(Central Head Quarters)
2151/1, D. G. Bhawan, New Patel Road, New Delhi - 110008
Ref: P/4-1/Staff Dated – 20.12.2018
The Secretary
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Sub: Constitution of committee to
examine the to the issues related to the Postmaster Cadre
We are demanding the following items
for your kind consideration.
We are demanding merger of the Postmaster cadre
with general line due to the following reasons.
There is no discrimination among the
Postmasters who are attending the same work and under the present changed
scenario all the General line Postmasters are having more responsibilities
similar to the Postmaster cadre.
ii. After carving out the Postmaster cadre, it become a dying cadre in
respect of promotional aspects other than the seniority cum fitness and with no
scope of promotional avenues which are available to the General line officials.
iii. Since the work of the General line and the postmaster cadre is similar
and one and the same there is no need to keep a separate hierarchical cadre in
the Postmaster cadre.
It is most unfortunate that this cadre is
totally neglected after its formation and after the cadre review in PA cadre,
This cadre is totally frustrated. Even the P.O.s having the earlier status
equal to PM Grade I post is now HSG II; whereas the PM Grade I is still in LSG
and equated with the status of single handed post offices.
It must be considered by enhancing their status
of PM Grade I and II as HSG II & HSG I. The PM Grade III should be equated
with NFG and the existing officials should be accommodated in the relevant
posts. There is no need to keep the cadre separately with the exploitation and
could be merged with the existing HSG II, & HSG I. The relaxation of
recruitment rules may be accorded to that extent, to provide one time
relaxation to all the existing incumbent Postmaster cadre officials to be
placed in the higher HSG II, HSG I & NFG posts.
While carving out the Postmasters cadre and framing
separate recruitment rules for Postmaster cadre, it was declared that the
Postmaster cadre is a separate hierarchical and not transferable to other
cadres. After carving out a separate cadre of Postmaster from General & IP
line, 100% of the senior Postmaster & Chief Postmaster Posts have not been
declared to the hierarchical cadre of Postmaster and the IPOs have been allowed
to continue as Senior Postmaster till now. In the last six years there was no
promotion accorded as per the recruitment rules to the Senior Postmaster cadre.
It is requested to consider the above and cause appropriate decision
preferably merger of PM Grade I posts with HSG II, PM Grade II posts with HSG I
and PM Grade III with NFG so that the grievances of the officials will be mitigated
and the existing incumbent in the posts may be promoted and accommodated in the
upgraded posts by granting one time relaxation of recruitment rules and also
introduction of LDCE to LSG to the extent of 20%.
Heavy shortage is
now faced in the feeder cadre, due to non filling up of upgraded HSG II and HSG
I Posts, because of the non-availability of eligible officials, fulfilling the
minimum required service condition, as per Recruitment rules.
This results in
undue hardship experienced by the working staffs who are facing the public at
the field. The services are much hampered. More no. of staff have opted for
voluntary retirement by within a short period, because of unmanageable work
To come over the
crisis, one time relaxation of the recruitment rules should be made to fill up
all the LSG, HSG II and HSG I posts
without applying minimum eligibility condition and purely on seniority
basis and all the
Supervisory posts be filled up by
giving promotions notionally, as was done
during the year 2002, when TBOP and BCR are declared as Financial up
gradations. For that, suitable proposal
should be submitted to DOPT immediately, without loss of time.
Till such time of getting approval for relaxation from DOPT, wherever
there is no qualified hand for filling up of promotional posts such as HSG
II/HSG I, the posts should be operated to the next level, till the officials getting
required eligibility for promotion, in order to fill up maximum no .of
promotional posts either on regular or on adhoc basis. This will pave way to
fill up all vacancies in the shortage scenario.
Chain of vacancies should be taken into
account while notifying the vacancies for current year and further
recruitments, in order to wipe out the shortage in the feeder cadre.
As per the
Department memo.No.25-04/2012-PE-I(Vol.III) dt. 5.12.2018, it was clarified
that these LSG, HSG II, HSG I and HSG I (NFG) posts will be deemed to have been
upgraded to these grades only w.e.f. the dates they are filled up ie. from the
date the promoted official assumes the charge. Otherwise the post will remain
in the lower grade.
Whereas, In
principle, NFG is a non functional
grade and hence the eligible officials should be granted with NFG Scale and the
question of filling up the post does not arise. This is being done in the case
of other cadres like Gr. B or Gr.A, where NFG is awarded.
Further, as per
para No. 4.2 of the Dept. memo. No. 25-4/2012-PE-I (Vol.II) dt. 10.11.2017, in
order to avoid inconvenience to the staff in the initial stage, the officials
can be given NFG on the basis of seniority, wherever they are posted in HSG I
by upgrading the HSG post to NFG and simultaneously downgrading the NFG
position to HSG I elsewhere. Hence the question of promoted official assuming
the charge in HSG I (NFG) does not arise and they are already working in that
post carrying the same responsibility.
Moreover, as per
clarification under sl. (2) of the DOP Memo. No.25-04/2012-PE- I (Vol.II) dt.
16.3.2018, HSG I(NFG) is just a non
functional grade, it should not affect the hierarchical order or channel of
Reporting of the office as the purpose of introducing the NFG was to provide
some financial benefit to the senior most employee of the HSG I grade. HSG I (NFG) officials will continue to do
the same work and man the same post in the hierarchy. Here also the
question of promoted official assuming the charge in HSG-I (NFG) does not
Based on the
above, the clarification issued by the Department on 5.12.2018 cited under
sl.(4) should be restricted up to HSG I
level only, which are the higher
posts and should be assumed by the
promoted official at the initialization period, otherwise the posts will remain
in the lower grade. It should not be applied to NFG. Hence subject to the
allotted posts under HSG I (NFG), the eligible officials with minimum 2 years
completion of service in HSG I should be
given with NFG up gradation, with
eligible pay with effect from the date of introduction of the scheme viz.
In order to come over the crisis in
the changed scenario, the Leave Reserve P.A. posts should be increased to the
extent of 20 percent .
In all the Single handed Post offices,
as per the CSI norms there should be operator and Checker. Further in the
changed business environment, technological change, introduction of Aadhaar
seeding, IPPB works, all the P.O.s should be
made into double handed P.O.s.
This will be a preventive measure to avoid any frauds in single handed
Post offices.
In the revised Rotational Transfer
policy guide lines issued by the Department the tenure of the Group C and non
Gazetted Group B officials, is now reduced to 3 years and station tenure also
made as mandatory condition. This
resulted innumerable transfers incurring huge amount of TA/DA and frequent
disturbances in continuing education to the wards of the employees on the same
Institutions, creating family problems and maintaining double establishments.
Hence it is requested that, status quo ante may be maintained in case of office
and station tenures.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(R. N. Parashar)
General Secretary
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