General Secretary's Desk
All India Conference
The notice for All India Conference scheduled to be held from 09.01.2011 to 11.01.2011 is appended alongwith this news letter. All Divisional /Branch Secretaries are requested to reserve their journey tickets in advance and also intimate the number of delegates/visitors attending the conference to the Receiption committee well in advance and enable the Receiption committee to make all arrangements in a planned manner. The letter may be addressed to: - 'Com. B. G. Tamhankar, General Secretary, Receiption Committee, 28th All India Conference, AIPEU Group 'C' Ambika Bhawan, 206, J. S. Road, Mumbai – 400004 (Maharashtra)
Please endorse a copy of the same to CHQ also.
Federal Secretariat Meeting
The Federal Secretariat Meeting was held at New Delhi on 14.10.2010 and a detailed circular has been released by the Secretary General on the decisions. The same is exhibited in the website.
Other Important News
Ø The All India Conference of SBCO Employees Association & Civil Wing Employees Association will be held on 11.12.2010 & 12.12.2010 at Hyderabad respectively.
Ø Federal Executive Meeting of NFPE will also be held at Hyderabad on 10.12.2010 to discuss many issues.
Ø Cadre restructuring Committee will meet and discuss the proposals in the first week of November'2010.
Ø Staff Side Meeting (NFPE & FNPO) to discuss and formulate a united proposal on cadre restructuring will be held on 25.10.2010.
Ø The proposed Meeting on Technological developments in Department of Posts has been postponed to another date.
Ø As demanded by CHQ & NFPE, a detailed clarification on MACP on the following will be issued within a fortnight.
(i) Declining LSG or any promotion prior to issue of DOPT notification on MACP will not be taken as declination and affecting MACP.
(ii) If there is no charges or punishment on the due date of MACP promotion, it may not be withheld.
(iii) For promotees, they will be accorded MACP after completion of 10 years and need not wait for either 20 years or 10 years from the date of according TBOP promotion.
(iv) Opting for defunct Accountant scale shall not be taken as promotion and not to be counted for MACP.
Ø Department has forwarded proposal to DOPT seeking to extend the date for HSG-I adhoc promotion which at present expires on 30.10.2010. Orders is expected next week.
Ø HSG-I Revised Recruitment Rules which was already approved by the DOPT is still under the consideration of UPSC. It will be released shortly. All HSG I posts will be filled up only with HSG II officials.
Ø Revised Recruitment Rules for Multi Tasked Staff (Group D) which was approved by DOPT and forwarded to Law Ministry on 13.09.2010 for formal vetting is still pending at Law Ministry. Dept shows special attention to get back the files from Law Ministry in next week and all posts under this category will be filled up shortly.
Ø PA Recruitment Rules, as learnt, is in completion stage and it may be released after the current recruitment is over. Confirmation examination has been deleted.
Ø The process of Revision of FSC is almost over – orders expected at any time.
Ø Revision of Fixed monetary compensation to Postmen will be released shortly.
Ø Department has caused orders to fill up all vacant Driver Posts as per the recruitment rules subject to no. of vehicles available.
Hand Book – 2011
Hand Book 2011 is under printing. It will be dispatched to branches shortly as per the indent made. The book is double in size containing various updated information. The cost of the book will be Rs.40/- which is fixed on below cost price. Branches are requested to rush their indent positively before 05.11.2010.
New Website for P3
It is proposed to obtain a domain exclusively for CHQ and exhibit various items and links therein. We have decided to furnish the details of branch secretaries with their telephone numbers and e-mail addresses in the web site for widening introspection and communication. Further we have decided to provide links to all divisional union websites maintained in the divisions in our CHQ website.
All Divisional Branch/Secretaries are requested to furnish the details of website if maintained exclusively for their branches and also the e-mail I.D. & latest telephone number of the Branches/Divisional Secretaries to the CHQ positively before 05.11.2010 and enable the CHQ for the updating of the website in a pucca manner.
Other News
v Based on our demand in the JCM Departmental Council, the Department has issued orders vide its letter no. 1-20/2008-PCC dt. 23.09.2010 that non matriculate Group D who passed Postman examination from 1.1.2006 onwards be given computer training and make them eligible for fixing their pay in PB 1 with grade pay of Rs.1800/-.
v The Department has further modified the nature of duties delinking the computer operation work as demanded by us in Departmental Council meeting vide its letter No. 1-20/2008-PCC dt. 24.09.2010.
Foreign Delegation
On the invitation of Royal Mail UK the Department of Posts is organizing a foreign delegation of Postal Union leaders to participate in a Postal Training programme in London from 18.10.2010 to 22.10.2010. Our CHQ President & Secretary General Com. M. Krishnan, General Secretary Com. K. V. Sridharan are visiting London from 17.10.2010 to 23.10.2010. Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary R3, Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary P4 and Com. P. Suresh General Secretary R4 are also visiting London in the ten members delegation.
An Appeal
v All Branch/Divisional Secretaries are requested to complete the conference before 27 months from the date of last conference and attend All India Conference.
v Please clear current year quota, Bhartiya Post, Venture & all dues immediately to circle, CHQ & Federation
Let us meet in the next.
With greetings,
Comradely yours,
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
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