJCA met again and decided to resist the retrograde recommendations of Task Force Committee and further submitted revised Charter of Demands mentioning “No Corporatization and No Privatization in Postal Services” as item no. 1 and previous items as serial No. 2 to 40. Revised 40 points Charter of Demands has been submitted to the Department and discussion will take place between Postal Board and PJCA leaders on 5th Feb 2015. If the Department does not agree to stop such type of move the PJCA will intensify the agitational programmes with full strength.
Now we are facing a very crucial and critical situation. In the wake of economic policies of Central Government entire Central Government employees including Postal employees are facing serious threat for their survival. The question before us is –Are we able to protect our department and our jobs? or Are we going to surrender? The answer is no. We are not going to surrender before these attacks. We will continue to fight against these policies as we have fought earlier on so many occasions
The 145 days strike by Postmen of Pune in 1880, 120 days strike by Postmen of Mumbai in 1920, 25 days historic strike in 1946, 5 days strike in 1960, 1 day strike in 1968 for minimum wages , Bonus Strike of 1974, 1 day strike on 19th September, 1984 for emancipation of GDS (ED) employees, 1993 five days strike,1996 - 4 days strike 1998, 7 days strike 2000 Dec-14 days strike , one day strike on 12.12.12 and two days strike on 12th & 13th February, 2013 are our rich heritage which shows that we have always fought with full enthusiasm and courage and defeated the retrograde and anti working class policies of the Government of India.
So Comrades, NFPE along with PJCA appeals to all of you to intensify the campaign. Form JCA at all levels and popularize the demands among all sections of Postal Employees and get ready for another battle to be launched from 6th May-2015 to save the Postal Department and to save our jobs and defeat the retrograde policies of Central Government and disastrous recommendations of Task Force Committee.
If we fight unitedly. We will win certainly.
This a “Do or Die Battle” for all of us.
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