1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi – 110001
PF-1(e)/13/2008 Dated 11th December 2008.
All NFPE Office Bearers / All General Secretaries / Circle Secretaries.
All Divisional / Branch Secretaries through respective Circle Secretaries.
Dear Comrades!
NFPE Federal Secretariat that met on 9.12.2008 thoroughly discussed the entire developments taken place since our earlier Federal Secretariat Meeting held on 8.11.2008. The submission of Nataraja Murti Committee recommendations; the need for united struggle to get the negative recommendations rejected and necessary modifications accepted by the Government; the decision of the all India Convention of NFPE held at Guntur for launching a united Indefinite Strike from 6.1.2009 on a common Postal Charter of Demands and on a common CG Employees Charter of Demands; the submission of Indefinite Strike notice for strike from 17.12.2008 by the GDS Union undermining the decisions of the NFPE Unions for a joint strike with preparations during December etc have all been considered by the Federal Secretariat.
Though the NFPE Federal Secretariat was of unanimous view that the GDS Union should have fallen in line with the decision of the NFPE for a joint Indefinite Strike from 6.1.2009 for which Notice should be served on 19.12.2008 and hectic strike tour from 21.12.2008 to 4.1.2009 to ensure total participation of postal employees on a Postal Charter of Demands of both GDS and regular employees for ensuring better victorious results, the Secretariat has assessed that the GDS Union is not likely to withdraw the strike notice served by it and therefore the situation emerged is very crucial in the interests of three lakhs of GDS and to our movement.
The NFPE Secretariat was of the considered opinion that irrespective of the stand taken by the GDS Union, the movement cannot allow the GDS to be isolated at the time of their struggle for modification of the recommendations of Nataraja Murti Committee that is loaded with many anti-GDS recommendations. The Secretariat considered that any failure would result in losing the gains registered by the NFPTE – NFPE movement during the past four decades for GDS and therefore the Federation and all the affiliated Unions / Associations cannot but take a firm stand to render total solidarity to the GDS by joining the Indefinite Strike from 17.12.2008. It was in this background the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
The Federal Secretariat of NFPE which met at the office of the NFPE on the afternoon of 9.12.2008 on analysing the entire development of events taken place including the situation arising out of submission of Indefinite Strike notice by the GDS Union, has unanimously resolved to call upon the entirety of postal regular employees to extend total solidarity to the striking GDS by joining the Indefinite Strike from 17.12.2008 and make the strike programme of GDS a grand success.
This Secretariat also resolves unanimously to call upon the Postal Board to hold meaningful negotiations immediately with the Staff Side and reject the negative recommendations of the GDS Committee as well as to modify them as demanded by the unions / federations and avert the Indefinite Strike in the larger interest of three lakhs of Gramin Dak Sewaks and also to protect tranquillity and peace in Department of Posts.
NFPE and all Affiliated Unions have submitted a joint letter dated 9.12.2008 to the Secretary [P] expressing the above decision of the Federal Secretariat and intimating that this letter may be treated as a Strike Notice. The Department was requested to immediately hold negotiations with the Staff Side for modifying the recommendations of Nataraja Murti Committee as demanded by the unions / federations in order to avert a strike and to maintain peace. Please download the copy of this letter from our websites.
In accordance with the decisions of the All India Convention of NFPE at Guntur, a letter of ultimatum containing the Postal Charter of Demands as formulated by the Convention was submitted to the Secretary [P] on 10.12.2008. It is a 19 points Charter of Demands as furnished below. But the full text of the Charter of Demands including the Sectional Charter of Demands submitted on 15.02.2008, which forms part of the present Charter of Demands also, can be downloaded from our websites.
The Department is requested to hold meaningful negotiations and settlement on all these vital issues of postal employees before 18.12.2008. It was also intimated that as per the decision of the All India Convention, failure to negotiate and settle will result in an Indefinite Strike during the first week of January. The copy of this letter also can be downloaded from our websites.
- Modify and improve the recommendations of Nataraja Murti Committee and reject the retrograde recommendations [list of modifications / rejections endorsed separately].
- Re-fix the wages all Paid Substitutes – RRR Candidates – Part Time / Contingent w.e.f. 1.1.2006 on the basis of 6th CPC Revised Pay Scales.
- Exempt Postal Department from the purview of Screening Committee and fill up all vacant posts in all cadres immediately.
- Hold Periodical Meeting and JCM Departmental Council / RJCM Regional Council meetings as per the schedule.
- Implement all issues of April 2007 Strike Settlement.
- Negotiate and settle the sectional charter of demands submitted by Federations and unions on 15.02.2008.
- Finalise Cadre Review for all cadres – creation of a separate establishment for System Administrators and redressing their current problems.
- Improve the ACP and make it applicable to Postal Employees.
- Remove all trade union victimisation in all Circles and end irrational application of Contributory Negligence orders.
- Do not introduce new schemes without consultations with the Staff Side.
- Withdraw the SLP against the RRR Candidates and absorb them immediately.
- Grant immediate fixation of higher scale as per 6th CPC to TBOP/BCR Postmen / Mailguards.
- Grant higher pay scales to Head Mail Peons at par with Postman / Mailguard.
- Grant Notional fixation for Artisan Grade I in MMS w.e.f. 1.1.1996 at par with the Railways and Defence.
- Redistribute the LSG / HSG II / HSG I posts for Circle Offices including DPLI Kolkata.
- Withdraw decentralisation of PLI/RPLI functions of Circle Offices.
- Stipulate periodicity of deputationists to Circle Offices and recruit new incumbents.
- Ensure integration of all Accounting streams in DOP under PA Wing and stop the proposed move to decentralise Postal Accounts.
- Restore the 3 year periodicity for promotion to Senior Accountant cadre.
The National Executive of Confederation of Central Government Employees will meet on 13.12.2008 in New Delhi. This meeting is expected to review the action taken on the decisions of the extended National Executive and resolve future course of action to be taken including organizing an Indefinite Strike.
NFPE will take every effort to unite the entire organizations for the struggles in line. We are discussing with FNPO leaders for forging struggle unity. We are discussing with the leaders of Confederation for synchronizing the struggle of all in a comprehensive manner to ensure total unity during struggle. NFPE Secretariat is aware of time constraint on all of us in general and on the rank and file leadership in particular in organizing struggles. Let us take things on its priority. Let us first concentrate on our first task of winning the GDS demands through 17.12.2008 Indefinite Strike or through negotiations prior to that. The other struggles shall take its importance after the first phase is over. The task is stupendous and the decision of GDS Union to go ahead without waiting for others has made the task more complex and complicated. Still we have our historical responsibility and role to play in the larger interest of three lakhs of GDS and the whole movement itself. Let us play our united role. Let us commence the preparations with war footing.
With revolutionary greetings,
Comradely Yours,
Secretary General
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