These instructions are now reiterated in the following Directorate letter based on the demand of the CHQ citing the cases of Bhatinda, Punjab, Tamilnadu Circle & others.
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Building Section)
No. 7-1/2010-Bldg. New Delhi, dated 08.04.2010
All the Chief Postmasters General.
Subject: - Post attached quarters – instructions regarding.
Instructions/guidelines were issued vide this Directorate letter no. 10-4/2003-Bldg. dated 06.05.2003 wherein powers were delegated to the Heads of Circle regarding de-quarterisation/suspension of post attached rent free quarters of PMs/SPMs under SR-313(a),(b), (c) and (f) (Copy enclosed).
2. It is therefore, requested that the case of suspension of post attached accommodation may be decided in the light of instructions/guidelines referred to above so that the officials posted under an officiating arrangement are allowed the benefit of drawl of HRA as envisaged in the letter No. 24/3/76/PAP dated 20th August, 1979 (copy enclosed).
3. Efforts should also be made to ensure that the vacant post attached accommodation is allotted to willing and eligible officials as per the provision of SR 313(4) to the extent possible.
Yours faithfully,
(R. B. Chawla)
Director (E&MM)
Encl: As above.
Copy to: - Service Unions (as per mailing list).
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Parliament Street
New Delhi – 110001
No. 10-4/2003-Bldg. Dated – 6/7/2003
All Heads of Postal Circles
Sub: - Postal pool quarters and post attached rent free quarters of PMs/SPMs – delegation of powers.
Normal period of retention of Govt. residential accommodation in case of transfer from one station to another is 2 months under Supplementary Rule 317-B-11. However, further retention for a period not exceeding six months can also be granted on educational / medical ground under Supplementary Rule 317-B-22. Damage rent is chargeable if the accommodation is not vacated after the expiry of the period for which permission is granted which in any case shall not exceed a total of eight months as mentioned above.
2. Cases have been brought to the notice of the Directorate where there are no takers of postal pool accommodation even if it is vacated after expiry of the maximum permissible retention period of eight months granted under SR 317-B-11 read with SR 317-B-22 though the officer / official on transfer continues to require that accommodation on medical / educational grounds. Vacation of accommodation in such eventuality by the existing occupant on expiry of the permission granted would result in loss to the Department in the shape of non-receipt of rentals besides lack of maintenance in case such quarters remain vacant for unusually long period. Moreover, the policy of the Department is to provide residential accommodation to staff as far as possible.
3. As regards, post attached rent free quarters of PMs / SPMs, the allotment subsists only during the period of incumbency and immediately on change of incumbency; the successor incumbent becomes the allottee of the residence in question. Further, it is mandatory for incumbents to occupy such quarters. Guidelines issued vide Directorate letter No. 5-6/860NB (P) dated 09-08-1990 provide for suspension of post attached quarters of PMs / SPMs by Heads of Circles up to a maximum period of six months under SR -313 (1) (a), (b), (c) and (f). Cases regarding suspension of such quarters for the period exceeding six months are required to be sent to the Directorate. Proposals from circles are received from time to time for:-
(a) Retention of post attached quarter on transfer by outgoing incumbent.
(b) Suspension of ear-marked post attached quarters and its allotment to some other non-entitled official.
(c) Merger of post attached accommodation with the post office accommodation due to inadequacy of space in the pot office.
(d) Dequartarisation of a post attached accommodation due to inhabitable conditions.
4. The matter has been reviewed and it has been decided by the competent authority that Heads of Circles themselves may decide cases falling under SR 313 (1) (a), (b), (c) and (f) as well as those mentioned in the above para Nos (2) and (3). The power of dequarterisation of a post attached accommodation due to inhabitable condition is now also delegated to the Head of Circle. Following guidelines are issued in the exercise of these powers:-
(i) The allottees of Govt. residential accommodation from postal pool on transfer from one station to another may be further permitted by Heads of Circles to continue to retain the accommodation even beyond the maximum permissible period of retention i.e. 8 months, if the occupants so desire and there are no takers of staff quarters, subject to the following conditions:-
(a) Request by such an allottee in this regard should be made well in advance of the expiry of already permitted period by Head of Circle under SR - 317-B-11 read with SR 317-B-22.
(b) As and when an eligible contender for the quarter arises, the quarter should be vacated on thirty days notice.
(c) The occupant will have to pay double the licence fee for the permitted period of retention beyond expiry of maximum period of eight months provided under SR 317-B-11 read with SR 317-B-22.
(ii) While considering request for retention of post attached accommodation, the outgoing incumbent may be permitted to retain the same accommodation if the incoming incumbent does not require the said post attached accommodation. Retention of post attached accommodation at previous placed of functioning on request may be permitted subject to the following conditions:-
(a) The allotment of post attached accommodation will be cancelled on the basis of one months notice whenever such accommodation is required for the use of the regular incumbent entitled to the post attached quarters.
(b) The retention will be at double the rate of licence fee for period exceeding eight months.
(iii) Suspension of post attached accommodation for the reason of non-occupation by the incumbents due to their having own residential accommodation / arrangement in the area may be permitted only on the condition that it does not adversely effect the work of PM / SPM.
(iv) In case of merger of post-attached quarter with post office space, Head of Circle will have to record a certificate to the effect that:-
(a) The post office is a profit making one;
(b) Extra benefit will be there if such merger takes place; and
(c) Total space of post office on merger does not exceed the justified SOA of the post office.
(v) In case of dequarterisation of post attached accommodation, Head of Circle may take a decision about dequarterisation till it becomes habitable by carrying out repairs or put the accommodation to any other official use.
5. These instructions may be circulated to all concerned for information, guidance and implementation.
6. Receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged to the ADG (Bldg.), Dak Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi -110001.
7. Hindi version will follow.
Bhartiya Dak Aur Tar Vibhag
Office of Dak aur Tar Mahanideshak
Sanchar Bhavan, (PAP Section)
20 – Ashoka Road, New Delhi – 110001
No. 24/3/76/PAP Dated – 20 Aug 1979
Sub: - Grant of HRA to incumbents working/officiating in local arrangements against posts in which rent free accommodation is attached.
I am directed to invite a reference to this office letter of even No. dated 22nd September, 77 wherein it was decided that compensation in lieu of rent free recommendation can be granted to a Government servant for a maximum period of 3 months when he is posted to officiate in a post to which rent free accommodation is attached but which is not provided to him.
2. A question has now been raised as to how cases where though the rent free accommodation is available, but the concerned official has not occupied the same in view of the short duration of posting, are to be regulated. The case has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and the President is pleased to decide that in such cases, House rent allowance as admissible to a Government servant not entitled to rent free accommodation may be granted for a maximum period of 90 days provided the vacancies are short term ones involving local arrangements.
3. These orders take effect from the date of issue and past cases decided otherwise than in accordance with these orders need not be reopened.
This issues with the concurrence of P & T. Finance vide their Dy. No. 2097/FA-III/79 dated 20.07.79.
Yours faithfully,
(R. S. N. Murti)
Asst. Director General (PE)
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