Date: 27 July 2007
All CWC Members,
All Divisional / Branch Secretaries,
AIPEU Group 'C',
Dear Comrades,
Formation of Officer's Committee on GDS - Violation of Agreement
JCA - Programme of Action
The Department of Posts vide its resolution dated 23-07-2007 constituted a 'One-Man Committee' under the Chairmanship of Shri R.S. Nataraja Murti, retired Member of Postal Services Board. The copy of the same is enclosed.
We are surprised to know that the Committee had started its functioning on 24-07-2007 itself before we knew the constitution of the committee. The fact about formation of 'Officers Committee' has been just appraised to the GDS Union orally. This is quite shocking and surprising since the department implemented its game of divide & rule.
This formation of Officers Committee to deal the GDS issues is nothing but a blatant violation and deviation of agreement and assurances made during the talks on 19-04-2007. In case of rejection of to refer the GDS issues to the Sixth Pay Commission by the Ministry of Finance, the department would have convened another meeting with the Staff Side and appraised the situation as assured in the discussions prior to the strike proposed to be held from 24-04-07 or at least the original demand of the JCA to form Judicial Committee should have been considered afresh with open mind.
By neglecting the Federations (both NFPE / FNPO) and just informing the GDS Union orally and formed the one-man committee headed by a retired officer is causing a serious concern. The Department has properly utilised the 'Wide Gap' prevailing on recognition issue among us and exposed the weakness properly. The department desires to exploit the situation and deviate the agreement. It was not even ready to discuss the staff side, but implemented its own earlier decision.
All the stern struggles launched over one year become futile if we allow the present situation. On 26-04-07, I requested Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, GDS Union to meet Com. C.C. Pillai in person and discuss the issue with open mind. Accordingly we met at his office. Com. C.C.Pillai, Secretary General, NFPE contacted to Com. D. Theyagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO immediately in our presence for a United Programme against the formation of Officer's Committee. He also consented immediately. All-out efforts are taken for a united movement.
There is a demarcation either unknowingly or wantonly made between the regular and GDS employees after the recognition issue. We have to accept the reality and take responsibility. At least now we have to sort it out. We have to unite by shedding all our differences if need be with some sacrifices too. Otherwise, the Govt. will implement its own agenda and we shall remain as silent spectators and allow the exploited class of GDS for further exploitation.
We should not allow any further exploitation and put to an end. Please adhere the following programmes sincerely and seriously with all affiliates of NFPE / FNPO.
JCA - Programme of Action
03-08-2007 - Demonstration at work spot
08-08-07 - Dharna Programme in front of all Circle / Regional /
Divisional Headquarters
Further, telegrams containing the following text may be given to Hon'ble Minister of Communications & Secretary, Department of Posts immediately.
"We strongly protest against setting up of GDS Committee headed by retired officer instead of Judicial Commission as demanded by the Staff Side."
Further programme of action will be decided by the JCA soon. Let us unite, agitate and act to defeat the evil design of the department to form Officer's Committee to consider the demands of GDS instead of Judicial Commission.
Resolution of Department of Posts dated 23rd July 2007
No. 6-1/2006-PE.II --- The question of examining the conditions of service and emoluments and other facilities available to the Gramin Dak Sevaks has been under the consideration of the Government of India for some time. The Government has now decided to set up a one-man committee for the purpose.
2. Shri R.S. Nataraja Murti, Retired Member of the Postal Services Board will constitute the Committee.
3. The Committee will go into the service conditions of Gramin Dak Sevaks and suggest changes as considered necessary. The terms of reference of the Committee will, inter allia, include the following:-
(a) To examine the system of extra departmental post offices, conditions of employment, wage structure of the Gramin Dak Sevaks and recommend suitable changes considered necessary.
(b) To examine the reasonableness of introducing a social security scheme for providing provident fund and retirement benefits to Gramin Dak Sevaks.
(c) To examine and suggest any change in the method of recruitment, minimum qualifications for appointment as Gramin Dak Sevaks and conduct & disciplinary rules.
(d) To review the facilities provided to the public at different classes of extra departmental post offices.
(e) To examine desirability and need to sanction any interim relief till the time of recommendations of the Committee are made and accepted by the Government.
4. The committee will function for a period of one year, extendable at the discretion of the Government.
5. The Chairman of the Committee will be assisted by Shri A.K. Sharma, a Senior Administrative Grade Officer of the Department who will act as Secretary to the GDS Committee. Adequate staff support will be provided to the committee by the Department of Post. The committee will keep the 6th Central Pay Commission informed of the progress of its work from time to time.
6. The Committee will devise its own procedure and may call for such information an take such evidence, as considered necessary.
7. The headquarters of the Committee will be at New Delhi.
Sanction of the competent authority is accorded for setting up of the Secretariat of the proposed GDS Committee with the following establishment:
Sl. No.
Name of Post
No. of Post (s)*
Secretary, GDS Committee
Senior Time Scale / Junior Time Scale
Assistant Supdt Posts
Postal Assistant / LSG
Private Secretary
Group D
2. Following posts are developed for GDS Committee:
(i) PMG Sambalpur as Secretary, GDS Committee.
(ii) ADG (Establishment) as ADG, GDS Committee.
Delhi Circle will provide posts and staff mentioned at Sl. No. 3 to 7.
3. The Secretariat of the Committee will be located at Malcha Marg PO Complex, Chankya Puri, New Delhi 110021. Necessary requirements for the Secretariat will be made in the usual manner by the CPMG, Delhi Circle with the approval of IFA of the Circle. Any correspondence in this regard may be made with the Secretary of the Committee.
4. The expenditure on the Secretariat would be made out of the Budget of the Delhi circle. If any additional funds are needed, that may be indicated in the RE 2007-08. The pay and allowances of the officers indicated at Sl. 1 & 2 above will be drawn and disbursed by the Postal Directorate till further orders.
5. The resolution for constitution of the Committee will be issued separately.
DG (P) No. 6-1/2006-PE.II dated 24 July 2007
q Meeting with DDG (PG & QA)
A meeting with Smt. Kalpana Tewari, DDG (PG & QA) was held at Directorate to discuss about the citizen's charter for Department of Posts at 3:00 p.m. on 26-07-07. On behalf of NFPE, Com. K.V. Sridharan, General Secretary, P-III; Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, R-III; Com. Iswar Dabas, Offg. General Secretary, P-IV attended the meeting. We putforth our views that unless the problem of shortage of staff is mitigated, the implementation of the citizen charter could be only in paper. We further stressed to reconsider for revival of second / third delivery which will counter the couriers in delivery.
q Arbitration Awards
No decision has been arrived in the meeting held on 18-07-2007 on all pending Arbitration Awards. Next meeting on the subject is fixed on 07-08-07.
q P-IV AIC at New Delhi
The All India Conference of All India Postal Employees Union Postman & Group 'D' is to be held at New Delhi from 21st August to 23rd August.
q National Convention of Central & State Government Employees
The Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers along with All India State Govt. Employees Federation is holding a Joint All India Convention on 13-08-07 at New Delhi from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. on the Ten Charter of demands. The venue is MPCU Shah Auditorium, The Delhi Gujarat Samaj Marg, Civil Lines (Near ISBT) New Delhi - 54. On 14-08-08, the National Executive of the Confederation will he held at New Delhi to discuss & decide the date of one day strike in September 07 on Ten Charter of demands.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.V. Sridharan
General Secretary
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