The General Secretary's Desk
Congratulations! Lal Salam!
At the call of the Postal JCA of NFPE & FNPO, the Postal and RMS workers all over the Country have magnificently responded and made the one Day Token Strike on 30.10.2007 a grand and total success.
The response in this strike is stupendous in many circles. It was a total strike in Assam, Chhatisgarh and West Bengal. Many circles like Andhra, Kerala, North East Surpassed 90% mark. In respect of Karnataka, Maharastra, Tamilnadu, Punjab, Uttrakhand, Orissa, the Strike was success exceeding 80% participation.
For the first time in the history of the Postal employees of Delhi Circle, more than 70% of employees went on strike. New Delhi GPO, Delhi GPO, I.P. HPO were paralysed, There was total strike in which more than 75% of delivery post offices were closed in Delhi Circle.
The reports pouring in from various parts of the country show that the participation of Postal employees in this strike is better than the previous strikes. Particularly there is a vast improvement in our P3 while comparing the past. Now P3 led the strike in many circles.
This strike is a warning to the UPA government and also a caution to Sixth Pay Commission. We are sending the message that we are united and will fight against any injustice if caused by the Sixth Pay Commission. Congratulations once again comrades and request to maintain this struggle unity at all levels.
Bonus Ordinance 2007
The Ministry of Law & Justice has issued Gazette Notification on 27.10.07 under the payment of Bonus (Amendment) ordinance, 2007 (No 8 of 2007).
1. The Bonus Act amendment deemed to come in to force from 01.04.2006.
2. The ceiling was substituted as Rs. 3500/- & Rs 10000/- in the original notification.
Accordingly, all will get arrears for the bonus year of 2006-07. So far, the central Government employees concerned, the DOP & T has to issues orders.
14 Days Strike Wages
The Communication Minister Thiru A. Raja while delivering his speech on 21.10.07 at a state level conference held at Dindigul, Tamilnadu mentioned that the strike period of 2000 (14 days) will be treated as leave and Postal Employees will get salary for the period.
This was the announcement of our Minster. Let us hope that he will implement his assurance soon.
Amendment to Postal Act.
The Department has sent proposal to amend the Indian Post Office (Amendment) Act to the cabinet for approval. The following are the main substance:
(i) The letters & Packets up to 150 grams may be the exclusive preserve of India Post.
(ii) The private couriers will have to charge 2.5 times the tariff specified for Speed Post.
(iii) There is a cap of 49% on FDI in courier business. 51% of the paid - up share is held by the citizens of India.
The draft bill has been sent to the Cabinet and, once approved, the Government can introduce the Bill in the Parliament.
This item is appeared in the 'Economic Times' on 31.10.07 and we exhibited full text in our CHQ Website.
General Secretary's Strike Tour
1 Karnataka: - The Postal JCA has organised six meetings at the following places on 24.10.07 & 25.10.07.(i) Rajaji Nagar HPO (ii) Circle office (iii) Bangalore GPO. (iv) Basavangudi HO (V) Musuem Road HPO (vi) Bangalore GPO. (Dely). Our Circle Secretary Com. S.S. Manjunath and his team had optimumly utilised the services of the General Secretary during his tour. Our sincere appreciations to Karnataka Circle comrades and special mention to Com. S.S. Manjunath.
2 Gujarat: - Com. K.B . Barot, Circle Secretary has well organised the meeting under the banner of JCA on 25.10.07 evening at Ahmedabad. There was another meeting at Rajkot, organised by the Postal JCA on 26.10.07 at 1700 hours. Prior to the meeting, Com. K.B. Barot has organised a Divisional Secretaries interaction session in the noon which was very useful and purposeful. At Rajkot meeting, there was more than 200 participants and the office bearers of Rajkot division deserve all appreciations.
On 27.10.07 morning, the Ahmedabad divisional Secretary Com. R.C. Waghela organised a meeting at Navrangpura HPO at 0900 hours and it was well attended. There was another meeting organised at Ahmedabad RMS at 11 hours. My special thanks to Com. K.B. Barot who utilised my services fully from 25.10.07 after noon to 27.10.07 for noon.
3 New Delhi GPO: - A well organised Demonstration & Gate meeting was conducted on 29.10.07 at 1300 hours at New Delhi GPO. General Secretary & Com. Balwinder Singh, ATR CHQ attended and orated before the gatherings. Com. Geeta Bhattacharya, President, Com. K.K. Verma, Divisional Secretary & Com. A. K. Chawla, Ex- Branch President deserve all appreciations for is historic success of strike at New Delhi GPO on 30.10.07.
General secretary's Tamilnadu Tour
1 Vellore: - A Special meeting was organised by the Divisional Secretary, Vellore Com. S. Veeran on 17.10.07 at Vellore HO. The meeting was presided by Com. Porkai Pandian, President. Com. C. Karunakaran, Circle Vice President, Com. A. Veeramani Circle Treasurer and Com. Gunasekaran, Divisional Secretary AIPEDE union were the prominent speakers. General Secretary took more than 1 ½ hours to explain all the developments and the need to go on strike on 30.10.07. The CHQ congratulates Com. S. Veeran for the excellent arrangement he made for the meeting and the Vellore team deserves all appreciations.
