- Junior Accountants residency period before promoted to Senior Accountants - Department of Posts order for restoring the earlier 3 years period instead of 6 years is expected to be issued shortly. It is confirmed that the DOPT has favourably decided to restore status-quo-ante on this issue. NFPE Delegation which met the Director [PAF] got the above confirmation. This is a victory to the combined efforts of All India Postal Accounts Employees Association [AIPAEA] - NFPE - and Confederation. The NFPE and AIPAEA have placed the issue in the Strike Charter and also discussed with the Secretary [P] level meeting on 13.01.2009 and also consistently trying to settle the issue. Confederation of Central Government Employees played a major role in settlement of issue at the DOPT level. Comrade S.K.Vyas President Confederation and also JCM National Council Standing Committee Member took personal interest in the issue and paved the way for settlement. Postal Accounts Employees can now rejoice the victory.
- Much sought out relief for the Postal Accounts Employees stationed in Jammu who aspire to go back to Kapurtala is in the offing. Consequent on the DOPT cancelling the Screening Committee operations w.e.f. 1.4.2009, there will be no problem for future recruitment process and hence the long pending requests of officials for going back to Kapurtala DAP from Jammu would now be processed quickly. This was assured to the delegation of NFPE by the Director PAF. This issue was also being pursued vigourously by the AIPAEA and NFPE for many months.
- NFPE Delegation consisting of Secretary General NFPE and General Secretaries P3 and R3 met the DDG[Establishment] on 22.04.2009. The issues of Cadre Restructuring; Road Mileage Allowance to System Administrators; Doubling of PO&RMS Accountants Special Allowance and grant of Special Allowance to TBOP Officials man the post of PO&RMS Accountants; Implementation of Group D higher pay for all Group D; Stopping recovery of OTA amount paid to ineligible Officials; Formation of Anomaly Committee for 6th Pay Commission related issues; Revision of FSC; and Recovery from APM Accounts Pune for over-drawal-to Postmen.
- Delay in processing of Cadre Restructuring issue and formation of Anomaly Committee is raised by us. We were told that the proposals for Cadre Restructuring from FNPO has not been submitted. We reminded that our consolidated proposals have been submitted on 15.01.2009 and that the Department can process our proposals and react with their own views. The Anomaly Committee formation will be taken up only after the FNPO nominates their two representatives. We have also approached FNPO leaders for early nomination of their members.
- DDG[Estt] showed his directions for fixation of higher pay for all Group D as per DOP Orders dated 27.03.2009 before the end of April 2009 and also for completion of one-week training to all non-matriculate Group D. Circles / Divisions to monitor the progress to ensure fixation of higher pay scale with 1800/- Grade Pay to all Group D before end of April 2009.
- DDG ordered study of our proposal for grant of Road Mileage Allowance to System Administrators for taking early favourable decision.
- The issues of PO&RMS Accountants; OTA to ineligible officials; Revision of FSC; Recovery of over-drawal from APM Accounts Pune will be favourably looked into by the Department.
- It is ascertained that after the GDS file gone to Finance Ministry, no further information on the progress could be available. The implementation of GDS Committee and or Adhoc Payment of arrears etc appear likely only after the conclusion of General Elections.
- ACP orders also only after General Elections.
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