Date: 26 May 2007
From General Secretary' Desk
Dear Comrades,
After a long time, I am interacting with my Branch / Divisional Secretaries through this News letter. Since we assumed charge in the CHQ, 250 days have gone. It needs a self introspection about the functioning of the CHQ to correct the errors and mistakes and also enrich its functioning further. I request the Feed back from my Branch / Divisional Secretaries.
I can proudly say that now we are concentrating our own demands, which are pending years together. Almost all the LSG, HSG.II, HSG.I, posts are being filled up. You could realise the swift action. The vacancies pending since 2000-2001 under residual are being filled up. Many orders we obtained for our P-III comrades. The submission of memorandum to Sixth Pay Commission, oral evidence, further meetings etc. are the testimony to gauge our commitment to this august organisation. I am really expecting a feed back from all of you whether it will be an appreciation or constructive criticism.
Now, let us come to the recent developments after the publication of Bhartiya Post June 2007 issue.
Meeting with DDG (P) on 21st May 2007
1. Filling up of Residual Vacancies
The Directorate has issued orders vide letter No. 60-5/2007-SPB.I dated 15-05-2007 in which, all the Circle Heads were addressed to fill up all the residual vacancies (unfilled vacancies under Departmental Quota) immediately. The copy of the order is printed elsewhere.
(All Circle Secretaries are requested to take follow up action at their circle offices. First please ascertain the unfilled up vacancies from 2000-01 to 2005-06. Then cause action to fill up the vacancies either among the eligible GDS or by direct recruitment. For example, in Tamilnadu Circle, there are 858 residual vacancies just for three years from 2001-02 to 2003-04. So, please imagine. Same will be the position in the remaining circles also. Each circle will definitely have such PA vacancies exceeding 500. More vigil is required.)
2. Filling up of all norm based LSG / HSG.II / HSG.I posts
(i) All APMGs/AD (Staff) have been advised to complete the process of filling up of all vacant posts before 31-05-2007. Based on this the Gradation list of Postal Assistants who are getting LSG promotions & also LSG Gradation list are being circulated in the circles.
(ii) After completion of LSG process, the remaining vacant HSG.II posts will be filled up by relaxing the service conditions. Orders will be communicated within a couple of days.
(iii) HSG.I posts in many circles have been filled up.
(iv) In respect of Orissa & Punjab Circles, the Directorate will depute its officers to verify the correctness of notional promotion and others shortly.
(v) Another detailed instructions about granting notional LSG promotion from where it was discontinued (like 1982), and also about check list will be issued positively today (22-05-2007) and the copy of the same will be forwarded to all Circle Secretaries on its receipt.
(vi) In respect of grant of one time modification of LSG for the officials affected due to the Rule 38 transfers and dearth of LSG vacancies, this has not been agreed. However, it was assured to have a relook after the present process is completely over.
(vii) There was no unanimity in the Accountants, APM Accounts issues among staff side. There will be another meeting on 25-05-2007 at 11:00 hrs. to have further discussions.
3. LGO Exam & No. of Chances
(i) The syllabus & model questions for LGOs Exam are under study. This will be circulated before the end of this month.
(ii) The questions will be without aid of books and with simple arithmetic. A question & answers book which is under preparation will be circulated.
(iii) The questions will contain very simple & practical questions which are required to face the public across the counters.
(iv) Our request to grant two more extra chances is also under consideration.
(v) The Spl. LGO Exam will be conducted in November 2007.
(vi) Decision will be circulated soon for permitting GDS officials to appear LGO Exam for the unfilled up vacancies.
4. Exemption from Screening Committee
The proposal to exempt postal department from the purview of Screening Committee has already been signed by the Minister and forwarded to Cabinet Secretary for placing before the Cabinet.
5. Dropping Confirmation Exam
The decision to drop the Confirmation Exam has been approved. It will be reflected in the revised recruitment rules which is under preparation.
6. Engagement of SDPA to manage shortage
Draft is under preparation and will be circulated to all Circle Heads within a month.
7. Application of Benchmark for promotion
As per the DoP&T guidelines, the minimum requirement for any promotion is 'Good'. The Directorate has issued a confidential instructions to take a realistic and objective stand while according promotions.
8. One Time absorption of RRR candidates
Since the Chennai High Court reserved its judgment and expected to pronounce in the first week of June 2007, this will be done after the receipt of the judgment whether it is positive or negative to either side. The process will commence soon after the receipt of the judgment.
