The Central Working Committee of AIPEU Group 'C' was held at Jat Dharmashala, Kurukshetra, Haryana from 14.07.09 to 15.07.09 under the Presidentship of our President Com. M. Krishnan. All the fifteen office bearers and all the Circle Secretaries except Assam attended the CWC. The Circle Secretary, Tamilnadu could not participate due to the court case.
The subject Committee was commenced as scheduled at 10:30 having a heavy agenda on important issues like Shortage of staff, Cadre restructuring, Postmaster's cadre, Department's corporate plan, Organizational matter etc. The General Secretary, as usual, submitted a work report covering various activities of the CHQ after the last All India Conference, held at Guntur and sought various suggestions. The work report indeed formed the basis of the whole discussions in the two day session in which all Circle Secretaries and CHQ office bearers participated.
On 14.07.09 evening an open session was organised in which all General Secretaries participated. Com. M. Krishnan, President CHQ, presided. Com. Naresh Gupta, Asst. Circle Secretary and General Secretary Receiption Committee had welcomed all. Com. Virendra Malik Vice President, CITU inaugurated the open session. The prominent speakers in the open session were; Com. K. Ragavendran, Secretary General, NFPE, Com. B. G. Tamhankar, Ex-President CHQ, Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary, P4, Com. S. P. Mukherjee, General Secretary, Admn, Com. Rajanayagam, General Secretary, Postal Accounts Com. Manjeet Singh, Convenor, NFPE Haryana Circle, Com. K. M. Tripathi Circle Secretary R3, Haryana. On behalf of reception Committee Com. Jasbir Singh, Circle Secretary, AIPAEA, Haryana Circle delivered vote of thanks.
A book on Trade Union facilities and Constitution was launched in the CWC to mark the occasion. The first copy was handed over to the President, CHQ Com. M. Krishnan, by the General Secretary. (The cost of the book is Rs.50/- All branches are being supplied with one copy and others who desire to buy, may remit the amount to (CHQ). Many feel that the compilation on Trade Union rulings is very useful.
The Central Working Committee of AIPEU Group 'C' held at Kurukshetra (Haryana) from 14.07.09 to 15.07.2009 reviewed the situation prevailing in the Postal Services and has come to the unanimous conclusion that the burning issues faced by the Postal Employees do not receive any proper attention from the Postal Administration and the employees are suffering like anything, especially due to acute shortage of staff. Many important issues raised by the All India Union remains unsettled for years together due to the unhelpful attitude of the powers that be. The CWC feels that this situation should not be allowed to continue and some urgent remedial measures are to be taken. Accordingly the CWC resolves to submit a memorandum to the Postal Authorities concerning the important problems agitating the minds of the postal employees in general and the Postal Group 'C' employees in particular, as listed in the charter of demands annexed to this resolution.
The CWC further resolves to organize following phased programme of action, if the Administration fails to settle the issues amicably through fruitful negotiations.
1st Phase - Weeklong lunch hour demonstration in front of all important offices
2nd Phase - Weeklong relay dharna in front of Dak Bhawan, CPMG/PMG offices and Divisional offices
3rd Phase - One day token strike in the month of November 2009. Strike notice to be served to DG Posts and CPMGs by organizing big rally/March
This CWC further resolves to request NFPE to take necessary action to explore the possibility of organising a joint programme of action under the banner of NFPE on the above lines and also to make efforts to make it a joint programme with other Federations/Unions.
1. Settle all the Sectional demands put forth in the proposed 20.01.2009 strike charter
2. Filling up of all vacant posts, including residual vacancies
3. Filling up of all promotional posts
4. Cadre restructuring & improving the promotional prospects of Postal Group 'C'
5. Provide sufficient man power & infrastructure to cope up with the implementation of Project Arrow.
6. APM Accounts promotion as per 1976 LSG Recruitment Rules & taking special allowance drawn by PO & RMS Accountants for Pay fixation benefits on promotion.
