National Federation of Postal Employees
1ST Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110001
Federation of National Postal Organisations
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi - 110001
No. Postal JCA/ 2008 Dated 3rd February 2008
All Circle / Regional / Divisional / Branch Secretaries
NFPE and FNPO Unions / Associations.
Dear Comrades / Colleagues,
We met in the meeting of Postal JCA of NFPE and FNPO with all our affiliated Unions / Associations in the NFPE office on 1.2.2008 to assess the actual state of implementation of 19th April 2007 agreement by the Department of Posts and the sufferings and suffocation of the postal employees. We assessed that the Department of Posts is not serious in implementing the April settlement but in practice violated many assurances contained therein.
We also took into account the different Action Programmes under launch by various Unions / Associations of both of our federations jointly to ventilate the serious grievances of respective category of employees.
We have thereupon come to the unanimous conclusion that without sustained movement and a serious industrial action, the employees may not be rendered justice by the Government / Department of Posts.
Taking into account of all aspects we have unanimously decided to continue with the agitational programmes of individual unions / associations as already declared. We have also decided in addition to launch a common programme of action under the banner of All India Postal Joint Council of NFPE and FNPO federations in the following manner to seek the settlement of all our pending issues.
Submission of "Postal Sectional Charter of Demands" by Postal JCA to the Secretary [P] by holding mass demonstration in front of Postal Directorate and the same would be submitted to Chief PMG / PMG / SSPOs / SSRMs and other Administrative Heads at all level by holding demonstrations
19.02.2008 to 15.03.2008
Intensive Post Card Campaign to Hon'ble MOC&IT and Secretary [P]; Protest demonstrations all over the country. The text of the Post Card campaign is as follows:
1st Week May 2008
All India JCA will meet and announce the Indefinite Strike.
We request our Circle Secretaries to circulate this JCA Circular along with the Charter of Demands to all Divisional and Branch secretaries under their circles immediately to enable them to submit the same to the respective Head of Division. We also request our Circle Secretaries to hold demonstrations and submit the same to respective Regional / Circle Heads on 15.02.2008 and also take all efforts to the success of the second phase of the Post Card campaign etc and prepare all the employees for the eventual industrial action to win our justified demands.
Comrades and Colleagues! We wish to assure you that the Postal JCA has full confidence on the rank and file that they would play their due role in carrying out the above programme of action with all seriousness.
Comradely Yours
D.Theagarajan K.Ragavendran
Secretary General Secretary General
Encl: Letter to be submitted to the Secretary [P] with full Charter of Demands in Dak Bhawan and at all places.
National Federation of Postal Employees
1ST Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110001
Federation of National Postal Organisations
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi - 110001
No. Postal JCA/ 2008 Dated 15th February 2008
Shri. I.M.G.Khan
Secretary [P]
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi - 110001
Sub: Submission of Postal Sectional Charter of Demands – Agitational Programme of Action by Postal Employees thereof.
The Department of Posts has no sense of urgency or time at its disposal to recognize the importance and urgency of various pressing problems that are causing unbearable suffocation to postal employees. The commitments and assurances held out during the strike negotiations on 19th April 2007 remain violated or unsettled.
The Department is not showing any interest in recognizing the federations in spite of the fact that all the requirements under the Recognition Rules stand fulfilled. The negotiating forums at all levels are not yet available to the postal staff. Even the non-JCM periodical meeting has stopped causing total stagnation. It is regretted that the fact of non-availability of the forum of Joint Consultative Machinery to us is causing repeated recourse to the platform of Joint Council of Action is not at all evaluated by the Department of Posts.
The Government is more and more succumbing to the pressure of multinational and Indian Corporate Courier lobby and not shows the acumen and urgency to protect the letter mail monopoly as recommended by the Parliamentary Standing Committee headed by Shri. Somnath Chatterjee.
The GDS Unions are exempted from affiliation with the federations; many trade union rights are not made granted to them. Their status and pension are denied. Even maternity leave is a mirage. Sudden reduction of TRCA is taking place. The request transfer facility is arbitrarily cancelled. There is no urgency to implement the Judgment of Supreme Court on the matter of grant of gratuity under Gratuity Act. But they are threatened for squeezing out unattainable RPLI targets.
