Central Head Quarters:
2151/1, Dada Ghosh Bhawan, New Patel Road, New Delhi – 110008
No. CL/GENL/2016-19 Dated 25.05.2017
Shri. M. Sampath
Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle,
Anna Road, Chennai – 600002
- Denial of revised wages with
effect from 01.01.2006 to the Casual, Part-time, contingent and daily rated
mazdoors working in various offices of Tamilnadu Postal Circle – Notice for
indefinite hunger fast in front of Chief PMG office from 27th June
kind intervention is requested to redress the following genuine grievances of
the most-exploited and low-paid poor Casual Labourers working in various
offices of Tamilnadu Postal Circle. They are mostly unorganized and
marginalized and hence your goodself alone can do justice to them.
2. Department of Posts issued orders on
22.01.2015 (ie. Two years back) for payment of revised wages to Casual,
Part-time, contingent and daily-rated mazdoors working in the Postal department
with effect from 01.01.2006, consequent on revision of minimum pay of Central
Government employees by the Government as per the recommendations of 6th
3. On receipt of the Directorate orders
some Chief Postmaster Generals (Kerala, Andhra etc.) sought clarifications on
two points (1) who is a causal labourer and (2) to whom Directorate orders are
issued detailed clarifications as follows:
No.1 – who is a Casual Labourer?
Clarification vide Directorate order No.
45-24/86-SPB-I dated 17.05.2009 re-circulated in OM 2-53/2011-PCC dated
is hereby clarified that all daily wagers working in Post offices or RMS
offices or in Administrative offices or PSD’s/MMS under different designations
(Mazdoors, Casual Labourers, contingent paid staff, daily wager, daily rated
mazdoors, oursiders) are to be trealed as Casual labourers. Those casual
labourers who are engaged for a period of eight (8) hours duty a day should be
described as “full time casual labourers” and those who are engaged for a
period less than eight hours a day should be described as “part-time casual
labourers”. All other designations should be discontinued.”
No. 2 – To whom Directorate orders dated 22.01.2015 are applicable.
– “The Spirit of this Directorate’s OM dated 22.01.2015 is to allow revised
remuneration to such full-time, part-time casual labourers, who have physically
worked or who continue to work as such in that Capacity, with no ambiguity
above two clarificatory orders issued by the Directorate set at rest all the
doubts regarding payment of revised wages to causal labourers with effect from
01.01.2006. Accordingly almost all the Circles started paying revised wages to
casual labourers.
But, we regret to inform you that,
evenafter a lapse of two years the above orders are not yet implemented in
Tamilnadu Circle for reasons best known to the administration and the eligible
revised wages and arrears from 01.01.2006 are not yet paid to the poor causal
7. Further, Directorate has already
issued orders, again revising the wages of causal, part-time, contingent and
daily-rated mazdoors with effect from 01.01.2016, consequent on revision of
minimum pay of Central Government employees by the Government vide Directorate
OM No. 7-10/2016-PCC dated 31.03.2017. This revision was also not made
applicable in Tamilnadu Circle.
8. The above issue was discussed several
times in the past by the Unions/Associations with the Circle administration.
But the issue still remains unsettled and the causal labourers are deprived of
their legitimate right for revised wages. The Central Working Committee meeting
of the All India Postal, Casual, Part-time, contingent and contract workers
Federation held at Hyderabad on 22.04.2017, viewed with grave concern the
totally negative attitude of the Tamilnadu Circle administration and decided to
organise serious agitational programmes for redressal of the genuine grievances
of Casual Labourers of Tamilnadu Circle demanding-
(i) Immediate revision of wages of all
Casual, part-time, contingent and daily-rated mazdoors as per Directorate
orders cited above with effect from 01.01.2006 and again from 01.01.2016
(ii) Immediate payment of eligible arrears
as per above cited Directorate orders to all Casual, part-time, contingent and
daily rates mazdoors.
9. Accordingly,
notice is hereby given to the Chief Postmaster General, Tamilnadu Circle, that
the leaders of the All India Postal Casual, part-time, contingent and contract
workers Federation shall commence indefinite hunger fast in front of Chief PMG
office Tamilnadu Circle with effect from 27.06.2017, Tuesday from 10 AM
alongwith the members of the Federation.
10. We earnestly hope that the Circle
administration shall come forward to negotiate and settle the above mentioned
genuine and legitimate demands of the Casual labourers without precipitating
the issues further. We sincerely want to avoid a confrontation with the Circles
administration. We like to make it clear in case of our demands are not settled
before 27.06.2017, the Circle administration alone shall be responsible for the
consequences arising out the indefinite hunger fast.
Awaiting positive action
Yours faithfully,
(P. Mohan) (M. Krishnan)
General Secretary President &
Standing Committee
National Council JCM
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