General Secretary's Desk
TH ALL INDIA CONFERENCE HELD AT GUNTUR FROM 30.11.08 to 3.12.08.The AIC commenced its proceedings with the Flag hoisting at 10.45 hours on 30.11.08. The national flag was hoisted by Com. B. G. Tamhankar, Ex President, NFPE and CHQ. Com D. K. Rahate, President NFPE and Com M. Krishnan, President, CHQ hoisted the NFPE and the AIPEU Group C flags respectively amidst slogans renting the air. Floral tributes were paid to the martyr column before commencing the house. The cultural group performed programmes in an admirable way.
The inaugural session and the open session was held at 1100 hours on 30.11.08 and Com M. Krishnan, president presided the meeting. Sri Raavi Venkataramana, MLA, Prathipadu and also the Chairman of the Reception committee presented the welcome address. Com Nilotpal Basu, Ex M.P delivered the inaugural address and dealt all the issues confronting the working class and role of the Postal workers in the continuous fight against the onslaughts of Globalization policies practiced by the Government.
Prof. Haragopal Reddy, Vice Chancellor of the Acharya Nagarjuna University delivered his oration in a magnificent manner detailing the problems of the workers and their responsibilities. Com K. K. N. Kutty, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government employees and workers elaborated in detail about the denial of minimum wage by the Sixth CPC and the need to launch serious programmes seeking the modification of the recommendations and ensure better service condition to the CG employees.
Com K. Ragavendran, Secretary General, NFPE dealt all issues confronting the Postal employees and explained the need for a united indefinite strike from 6.1.2009 in order to safeguard the interest of the GDS employees and also to achieve the Cadre review and three promotions. Com S. S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, AIPEDE union, Com P. Suresh, General Secretary, R4 addressed the open session. Com R. Sivannarayana, General Secretary, Reception committee and AGS delivered vote of thanks.
Com Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary, P4, Com Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, R3, Com. B. G. Tamhankar, Ex President NFPE & P3, Com S. P. Mukherjee, General Secretary, Postal Admn, Com.P. Rajanayagam, General Secretary, Postal Accounts, Com Asit Das, General Secretary, All India SBCO employees association addressed during the subject committee and greeted the conference.
Com K. Venugopal, General Secretary , All India Insurance employees association orated on the subject of THE CASCADING EFFECTS OF GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS on 1.12.08 evening which is the masterpiece of the deliberation in the conference. He dealt in detail about the globalization, liberalization, privatization and the present serious global financial crisis. His lecture is really exemplary and educative one to budding unionists.
In the AIC, all Circle Secretaries and 46 Delegates from all the circles participated in the lively discussions on the topic of Organizational Review. There was an all-round appreciation from the delegates on the functioning of the CHQ and assured their unstinted cooperation for the future better functioning of the CHQ. The following resolutions printed in the biennial report were placed and approved in the august conference.
1. Policy and Programme.
2. Shortage of staff and allied problems like filling of vacant posts, scrapping of screening committee and augmentation of adequate posts for new services.
3. Po & RMS Accountants.
4. Promotional issues.
5. Systems Administrators & problems.
6. One time absorption of approved RRR candidates.
7. Counting of past services as RTP for promotion.
8. Monetary recovery and disciplinary action on contributory negligence factors.
9. Marketing Executives.
10. Upward revision of MPCM allowance.
11. Upward revision of Cash handling allowances to Treasurers of post offices.
12. Problems of women employees.
13. Foreign Post.
14. Postal Stores Depot.
15. Amendment to India Post office Act 1898.
16. Outsourcing and Franchising of postal services.
17. On Bureaucratic excesses
18. Grant of Naxalist Threat Area Allowance to the employees working in naxalist threat areas.
19. Waiving of outstanding dues of recoveries like HBA etc from the family pensioners of deceased employees.
20. Productivity linked bonus.
21. Scrapping of new pension scheme.
22. Treatment in authorized medical hospitals in non CGHS areas.
23. Various arbitration awards.
24. SB and Savings certificates.
25. Unjust activities in the name of Business post.
Apart from the above, several resolutions proposed by the delegates were resolved on various issues. The General Secretary assured appropriate action on all these resolutions. The redrafting of the Constitution exercised by the committee was placed before the house and it was approved after some corrections and modifications. The subscriptions from membership have been raised from Rs.10 to Rs.30 per month. The details of the draft constitution will be printed on its approval by the department.