7. Review & Drop all cases of charges fixing responsibilities on APM Accounts & Accountants due to overpayment to postmen after the implementation of 5th CPC
8. Consider the past services of RTP for seniority and promotion
9. Drop the confirmation Examination process and withdraw the orders
10. Revise the HSG I & HSG II Recruitment Rules by relaxing the condition of service to 1 year & declare all HSG I posts to General line.
11. Cause orders to draw officiating pay to all HSG II & BCR officials working in HSG I posts.
12. Create the cadre of System Administrators and absorb the existing SAs in higher posts & settle the issues of Systems Administrators.
13. Grant of Cash handling Allowance to Treasurer at par with Cashier in RMS irrespective of cadre.
14. Absorb all JAO qualified officials by applying DOP & DOT merger in Postal Accounts cadre
15. Revision of Fixed stationary charges with retrospective effect
16. Stop Harrassing officials under contributory factors on flimsy reasons & protect the innocents by clearcut orders.
17. Clear all pending personal claims since 2003
18. Stop transfer of Foreign Posts works to RMS. Restore status quo ante
19. Withdraw the orders preventing second postings of SPMs in B & C class offices.
20. Waive the application of Bench Mark entries till 2008
21. Withdraw the instructions preventing the recruitment process & fill up the vacant posts forthwith.
22. Absorption of all RRR candidates by withdrawing SLP filed in Supreme Court.
23. Allowing all officials having 10 years service to write Group 'B' Examination.
24. Either upgrade the post attached Quarters to the standard accommodation or dequarterise the same.
25. Determination of seniority based on the date of appointment instead of date of confirmation.
The following are the important decisions resolved in the CWC meeting.
A leadership work shop consisting around 150 leaders form all the Circle has been proposed by General Secretary to educate and cultivate the cadres on all subjects. The proposal was welcomed by all and Com. S. S. Manjunath, Circle Secretary Karnataka Circle has extended invitation to host the first seminar. It was decided to hold the first work shop in Karnataka Circle during the month of September'09. The Circle wise representation will be intimated by the CHQ on receipt of finalization of venue by Com. S. S. Manjunath, Circle Secretary, Karnataka Circle.
The CWC has approved the suggestion placed in the work report to file a court case on the issue of counting of past services of RTP for seniority and promotion and directed the General Secretary to move ahead in case if it could not be settled through negotiations.
The CWC after discussing the reported denial of membership in five divisions in Tamilnadu Circle has arrived at the prima facie conclusion that there may be denial and to hold a detailed enquiry to find out whether any willful and deliberate denial of membership has taken place or whether there is any ulterior motive behind such denial as alleged by the concerned officials.
To conduct the fact finding enquiry and to submit a detailed report to the CHQ within two months from this date, the CWC appointed a committee of three Central Union office bearers consisting of:
1. Com. Somenath Mukherjee, Deputy General Secretary, CHQ
2. Com. R. Sivannarayana, AGS, CHQ
3. Com. C. P. Shobhana, Vice President, CHQ
Com. Somenath Mukherjee, Deputy General Secretary, Shall be the convenor of the Committee.
The CWC has further authorized the General Secretary to take appropriate action based on the findings of the Committee, including disciplinary action, if necessary.
In the meantime, as an interim measure the CWC directed the said five divisional Secretaries to accept the membership application forms from the complainant officials and accept their subscription and grant receipts for the same, till a final decision is taken based on the Committee's report.
The CWC has approved the CHQ to regularize the title of the property after having discussion with Com. O. P. Gupta in formulating the upkeep charges for the building for the future and also duly clearing the dues.
The CWC has deliberated all the other issues confronting the Postal and decided to work for a broad based unity among the unions to mitigate the long pending demands.