Attachment: Government Order
Filling up of residual vacancies
Copy of D.G. (P) Cir. Lr. No. 60-5/2007-SPB-I dated 15-05-2007
All Pr. Chief Postmasters General / Chief Postmasters General of Circles
I am directed to invite your attention on the Recruitment Rules of Postmen. The Recruitment Rules prescribe that 50% of vacancies will be filled by promotion from Group 'D' failing which by Gramin Dak Sevaks on the basis of merit. Of the remaining 50% of vacancies, 25% will be filled by Gramin Dak Sevaks with minimum 15 years of service on the basis of seniority and 25% from the Gramin Dak Sevaks on the basis of merit in the examination. In case the vacancies still remain unfilled, then it will be filled up by Gramin Dak Sevaks of the neighbouring Divisions or by Gramin Dak Sevaks in the Region. Only thereafter, the residual vacancies will be filled up by direct recruitment through the nominees of the Employment Exchange. It is possible that adequate number of Gramin Dak Sevaks may not have become successful for appointment as Postman and perhaps certain residual vacancies exist in Circles.
2. Similarly, the Recruitment Rules of Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant provide that 50% of the vacancies are to be filled by direct recruitment and the remaining 50% vacancies are required to be filled up by departmental examination held for LGOs failing which the unfilled vacancies are offered to the Gramin Dak Sevaks subject to their fulfilling the prescribed age and education qualification. It is possible that adequate numbers of LGOs may not pass the examination and also that eligible Gramin Dak Sevaks may not become available. It may please be noted that as laid down in the existing Recruitment Rules if the vacancies remain unfilled by Gramin Dak Sevaks, such residual vacancies of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants are required to be filled up by subsequent direct recruitment of open market candidates.
3. It may please be noted that the optimisation of direct recruitment to civil posts, ordered vide Department of Personnel & Training's O.M. dated 16th May 2001 is applicable to only direct recruitment vacancies. The unfilled 'Promotion quota' vacancies i.e. the residual vacancies will not come under the purview of the Screening Committee or the Annual Direct Recruitment Plans even if these are eventually required to be filled up by direct recruitment. Thus, such residual vacancies arising in the cadres of Postmen / Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants after making all attempts to fill up by various modes of recruitment provided in the Recruitment Rules if are still lying unfilled should be filled up through Employment exchange as in the case of Postmen or by direct recruitment of other open market candidates as in the case of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants in accordance with the Recruitment Rules.
4. It is requested that the Circles may accordingly take action to identify the residual vacancies and fill up such posts as per the provisions contained in the Recruitment Rules. However, filling up such unfilled 'promotion quota' vacancies by direct recruitment should be done in accordance with general instructions regarding filling up of vacant posts as issued from time to time. If the posts are to be revived, such cases should be referred to the Establishment Division of the Directorate.
Yours faithfully,
(V.C. Kajla)
Director (SPN)
Developments on 22-05-2007
With regard to discussions on strike demands with DDG (P) in which under item 2 (v) in the earlier topic I have mentioned that a detailed clarification will be issued by the Directorate about notional LSG promotion.
Accordingly, the department has caused instructions vide its letter No. 137-4/2006-SPB-II dated 22-05-2007 and the copy of the same is enclosed. This will be useful and purposeful to remove the anomalies existing in the grant of notional promotion. Notional promotion is not an one time exercise and this should be reviewed.
All are requested to verify the notional promotion list and if any mistakes found, it can be settled at your level by utilising this clarificatory orders.
Attachment: Government order
Filling up of Lower Selection Grade posts in Post Offices and RMS Offices
Copy of D.G. (P) Cir. Lr. No. 137-4/2006-SPB-II dated 22-05-2007
All Pr. Chief Postmasters General / Chief Postmasters General of Circles
All Postmasters General / The Controller, Foreign Mails, Mumbai
It may please be recalled that as per this Directorate's letter No. 137-4/2006-SPB.II dated 30th May 2006, it was informed that like the HSG-I and HSG-II cadres the LSG cadre will also be a Circle Cadre and the posts in the said Grade should be filled up by promotion as per the revised Recruitment Rules notified on 18-05-2006.
2. In order to make promotions to LsG it was decided during the meeting, held by Dy. Director General (Personnel) with the Astt. Postmasters General / Asstt. Directors (Staff) on 4th May 2007, that all the Circles will prepare and circulate the draft Gradation List of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants by the end of May 2007.