The Department has constituted a Departmental Committee instead of a Judicial Commission in an arbitrary manner. Instead of holding meaningful high-level discussion on the issue of outsourcing of postal functions, there are plans afoot for expanding the Franchisee System in a large way in the ensuing year. Even the exemption from the Screening Committee is not given sufficient importance resulting in misery that is causing social problems to our staff. The action being taken to fill up residual vacancies of PA/SA lacks speed. Forced OT duty and non-payment of OTA for several cycles has become the order of the day. The arduous duty like driving MMS vans and attending to the technical maintenance of them are being extracted without any consideration for human limit of tolerance, which is increasing the rate of accidents on the roads. In the name of commercialization the existence of even one RMS office in one revenue State / District is denied. In Post Offices irrespective of shortage no OT is ordered.
The senior officials are subjected to mental torture by denial of notional promotion to LSG and thereby permanent damage to their further promotional opportunities. Calculated attempts are being made to cause a serious divide between the seniors and FTP officials in a cunning manner. The fate of the constituted Committee to look into the issue of grant of three promotions in service on completion of 10,20 and 25 years is not known.
Postmen face serious problems in the shape of curtailment of deliveries, combination of beat, single beat etc. No serious effort is made to fix time factor for speed post deliver and other BD work performed by delivery staff. Group D vacancies are summarily abolished despite Court Judgment by treating the entire operative Group D vacancies as direct recruitment quota. The net result is the Group D has become the most exploited section of regular employees.
Erstwhile RTP candidates are shown a bad deal and their chances for getting full social security is denied; no attempt to end the discrimination between the APS RTPs and other RTPs is being made by the Department. The promotional avenues and opportunities for JAO qualified officials are not even acknowledged properly; Despite the DOPT consent the Department of Posts is dilly-dallying on the proposal of common cadre and merger with DOT. The life of those JAO qualified hands will be doomed despite passing a tuff examination.
The Department was totally dependent on PA/SA officials with in depth knowledge on computers for erecting a wide network of computerization. These officials who are known as system administrators have toiled without any work hours; without any rest; without any time of night or day. Not only there is no acknowledgement of their great services and grant of many essential incentives, but there is serious remarks about their integrity that wounds the sentiments of all such hard working personnel.
Absorption of RRR Candidates that was assured is forgotten and an SLP has been filed in a most inhuman way. Casual labours with Temporary Status is given a raw deal and despite the Judgment of Supreme Court no orders are released for counting of their earned increments, leave etc on regularization. The full-time casual labours are denied Temporary Status; Part-time casual labours and Contingent paid are not cared for and not considered for even GDS. Paid substitutes are needed for the department to do free
karsewa in many offices, but the Judgment of High Court of Chennai to give them wages including HRA/CCA quantum under the Main Finance Orders is denied to hundreds of similarly placed persons. The Judgments supporting the standpoint of the department and supporting the staff interests are treated on the different footing.
Decentralization of PLI / RPLI is again arbitrarily introduced without any justification and against the interests of both administrative and operative staff. The diminishing promotional avenues of this section of staff are another serious cause of concern. The outsourcing of functions of PAOs is a calculated double-attack on the Postal Account staff because it is privatization on one hand and throwing the entire risk of privatization on the staff on the other.
In this background however there is no liberalized standard for awarding punishments for work lapses caused by intense workload. Victimization of trade union Office Bearers without following the fundamental rules is a new trend.
The Postal JCA of NFPE and FNPO with all their affiliated all India Unions and Associations after an in depth analysis of the situation prevailing has come to the unanimous conclusion that a comprehensive Postal Sectional Charter of Demands should be submitted by the JCA on 15th February 2008 to the Department of Posts with demonstrations at all level. A Campaign should follow at the base level upto middle of March 2008. A decision to go on an Indefinite Strike by the entirety of postal employees shall be announced after the meeting of JCA in the first week May 2008.