The CHQ records its heartiest thanks to Com. Naresh Gupta, General Secretary, Reception committee and his team for the tireless work and arrangement, they made for the CWC. The hospitality will ever remain in the minds of the participants. Com. K. K. Rohilla, officiating Circle Secretary had also did his best for the successful conduct of the CWC meeting. We record our appreciations to all those who worked hard for the success of the CWC meeting
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
Dear Comrades,
At the outset, I extend hearty welcome to our beloved President, CHQ office bearers, all Circle Secretaries, distinguished guests and visitors attending the Central Working Committee meeting today at Kurukshetra and fervently seek their unstinted cooperation as in the past for the successful conduct of the meeting.
I wish to mention special thanks to the host of the CWC, (i.e) the Haryana Circle Union and in particular to Com. K. K. Saini, Circle Secretary and Com. Naresh Gupta, General Secretary, Reception Committee for volunteering to hold the CWC here today and for the elaborated grand arrangements they made for the meeting and our stayal at this holy place.
Since we are meeting at the crucial time after the General Elections and in the midst of protracted delay over settlement of demands and to take position to mitigate the long pending demands and sectional issues of our P3 organization, we feel that this meeting is having of its own importance.
Let us debate, discuss and decide our future course of action in consensus. I, on behalf of the CHQ present this report for the consideration of the CWC meeting.
After the AIC held at Guntur from 30.11.08 to 03.12.08, we have lost some our beloved comrades and prominent leaders. Apart from that Com. Jaswant, Delegate from Solan, Himachal Pradesh died in train while returning from Guntur after attending the AIC. Com. Raj Kumar Mann, Ex Circle President, Delhi Circle died on 21.02.09. Com. M. U. Khan, OGS, Postal Administrative union had passed away on 06.02.09 due to sudden heart attack. Com. T. P. Kothandaraman, Ex-General Secretary, NUPE Group 'C' died on 03.04.09. Com. N. S. C. Bose, Ex-Divisional Secretary, Narsaraopet died due to heart attack at his office. Com. V. S. Joshi, Former R3 President breathed his lost on 14.06.09.
The working class has lost several leaders during this period. Com. E. Balanandan, Ex-All India President, CITU lost his breath on 19.01.09. Sri. R. Venkataraman, Ex-President of India died on 27.01.09. The natural calamities like Aila in West Bengal, Floods in Assam, extremist activities claimed many lives during this period.
This CWC Pays its homage in memory of all these comrades, political leaders, innocent public and other known or unknown leaders, public personalities who died during this period.
The All India Conference has endorsed the decision of convention organized by the Federation on 29.11.08 at Guntur itself in particular about the proposed industrial action demanding settlement of sectional demands from Sixth January 2009.
Meanwhile, the General Secretary, AIPEDE Union has given notice to the Department for the indefinite strike from 17.12.2008 on Ten Charter of demands particularly seeking modification in the retrograde recommendations of the Natarajamurthy Committee report.
The NFPE Federal Secretariat met on 09.12.2008 discussed the developments and took the decision that the movement of GDS Union should not be isolated despite the fact that it will deteriorate to the Joint movement as decided by the Guntur convention and decided to ensure total participation of our members in the proposed strike of GDS from 18.12.2008.
Based on the resolution, circulars have been sent to all branches and also a letter was served to the Department on 09.12.2008 expressing the decision of the Federal Executive and total participation in the GDS Strike from 17.12.2008.
The Strike was partial in all states except Kerala, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh & Tamilnadu. In other states the participation of departmental employees was not even reached 0.5% despite sincere efforts taken by the Federation & CHQ. This needs introspection and to be discussed for correcting the mistakes in the future.
Further based on the approach of the Department in not taking any decision on GDS Committee report consulting the staff side and the positive approach of the senior officer's committee headed by Sri P. K. Gopinath, Chief PMG, Delhi Circle and also the letter of the Department, the Federal Secretariat met on 19.12.08 decided to call off the Strike and extend solidarity support to the striking GDS union. The GDS union has also called off the strike on the next day after meeting the Secretary (P).
