Simple Demands lead to one day
strike on 26.3.2015 at Tamilnadu Postal Circle due to
evading attitude of the Circle Administration .
Despite the earnest efforts made by Tamilnadu NFPE COC , all CHQs and NFPE to have negotiations across the table with Tamilnadu NFPE COC, the Tamilnadu Circle administration was reluctant and replied that they would discuss on the issues only by second week of April 2015.
Even they were reluctant in
attending the Asst Labour Commissioner (Central) office for conciliatory talks. Despite of summoning
the DPS HQ in the afternoon of 25.3.2015, no body turned up for discussions.
Even after issuance of the strike
notice, even after serving notice by the Asst Labour Commissioner for
conciliatory talks, even after summoning of the decision making authority
for negotiations by the ALC, the Tamilnadu Circle Administration has
failed to respond ignoring the legal obligations.
Having no other go, all the 9
unions under NFPE in Tamilnadu Circle staged a powerful demonstration in front
of O/o CPMG, TN at the close of 25.03.2015 and announced total strike throughout
Tamilnadu on 26.03.2015 as notified earlier.
Now the reports received from Divisions/Branches
/ ranks /cadres /wings show STRIKE
is TOTAL in NFPE. The avoidable Strike was forced on the
staff side by the Postal administration of Tamilnadu Circle
Nobody is above law and it is the bounden duty of the Tamilnadu Postal
Administration to invite the Tamilnadu NFPE affiliated unions for negotiations
to sort out all the issues early.
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