The Sectional Charter of Demands including the five Annexure documents containing wing wise problems and issues of various section of employees are enclosed with this letter for speedy consideration of the Postal Directorate. We regret to inform that the practice of agreeing to many issues and later rejecting them in the name of non-acceptance by other Ministries is most resented by our work force. Therefore the Staff Side requests that on all such issues that require consultations from concerned or nodal Ministries, earnest efforts may kindly be taken to exhaust the steps so that the concrete decision of the Government is made available instead of mere assurances from our own Authorities.
The Postal Joint Council of Action of NFPE and FNPO is still confident that earnest effort would be definitely made by the Postal Board to seriously address all the issues and problems that are acutely agitating the minds of the entirety of postal employees to restore peace and tranquility.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully
D.Theagarajan K.Ragavendran
Secretary General Secretary General
Encl: Charter of Demands with Annextures.
Postal Charter of Demands
- Recognize Federations under CCS [RSA] Rules 1993 and restore all forums of negotiating machinery; Restore holding of Periodical Meetings with the Federations and All India Unions.
- Protect letter mail monopoly as recommended by the Parliamentary Standing Committee headed by Shri. Somnath Chatterjee
- Amend the GDS Conduct & Service Rules for payment of Gratuity under the Gratuity Rules, 1972 as per the Supreme Court Judgment; Grant Status, Pension, Maternity leave and other benefits on prorata basis; Count the service period of GDS for pension on their regularization; Liberalise recruitment rules for GDS to appear for the examination for PA/SA; No reduction of TRCA under any circumstances; No Cycle Beat Formula; Allow request transfer to GDS; Stop harassing with unreasonable RPLI targets; Introduce uniforms and kits to outdoor GDS; and Grant all Trade Union rights to GDS including right to affiliate with Federation by amending the Recognition Rules.
- Exempt Department of Posts from the purview of Screening Committee; Fill up all vacant posts immediately in all cadres in Postal, RMS, MMS, Administrative and Postal Accounts including GDS; Hold special examination under a liberalized syllabus to fill up all accumulated residual vacancies in PA/SA cadre in Postal / RMS / Admn wings; Expedite clearance of 2006/2007 ADR vacancies.
- Strengthen the delivery system by dropping the measures of curtailment of delivery; Stop combination of Postmen beats and withdraw DG Order No.10-7/2001-PEII dated 15.3.2004; Drop single beat system and single delivery etc.
- Increase the chances to 10 for appearing LGO examinations for Postmen, Mailguards and Group D staff.
- Terminate all licenses granted to Franchisee outlets; withdraw unilateral proposals before the Planning Commission for extending the franchisee scheme and stop any type of outsourcing of postal function; Stop outsourcing of functions of PAO.
- Restore sorting offices and ensure at least one RMS office in every revenue State and revenue District.
- Fill up all vacant posts of MMS Drivers and Technical Staff and ease the workload; Impart necessary computer training to handle new generation power vehicles.
- Grant Temporary Status to all eligible full time casual labours; absorb TS CLs and GDS in Group D vacancies under 25% - 75% formula without abolishing Group D vacancies as per the Ernakulam CAT Judgment; Regularize all part time casual labours and contingency paid and absorb them as GDS; Treat all the Temporary Service CLs as pre-2004 entrants and re-commence recovery of GPF; and Restore payment of wages including HRA/CCA quantum to substitutes as per Madras High Court Judgment.
- Grant three financial upgradations to all Group C and D officials on completion of 10, 20 and 25 years of service.
- Allot 19% of Group B vacancies for General line and permit all Group 'C' officials in Postal, RMS, Administrative and Postal Accounts with a minimum of 20 years service to appear for the competitive examinations by dispensing with the present reservation of posts to RMS & Admn staff.
- Grant notional promotion to eligible seniors by holding the DPC year by year basis from 1983 to Postal and RMS wings and from 1993 in Administrative wing within a time frame of one month; Restore periodicity of Junior Accountant Promotion to Senior Accountant as 3 years.
- Withdraw the SLP and absorb all RRR Candidates recruited under compassionate ground of recruitment.
- Regularize the services of RTP for promotion and pension by ending the discrimination between the APS RTPs and others.
- Create avenues of promotion to all JAO qualified officials and approve the proposal for common cadre with DOT.
- Remove the unilateral cap of 60 days in the PLB formula.
