Honourable High Court of Madras has granted an interim stay order till 18.06.2008 to the process of the ongoing verification of membership ordered by the Department of Posts vide letter No.13/4/2007-SR dated 28.02.2008 [which called upon the unions and associations to submit application for undergoing verification] on a Writ Petition filed by the All India RMS/MMS Assistant Superintendent & Inspectors Association on 30th April 2008.
The Department of Posts has therefore issued order vide No.9/2/2008-SR dated 27.05.2008 to all concerned intimating that the interim stay granted by the Hon'ble High Court will operate till 18.06.2008,whichmay be observed scrupulously and further instructions regarding continuation of the verification process after expiry of the interim stay granted by the High Court will follow.
- Our divisional and branch secretaries need not get confused or diverted.
- Carry on with the job of collecting more letters of authorization from all employees and keep them ready for submission until further instructions from the Postal Directorate.
- Do not submit the letters of authorization on 10.06.2008. Wait for future instructions.
- The Department will be moving the High Court of Madras shortly for vacation of the interim stay orders.
- Immediately on vacation of stay orders, only a very short time gap is likely to be given for submission of letter of authorization to the DDOs. Therefore do not stop the work of collecting forms from members.
- Wait for instructions from NFPE and Affiliated Unions / Association and act accordingly only.
SECRETARY [P] ON 27.05.2008
Secretary General NFPE and General Secretaries of P3, P4 and Postal Accounts have met the Secretary [P] on 27.05.2008. On our request the Secretary [P] agreed to convene a formal meeting to discuss with the Staff Side on all the issues related to Pay Commission. He assured that the Department of Posts would come forward with a plan to sort out the issues like TBOP, LSG getting a lower pay band etc. The Secretary [P] in fact suggested that the promotional avenues of General Line Supervisors should be properly improved upto Gazetted Postmasters level and that the first promotional stage of PA/SA will be in PB-2 by amalgamating all LSG and BCR/HSG II posts. We have suggested that by changing the entry educational qualification of PA/SA cadre as Graduation [Degree] they can be upgraded to pre-revised scale of pay of 4500-7000 [Pay Band 1 with 2800/- Grade Pay] so that they can go to Pay Band 2 with 4200/- Grade Pay on their first regular Promotion or financial upgradation etc. The formal meeting will discuss all issues and thereupon a Sub Committee consisting of both official and staff sides would be constituted for considering the restructuring the cadre of PA/SA. In the formal meeting all issues like PO & RMS Accountants, MMS Charge Hand, System Administrators and Marketing Executives etc would be discussed. The issue of JAO promotion to the waitlisted candidates also discussed and the Secretary [P] agreed to favourable consider the issue on the condition that the cadre controlling of Group B would be under Member [P] instead of DDG [PAF].
Adhoc Promotion to HSG I extended
Another 6 Months
The Department of Posts has issued orders on 21.05.2008 for the continuation of ad-hoc promotion in the cadre of HSG-I by another 6 months as the same has been approved by the Department of Personnel & Training. [Order No.4-16/2002-SPB-II dated 21.05.2008]
Orders on supplementary results of the Departmental Examination for selection to the posts of IPOs for the year 2007 held on 10-12 August 2007 have been issued by the Directorate vide F.No. A-34013/3/2007-DE(Pt-II) dated 21.05.2008.
Similarly Orders on allotment of surplus qualified candidates to fill up the unfilled vacancies of other circles also are issued vide F.No. A-34013/03/2007-DE (Pt.III) dated 21.05.2008. There are 76 unfilled vacancies in 10 circles and options have been called from 79 candidates. [Final selection will be limited to 76 only].
It is observed that recently 121 LSG officials ( on Seniority basis) have been granted HSG-II promotion. It is presumed that the promotion has been given against the vacancy up to 17.05.2006.So far my knowledge goes there are about 150 HSG-II posts lying vacant in this circle. Hence , about 50 HSG-II vacant posts ( 1/3rd of 150) can be filled up from the LSG officials on seniority basis and 100 vacant posts ( 2/3rd of 150) should filled from FTP LSG officials as per recruitment rules. But the FTP LSG officials have not been considered for promotion to HSG-II vacant posts. It is heard that the circle office is in view that 3 years minimum service in LSG cadre is not applicable to FTP LSG officials for promotion to HSG-II . But the Postal Directorate has made no such difference between the LSG on seniority and FTP LSG in respect of their eligibility to get promotion to HSG-II. The legitimate claim of FTP LSG is being denied in W.B.Circle.
You are requested to see the matter so that the FTP LSG officials are not deprived through misinterpretation of Directorate order.
Dear Sukumar,
Your presumption is wrong.Now there is no reservation in HSG II for FTP qualified officials. The LSG seniority list is the cretreian for grant of HSG II. I will send a detailed letter to you soon.
Please upload the latest development and probable date of effect of SPC recommendation. We are eagerly waiting to konw that.
Is our G.S aware of the injustice meted out to our L.S.G comrades in Tamilnadu Circle.In this circle there are more than 50 regular vacancies and about 90 deputation (
exceeding 18months) vacancies in H.S.G 11 cadre which are kept unfilled for the past one year.
Even officiating arrangements are denied to them on the plea that even for officiating arrangement three years regular service in L.S.G cadre is required.When they completed regular service of 3 years during the middle of 2007,the circle administration took a stand that the cut of date is january and so they will become elegible only during 2008 january.January 2008 also came but H.S.G 11 promotion is still denied to those who are in the L.S.G gradition list.So as for as the T.N circle administration is concerned,L.S.G gradation list is not the criteria for according H.S.G 11 promotion.Now they are in the process of taking action as per Post and Telegtraph (selection Grade Posts) Recruitment Rules 1976,eventhough it has become obsolete and redundant with the gazetted notification of Post and Telegraph (Selection Grade Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules 2002.This is for according notional promotion even to Time Scale accountants directly to H.S.G 11 at the cost of the L.S.G officials who are in the L.S.G seniority list and have put 3 years regular service in L.S.G cadre.Notional promotion can be accorded in exceptional cases but it can not be substituted for a statutory rule.G.S will please see reason and take necessary action to ensure that statutory rules are not violated and the interests of L.S.G officials are safeguarded in T,N circle.For this immediate release of the H.S.G 11 promotion list without any further dealy should be insisted upon.The fact is that regarding H.S.G 11 promotion,we L.S.G members expect that our union should not be a cause for the delay in its release because already many seniors have retired from serive without getting their due H.S.G 11 promotion during the past six months.
so, as for as
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