3. In this context it may be noted that prior to 30-05-2006, the LSG was a Divisional cadre and the posts in the said grade were required to be filled up accordingly.
4. It may be recalled that vide this Directorate's letter No. 4-16/2002-SPB-II dated 12-11-2002 all the Circles were advised that norm based LSG / HSG-II posts should be filled up notionally in terms of the relevant Recruitment Rules from the year when the norm based promotions had not been carried out so that promotions to upgraded posts in HSG-I could be made from amongst the eligible HSG-II officials. Accordingly, all the Circles were required to ensure that DPCs are convened to fill up the posts notionally so as to update the filling up of the norm-based posts.
5. It is essential to emphasize here that the notional promotion to norm-based posts as advised vide letter dated 12-11-2002 was not supposed to be one-time exercise but was to be carried out notionally from year to year with effect from the year the promotions had not been carried out. Therefore, a critical review may be carried out to ensure that notional promotions had been carried out at the Divisional level in the LSG cadre up to the year 2002 and vacancies which arose after the notification of revised Recruitment Rules notified on 07-02-2002 till 17-05-2006 have been filled up in terms of the provisions of the said revised Recruitment Rules. After latest revision of Recruitment Rules, notified on 18-05-2006, the vacancies in LSG are required to be filled by promotion as Circle cadre as intimate vide letter dated 30-05-2006 on the basis of the gradation lists being prepared by the Circles.
6. All the Circles are once again requested to ensure that the notional promotions have been given to the eligible officials to the LSG cadre so that only those officials figure in the Gradation List of PA / SA at Circle level who could not be given notional promotions / promotions by following the above-stated exercise for want of norm-based vacancies.
Yours faithfully,
(V.C. Kajla)
Director (SPN)
Meeting with DG on 23-05-2007
In respect of pending items on the settlement of demands, a letter was handed over and discussed with the Secretary, Department of Posts on 23-05-2007. He assured to take appropriate action to cause necessary orders.
It was assured to grant incentive / honorarium for all the new items of work introduced in the Department of Posts. The copy of the letter is enclosed along with this document.
Reference: P/4-15/Demands Date: 23 May 2007
Shri I.M.G. Khan,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi - 110001
Subject: Charter of Demands -- settlement thereon - reg.
Reference: Your letter No. 8-1/2007-SR dated 20-04-2007 & discussions on 19-04-2007
While thanking the kind gesture in causing orders to fill up the residual vacancies and expediting actions in filling up the norm based posts etc., the following issues which were assured to be ordered are still in the discussion stage itself.
(i) It was assured to grant OTA to manage the shortage of staff in postal operative offices.
(ii) It was informed to form an Internal Committee to fix honorarium / incentive for the works like Western Union Money Transfer, Passport application processing, Acceptance of Income Tax returns, RPLI etc. It was assured to cause instructions to all the Circle Heads to fix honorarium / incentive as and when the new activities are implemented.
(iii) Engagement of short duty pensioners to manage the absenteeism.
(iv) It was assured to review the orders issued by the Directorate restricting the tenure of SPMs at one office in whole service & prohibiting posting of SPMs even for minor charges awarded earlier.
(v) It was assured to consider the part time casual labourers for appointment in the GDS posts.
It is therefore requested to consider the above items and cause necessary orders at the earliest.
With kind regards,
Seminar on 24-05-2007
The department organised a seminar about the proposal of the department for 11th Planning Commission and had interaction with the Trade Union leaders. It lasted for 5 hours. The important documents produced during the seminar are exhibited in our P-III CHQ E-Mail Box i.e. Password for this E-Mail Box is aipeuc. Please download and keep for your records.
In the seminar, we interacted in many areas about revenue, Business Post, Training, incentives to staff etc. In nutshell the meeting was purposeful.
Discussions with DDG (P) on 25-05-2007 about PO and RMS Accountants problems
The discussions had taken place on 25-05-2007 at 11:00 hrs. and I insisted the following to mitigate the problems.
(i) As number of APM LSG Accounts (Feeder Cadre) is lesser and many of them have been upgraded to HSG.II earlier, some HSG.II APM Accounts post be reduced to the status of LSG and maintain the ratio of LSG, HSG.II & HSG.I as 40:40:20.
(ii) According to Recruitment Rules, the date of qualifying the PO and RMS Accountants Exam shall be the determining factor for promotion to APM Accounts and the vacant posts be filled up as per the Recruitment Rules.
