Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan. Sansad Marg,
New Delhi - 110 001.
No.8-1/2007-SR dated the April 20,2007
The Secretary General,
National Federation of Postal Employees,
1st Floor, North Avenue Post office Building,
New Delhi -110001.
The Secretary General,
Federation of National Postal Organisations,
T-24, Atul Grove Road,
New Delhi -110001.
Subject: Gist of discussions of the meeting taken by the Secretary (P) on 19.4.2007 with the Staff side to discuss on the charter of demands.
I am directed to enclose a copy of the gist of discussions of the meeting taken by the Secretary (P) on 19.4.2007 on charter of demands for information and necessary action.
Yours faithfully,
Director (SR & Legal)
Gist of discussions of the meeting taken by Secretary(Posts)
19.04.2007 with N.F.P.E./F.N.P.O. to discuss the Charter of Demands.
A meeting with Secretary (Posts) and the Staff side was held on 19.04.2007 to discuss the Charter of Demands submitted by the N.F. P.E. and F.N.P.O. on 09.04.2007. At the very outset, Secretary (Posts) impressed upon the Staff side to present a united front in view of the stiff competition that the Department is facing from the couriers and the challenges from other vested interests as well. Secretary (Posts) stressed that any disruption in the services at this stage would distract from our efforts to strengthen and expand the postal business in the country. Secretary (Posts) thereafter, discussed the Charter of Demands with the Staff side. The gist of discussions is as under:
With most of the issues mentioned in the Charter of Demands, having been resolved, the Secretary (Posts) expressed the hope that the Staff side would continue to extend their cooperation in furthering the growth of postal services in the country.
Item No.1-
Appointment of Judicial Committee I Commission for GDS and grant status and Pension to GDS Employees.
Staff side was apprised that in view of special status of GDS, they were out of the purview of JCM scheme which also takes them beyond the scope of 6th Central Pay Commission. However, the Staff Side insisted on another attempt to be made for consideration of GDSs issues by the 6th CPC, set up for Central Government Employees. The request of the Staff Side that the matter may be referred to 6th Central Pay Commission by the Department has been considered. The Department will make the request to the Government that 6th Central Pay Commission may look into GDS also.
Item NO.2-
Exempt Department of Posts from the purview of reduction of staff strength and fill up all vacant posts in all cadres in Postal/RMS/MMS/Circle/Regional Offices/Postal Accounts and GDS including residual vacancies.
All efforts will be made by the Department to seek exemption of Department of Posts from the purview of the Screening Committee. Action will be taken to fill up the residual vacancies in various cadres. Heads of Circles will be advised to fill up residual vacancies in a time bound manner. . This will be monitored in the Directorate. In addition, it is also proposed to review the LGO examinations syllabus etc., to bring it in line with requirements of the job and thereby improve the success rate. An additional LGO examination will also be conducted with the revised syllabus.
Item No.3
Drop Franchising of Posta1 Scheme, stop closure of Post Offices' RMS Offices, Transit Sections' Relocation & merger of offices and Divisions, stop combination of beats of Postmen' stop curtailment of Postal deliveries, Outsourcing of PAO functions etc.
With regard to the Franchising of Postal Outlets, it was explained that as already discussed with the Staff Side, the Scheme is being introduced as a pilot project in those areas where the Department has not been able to reach and extend postal facilities. The Scheme also provide for a review after six months of its introduction the results of which will be shared with the Unions.
With regard to closure of RMS offices, Staff Side was informed that the Mail Offices will be rationalized in accordance with the agreement reached with the Federation. The isolated case of Bihar Circle pointed out by Staff Side will be reviewed. Secretary stated that intention is to compete with the couriers and not curtail delivery.
Item No.4-
Ensure monopoly of collection, conveyance and delivery of letter mail by the--Department of Posts as recommended by the Parliamentary Standing Committee.
It was explained that adequate care is being taken to safeguard the monopoly of the Department while proposing amendment to IPO Act.
Item No.5
Regularize Casual Labourers /Full Time/Part Time Contingency paid.
Staff Side stated that the part time casual labourers may be considered against the GDS vacancies. This will be examined.
Item No.6
Filling up of all norm based LSG / HSG-II / HSG - I posts & Restore periodicity of Junior Accountant promotion to Senior Accountant as 3 years.
Information has been collected from all Circles on the number of LSG/HSG-IIIHSG-I posts lying vacant. Action has already been taken to promote HSG-II officials in HSG-I as per the relaxation granted by DOP&T. All Heads of Circles will be addressed to take time bound action to ensure that LSG/HSG-II posts are filled up without any delay. Action taken to fill up the post will be monitored by the Directorate. Issues on bench mark for LSG etc., will be examined. The issue regarding periodicity of promotion as Sr. Accountant will be got examined.
Item No.7
Encashment of all pending bills OTA / TA / Medical/ RPLI Commission etc.
Instructions have already been given to all the Heads of Circles to clear the pending liabilities with the funds already allocated to them and intimate to Head Quarters the status of pending liabilities for release of additional funds where required. It was further decided to write to all Heads of Circles that wherever justified as per rules/guidelines, OTA will be paid to Post Office staff.
Item No.8
Grant of compassionate appointments to eligible candidates and absorb all approved candidates.
All eligible candidates for- compassionate appointment will be considered in accordance with the rules on the subject. Regarding certain cases pending in a few Circles, the matter will be examined separately.
Item NO.9
Complete take over of POSB and PLI by the Postal Department and accord full Autonomy to the Postal Board as in the case of Railway Board.
It was stated that the matter relating to Investment of P.O. Insurance Fund is under consideration of Government As regards POSS, the suggestions of Staff Side will be looked into.
Item No. 10
Recognition of Federations and setting up of councils at all level.
Subject to certain changes I inclusions in the Constitution of NFPE, the proposal has been agreed by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension. The Federation is being addressed in this regard.
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