- Fix time factor for all work to which no norms available at present.
- Get funds from Ministry of Finance for one time clearance of all pending OT Bills, Medical Bills etc; Take measures to get the Arbitration Award on Postal OTA rates implemented by the Government; Revise the OTA rates @ double the normal wages in future; stop compulsory OT Duty.
- Remove all trade union victimization and vindictive punishments awarded for lapses committed due to unbearable workload.
- Settle all long pending and urgent Sectional issues listed in the enclosed Annexure I, II, III, IV and V for different sections of postal employees:
ANNEXURE – 1 : Postal Group 'C' Issues
Filling up of LSG, HSG II & HSG I Posts
(i) Recast the notional promotions since 1982/1983 onwards and fill up all vacant posts of LSG\, HSG II & HSG I.
(ii) Fill up 2/3rd unfilled LSG vacancies notionally from 7.2.02 to 18.5.06.
(iii) Relax minimum qualifying service for HSG II promotion.
(iv) Irregular application of bench mark of current period for notional promotions.
(v) Date of LSG Promotion be calculated from the date of issue of orders and not form the date of joining.
(vi) Grant of Modification of LSG as one time measure for those aggrieved due to dearth of LSG vacancies/ Rule 38 transfers.
(vii) Drawal of pay to senior BCR officials in HSG I posts as the pay scales of HSG II & BCR is one and the same & settlement of earlier officiating cases of Tamilnadu, West Bengal & other Circles as one time measure.
(viii) Anomaly in the preparation of PA Gradation list. Date of confirmation should not be taken now and Date of appointment be taken for construing seniority. Fixing seniority based on the date of confirmation is unconstitutional and discriminatory.
2 Withdraw the draconian orders contained in Directorate letter No. 22-5/95-PE I dt 21.5.07 denying BCR benefits to those declining LSG Promotion. Several officials were arbitrarily, unjustified denied the due BCR promotion.
3 Filling up the APM Accounts LSG, HSG II posts as per 1976 LSG Accountant recruitment Rules.
4 Filling up Residual vacancies since 1999-2000 onwards without any further delay; and return the deputationists to manage the acute shortage of staff in divisions.
5 Immediate withdrawal of orders discriminating regular and FTP LSG and posting them in Delivery offices in the middle of the tenure.
6 Withdraw the Directorate letter dt. 22.10.07 on Systems Administrators and form uniform & correct norms & guidelines first before passing sarcastic comments.
7 Withdraw the orders fixing responsibility on D.D.Os/APM Accounts for the over payment of Pay & Allowances to Postman on account of Fixation under R.P. Rules.
8 Counting of special Allowance for pay fixation case of PO&RMS Accountants.
9 Counting of Past services of erstwhile R.T.P for promotion & pension as per the Supreme Court direction.
10 Withdraw the condition in tenure posting of Single & Double handed offices & restriction in posting of SPM due to minor penalties/ CR entries which are in violation of provisions of statutory rules of volume IV.
11 Allowing all TBOP officials to appear for Group B exam to be held in Feb'08. as per original orders & various judicial pronouncements. The cut off date should be extended for the current exam as 01.01.2008. The exam should be conducted after completing the process of notional promotions to LSG in all circles.
12 Counting of Training period for increment and promotion to the departmental candidates also.
13 Revision of FSC to Post offices & Enhancement of honorarium for RD PMC work in Sub Offices, Department Exam invigilation work etc.
14 Implement the assurance made on 19.4.07 in fixing incentive to RPLI, IMT Pass port applications, NRGEIS, other business activities etc., Grant of OTA to operative staff to manage the shortage, Engagement of SDPA to manage the Shortage, Dispensation of Confirmation Exam etc.
15 Creation of Systems Manager/Administrators Posts & Marketing Executives. Grant of SPL pay and grant of Road mileage Allowance without restrictions. Trainers Allowance for imparting training Norms be fixed for Systems Administrators uniformly to all Circles; providing mobile phones, Fixing duties & responsibilities.
16 Allotment of adequate funds to clear all pending personal claims like OTA, TA medical etc. pending since 2002-03.
17 Spot payment of incentive to SPM/BPM for procuring RPLI business. Grant of incentive for schedule work in accounts branch.