Subsequently, the National Executive of the Confederation met on 13.12.08 at New Delhi took a decision to organize indefinite strike on 20 point charter of demands from 20.01.09 and to conduct state level conventions between 06.01.09 to 09.01.09 in which the national leaders were directed to attend. The NFPE, has also decided to modify the indefinite strike programme from 06.01.09 to 20.01.09 in order to have a broad based mass strength programme demanding settlement of both the C.G. Employees demands and Postal demands.
A mass rally of C. G. Employees including postal comrades was held on 02.01.09 at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi. About 1000 Comrades participated. After the rally, Strike Notice was served to the department by the Federation and its affiliated unions.
According to the confederation's decision, conventions were organized in many circles. However, it could be felt that there was no mood among the employees after the two days strike in Dec'2008, participated in support of GDS Strike to go for another industrial action with in a short span of one month.
Meanwhile, the Department of Posts had invited the NFPE and its affiliated unions on 13.01.09 and discussed all the charter of demands. The minutes were supplied. Action Taken Report on old issues was also furnished. The same was published in the Bhartiya Post of February 2009 & March 2009.
The confederation it its executive held on 15.01.09 unanimously resolved to defer the intended indefinite strike and continue to launch an intensive campaign at field level on the common demands. Similarly, the Federal Secretariat held on 15.01.09 has also decided to defer the proposed indefinite strike from 20.01.09 and continue to strive hard for clinching of all those issues and consolidate the gains and assurances made by the Secretary (P) on 13.01.09.
Resultantly, the proposed indefinite strike from 20.01.09 could not take off.
The Secretary, Department of Posts has invited the Secretary General & other General Secretaries for a meeting on 13.01.2009 to discuss about the charter of demands submitted on 10.12.2008 for which strike notice was served on 02.01.09.
The main Charter of Demands were discussed and the sectional demands could not be discussed due to want of time. However it was assured that DDG level meetings will be held soon and thereafter another meeting will be held with Members & Secretary. (However no meetings have so far been held despite the note of S R Section to the concerned DDGs twice to hold the meetings early as per the directions of the Secretary.)
The main agreement reached on the demand of prompt conduct of periodical meetings with Federation and affiliated unions and the Departmental council JCM as per schedule has not been implemented yet. No meeting has so far been convened. The Department has not honored its commitment.
Besides, many issues are still under consideration stage. No special meeting has been called for to discuss for Postmaster's Cadre as assured. No meeting is held to discuss the proposals on Cadre review with the unions. The Anomaly committee meeting is yet to be notified. There was no discussions as assured on 19.12.08 that the Staff Side will be consulted on GDS committee recommendations before forwarding the proposal to nodal ministries for consideration.
In fact, the present Secretary Department of Posts has shown utter disregard to the Unions and taking unilateral decisions even on staff matters which require consultations. The change of attitude of senior officers with positive outlook is the need of the hour to overcome the present crisis in the Department and to have a smooth and cordial relationship.
The Department of Posts has set up a Departmental Committee comprising of representatives of official side and staff side to settle the anomalies arising out of implementation of Sixth Central Pay Commission's recommendations. In respect of Staff side, there are five members from NFPE and two from FNPO. Our General Secretary, Com. K. V. Sridharan has been elected as leader of the anomaly Committee and Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, R3 was nominated as Staff side Secretary. The following items have been notified for discussion in the anomaly committee.
(i) TBOP/BCR Postal Asst. – The anomaly prevailing between Postal & Telecom may be taken in to account and the TBOP/LSG should be placed in Pay band 2.
(ii) PO & RMS Accountants: - The Special Allowance should be taken for pay fixation on promotion.
(iii) Systems Administrators: - Promotional cadre to PAs, 10% Pay + Grade Pay as Special Pay.
(iv) Marketing Executive: - 10% pay + Grade Pay as special pay.
