Observe 6th March 2017
v Against the betrayal of
Central Government employees and pensioners by Group of Ministers of NDA
v Demanding
increase in minimum pay and fitment formula.
We know that all of you are in the
midst of hectic preparation and campaign for making the 16thMarch
Strike action a great success. As has been explained in the article,
which we have placed on our website, the NDA Government, led by BJP has
exhibited the worst anti-employee attitude in the post independent era of
our country. This Government has treated its own employees as its worst
enemy. The decision taken by the Union Cabinet on 29th June,
2016 rejecting even the recommendations made by the high level committee
chaired by the Cabinet Secretary was unprecedented. Even the setting up of
various committees was nothing but an eye wash. Nothing will come out of
that. Even the NPS Committee on which the young comrades had pinned some
hope of at least getting a minimum guaranteed pension will produce
nothing. The discussions at the JCM fora has been converted into mostly
monologues i.e. the official side simply listening and not reacting. The
Government, it appears, has made the Pension department to reject the one and
only recommendation of the 7th CPC which was considered to be positive
i.e. Option No.1 for pensioners on the specious ground that the same is not
feasible to be implemented. The allowances committee has dilly dallied its
deliberation and would now submit its report after the extended period of 6
months expires on 22.02.2017. Even if they make any positive recommendation,
which is seldom expected, the NDA Government would not act upon it. They
have very successfully postponed the payment of the revised allowanced for 15
In the face of such terrible onslaught, betrayal and chicanery, which no
Government in the past has every indulged in, it is surprising that some
of our friends who has a predominant role in the movement of the Central
Government employees has unfortunately chosen to wait and watch. It
appears that they have chosen to wait endlessly hurting the cause of the
We have no hesitation to affirmatively state the obvious that we have chosen
the right path, the path of struggles, which can only the choice of the working
class against tyrannical attitude of the employer, howsoever, powerful they may
be. We must realize that those who are in the saddle of power today are
not permanently posted there. We were witness to the abysmal downfall of
persons who were arrogant personified. It appears that the
reasonableness, righteousness and patience we had exhibited have been taken as
signs of cowardice. The undeniable fact is that those who fight, only can win.
We, therefore, appeal to you to carry on with conviction and courage.
Eight months will be over on 6th March, 2017, when the Group of
Ministers held out the assurance of revisiting the minimum wage and
multiplication factor. It is now crystal clear that that was an act of
chicanery. No committee was set up and no discussions were held to
seriously consider the issue. We, therefore, appeal to all of you to
ensure that the day, i.e. 6thMarch, 2017 is observed as a
day of betrayal and all our members are requested to wear a Black badge with
the following words inscribed on it in bold letters and conduct demonstrations
in front of all Central Government offices.
30th June
& 6th JULY, 2016
6TH March
2017 must be yet another occasion to mobilize our members to ensure their
participation in the 16th March, 2017 strike action and
ultimately win all the demands in the charter.
We fight to win and we shall win.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
(M Krishnan S/G Confd.)
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