Welcome to the official website of All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C'- अखिल भारतीय डाक कर्मचारी संघ वर्ग 'सी' की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट में आपका स्वागत है

Saturday, March 21, 2009

General Secretary's Desk


Dear Comrades,



The amendments adopted in the last All India Conference held at Guntur have been approved and circulated by the Department of Posts vide its letter No. 15-1/2004-Sr dt. 16.03.2009.


Accordingly, the Union subscription per member has been raised to Rs.30/- per month. The following will be allocation.


Branch Union                     :               Rs.14.50

Circle Union                        :               Rs.08.00

All India Union                   :               Rs.06.00

NFPE                                     :               Rs.01.50

Total                                      :               Rs.30.00                              


All Divisional/Branch Secretaries are requested to appraise the fact and if need be produce the copy of the Directorate letter to the DDOs and ensure recovery of subscription @Rs.30/- from the salary payment to be made on 1.04.2009 for the month of March'09.


The remittance of Quota to higher bodies like Circle/All India Union shall be from 01.04.2009 shall be at the revised rate of allocation.


According to Article 39(b) of the Constitution the Branch Unions who do not remit quota to the Circle Union or to the CHQ or to the NFPE for a period of three consecutive months shall be liable to be suspended.


All Branch/Divisional Secretaries should ensure prompt remittance of Quota to Circle/CHQ/Federation forthwith.


The copy of the Directorate letter dt. 16.03.2009 is enclosed for your information & necessary action.


2.         Fixation of Pay and Grant of increments in the revised Pay structure – clarification

The DOPT has clarified that the Government servant may give a revised option for pay fixation under FR 22 (a) (i) within one month vide its letter No. MOF/DOE. No. F. No/1/1/2008 – IC. dt. 29.01.2009. This is a welcoming clarification. All those affected due to their increments either on TBOP/BCR in between Jan to June every year may also now revise options if applicable. Please consult your Account Section. All Divisional/Branch Secretaries may also assist the membership.


3.            Interest heaving Advance – condition of grant of computer Advance

The Existing Provision – that basic pay plus Dearness pay is not less than Rs. 6900/- shall be substituted as follows: -

"Pay in the pay band of Rs. 8560/- or more".

(MOF DOE OM no. 12 (i)/E II-A/2008 dt. 12.12.2008.

4.            Study Tour to German Post

Department of Posts had earlier finalized a 17 Member Team for a Study Tour to German Post including 6 staff Side representatives from NFPE. The Team was reduced to 9 consequent on MOF restriction. The Department thereupon without consulting the Federation reduced the quota of NFPE to only 3 without even the Secretary General NFPE in the study tour. FNPO was given 3 representation and ASPO/ASRM given 2 representation. After discussing in the Federal Secretariat, the General Secretaries of P-3, P-4 and R-3 boycotted the Foreign Tour and gave a protest letter to the Department. NFPE also protested the unilateral decision of Department undermining the 5:2 ratio in favour of NFPE in Staff Side representation.


5.            ACP Orders 

The DOPT has sought approval from the Election Commission for release of three 3 ACP orders. Reply from the Election Commission is awaited.


6.            GDS Committee

The Department is working out a proposal for effecting payment of adhoc quantum of arrears to GDS on the following method.


TRCA+DA as on 01.01.2006 X 20%  X 38 months out of which 40% may be paid before 31.03.2009. the proposal should be approved by the nodal ministries.


GDS Committee proposals have cleared by JS & FA and the file has gone to Minister Communication before onward transmission to Ministry of Finance.


7.            Paid Substitutes

The JS & FA has cleared the file for granting minimum of Pay + Pay Band without the element of HRA to the substitutes. Orders will be release shortly.


8.            Group D – Non matriculates

The Ministry of Finance has cleared files to grant fixation benefits in the upgraded Group C Pay Scales to the non matriculate Group Ds immediately and impart training further. Orders are expected soon.


9.            HSG – I

One time filling up of HSG I vacancies on adhoc basis again among the HSG Ii officials – Proposal forwarded to DOPT and orders expected soon.


10.          Induction Training

The induction training period for Direct/Promotees will be reduced to 48 days instead of present 75. Orders will be issued soon. It will be applicable from the next batch training.


11.          General Secretary on Tour

General Secretary is attending the Central Working Committee meeting of P4 Union to be held at Vishakapatnam from 29.03.09 to 31.03.09. He is attending the winding of Reception Committee meeting at Guntur on 05.04.09 in which, the Reception Committee is proposed to release the souvenir. Com. Somenath Mukherjee, Deputy General Secretary will officiate as General Secretary during the tour period from 23.03.09 to 05.04.09.


With greetings,


Comradely yours,

(K. V. Sridharan)

General Secretary


Dated – 20.03.2009


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