Ref: P3/JCA/01/2008 Dated- 09.01.2008
18.01.08. Demonsration
05.02.08 Dharna
Dear Comrades/Colleagues
The postal Group C employees are mounted under severe attacks one after another ignoring the sufferings we are having in Post Offices due to under staffing over six years. Adding salt to injury various new business activities without any norms, ethics or incentives are being launched. Our genuine demands are not properly taken care of.
The problems confronting us are multifying. On such vital issues like LSG, HSG II, HSG I promotions, the Circle Heads are lethargic and the department is unable to pull them to implement its own orders. There are more than ten thousand PA posts remains unfilled in many circles even after issue of orders simply by raising unwarranted clarifications. Even they are not attended by the Department and persuing them in a casual manner.
The Department on its own and without any talks or discussions is issuing various retrograde orders in the past like Declining LSG Promotion causes postponement of BCR, preventing second posting in same single handed Post offices, discrimination between regular and FTP LSG, sarcastic orders on the System Administrators etc. Our sincere, persistent endeavours to settle the issue have proved to be in fructuous.
We have been pushed to the wall to resist such onslaughts purported against the Group C employees. We have no other alternate except to launch series of agitational programmes against the wrong decisions, orders and lethargy in mitigating the agreed demands.
Therefore, we have decided to launch immediate following programmes with full determination for the Group C comrades who have been continuously exploited since 1999.
18.01.08 - Demonstration in front of all HOS/Divl offices/R.O/ Circle offices & sending Savigrams/Fax/ Postcard compaign.
05.02.08 - Dharna in front of D.O/R.O/C.O
(Further Programme will be decided later)
Text Of The Savingram/ Fax/ Postcard Compaign
"Withdraw all unilateral and arbitary orders mentioned in the 20 point charter of demands immediately AAA. Settle all agreed demands placed in April 2007 strike AAA Ensure peace and amity and avoid further confrontation AAA."
Addressed to:-
1. Thiru A. Raja, Hon'ble Minister of communications & I.T. New Delhi - 110003.
2. Sri I,.M.G. Khan, Secretary, Department of Posts, New Delhi - 110001
3. Respective CHQ & Circle Unions.
The programme of action has been drawn based on the consultation of Federations which will endorse our call and further course of programme beginning with 'Non cooperation & Work to rule to indefinite strike will be decided with the consultations of Federations and other Unions.
It is therefore requested to that an impressive and effective Demonstration/ Dharna must be staged in front of the HO/D.O/R.O/C.O on 18.01.08 & 05.02.08 respectively and ensure maximum mobilisation. The task of campaigning, conducting the programme effectively and making it a success is the responsibility of the Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries and activists at the grass root level.
Let us prepare for the programme with seriousness and sincerity and stead fast efforts to ensure the programme a grand success to wrest the demands.
With struggle greetings,
(D. Kishan Rao) (K V Sridharan)
General Secretary General Secretary
The remarks contained in the Directorate letter no.44-05/2004 – Tech –KW dt 22.10.2007 about System Managers is very wounding. What does the department expect? Without accessing the database how can a System Manager backup the database and how can he restore it in the event of the emergency. Further maintenance of the database can be done only by accessing the database. These are part of parcel of the essential duty of the System Manager. Does the department expect the all the Postmaster and Head of the division to become a Network Administrator and Database Administrator. How can it be possible?
Further due security reasons many organization including Central Government departments and public sector department does not engage an employee involved in the day to day transaction of an organization as System Managers. In this context I would like to quote that all the Postmaster, Postal Assistants and other staffs are actively involved in the day to day transaction of a Post Office. If you allow them to access the database then probability of malpractices occurring is very high. Hence a person who is having access to the database on not account be actively involved in the day to day transaction of a Post Office. System Managers are such cadres who do involve themselves in the day to day transaction of Post Office and the department also has instructed the bureaucrats that not branch should be attached to the System Managers.
This is my humble submission Sir.
1. The report exposes our inherent weakness as a trade union. But the weakness is not identified or addressed correctly. So we ,not only R3 but NFPE as such are in darkness .
2. The trade unions are formed and workers are united around it primarily for increase in wages, as wages are low and inadequate to live. So basic function of a trade union is considered as united struggle for wages.We are no exemption
3. In postal department, wages are low, promotions are less and that less promotions are not implemented. No where in government service employees are promoted to a lower scale.Our BCR SA/PA in the scale 5000-8000 are being promoted to LSG in the scale 4500-7000 .Thousands of our members have retired during this period after being demoted to a lower scale.
4. Our union has never noted this ,objected this or demanded a higher scale for this promotion with the seriousness as it deserves.We say any how your pay is not reduced on promotion
5. We have given separate memorandum to pay commission but we have not asked for higher scale.
6. System administrators, those working in CRC,AMPC etc.are with extra qualifications. But we have no case for creation of such posts with higher pay
7. 20% promotion ,TBOP and BCR were promotions by decisions in the JCM (Departmental Councils).They were achieved by prolonged struggles. But they were declared unilaterally not as promotion but as financial up gradation and changed the nomenclature of these posts
8. Our Union did not object this or challenged the right of department to nullify the JCM decisions and thrown the employees to a helpless situation. (It is wonder full to read the para 11.26 of the report “An issue decided in the JCM cannot be decided outside the forum of JCM”)
9. Further we are demanding filling up of norm-based posts. It is a shame How did union found out that there are norm based posts different from 20%LSG,TBOP LSG and HSG(BCR).