2 Gobichettipalayam: - The General Secretary attended the branch conference of Gobi on 19.09.07. The conference was converted as a strike preparatory meeting. Com C. Chandrasekar. Secretary NFPE and most of the Divisional/Branch Secretaries of Western region addressed the meeting. Com. P. Venkatachalam Ex- President was felicitated. G/S during his speech mentioned the services & sacrifices of Com. P. Venkatachalam. Com. Mahanasundaram, Br. Secy, Gobi and his team deserves all appreciations and we congratulate them for their re election in the conference unanimously.
3 ED convention at Chennai: - The ED convention organised by the GDS Union Chennai City North Division was attended by more than 2000 comrades of the entire circle. It was presided by Com. J. Srivenkatesh, Circle Vice President P3. The prominent speakers were Com. K. Raghavendran, Secretary General NFPE, Com. K.V. Sridharan G/S P3, Com. C. Chandrasekar, Secretary, NFPE, com. V. Parthiban, Circle Secretary P3, Tamilnadu. Many Circle office bearers of P3 & GDS Unions addressed the meeting. The convention was really a historic success. It has given a message to Tamilnadu GDS comrades that GDS are part & parcel of NFPE and we are united always. Our heartiest appreciations to com. Vedagiri, Divisional Secretary GDS & Com P. Mohan, Divisional Secretary P3 Chennai North for their splendid & superb arrangements.
4 Nagapattinam: - A Special meeting was organised at Nagapattinam on 22.10.07 evening to discuss about various issues confronting Postal Services. General Secretary attended the meeting. Com J. Ramamoorthy, ACS, Tamilnadu also attended. The meeting was attended by more than 150 comrades, in the midst of heavy rain. Com. S. Govindarasu, Divisional Secretary Nagapattinam, Com. K. Ramalingam Branch Secretary Tiruvarur, Com Gurusamy, Divisional Secretary Nagapattinam ED and Com Dhanraj, B/S Tiruvaraur ED deserve all appreciations. The meeting was lasted for four hours. My special thanks to Com. S. Govindarasu, Divisional Secretary, Nagapattinam.
5 Pondicherry: - An interaction session with activists of Pondicherry division was organised on 23.10.07 at 1400 hours by Com. E. Sathiyamoorthy, Divisional Secretary P3 & Com. M. Pannerselvam, Divisional Secretary P4. We record our appreciations to Com. E. Sathiyamoorthy & Com. M. Pannerselvam.
6 Salem West: - An interaction meeting was organised by Com. R. Sundarakrishnan, Divisional Secretary, Salem West on 18.10.07 evening to discuss the issues. It was attended by activists of Salem West & Salem East divisions. Com. K. Sempan, Circle President had also participated in the discussions. My kudos and appreciations to com. R. Sundara Krishnan, Divisional Secretary and his team.
Com. Ravinder Sharma, circle Secretary Punjab- No more.
Our beloved Circle Secretary Punjab Com. Ravinder Sharma and his wife met with and road accident and died on the spot on 19.10.07. On behalf of CHQ, Com. Balwinder Singh ATR attended the funeral on 20.10.07.
A condolence meeting was organised on 28.10.07 at Chandigarh com. K. V. Sridhran, General Secretary, Com. Subash Sharma, Treasurer, Com. Balwinder Singh, Asst. Treasurer, Com. I.P. Bhardwaj, Circle President, Delhi Circle, Com. Aishvir Singh, Circle Secretary Delhi Circle, Com. R.A.P. Singh, Ex- General Secretary, Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, G/S AIPEDE Union attended the meeting and paid tributes to the departed leader.
We lost a best companion and a cultured intellectual. We dip our banner in respect of the departed leader. Longlive Com. Ravinder Nath Sharma.
Clear Dues for Bhartiya Post/Venture
All the Branch/ Divisional Secretaries are requested to clear the dues for Bhartiya Post & also the cost of Venture immediately. All are requested to remit donation of Rs. 10/- to NFPE and Rs. 7/- to CHQ and Rs. 3/- to Confederation through CHQ as per the decision of the Allahabad CWC meeting, positively in the first fortnight of Nov'07.
General Secretary's Tour
The General Secretary is leaving New Delhi on 2.11.07 to New Jalbaiguri to attend the circle conference of West Bengal circle from 3.11.07 to 6.11.07. He is attending the convention organised at Kochi, in Kerala circle organised by the Circle union on 8.11.07. He will be returning to Head Quarters on 14.11.07. Com. Balwinder Singh, ATR will look after the CHQ during his absence. His mobile phone No. 09868853970
Once again with Heartiest Deepawali Greetings.
Comradely yours,
(K V Sridharan)
General Secretary
1 comment:
Comrade KVS,
The newsletter is a very effective tool, apart from the Bharatiya Post, to have a continuous interation with the CHQ and also to procure information related to recent developments. Regularity must be ensure i/c/w publication of the Newsletter.
My sincere condolence to the family members of Late Com. Sharma. May the soul rest in peace.
Goutam Roy,
Assistant Secretary,
AIPEU Group-C,
Kolkata GPO, West Bengal
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