Comrade D. Sivagurunathan the victimized former P4 divisional secretary of Chennai City North Division was felicitated by the CHQ President and General Secretary in the Conference. He was donated 1000/- by the P3 divisional union of Warangal.
We record our appreciations to the reception committee of the 27th AIC headed by com R. Sivannarayana, AGS for the excellent arrangements that made the conference a historical and successful one. Everyone admired the arrangements and hospitality of the reception committee and this conference had its place in the milestone in the history of our movement. We thank again all the comrades of the reception committee and record our sincere and abundant thanks.
The future is full of struggles for the betterment of postal employees in general and the Postal Group C in particular. The CHQ is fully confident that with the total cooperation of all circles, divisions and branches, the huge task will be carried out to the satisfaction of all members. We assure that we shall strive hard to live up to the expectation s our comrades in the rank and file at grass root level and march ahead.
Com. Jaswant Sharma, Delegate from Solan Division in Himachal Pradesh Circle died while returning from Guntur after attending the AIC due to heart attack. He was admitted at Nagpur but could not be saved. Himachal Comrades took much pain to take the mortal to Solan from Nagpur. Com. Jaswant was only 25 years old. He was survived with his parent and brothers. We pay our respectful homage to the departed Comrade. We dip our banner in the memory of the young departed leader of Himachal Circle.
The General Secretary, AIPEDE Union has given notice to the Department for the indefinite strike to be commenced from 17.12.2008 on ten charters of demands particularly seeking modifications in the retrograde recommendations of the Natarajamurthy committee report.
There is no second opinion about the need for a united struggle against the GDS Committee's negative and most in human recommendations. Both the Federations and All India Unions including the GDS unions which met twice during the first week of November'08 decided to launch indefinite action demanding the modification of retrograde recommendations of the GDS report, along with regular departmental employees demands like Exempting the Postal department from the purview of screening committee, Cadre review, Grant of three ACP without restrictions and other sectional demands.
Accordingly a convention was organized by the NFPE inviting all the Circle Secretaries and CHQ office bearers of all the affiliated unions and also the GDS union at Guntur on 29.11.08 and it was decided unanimously to issue Strike notice on 19.12.08 for the indefinite strike from 06.01.09 in case if the demands are not settled through negotiations. It was decided to give utmost important in resolving the GDS demands in the strike charter.
But to our shock and surprise, Com. S. S. Mahadevaiah during his oration informed the AIC of our union held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08 that he has decided to issue strike notice alone and seeking the cooperation of others for solidarity actions. Accordingly he issued strike notice on 02.12.08. All the General Secretaries of other unions of NFPE who were attending our AIC could not issue any strike notice since every one decides to launch the indefinite strike programme from 06.01.09 as decided in the NFPE convention held on 29.11.08.
We do not want to say anything about the decision of General Secretary AIPEDE Union. Being the General Secretary of that Union, he is having all prerogative rights to decide his own programme & action. We have no right to insist him to join the programme decided by all the unions under NFPE which is also assured to be endorsed by the FNPO and its affiliates.
The General Secretary, GDS union did not hear the requests of any one to postpone the strike to Jan 09 for a united programme under the banner of JCA with FNPO. He decided to carry out his programme as he notified but requesting all the unions to extend solidarity programme. Therefore the Federal secretariat met on 9.12.08 has decided to extend solidarity programme with GDS union by direct participation in the proposed strike from 17.12.08. The NFPE and all affiliates exhibited their commitments towards the problems of the GDS knowing very well that it will be very difficult for them to focus the departmental employees' issues in the present juncture while participating in the strike from 17.12.08 launched by the GDS union without any strike notice and not placing their demands therein in the charter of demands.
As a responsible affiliate of NFPE and also having close association and fraternity with GDS for a long, we took this decision. When the GDS union is not ready for postponement of strike for a united and grand struggle up to 6.1.09 by organizing the rank and file for a strong action, We have no other alternate except to endorse the GDS struggle since we don't want to remain as spectator or onlooker of the developments.
Let us also jump into action extending solidarity action by participating the strike. We cannot allow the GDS employees are isolated on any account and subjected for any victimization. The joint circular of NFPE and its affiliated unions and also the letter addressed to department are enclosed along with the circular .Even though the time before us is very short, We fervently appeal all Division/Branch secretaries to rise up to the occasion and ensure full participation of our comrades in the strike from 17.12.08 in their branches and extend solidarity support to the striking GDS comrades.
With Struggle greetings,
Comradely Yours,
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
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