18 Drawal of SB Allowances to all working in SB branches on computers.
19 Refund of Fee for appearing AMFI (Association of Mutual Fund industry) Exam to all candidates.
20. JAO Qualified be regularized in DOT by agreeing to the
proposal for common cadre.
ANNEXURE – II: Postmen & Group D Issues:
- Stop combination of Postmen Beats and withdrawal of orders of guidelines for engaging paid substitutes against leave / absentees Group 'D' and Postmen staff issued vide DG (Posts) No 10-7/2001 – PE II dated 15.3.2004.
- Stop curtailment of deliveries and introduction of single delivery system.
- Stop reducing the clearances of letter boxes.
- Newly accepted norms for sanctioning of Postmen staff need to be circulated immediately for taking confidence into union for finalization as suggested earlier by this union.
- Include the Workload of Speed Post mails / hybrid mails etc. as accountable articles for calculation of time factor and grant of postmen staff.
- Fill up of all vacant posts of postmen and Group 'D'. The large number of vacancies of postmen and Group 'D' are lying vacant for various administrative reasons at local level since long which is causing operational difficulties for efficient and smooth functioning of delivery system. Immediate action be ensured to fill up all vacant posts of postmen and Group 'D'.
7. Supply of Uniform & Other kit items and allied matters.
(a) Replace the present uniform with that of earlier Khakhi Uniform and assure supply of best quality and quantity of cloth.
(b) The periodicity of summer uniform should be two sets in one year and periodicity of winter uniform should be one set in two years and it should be ensured that supply should be made timely and of best quality.
(c) Rate of Washing Allowance should be enhanced from Rs 30 to Rs 150/-
(d) Postmen and Group 'D' staff at Solan and Shimla should be included in that area for Supply of Far Ka Coat and it should be ensured that the supply should be made timely and best quality which is very indispensable to cope up with the prevailing climate.
(e) Postmen and Group 'D' staff at Shimla should be treated at par with Kinnor and Lohspiti and Supply of Snow Boots and Goggles timely .to this area.
(f)Supply of Shoes and Chappals
(i) A very good quality of shoes and Chappals be supplied in time to avoid complaints from entirety of staff
(ii) The present rate of shoes repair charges are very less and this need to be enhanced to Rs 50/-
(iii)The periodicity of Shoes and Chappals should be reduced.
(g) Supply of Umbrella & Rain Coat
The good quality folding type umbrella be supplied to Postmen staff to avoid inconvenience while performing their duties during rainy season.
Supply of Rain Coats: Ensure timely and durable quality of the rain coats.
(h) Supply of Postman Bag. Durable and timely supply of Postman Bag should be ensured being very indispensable for safety of mail.
8. The rate of OTA (FMC) for postmen staff should be revised as under:-
Existing Rate Rate to be revised
Full Beat Rs 29.00 Rs 150/-
Beat divided Rs 14.00 Rs 80/-
Holiday duty Rs 43.00 Rs 200/-
- Restriction of 3 hours limit of OTA to Sorting Postmen & Group 'D' worked on
Holiday duty should be removed with enhanced Rate of Rs 200/-.
10. Cash handling allowance of postmen should be enhanced from Rs 5/-, Rs 10/- to Rs 75/- and Rs 100/- respectively.
11. Cash handling allowance of Cash Overseers: should be enhanced from Rs 30/- to Rs 100/- p.m
12. Mail Ovrerseers: should be treated as IPO/ASPs when they are on visit of BOs. They should be granted daily allowance as like other inspecting officers and should be granted full daily allowance instead of night halt allowance.
13. Justified incentive to Mail Overseers for RPLI Business
14. Arbitrarily change of designation of test category Gr. 'D' posts.
The department arbitrarily changed the designation of test category Group 'D' vide its letter dated 27.10.2004 as peon and Mail Peon instead of packer. Peen is not acceptable as the said staffs are doing hard, skilled, arduous and hazardous of official duties. The orders dated 27.10.2004 be reversed and restore the original designation of packer to all test category of Group 'D' staff of department of posts.
