The Highlights of the NFPE Memorandum submitted to the 6th Central Pay Commission on 6th December 2007 are given below. Though the Department of Posts had unilaterally constituted Nataraja Murti Committee instead of referring the GDS issues to a Judicial Committee, the NFPE as guided by its Federal Executive has submitted the Memorandum covering all issues of more than 2.75 lakhs of Gramin Dak Sevaks with special emphasis on Departmentalisation of GDS as well on Social Security and other issues.
1. The GDS or ED System is an anachronism in the present day situation and therefore this system should be scrapped;
2. GDS are to be declared as Civil Servants.
3. Provisos 309 and 311 of the Constitution should be applied to GDS.
4. 'Rural Postal Employees' should replace the misnomer "Sevak" and they should be declared as a separate category.
5. GDS Service should be regularized by extending various innovative schemes under human resource development, which have been championed by the Planning Commission.
1. No more expansion of GDS System; All existing GDS should be departmentalized within a stipulated time frame. GDS Posts with 5 Hours workload shall be immediately departmentalized. The existing and future vacancies of GDS posts should be merged with nearby posts of GDS to departmentalize those posts.
2. The Posts of ED SPM/BPM should be departmentalized based on supervision of other GDS and RPLI and Marketing activities for which no norms available at present. For other GDS Posts the workload shall be calculated as per DG Posts Order No.14-6/87-PAP dated 15.07.87.
3. Work Standards for the work of RPLI, Election Commission work, Census, Rural Employment Guarantee Act Work, Telephone and Electricity etc should be fixed and the GDS posts then to be upgraded into departmental posts.
4. ED Offices should be authorized to effect Pension Payment, Sale of Savings Certificate, Direct Money Order booking, other Savings Bank work etc that are necessary to serve the public immediately and based on work standard all these GDS posts shall be departmentalized.
5. In Departmental Offices the work of sweepers, water carriers, gardening etc shall be merged with the GDS work and upgrade such posts as departmentalized posts. In future vacant posts of part time employees should not be filled up but should be merged with GDS for upgrading the GDS post into a departmentalized post.
6. Instead of going for PSSK type of schemes to hand over postal work to Panchayat, many work carried out by the Panchayat can be merged with the work of the GDS to create more departmental posts on the basis of work standards.
7. In place of Franchisee schemes, the GDS can be utilized for more work and those GDS posts can be departmentalized.
8. The GDS can perform many works for the BSNL in villages, which will help departmentalize those GDS posts.
9. All Such departmentalized posts created by all the above-mentioned suggestions should be filled up by the GDS on training based on their divisional seniority and not on merit. The departmentalized GDS will thereafter reside in the same village where the departmental office is situated. By payment of reasonable rent by the department the responsibility of housing such departmental post office may rest with the incumbent. Any GDS replaced because of this operation should be accommodated in any one of the vacancies.
1. On Departmentalisation, if it is a one-man office, then the departmentalized GDS should be given the pay scale of the Postman.
2. Pending Departmentalisation, the wages of the GDS SPM/BPM should be compared with the Postal Assistant; GDS MD / Stamp Vendors with the Postman and other GDS posts with that of the Group D. The wage structure shall be improved as and when the wages are improved for the above comparative regular employees as recommended by Justice Talwar.
3. The present system of TRCA should be removed and the system of Scale of Pay should be introduced for the GDS. These scales should be strictly proportionate with the PA, PM and Group D scales of pay.
4. The Date of Effect of new pay scales should be from 1.1.2006.
5. The payment of Dearness Allowance shall be strictly on par with the regular employees. The denial of merger of 50% DA has resulted in loss of full neutralization to the GDS w.e.f. 1.4.2004 and a monthly loss of around 200/-, which is being incurred by the GDS, should be compensated by merging the 50% DA w.e.f the same date of 1.4.2004.
6. HRA and CCA shall be paid to the GDS as in the case of regular.
7. All Allowances like OTA, TA/DA, Split Duty, Education, Boat and Special Duty should be extended to GDS also and Fixed Medical Allowance and in-patient facility should be introduced.
1. As recommended by Justice Talwar, EL 1 Day per every Month; Half Pay Leave 8 Days per year; Commuted Leave on Medical Certificate @ half of the HPL; Leave without Pay 60 Days per year; CL 5 Days per year; Maternity Leave for Women GDS on par with other Government employees; and Special Disability Leave on par with regular should be granted.
2. The retrograde clause of removal from service on remaining in leave of absence for more than 180 Days should be cancelled.
1. Pension, DCRG, Family Pension, Commutation of Pension facilities as recommended by Justice Talwar shall be granted to GDS instead of Severance Amount and Ex-gratia Gratuity.
