Circular No.2/2008
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden
New Delhi. 110 027
Phone: 011 2510 5324
No.D.11/02 /08 Dated: 04-03-2008
Dear Comrade,
The extended meeting of the National Executive of the Confederation was held at Mumbai on 2nd and 3rd March,2008. The CoC Mumbai had made excellent arrangement for the boarding and lodging of the members attending the meeting. The Confederation CHQ takes the opportunity to place its gratitude and thanks to the CoC Mumbai and the volunteers who made all out efforts for the smooth conduct of the meeting. The decisions taken at the meeting are enumerated below:
Agenda Item No.1:
Review of 30th October, 07 strike
The meeting considered the report presented both in writing and orally by the State CoCs and the Chief executives of the affiliates. On review, it came to the conclusion that serious efforts had been undertaken by all concerned with the result that the strike on 30th October, 2007 elicited great support and participation of large number of CGEs despite the non-participation by Railways and Defence organizations. The meeting also identified the weak areas arisen mostly due to the non-formation of co-ordination Committees. The meeting decided to approach the leadership of CGHS, CPWD and Passport Organizations once again to reiterate the necessity of partaking in the united movement in the background of their non-serving of Strike notice on 30/10/2007. The meeting unanimously resolved to appeal all affiliates and CoCs to extend solidarity and support actions to the CGHS employees who have decided to go on indefinite strike action from 11-03-2008.
The Customs and Central Excise Gr.D and Ministerial employees have decided to organize a day's strike on 20rd March, 2008 in pursuance of their legitimate demands. All units of confederation will organize solidarity action on that date to support the struggles of Central Excise and Customs employees.
The meeting after hearing the representatives of the Maritime College employees unions decided to adopt the following resolution and extend full support to their struggles against the privatization of these prestigious educational institutions of the country.
This extended meeting of the National Executive of the Confederation held on 2nd and 3rd March, 2008 at Mumbai expresses dissatisfaction over the delay in the formation of maritime university in three cities viz., Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai as promised by the Govt. in the floor of Parliament in acceptance of the demand of the people at large of these states and especially of the employees and workers of various maritime institutions in the country. The meeting notes with disappointment that no budgetary proposal to give effect to the said assurance has been made by the Finance Minister.
The meeting notes that dubious methods have been employed by the Government to lower the states of the existing institutions by handing over its governance to nominated contractors forcing the employees to launch agitational programmes demanding setting up of maritime university immediately to protect this prestigious educational institution from privatization. The meeting extends support to the struggling employees of maritime colleges and resolves to stand by them.
Agenda Item No.2: Pay Commission related issues and future course of action:
The three resolutions adopted after discussions in the meeting are appended hereunder:
Copy of Resolutions
1. The extended meeting of the National Executive of the Confederation of CGEs and Workers held at Mumbai on 2nd and 3rd March, 2008 considered the Budget proposals of the UPA Govt, presented to Parliament on 29th February, 2008. It came to the unanimous and inescapable conclusion that the proposals in general will accentuate the ever widening gap between the haves and have-nots. Except to write off the loans of farmers, which no doubt is a welcome step even though belatedly, there is nothing to alleviate the suffering millions in the country whose standard of living had been deteriorating ever since the neo-liberal economic policies were ushered in as panacea to revitalize the stagnant economy. It is however a mystery as to how the Rs.65,000 Crores for write off was computed and as to how it would be accounted for. Regrettably it is noted that the Finance Minister has not chosen to widen the institutional lending to farmers which alone would have freed them from the clutches of unscrupulous money lenders and put an end to the agony of driving them to commit suicide.
The meeting noted that despite an annual growth rate of 8% engineered by the largesse extended to the rich entrepreneur class, the Indian traditional manufacturing and agricultural sectors which provide large scale employment have not been able to make any significant gains. The increased budgetary allocation to educational and health sectors touted as an impressive endeavour to address to the social sector regeneration is only a mirage in the light of the uncontained high voltage inflation. The working class especially in the unorganized sector who constitute the largest chunk of the working population in the country has been totally left out from any of the welfare schemes of the Govt making them the soft target for further exploitation of the bourgeoning corporate sector. The meeting also notes with dismay that the Finance Minister has not chosen to make any provision for an eventual financial liability that might arise from the 6th CPC recommendation giving room for a legitimate apprehension in the minds of the CGEs of the remote possibility of having a reasonable wage settlement in the ensuing financial year.