From the department side, the following were stated:-
(i) Earlier, as most of the HSG.II / HSG.I vacancies were occupied by the Accounts line officials, the reservation of 20% has been withdrawn based on the demands of the staff side. As such there is no chance of revival of reservation to APM Accounts in HSG.II & HSG.I.
(ii) If the General line officials in HSG.II are posted as APM Accounts, they can be imparted with adequate training on accounts matters since the Accounts line has lost its identity.
(iii) If the LSG APM Accounts Rules is revived, there is a chance of occupying the HSG.II & HSG.I posts by such officials only and in long run it will deny promotions to General line officials.
Therefore, I discussed and suggested the following.
(i) Accounts line may be declared as a separate cadre and number of HSG.II & HSG.I may be provided for their promotional avenues. There is no need to occupy their lines by General line officials and vice versa.
(ii) The seniority list of PO and RMS Accountants qualified officials be maintained at circle level to accord LSG promotion based on the date of qualification. The officials who did not get LSG promotion in Accounts line may join with the main stream and as and when due for regular LSG (General line) based on the PA Gradation list.
(iii) As per the 1958 & 1959 instructions, fresh options may be obtained from the existing PO and RMS qualified officials either to opt or out from the Accounts line. Based on this Gradation list be maintained.
The Department in its sharp reaction mentioned that there is no chance of keeping two-gradation list for one cadre and keeping two avenues of promotions as per the DoP&T guidelines. It sought and other suggestions other than this. We did not subscribe to the revival of old defunct cadre of PO and RMS Accountant.
Finally, we told that the grievances of the PO and RMS Accounts qualified officials in according their LSG / HSG.II / HSG.I promotions should be settled based on the discussions to evolve any formula other than we suggested without affecting the interest of both Accounts / General line officials. We placed that the PO and RMS Accountants posts should be upgraded to a promotional post equal to LSG to sort out the existing anomalies. The DDG (P) explained about the demand of the Postal Accounts to decentralise and taking in-charge of the Accounts branch.
The DDG (P) finally told that he is very clear in the demand of the staff side and in open mind, find out ways & means to sort out the issue at the earliest. All Circle Secretaries are requested to send their opinions, suggestions too and equipping the CHQ for further discussions in this issue.
Discussions with DDG (Establishment)
FSC - Agreed and will accord orders early revising the rates of Fixed Stationary Charge.
Recovery for over payment - The recovery to Accounts branch officials for drawal of over payment to Postmen while fixation of pay after the 5th CPC -- This will be considered after having detailed study of the court cases - (We placed this as one of the item in the Departmental Council).
Special Pay to Accountant - A reminder will be sent to DoP&T & MoF for orders to treat the Special Allowance as Special Pay for fixation of pay on promotion to PO and RMS Accountants.
Norms for RD- The suggestions putforth by the CHQ is pursued and correction memo will be issued shortly.
Systems Administrators - A scheme to grant incentive to the System Managers is under consideration.
General Secretary on Tour
The General Secretary is attending CWC meeting of A.P. Circle from 11-06-2007 to 13-06-2007 at Tirupati. Thereafter, he is having meetings and also domestic work in Tamilnadu. He will be returning to CHQ headquarters in the last week of June 2007. Com. Somenath Mukherjee, Dy. General Secretary will function as Officiating General Secretary during his absence.
CWC Meeting & Publication of "VENTURE"
It is proposed to hold the CWC either in July or in the first week of August 2007 at Allahabad. Formal invitation will follow. The General Secretary, Com. K.V. Sridharan is in the job of compiling of various important Government orders which are very much essential to the Branch / Divisional Secretaries and decided to release the book of "VENTURE" in the ensuing Central Working Committee. If the Branch / Divisional Secretaries inform the number of copies required in advance, it will be purposeful.
Accommodation on Rent
The minor renovation work in Tarapada Bhawan is under progress. It is proposed to convert the building at Shalimar Bagh as "Inspection Quarters" to the members of our union who are visiting Delhi by paying a nominal rent for Electricity & Water. This will be inaugurated by our CHQ President Com. M. Krishnan after the conclusion of Allahabad CWC meeting.
Comrades! Let us march ahead with single agenda to promote the cause of our brethrens. Let us pull down the walls that divide us and unite to act, agitate, advance and achieve.
With fraternal greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.V. Sridharan
General Secretary
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