15. ACP promotion Scheme
ACP promotion scheme should also be implemented on wiremen and electrical staff in the department of posts
16. Enhance the financial powers:
Enhance the financial powers of SPOs /SSPOs in sanctioning the NHA of Mail Overseers to Rs 1,000/- instead of Rs 500/-
17. Cycle Allowance:
To increase the cycle maintenance allowance from Rs 30 to Rs 150/-
18. Time factor for Stamp Vendor:
Modify the unscientific fixation of norms fixed for calculation of establishment of stamp vendors and time factor for sale of postal stationery.
ANNEXURE – III: R3 & R4 Issues:
1. Implementation of the arbitration award on revision of OTA rates, which was last revised in 1990, removing the RS 6800 ceiling on eligibility to perform OTA, clearance of all pending OTA bills and stop compulsory order to perform OT duty.
2. Filling up of all vacant posts in group C & D in RMS & MMS , hold special examination to fill up all residual vacancies immediately , sanction Driver Posts for operating long distance Schedules.
3. Fill up all promotional vacancies of LSG/HSG II/HSG-I strictly on seniority basis by granting notional promotion from 1983 onwards year by year.
4. Discontinue to bag account numbering in mail system.
5. Provide separate Mail Vans in Sections and adequate accommodations wherever mail vans are not provided.
6. Compilation of fresh statistics cs with II class and Business mails for those offices having less than that 10,000 mail consequent on increasing mail traffic at present, retain one mail office in a revenue state/district and no mail office to be merged with post office.
7. Norms for CRC's EPP, Logistic and SPCC's to be on scientific basis, withdraw CRC norms fixed arbitrarily as 900.
8. Provide adequate motor vehicles for conveyance of mails /logistics etc. Replace all condemned vehicles, impart sufficient computer training to the technical staff to deal with modern power vehicles, insure MMS vehicles. Recruitment Rules for the Assistant Managers of MMS should be issued soon.
9. Count RTP service for all-purpose including pension.
10. Withdraw the SLP and absorb all RRR candidates.
11. In view of concentrating business mail including logistics in RMS all MMS units under SSPOs /SPOs be transferred to RMS divisions.
12. Payments of OSA and other benefits on par with RMS staff to MMS drivers working in long distance schedules and allow to engage casual drivers temporarily to work till regular arrangement is made.
13. Grant of four more chances in appearing in the LGO Examination in the revised syllabus for Mailguards and Gr. 'D' Officials.
14. Dispense with the reservation of vacancies of PSS Group 'B' and permit to write the examination by increasing the General Line Quota to 19%.
15. Fill all Group 'D' posts from GDS / Temporary Status Employees @ 25% & 75% without any abolition under screening committee.
16. Drop the move to change the nomenclature of "RMS" as Mail Business Arm.
17. Removal of existing discrimination in recruitment of GDS official to the posts of Postmen / Mailguards.
18 Withdraw the order fixing responsibility on DDOs for the over payment of Pay
& Allowances to Mailguard on account of Fixation under RP Rules.
19. Creation of System Managers/Administratrators Posts & Marketing Executive. Grant of Special Pay and grant of Road Mileage Allowance without restrictions. Trainers Allowance for imparting Norms be fixed for Systems Administrators uniformly to all Circles; providing mobile phones, Fixing duties & responsibilities.
20. Counting of Training period for increment and promotion to the departmental candidates also.
ANNEXURE – IV: Administrative Staff Issues
1. Withdraw the order of Decentralization of PLI/RPLI and augment staff strength in CO/RO and DPLI, Kolkata to handle increased volume of work.
2. Increase the Number of HSG-I, HSG-II and LSG posts in Circle and Regional Offices to boost the promotional avenue.
3. Hold the LGO examination for Administrative Group D also under the liberalized syllabus to fill up all residual vacancies in CO/RO and DPLI Kolkata.
4. Allow the left out Categories of Circle Office viz Lift Operator etc to appear for LGO exam.
5. Withdraw the deputationists brought in Circle Office against unfilled vacancies and fill up all vacant posts on regular measure.
