Dear Comrades – NFPE Delegation consisting of Secretary General and General Secretaries met Member [P] on 18.06.2009. The GDS Committee implementation is a priority issue and that should not take more time now was the response of the Member [P]. The clearance from the Ministry of Finance is expected at any time and then the Cabinet Note for the consideration of the Cabinet will be taken up. NFPE however hope that after the Budget the GDS Committee would be implemented.
On compulsory payment of salary through Banks and direct credit system, the Member [P] though in agreement with our proposal for disbursement through our own POSB instead of Banks, suggested that we discuss this issue with the Secretary and DDG [PAF] since the order was issued with the concurrence of the Secretary [P]. NFPE Delegation will try to meet the DDG [PAF] and the Secretary [P] on Monday.
We also discussed the issue of Data Entry Operators of Tamilnadu DAP Office who are facing recovery due to the decision of the Department of Posts to deny 4000-6000 pre-revised pay scales to them on consideration as directed by the Honourable Madras High Court. Comrades Santhosh Kumar the Circle Secretary of Postal Accounts Tamilnadu Circle and Balasubramanian Vice President of Postal Accounts TN Circle also accompanied the Delegation to meet the Member [P] to discuss the issue of DEO and supplied all the documentary proof of justification in support of higher scale for DEOs. The Member [P] assured to look into the whole case.
NFPE Delegation earlier met the DDG [Estt] and came to know that the Modified ACP orders for Postal Employees are under preparation. The DDG informed us that the orders will be a comprehensive one with full details of fixation models for different categories and that is why the preparation is taking some time. After the orders are prepared the same will be submitted to the consent of the JS&FA and then orders will be issued by the Directorate for implementation. Contrary to the earlier information, the DDG [Estt] asserted that there appears to be no need to submit the orders for approval of the DOPT and clearance by JS&FA would be sufficient. It is expected that another 15 days may take for finalization of the orders and we can expect the same to be issued next month.
The urgent issues and problems faced by the Postal Employees due to:
the orders of compulsory payment through Banks only;
the harassment meted out to the employees particularly to the Postmen staff and Postmasters and other staff in the offices of Project Arrow;
the abnormal delay in implementation of GDS Committee and also the discrimination perpetrated on the GDS in implementing the bonus ceiling orders;
the need to focus immediately the removal of arbitrary cap of 60 days in payment of PLB to postal employees by the MOF while Railways and other PLB employees are granted without any such cap as the calculations have started for PLB 2008-2009 by the Directorate;
the need to expedite filling up of ADR vacancies of 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 and to insist that all cadres and all wings shall be taken into account for filling up the vacant posts;
to focus the abnormal delay in refixation of wages to all casual labourers and part time contingent as well as the RRR candidates on the basis of the 6th CPC wages;
to demand expediting the Cadre Review of all cadres in
Department of Posts since the same is being carried out in many other Government Departments like Railways, Income Tax etc;
to express our plight due to failure to re-fix the new pay level in the 6th CPC scales of pay for OTA entitlement and to demand immediate payment of all pending OTA bills; and
to alleviate the difficulties faced by women employees in getting the Child Care Leave sanctioned in spite of the eligibility under the tightened guidelines of DOPT;
were considered by the Postal Joint Council of Action of NFPE and FNPO. It has been decided that a call attention is required to the Department of Posts on all these issues. Therefore the Postal JCA has called upon the rank and file to organize the following two programmes:
29.06.2009: Mass Dharna in all Divisions / Branches jointly by the NFPE and FNPO organizations;
3.7.2009: On the day of opening of Budget Session of Parliament, there shall be a Massive Demonstration in front of Dak Bhawan and a Joint Memorandum would be submitted to the Honourable Minister of Communications & IT and also the Honourable Minister of State for Communications & IT in Delhi.
The JCA Circulars have already been sent by post to all Circle Secretaries with a request to circulate copies to all branches. The Postal JCA calls upon all NFPE and FNPO unions to observe this Programme of Action with all zest and vigour through maximum mobilization of employees.
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