General Secretary’s Desk
Dear Comrades,
After 12.07.2010 discussions and also Departmental Council Meeting held on 27.08.2010, many positive orders are being issued by the Department. Still we have to cross many miles for mitigating the hardship of Postal employees.
07.09.2010 One Day Strike
At the outset, we congratulate all the Postal & RMS workers including GDS who have participated in the 07.09.2010 historic general strike. This time the reports are encouraging. About six crores workers, employees & teachers had participated in the strike. This is one of the biggest strikes in the post independent India. Once again we salute all those who made the strike a grand success.
Cadre Review Committee
A Committee has already been constituted to discuss about the cadre review proposals. Staff Side is now redrafting the original proposals duly taken note of the grant of MACP and other developments. Any suggestion on this is most welcome.
Committee of Experts on disciplinary & vigilance inquiries
The Committee of Experts headed by Sri. P. C. Hota appointed by DOPT on 12.05.2010 to review the procedure of disciplinary/vigilance inquiries has submitted its report on 14.07.2010. The most part of the reports advocate fighting against corruption at higher levels. The excerpts from the report are being published in the next Bhartiya Post. Now it is available in our website.
Review DPC to reconsider Bench Mark
As assured in the Departmental council meeting held on 27.8.2010, the department has released orders to constitute a Scrutiny Committee at divisional level for scrutinizing the confidential reports of Postman, Postal assistants, Sorting Assistants for the preceding 5 years. This committee is a onetime exercise only for those who have not been granted MACP due to application of bench mark. The committee should complete the exercise within one month and place before the DPS /PMG who will be the accepting authority.
The Full text of the order No 4-7/ (MACPs)/2009-PCC dated 1.9.2010 is published in the website. Please download the same.
Revision of Grade pay on acquiring TBOP/BCR promotion after 6th CPC
The Department has issued orders on 6.9.2010 clarifying that the erstwhile Group Ds now MTS in GP of Rs1800/- as on 1.1.2006 may be allowed GP of Rs 1900 & 2000 on TBOP & BCR respectively during the period from 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008.This is one of the items discussed in the departmental council meeting held on 27.8.2010. The order is published in the website on 08.09.2010.
No recovery for the past cases of stepping up of pay
We demanded that the Directorate instructions on the subject should be given only with prospective effect. We placed our arguments in the departmental council meeting also. The department has caused instructions that the cases settled up to 17.5.2010 cannot be reopened. This order can be downloaded from the website.
Child Care Leave Clarification
The DOPT & Training vide its OM No. 13018/1/2010-Estt (Leave) dt. 07.09.2010 clarified to delete the condition that CCL can be availed only if the employee concerned has not Earned Leave at her credit subject to the following conditions:
(i) CCL may not be granted in more than 3 spells in a Calendar year.
(ii) CCL may not be granted for less than 15 days.
(iii) CCL during probation period is minimal.
This order takes effect from 1.9.2008. Earned leave, if any, availed by women employees before availing CCL may be adjusted against CCL, if so requested by the employee.
This clarification now exhibits the spirit of the original orders.
Discharge Benefit Scheme to GDS
The Department has introduced the ‘Discharge Benefit Scheme to GDS’ vide its OM No 6-11 / 2009 – PE I dated 1.9.2010. The following is the gist of the scheme.
(i) This scheme of is optional to the existing GDS employees but compulsory to all the new recruits from 01.01.2011.
(ii) GDS who are left with only three years or less service are not eligible
(iii) For those who opted to new scheme, the severance amount@ Rs.1500/- per annum for every completed years of service will be added to the accumulated contributions at the time of discharge for annuitization.
(iv) Government shall contribute Rs.200/-P.M. and no recovery from GDS
(v) Not eligible during put off period, provisional appointments and to substitutes.
(vi) On promotion, the accumulations shall be transferred to funds under New Pension Scheme.
(vii) On attaining the age of 58, the GDS can withdraw 20% of the accumulations.
(viii) At the time of discharge 60% will be paid. 40% shall be invested for purchase of Life Annuity from Insurance Company.
(ix) On removal or dismissal, no amount will be paid
(x) Option shall be given before 30.09.2010.
The full text of the orders is published in the website. Something is better than nothing.
Honorarium for drawal of TRCA arrears to GDS
The Department has released orders on 26.08.2010 vide its no. 42-1/2008-PAP based on our demand. The following will be rates: -
(1) Fixation of TRCA
OA Divisional office - Rs. 5/- per GDS
ASP/IPO - Rs. 2/- per GDS
(2) Drawal arrears
Drawal & entry - Rs. 1/- per GDS per month
Checking - Rs. 2/- per GDS
(3) Post Check - Rs. 2/- per case
Modernisation of Postal Services
The cabinet has cleared the proposal of Postal Department for creation of I.T. infrastructure & Net working including core banking to the extent of Rs.1877.20 crores on 26.08.2010. The project shall be completed before September 2012.
News at Glance
* Revised recruitment rules for HSG I is being approved by DOPT. This will go to UPSC for formal approval. Our demand that entire 100% post of HSG I should be offered as promotion to HSG II officials has been considered.
* Revised recruitment rule for MTS (Group D) has been approved and will be released within a fortnight. All the MTS posts will be filled up with GDS without any qualification shortly.
* Even though the direct recruitment of Postal Assistants has earlier been assessed as 12500, it has been crossed to 15000 now according to latest approval.
* The revised recruitment rule for PAs is also in progress. The provision of confirmation examination is being deleted in the revised rules. It may be approved before the end of the year.
* An internal committee has been formed to finalise the revised syllabus for LGO examination. The questions will be in objective type. The process is expected to be finalized before the end of this year.
* The membership verification results will be released shortly. All the affiliated unions are getting recognition with flying colours.
* A proposal for doubling the split duty allowance was already forwarded to MOF. Orders are expected shortly.
* Medical insurance to GDS may be released shortly.
* The Finance Ministry has approved the proposal of stepping of pay of senior PAs only with the direct recruits. The department will release the orders in next week providing stepping up of minimum pay of the direct recruits for those getting lesser pay as on 1.1.2006. The department has again pursued with MOF to extend the same to promotees also.
* Recruitment Rules for Assistant Manager in MMS finalized will be released shortly.
More copies are available. It is our desire that each office bearer should possess ‘Venture’ on hand to deal the staff matters. Many branches have not intended Venture after the receipt of one Venture sent by registered Post. The book is printed only for the benefits of Postal Comrades and office bearers. Please rush your indent at least now.
Hand Book 2011
This is under Preparation. We are incorporating all the updated information and make the book handy and useful. We will release the book for very Cheaper rate on the basis of ‘No gain; No Loss’. Branches may send their indent in advance so that we that we can print the required quantity in one time which will minimize the printing expenditure and the cost of the book.
Nothing more to pen except best regards and greetings
From your General Secretary
Let us meet in the next
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
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