Secretary General returns from Bangkok
The UNI – Apro [Union Network International – Asia Pacific Regional Organisation] International Seminars in Bangkok and Pattaya [Thailand] are successfully completed and the Secretary General NFPE has returned to New Delhi. The Seminars were highly purposeful and knowledgeable and helped in understanding the new situation developing in several countries and how the postal employees trade union movement is facing the latest challenges. The Platform helped for communicating the perspective of NFPE with regard to globalization to the representatives of International Postal and Logistics Community. A separate Blogspot Note about the Bangkok and Pattaya Seminars will be shortly exhibited for the information of all our members.
Reconstitution JCM Regional Councils
The Department of Posts has issued orders on 4th June 2008 for reconstitution of JCM Regional Councils in all circles and for formation of JCM Regional Council in Chattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttaranchal circles. As soon as the Chief Postmaster General seeking nominations from the Federation, the fresh nomination would be done by NFPE.
Nomination of Staff Side Member of National Council
The Department of Posts has called for the nominations from the Secretary Staff Side for the National Council JCM Staff Side for representing Department of Posts at the ratio of 2:1 for NFPE and FNPO before 12.06.2008. The nominations will end the long period of non-representation of Postal Unions at the National Council level.
Constitution of Rural Business Division
The Department of Posts has constituted a Rural Business Division in Postal Directorate under DDG [Rural Business] by redeploying the post of PMG [Foreign Mails], Mumbai. It is stated that the Rural Business Division in Postal Directorate would look after the various aspects of rural postal operations, development and expansion of rural postal network, technology induction, training of GDS Staff, new business initiatives, marketing of services and monitoring quality of services of rural network. This is clear indication that there is going to be a large-scale modernization of rural ED Branch Post offices with lot of new items of work added to BOs as well as technology training to the GDS Staff to handle the work. This decision is taken in the background of the assurance of Honourable Minister of Communications & IT in the Consultative Committee for providing setting up of a separate division in the Postal Directorate with the primary objective of strengthening the rural postal network and building capacity for extending IT enabled services in the rural areas.
Constitution of Technology Planning and Technology Operations divisions:
The Department of Posts has set up two more divisions in the Postal Directorate. One is Technology Planning Division and the other is Technology Operations Division. The Order of the Department says that in the background of a major technology initiative planned in the XI Five Year Plan, there is a need for formulation of technology vision and developing a strategy to keep abreast with the developments in technology and use the innovations for giving customers better services. The plan is to computerize all departmental post offices and half of the EDBOs in rural and it is also assessed that this will require business process reengineering, administrative and operational restructuring to provide enabling requirement for technology induction. There is mention that the Human Resource issues also need to be dealt with. In addition it is envisaged to create a Data Bank on the profile and availability of System Administrators at all levels so as to ensure their upgradation of skills as a part of ongoing training programme. However the NFPE would be shortly writing to Postal Directorate for involving the Staff Side in the matter by providing complete information in this matter and to incorporate staff side viewpoints in the decision-making.
It is surprising to see that more and more Divisions are being formed in the Directorate so as to accomodate Senior Officers. In the case of System Administrators, nothing has been done till date by the Directorate. Issue of formation of separate Cadre for System Administrators should be taken up by the union at least now in the wake of formation of two seperate wings for Technology Planning and implimentation.
Just like Business Developement Directorate , IPS ( Indian Postal Service) officers can not be a good manager. Business Directorate is now Loss Making Directorate. Now they are trying to be a Engineer or IIT'ian . This joke is possible only for India Post being a Govt. Dept. Question of System Administrator is negligible to them.IPS officers know everything others nothing.
Hi it is dipankar from Bankura Dn.
A good decission from the Departments point of view, That means Department now understood that, We need a planning divission and a operation divission.
So, should we asume that, till now there was no planning for Computerisation ? Yes, it is only in the Department of Post where we first implement , then do planing for it and there after we start thinking what ever is done till date is right or Wrong.
If separate planning divission and operation divission is required in the directorate, what about the feild ? what about the So called SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS ? Who are bound to implement the UNPLANNED !!! projects.
So at last the Department has felt that there is a need of creation of separate Technology Division. But the question is what about the System Administrators who have given their hard labour for implementing the Computerization program being undertaken by the Department?? It was said that "It is envisaged to create a Data Bank on the profile and availability of System Administrators at all levels so as to ensure their upgradation of skills as a part of ongoing training programme" That means only their skills will be developed and will be utilized but no recoginition to them?? Wow what a fate?? Now it is the golden opportunity to demand strongly from the Department for recoginition of the work being performed by the System Administrators. Hope our Union side will deal this situation/opportunity with high hand.
My dear friends,
the decision of constituting of a separate division of technology and planning is just to accomodate senior IPoS officers in and around directorate and spend a few crores of rupees in the name of new technology by implementing the discarded and age old technology...Take my word there will be no such creation of posts in the so called technology wing and we will be loitering behind the Union which could not even stop the orders of the directorate to transfer all FTP officials to delivery offices in the middle of the year. I am sure the general secretary did not even have a personal meeting with the then Member (P) against this issue and he owes an explanation in this regard. The union has categorically sub dued to the whims and fancies of the administration. Shame on You
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