2. Group Insurance should be enhanced to rupees two lakhs.
3. The period of GDS / ED service should be counted for pension and gratuity.
1.Three Promotions to all GDS on completion of 10th, 20th and 25th year of
their service shall be granted.
1. No separate Conduct Rules for GDS is required since they function under
Constitutional Provisos 309, 310 and 311.
2. Non-statutory GDS Conduct & Employment Rules 2001 shall be scrapped.
3. As per the Judgments of the Honourable Supreme Court and the CAT of Ernakulam, the GDS also should be covered by the CCS [Conduct] Rules, 1964 like other Government employees.
4. Subject to the above changes, the ex-gratia payment during Put Off Duty shall be changed as 'Put Off Duty Allowance' and at least 50% of emoluments should be paid for the first 90 days and thereafter the enhancement or decrease as per the FR 53 should be accepted.
5. The retrograde provision in the GDS Conduct Rules for withholding the appeal is to be scrapped.
6. Under any circumstances the GDS Conduct Rules shall be made statutory since the GDS are civil servants within the purview of Article 309.
7. The penalties should be classified into minor and major by bringing necessary changes in the type of punishments to avoid awarding of major penalty for minor lapses.
8. The present prohibition imposed against transfer to the vacant posts under Rule 2, Note II of GDS Rules should be removed and transfer entitlement as pronounced by the Judgment of Ernakulam CAT should be implemented.
1. Measurement of work by Cycle Beat Formula should be scraped.
2. Idle Wait should be included in the time factor and or some financial compensation in the shape of OTA shall be paid to EDMCs for the idle wait.
3. Appropriate payment of financial compensation or fixing of work standards shall compensate all kinds of excess work performed by the GDS duly. The emoluments of GDS should also enhance immediately as and when their workload increased without waiting for triennial review.
4. All out-door GDS officials shall be supplied with uniforms.
5. No GDS posts should be in urban areas and all such posts should be converted into postmen posts.
6. Strict implementation of the Department orders for non-engagement of ED Mailmen in large railway platforms and regularizing the services of such ED Mailmen as Group D immediately. All posts of GDS Mailmen should be regularized as Group D by clubbing of duties to avoid employing them in large platforms.
7. FSC to be enhanced on par with regular employees.
8. LTC facility on par with other employees should be extended.
9. Lunch Break / Rest for GDS should also be granted during their duty time of five hours.
10. The period of GDS service should be included for calculation of all benefits likes pension, promotion, grant of HBA etc.
11. Examination syllabus for postmen examination should be liberalized.
12. All residual vacancies remain unfilled after the LGO examinations shall be filled up through a test for GDS possessing plus two qualifications without any age restriction instead of diverting those vacancies to open market.
13. Festival Advance, Fan Advance etc are to be granted.
14. Rent for housing BOs should be granted on market rates.
15. Whenever the duties of a BPM is combined with that of a EDDA or MC he should be paid the same pay as would be the entitlement of an ED DA/ EDMC.
16. All arbitrary and unjust conditions for employment of GDS should be scrapped.
17. Work norms for all types of work done by GDS should be implemented.
18. Incentive for observing small family norms and for performing in sports in national and international events by way of special increments etc should be introduced on par with regular employees and provision of practice time of one hour before the duty time should be allowed.
19. TA/DA for cash conveyance to account offices and for attending departmental enquiries, as witness etc should be granted.
20. The date of superannuation of GDS should be the last working day of the month of retirement.
21. GDS should be permitted to form co-operative societies for them and recovery of dues towards co-operative societies from the pay of the GDS should be allowed.
22. BO Rule Book should be supplied once in two years as per the Rules and aptitude tests on service matters to be introduced to distribute cash awards to meritorious GDS every year to motivate them in postal activities.
23. Examination fee collected for appearing in Postmen Exam should be cancelled.
24. The work load of BOs to be increased by adding more work and responsibility to BOs and imparting of training on the functioning of BOs itself periodically to GDS and the computer hardware and software training on departmental work be imparted on par with regular postal employees be introduced to facilitate transfer of more responsibilities.
1. All Trade Union facilities to the recognized unions of GDS with the right to affiliate with Federations.
2. Grant of special casual leave for attending conferences and meetings.
3. Recovery of subscriptions from pay and ensuring the remittance to the union as per the assurance of check off system.
4. Facility to depute on Foreign Service terms on par with regular employees unions.
5. Allocation of JCM seats.
1 comment:
Hello comrade ,
There are so many rumours going on regarding pay commission & FM has delivered his speech positvely .Is there any clue or not.Because since Feb-08 you are not posting any news.
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