CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT.EMPLOYEES & WORKERS. A-2/95,Manishinath Bhawan,Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110 027 | | Tel: 011-2510 5324: Mobile: 98110 48303 |
Dated: 17/07/2010
Dear Comrades,
The National Secretariat of the Confederation met at New Delhi (at Mavalankar Hall, Rafi Marg) on 16th July, 2010 at 3.30 PM immediately after the convention organized jointly by the AIRF, AIDEF and Confederation to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 12th July, 1960 indefinite strike action of the Central Government employees. The meeting took the following decisions.
(ii) The Strike Charter will include the 5 demands adopted by the 15th July convention of the Central Trade Unions and another 5 demands which are common to all Central and State Government employees. (The charter of demands is enclosed)
(iii) The campaign for the strike action will be jointly organized by the Confederation, All India State Government employees Federation and the All India Defence Employees Federation.
(iv) For making the campaign effective, joint conventions will be organized at all State Capital and other important centres in which the National leaders of all the three Organisations will take part.
(v) The dates for the proposed State Conventions is being finalized and the same will be intimated in a few days' time.
B. The Secretariat has decided to convene the National Executive Committee meeting of the Confederation on 11th August, 2010 at New Delhi to give impetus to the campaign for the strike preparation. The meeting will be held at the Gandhi Peace Foundation Auditorium, Deendayal Upadhyaya Marg, (Near ITO) New Delhi. (Notice for the meeting is enclosed. Annexure B)
(ii) In view of the developments reported by the Secretary General of the All India Audit and Accounts Association, the meeting has decided to call upon the State Committees to organize massive dharna programme on 5th August, 2010 at all State Capitals in front of the office of the respective Accountant General. It was also decided that a minimum number of 300 comrades must participate in the Dharna programme in each centre of which 100 must be from the IA & AD department. All Affiliated Association./Federations of the Confederation should deploy comrades (the number decided by the State committee) to participate in the Dharna. The Honourable Members of Parliament of the respective State may be invited, apprised of the situation, requested to address the Dharna and take up the issue of victimization with the Government and the C& AG. The Note detailing the vindictive actions in the I A & A. Department as prepared by the Secretary General, All India Audit and Accounts Association is enclosed.(Annexure D) The State Committees will send the following telegram to the Comptroller and Auditor General on 5thAugust, 2010 after holding a massive demonstration at the Dharna Venue in which the participation of large number of the Central Government employees may be ensured.
(iii) The National executive Committee which is scheduled to meet on 11th August, 2010 will decide upon the date of the National Dharna Programme before the Office of the C & AG at New Delhi. The National Dharna programme will have the participation of minimum one thousand activists drawn from different affiliated Associations/Federations of the Confederation.
As was informed in our circular No.14, the National Convention to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 12th July, 1960 All India indefinite strike action of the Central Government employees was held at Mavalankar hall, Rafi Marg, New Delhi on 16th July, 2010. The convention was jointly organized by the All India Railway men Federation, All India Defence Employees Federation and the Confederation of Central Govt. employees and workers. The convention was presided over by a presidium consisting of Com. Umraomal Purohit, President, AIRF, Com. S.K.Vyas, President, Confederation of Central Government employees and workers, Com. Sailo Bhattacharya, General Secretary, All India Defence Employees Federation. More than 1000 delegates participated in the convention. On behalf of the Presidium, Com. Umraomal Purohit made the introductory speech, followed by the presentation of the Declaration by Com. K.K.N. Kutty, Secretary General, and Confederation. In his presentation, Com. Kutty highlighted the issue of Minimum wage, the concept of DA and the extreme brutality with which the Government suppressed the strike. Com. Srikumar, Secretary General, AIDEF seconded the declaration. Com. Pathak, President, AIDEF presented the Hindi version of the declaration. Com. Shiv Gopal Misra, General Secretary, AIRF,Com. Harbajan Singh, from AIRF, Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, President, BSNLEU, Com. M.S. Raja, Secretary, Confederation, Com. Parasar, Officiating Secretary General, National Federation of Postal Employees addressed the convention. Thereafter the following veterans were honoured.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty,
Secretary General
Annexure A
Declaration adopted at the National Convention of Workers
on 15th July, 2010 Mavlankiar Hall, New Delhi.
Representatives of Central Trade Unions and workers and employees federations having assembled in the 2ndNational Convention of the workers on the 125th July, 2010, reviewed the joint action programme over five commonly agreed demands as decided in the first historic convention of workers on 14th September, 2009. This convention considering the review of joint actions, All India protest day on 28th October, 2009, Massive dharna on 18th December, 2009 and Satyagraha/jail bharo on 5th March, 2010 -10 lakh workers participated and also considering the situation arising thereafter adopts the following DECLARATION.
Despite trade unions demanding effective steps to curb price rise, particularly food price inflation, food prices escalating as high as 17 per cent, inflation rising to double digit, government continued to remain totally unresponsive to migrate the deep sufferings of the working people;
Despite the trade unions expressing deep concern at the uninterrupted violation of labour laws and trade union rights, situation becoming grim and repressive every day.
Despite trade union protesting against job loss, underpayment, unbearable living condition, increasing working hours, rampant contractorisation, casualisation and outsourcing, nothing is being doen to prevent the declining living condition and inhuman exploitation of working masses.
Desptie the trade union opposing the disinvestment in the profit making public sector, the latest disinvestment being pushed through in Coal India Ltd. BSNL, SAIL, NLC, Hindustan Coper, NMDC etc, the pernicious policy of reckless disinvestment is continuing with impunity.
Despite the Trade union earnestly asking for the setting up of a massive welfare fund for universal comprehensive social security coverage for the unorganized sector workers without any restriction, the fund allocation remained nominal and restrictive provisions continued.
The convention notes with concern, not only protest of the trade unions is being ignored, the policy that accentuates increase in the prices of food grains is being constantly bulldozed, the latest is the deregulation of petroleum pricing linking it with the international market leading to hefty increase in the prices of Kerosene, cooking gas, diesel, and petrol.
The convention reiterates the unanimously formulated demands once again as under:-
Price rise of essential commodities to be contained through appropriate corrective and distributive measures like universal PDS and containing speculation in commodity market.
Concrete proactive measures to be taken for linkage of employment protection in the recession stricken sectors with the stimulus package being offered to the concerned entrepreneurs and for augmenting public investment in infrastructure.
Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.
Steps to be taken for removal of all restrictive provisions based on poverty line in respect of eligibility of coverage of the schemes under the unorganized workers social security act, 2008 and creation of National Fund for the unorganized sector to provide for a National Floor level social security to all unorganized workers including the contract/casual workers in line with the recommendation of National Commission on Enterprises in unorganized sector and Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour.
Disinvestment of shares of Central Public sector Enterprises (CPSEs) is not resorted to for meeting the budgetary deficit and instead their growing reserve and surplus is sued for expansion and modernization purposes and also for revival of sick public sector undertakings.
This National Convention of workers, while exercisi9ng its constitutional and democratic right seeks to further its legitimate protest and call for immediate correct of the patently wrong policies that dangerously hurt the interests of the working people and the society as a whole, and to give vent to the feeling of the growing indignation of the working people.
The Convention therefore resolves to call for an All India General Strike on 7th September, 2010.
The Convention calls upon the entire working people of the country, irrespective of affiliations to make the all in united call for countrywide general strike a total success. If the Govt. does not concede the demands the trade unions will intensify the struggle further and prepare for a March to Parliament.
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