10. If there are norm based posts above these posts and the change of nomenclature envisage higher posts like LSG,LSG(TBOP) LSG (BCR),HSG2(TBOP) and HSG2(BCR) it was mandatory to prescribe separate pay scales for these posts .But no scales were declared and our union remained a spectator.WHY?
11. Now senior SA(TBOP) and SA(BCR) are junior to LSG(SA) promoted under 2/3 promotion test. The former were not allowed to appear for the test. They were eligible for the 1/3 test only which were never conducted Now they lose their seniority not by their fault.Union has no say.
12. According to recruitment rules of HSG2, feeding cadres are LSG and IPOs. But IPOs got up-gradation of their pay scales but union did not demanded a similar up-gradation of scales to LSG ,LSG(O)and LSG(TBOP).WHY?
13. According to recruitment rules of HSG1, feeding cadres are HSG 2 and ASPs. But ASPs got up-gradation of their pay scales but union did not demand a similar up-gradation of scales to HSG2 and HSG2(BCR).WHY?
14. Whose interest is the concern of NFPE and R3 union.
15. If an SA in 4000-6000 gets TBOP after 16 years he will be placed in scale 4500-7000 and will stagnate after eight years. Those who were in pre revised scale will not be affected as their fixation was for less pay.But those in 4000-6000 will definitely be stagnated. This was never been the concern of the union.
16. MailMan scale also will cause stagnation in the initial scale but it was never a concern of R4 union.
17. So I request the conference to demand higher and separate scale of pay for all the posts identified with separate nomenclature in the 2002 order .It should also be decided that if promotion to the norm based posts are issued without specifying new higher pay-scale, we will refuse to accept the posts and work assigned will not be attended.
18. Never mix this demand with the PAY COMMISSION.
19. Our struggles and agitations are only against the modifications in postal service.It is right so far as we are responsible to people. But our primary responsibility should be towards the employees
The terms of reference of GDS commission do not include any issues of GDS of RMS and the memorandum submitted by NFPE also do not contain any problems of GDS of RMS. Night duty, night conversion and inclusion of converted hours towards TRCA ,abolition of GDS system in urban area where most of the RMS are situated and a lot of problems are not in the memorandum.We will be telling lies again to the GDS in RMS that their problems will be attended.
We have demanded “graduation” as qualification for SA. Great
Naxalite Area Allowance is Greater.
How can high courts intervene in the matter of All India federations and issue stay orders against convening Federal Councils.It is outside the jurisdiction of High courts. Why it was asked to send to Supreme Court. Our advocates might have misguided us or they were incompetent. Why not move a resolution against the Judges of the High Courts illegally intervened in the Federation Case ?
It is natural that so far as GDS are not made employees of department, they cannot remain in Federation.
The main crisis is that postal unions are coming to an end and have to change their name to ASSOCIATION.
We should have taken a stand that so long as we remain as union and come under ID Act, GDS union also will remain in NFPE.
When new associations are formed. GDS Union will inherit the mantle of NFPTE.
Post office is the identity and address of every Indian.So any retrograde steps by the department to damage India Post should be exposed as a challenge to the identity of Indian Citizen and not as an attack on the postal employees. Our spearhead of campaign should be remodeled in that line
We have demanded “graduation” as qualification for SA. Great
Naxalite Area Allowance is Greater.
How can high courts intervene in the matter of All India federations and issue stay orders against convening Federal Councils.It is outside the jurisdiction of High courts. Why it was asked to send to Supreme Court. Our advocates might have misguided us or they were incompetent. Why not move a resolution against the Judges of the High Courts illegally intervened in the Federation Case ?
It is natural that so far as GDS are not made employees of department, they cannot remain in Federation.
The main crisis is that postal unions are coming to an end and have to change their name to ASSOCIATION.But that eventuality is not at all mentioned in the report.
We should have taken a stand that so long as we remain as union and come under ID Act, GDS union also will remain in NFPE.
When new associations are formed. GDS Union will inherit the mantle of NFPTE.
11.18 How did the staff side agreed that setting up of MBCs will achieve better quality of service and reduced cost in mail processing?
What are the data before the staff side to prove this.
Department is introducing this without necessary staff
Without infrastructure
They don’t even have a project report for this.
They don’t even know what business they are doing.
What is the line for upgrading skill.
What do they mean by regular training and staff need be equipped with IT training
These are all empty talk.Why not ask for details of the project.
What all benefit do the department has to offer for the employees
Tell them to put it in terms of money so that we can take a decision.
Let the conference demand the following for agreeing with the proposal
1. Upgrade a total of 50% of posts to higher grades of pay,25% to LSG,15% to HSG2 and 10% to HSG1
2. Make LSG pay scale equal to IPO as before
3. Make HSG2 pay equal to ASP
4. HSG 1 pay equal to PSS group B
5. Special pay for those doing work on IT related area,
6. Abolish GDS in RMS and convert all GDS to Mailman.
7. Allow ACP as in other government departments on 10,20 and 25 years instead of TBOP/BCR
This should be the bargain point on modernization .This and other appropriate demands should be combined to deal with the proposals. Let us gain at least something for our employees out of this modernization proposal.Don’t be carried away by the attractive proposals.
But this is not in the agenda of the conference. First bring it to the agenda
Post office is the identity and address of every Indian.So any retrograde steps by the department to damage India Post should be exposed as a challenge to the identity of Indian Citizen and not as an attack on the postal employees. Our spearhead of campaign should be remodeled in that line
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