The Guntur AIC will be a historical one, discussing all the issues confronting the Postal employees threadbare and take decision on trade union actions culminating in indefinite strike demanding the removal of ban on creation of posts and exemption to the Postal department from the purview of the screening committee to end the unbearable shortage of staff and sufferings in the operative offices besides other issues like Cadre review, three ACP promotions and other related issues pending over years.
This time, the CHQ is providing the draft resolutions on all major issues along with the biennial report and that will become the basis for discussions in the august conference. No delegation of drafting the resolutions after the conference this time happens. Everything will be discussed and resolved after full throat discussions in the conference itself.
This time we desire to hold discussions on all items of agenda so that we can arrive decisions on all the issues for the future guidance of the CHQ functioning for which the cooperation of the delegates is the need of the hour. The discussions should be healthy and it should be on the basis of constructive criticism. Unless an organization is discussing, debating its past activities in the proper forums like conferences' etc, it will not advance further and will not be backed by the masses of the organization. Our activities over two years should also be subjected for such debates and discussions. We desire healthy discussions in the AIC .
There may be some disruptive forces trying the sabotage the proceedings, causing hindrances to the conference in order to destroy the peaceful conduct of the conference. They are having some hidden agendas and their only aim is cause disturbances in the smooth conduct of the conference. We should identify them and be alert in not allowing such forces to cause hurdles in the smooth conduct of the All India Conference. Our main aim and agenda is that we should discuss all the issues confronting the CG employees and postal employees in particular and decide clear cut demands for the future guidance for the CHQ and it's functioning so that we can act, advance, and achieve our demands.
The reception committee is making all arrangements with their best possible for your comfortable stay and conference. However, if there is any shortcoming in the accommodation and arrangements, please bear the same with good spirit that we are meeting here with the determination for the progressive decisions in leading our postal class three movement as second none.
All Branch / Divisional secretaries are requested to bring the proforma attached with this letter with full particulars which will be purposeful to keep the updated records of all branches at CHQ and present the same along with the credential in the All India conference at Guntur.
Let us make the Guntur AIC a historical success.
With Conference greetings,
1. Name of the Division/Branch : -
2. Date of Last Conference : -
3. Name of the Office Bearers : - President Secretary Treasurer
4. Phone Number Mobile : -
5. Present Address Res/off : - ______________________________________________
6. Total No. of membership of per : -
current submission of declaration to
7. No. of copies of Bhartiya Post : -
8. Do you want to increase the numbers. : -
If so, how many?
9. Have you conducted any local : -
Struggles during 2006-07 & 2007-08
If so, details in Separate Sheet
10. Do you have the chance to visit
Websites of P/NFPE frequently, if not, : -
What is the arrangement to know the
Updated news from website.
11. Whether any problem taken by CHQ
remains pending in c/o your division/
12. If so, details of cases : -
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