Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg.
New Delhi-110001
No.17-9/2011-GDS Dated the 21-Mar 2011
All Chief Postmaster General,
Reference is invited to this Directorate letter No.6-1/2009. PE.II dated 09 October 2009 providing for Maternity Grant to the women GDS.
2. One man Committee under Shri RS Nataraja Murti constituted under Resolution No. 6-1/2007-PE II dated 23rd July 2007 examined the system of Extra Departmental Post Offices and wage structure of Gramin Dak Sevak & submitted its report on 29th October 2008. After approval of Cabinet, the Department issued orders under No. 6-1/2009 PE II dated 09 October 2009. It was prescribed under Para 9 of the ibid that "women GDS will be provided Maternity Grant equivalent to three months TRCA with DA for the birth date of issue of the order".
3. The recommendations made by the One man Committee in Para 16.10.1have been examined further and it has been decided that Maternity Grant equal to three month's TRCA with DA out of welfare fund will be payable from the welfare fund at the disposal of the Circles effective from 09 October 2009 on fulfillment of the following conditions;-
(a) Maternity Grant will be payable to a woman GDS for each child up to the birth of maximum of two children limited to a maximum of two confinements resulting into birth of first two children only during the entire engagement of the following of a woman GDS.
(b) The women GDS must have rendered a minimum of one year service of becoming eligible for grant under the provision.
(c) No Financial Grant will be admissible for medical termination of pregnancy (abortion). Miscarriage and still births.
4. The scheme of allowing Maternity Grant is like any other ongoing welfare scheme paid out of welfare fund. Funds will be allocated for this scheme by welfare section of this Directorate to the Circles. Heads of the Division will be competent to sanction Maternity Grant to the women GDS out of welfare fund placed at their disposal by the Circle concerned.
5. Woman Gramin Dak Sevaks like Mil Deliverer and Mail Carrier may also be considered for lighter duties wherever possible during the pre and post confinement period for a maximum period of six months.
6. Woman GDS shall be granted Maternity Leave not exceeding six months covering the pre and post confinement period. For the period of Maternity Leave, Woman GDS will be paid Maternity Grant for three months and leave for another three months may be granted without allowances.
7. Existing powers of Divisional Heads for grant of leave beyond 180 days leave without allowances availed by GDS to work against in Group D and Postman vacancies would also cover period of three month Maternity Leave with allowances (Maternity Grant) and another period of leave for three months without allowances if availed by Woman GDS.
8. The contents may be brought to the knowledge of all concerned. This has the approval of the competent authority.
Yours faithfully,
(Surender Kumar)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
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