The meeting has therefore decided to revitalize the movement of the CGEs to fight against the neo-liberal economic policies of the Govt. along with other segments of the working class to ensure that further pauperization of the poor section of the people of the country is halted.
2. This extended meeting of the National Executive of the Confederation of CG employees and Workers held at Mumbai on 2nd and 3rd March, 2008, after a detailed deliberations decided that:
a) There should be no compromise as to the date of effect of the 6th CPC i.e., it must be 01.01.2006.
b) The minimum wage should not be less than the need based minimum wage computed on the basis of the norms fixed by the 15th ILC including Dr.Aekhroyd formula.
c) That the minimum rate of increment should be 5% as demanded by the Staff side in its memorandum on common issues;
d) That point to point fixation should be the methodology to fix pay in the revised scales of pay;
e) That the revised rates of allowances should also be admissible w.e.f. 01.01.2006;
f) That the Performance related pay system being divisive and a tool for exploitation is not acceptable and should be rejected, if recommended;
g) That no departure from the existing statutory Pension scheme should be allowed and the new contributory pension scheme introduced for employees recruited on or after 1.1.04 should be withdrawn;
h) That there should be no privatization of health care system(CGHS, CSMA etc) and the proposed introduction of Medicare insurance scheme should not be in replacement of the existing scheme. Instead the existing CGHS should be strengthened and all pensioners be covered by either CSMA Rules or CGHS.
The meeting has also decided to reiterate its vehement opposition to all measures of downsizing, corporatisation, contracturisation, privatization, off loading/outsourcing and to fight against any such retrograde recommendations of the 6th CPC.
The meeting further resolved that if no settlement is brought about through bilateral discussions and negotiations on the above stated issues, all the Central Government organizations should be mobilized for struggles including indefinite strike action.
The meeting apprehended that the recommendations of 6th CPC shall fall short of the employees' expectations and has decided to call upon the entirety of CG employees and their organizations to organize massive protest, rallies, and demonstrations etc on the date following the day the recommendations of the 6th CPC are made known.
3. The extended meeting of the National Executive of Confederation of Central Govt. Employees' and Workers held at Mumbai on 2nd and 3rd March, 2008 resolved to lodge its strong protest over the action of the Government in constituting a non-judicial committee headed by a retired Postal Officer, in violation of earlier written agreement and assurances to appoint a judicial Committee for considering the wage revision of extra-departmental agents of the Postal department.
It is apprehended that the above move of the Govt. is aimed clearly to deny the legitimate aspirations and demands of the Grameen Dak Sevaks. This extended meeting of the Confederation further resolves to demand the Government to:
a) Ensure that the wages of GDS are determined in proportion to what is ultimately decided by the Govt. to the regular civilian employees; and
b) Ensure implementation of new pay scales, allowances etc for GDS with effect from 1.1.06 itself as is the case with the regular employees without any discrimination.
The meeting further resolved to caution the government that any measure to submit retrograde recommendations by the non-judicial GDS committee and the acceptance of the same by the Govt. will result in launching serious programmeof action including indefinite strike.
4. The meeting has decided to place on record its strong resentment and opposition to the observation made by the Finance Minister while placing the economic survey to increase the working hours. The meeting decided to fight against the anti-labour policies of the Govt. in unison with the other sections of the working class in the country.
Agenda Items No.3 & 4: Organisational Matters and formation of State CoCs
The meeting decided by mutual consent that the formation of State Committees, wherever not in existence should be set up by 30-04-2008. The meeting has also decided that the subscription dues for the Financial Years 2006-07 and 2007-08 will be cleared both by the affiliates and COCs by 31-03-2008. The rate of subscription is Re.1/- per member per annum in respect of affiliates and the State COCs are to make a lump-sum payment of Rs.5,000/- per year. The CHQ will intimate the subscription dues in respect of each affiliate and COC within a fortnight computed on the basis of the intimated number of membership.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally
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