Welcome to the official website of All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C'- अखिल भारतीय डाक कर्मचारी संघ वर्ग 'सी' की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट में आपका स्वागत है

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

General Secretary’s Desk

Dear Comrades,

Aftermath of the AIC
My sincere thanks to all of you for making the 29th AIC a historic success on every aspects. It has given abundant hope and inspiration to carry out the spirit further in mitigating all the issues and further advancement of Postal workers.

In the AIC, we have received more than 300 chits containing various issues, suggestions and we have noted everything for further action. We could not reply individually. The problems to be taken at Directorate level have already been taken and details will be published in the ensuring Bhartiya Post.

Let us assure that we will ensure all out efforts to mitigate the issues and leave no stone unturned in our efforts.

Federation News
(i)     The Postal JCA has submitted a detailed memorandum consisting of all the common issues to the Secretary Posts on 01.04.2013 and the copy of the same is exhibited in our web site. Please download.
(ii)   The 9th Federal Council is scheduled to be held in Hyderabad from 09.06.2013 to 12.06.2013.
(iii) The Confederation National Council is to be held at Kolkata from 04.05.2013 to 06.05.2013.
(iv)  The Eastern Zone study camp is to be held at Guwahati on 27.04.2013 to 28.04.2013. The programme has been finalized and exhibited in the Website.

Enrolment of new Membership – 30.04.2013 Last date
All of you know very well that the last date for enrolment of new members, Change over etc is 30th April of every year and we should be active in this month. There are many new entrants joined the Department after our sincere efforts and serious action.

All the Divisional/Branch Secretaries are requested to approach each and every new comrades and enroll them as our members. This is the paramount and prime task. A detailed report about the enrolment of new members shall be sent to CHQ positively in the first week of May 2013. The membership form (Letter of Authorisation) is enclosed herewith for your ready reference. There is no need that the form should bear the signature of Director (SR).

Assist GDS (NFPE) Union
Further, all Branch/Divisional Secretaries are requested to form our AIPEU GDS (NFPE) Union at their level and assist them by all means to enroll more membership to the newly formed NFPE GDS Union. Reverification of membership may come at any time. Let us be ready from now itself. Further all our Branch Secretaries are requested to cooperate and assist the GDS leadership in withdrawal of membership from the old union before 30.04.2013.

Assist SBCO (NFPE) Union
Similarly, all the Branch/Divisional Secretaries are requested to bestow their kind attention in organizing more membership to the SBCO association affiliated with NFPE. It is our prime duty to nurture the SBCO Association who were earlier the members of our organisation. Please do the best in assisting the SBCO Association in forming/enrolling more membership before 30.04.2013.

Venture, Pioneer & Avant Garde
As per the indents mentioned in the Proforma, Venture is being dispatched. It will be completed within a week. Still many branches have not indented the book not understanding the necessity and importance of this volume. It is a must to every union activist. The effort bestowed in this mega work of compilation is nothing but to educate our membership which should not be lacking in any way. Please make proper indent and ensure its availability in the hands of all activists of your branch/division. The cost of Venture for Sale Rs. 350/- (Postage Extra)

The Pioneer, which is containing 1000 Questions & Answers on staff rulings, paves ways to understand the rulings in a simple manner. This is the first kind of book attempted by the CHQ. This is also like Hand Book which should be preserved in the hands of all members/activists. Please make indent for supply. The Cost of “The Pioneer” for Sale Rs. 75/- (Postage Extra)

The ‘Avant Garde’ containing all the rulings and other important matters collected by the Ex-General Secretary in soft copy is ready for sale for Rs. 50/- (Postage Extra). Please make indent and make use of the same.

Nothing more now! Let us meet in the next

With fraternal greetings,

Comradely yours,

(M. Krishnan)
General Secretary

Dated – 02.04.2013 

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