6. Renovate the Postal Printing Press, Bhubaneshwar.
7. Implement the Order of TBOP/BCR of 1998 to the eligible C.O. Staff of Karnataka and Orissa Circle.
8. Grant Special Pay for System Administrators in CO/RO including DPLI Kolkata.
9. Introduce the system of competitive examination for PSS Group 'B' along with postal employees instead of existing reservation system by increasing the percentage of Group B for General Line.
ANNEXURE – V: Postal Accounts Staff Issues:
1. Review result of JAO Part II examination in respect of SC & ST candidates held in July 1997 and other Department Examinations of SC/ST candidates held during 23rd July 1997 to 2 October 2000 by restoring the privilege of awarding in grace marking during that period.
2. Grant benefits of first & second financial upgradation under ACP Scheme to all D/E passed Jr. Accountant (promotees) on completion of 12/24 years of service as in the case of direct recruited Jr. Accountant.
3. Withdraw Charge sheets and suspension in connection with CC Works.
4. Fill up all vacancies including backlog vacancies in all Cadres and provide due share to PAO in ADR Plan 2005 & 2006.
5. Provide departmental buildings to all PAOs.
6. Cause full-flagged functioning of newly formed PAOs.
7. Start induction training to JAs/SAs/AAOs.
8. Cause regularization of RR in the cadres of Sorter LDC & Jr. Accts. And allow the promote Sorters (Senior Group 'D') to negotiate DE to JA Cadre on par with promote LDCs (Junior Gr. 'D') in the ensuing exam.
9. Ensure speedy caste verification of SC/ST at Govt. level and promote officials from due date.
10. Count RTP service for the purpose of pension and ACP.
11. Allow PAO Officials to negotiate PSS Group 'B' examination as in
the case of JAO of PAO allowed to all officials of DOP.
12. Restore Member (Finance) Post in Postal Service Board in the
Department of Posts,
13. No out sourcing of Cash Certificate work in PAO and fixing of
Supervisory responsibility on the staff of PAO.
14. Group D Cadre:
Rectify the anomaly due to promotion of Gr. 'D' to LDC cadre in PAO viz Senior Group D promotees in Sorter Cadre remaining as Sorters and Junior Gr.'D' becoming LDCs.
Grant special pay/allowance to D/E passed Group 'D' /Sorter awaiting promotion as in the case of other cadres; also grant ACP in the scale of Sorters for those Group 'D' officials passed DE before 2000.
Fix pay of T/S group 'D' on regularization by taking all annual increments already eamed; count T/S service for pension and ACP purpose as in Indian Railway.
15. Sorter Cadre:
Merger Sorter cadre into LDC cadre as recommended by GOM and also
Postal Board.
16. LDC Cadre:
Upgrade 61% posts of LDC cadre to Jr. Accountant Cadre as per recommendations of Restructuring and Dutta Committee.
17. Canteen Employees:
Fill up all vacant posts in all trhe cadres of Departmental Canteens with special reference of D/E passed canteen employees of PAO , Kolkata.
18. JA Cadre:
Restore residency period to 3 years in the case of Jr. Accountant to Sr. Accountant promotion.
19. JAO Cadre:
Hold JAO part II exam followed by Part I; restore its qualifying nature.
Grant special allowance Rs.140.00 from the date of passing the examination of JAO Part II similar to other organized Accounts Wing and IA & AD.
Sanction justified posts of JAO in PLI/RPLI & BD without diverting the popsts of existing JAOs.
20. Stenographers:
Restore parity of pay Scales of Stenographers of PAR with Jr./Sr.
21. Data Entry Operator:
Regularize Data Entry Operator Cadre in Chennai PAO and upgrade them to the Cadre of Jr. Accountant as recommended by Re-structuring Committee constituted during 1998.
Dear sir,
Steps should be taken to convert all rural POs as "No quarters office" in view if 10 % HRA & enhanced Transport allowance. otherwise no volunteer will be there for those offices with quarters as many of the quarters are not fit for occupation.
In those days, quarters was necessary, as people had used our telegraphic service. Now there is no need for the quarters. please take up at appropriate level.
For Security of cash and stamps either POs can be insured or the SPM may be asked to furnish indemnity bond for higher values.
=Velusamy. R, Namakkal Division
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