(v) Supervisory Allowance: - Revival of Supervisory Allowance to LSG, HSG II & HSG I, PRI (P) – 10% Pay + Grade Pay.
(vi) Technical Postal Assistant: - Anomaly in grant of PB 2 with Grade Pay at par with other Department 'diploma' qualified cadres.
(vii) Head Mail peon – The relativity with Postman/Mail Guard to be restored.
(viii) Charge Hands – Should be placed in PB 2 with Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
(ix) Artisan Grade – Parity from 1.1.96 at par with Railways & Defence sought for.
(x) Data Entry Operators – Should be placed with Rs.2400/- Grade Pay at par with other C. G. Departments.
(xi) Cash handing Allowance to PO Treasurers – It should be common for PO & RMS and the disparity should be set aside.
(xii) P & T Dispensaries – the anomaly for Laboratory Technicians, Medical Store Keepers, Staff Nurse, be removed at par with other C. G. Hospitals.
(xiii) Sorters in DAP – should be placed in PB 1 with Grade Pay Rs.1900/-
The meeting of the anomaly committee is expected to be convened shortly.
The specific subjects to be discussed in the national Anomaly Committee meeting submitted by the Confederation have been furnished in details in the June'09 issue of Bhartiya Post.
1. Shortage of Staff – remedial measures
The Government of India had dropped the ADR Plan scheme & Screening Committee with effect from 01.04.09 vide its letter No. DOPT OM No. F. No. 218/2001-PIC dt. 09.04.2009. The Departments of Posts has cleared the 2008 vacancies to the extent of 2255 after subjecting the vacancies under screening committee and communicated. The vacancies pertaining to the years of 2006 & 2007 are also approved by the nodal Ministries and orders are under issue. Thus all the pending 1/3rd vacancies for 2006, 2007 & 2008 were cleared. The Department has not abolished the 2/3rd vacancies since from 2005 with the hope to revive the same by all out efforts.
Even though the Government has dropped the Screening Committee based on the Sixth CPC recommendations, it has not implemented the other positive recommendation of the Pay Commission to remove the blanket ban on creation of posts prevailing from 1983 onwards in central services and vest the powers for creation of posts based on the staff requirements to the respective Ministries/Departments. The positive recommendation, as it seems, has been ignored by the Government.
Unless the ban on creation of posts is removed, it will be very difficult to any department to manage with the existing posts by redeployment.
Therefore, the Staff Side, National Council should place a demand before the Government to implement the Sixth CPC recommendations and remove the ban on creation of plan and non plan posts.
The problem of shortage of staff in very acute in the Postal Department particularly in the Postal Assistant Cadre. The shortage is felt every where due to non filling up of any vacancies since 2006.
The temporary solutions like engagement of SDPAs engaging outsiders to perform Data entry operation etc were given some relief; but not up to the expected level. Filling up of ADR vacancies since 2006 will certainly provide some relief to the toiling Group 'C' officials.
2. Filling up of Residual vacancies
The Department has informed that in all circles, the process of filling up of residual vacancies are either initiated or completed. The CHQ is handicapped due to non availability of this vital informations of many circles. In respect of Bihar, the case is being processed. In respect of Andhra, Rajasthan, Chattishgarh, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, the posts have been filled up.
This CWC should review the exact position in respect of all circles and take appropriate decision.
3. Filling up of LSG, HSG II & HSG I Posts
Due to our continued persuasion, the Department, vide its letter No. 4-16/2002-SPB II dt. 01.05.2009 has caused order to continue the adhoc promotions for the period of further one year (i.e) till 19.05.2010 or till the recruitment rules are finalized and also to fill up the existing vacancies by promotion on adhoc basis without prescription of any minimum service in HSG II for a period of one year.
Similarly, the Department has intimated that the resultant chain vacancies in HSG II & LSG may also be filled up by promotion on adhoc basis for a period not exceeding one year.
This order has facilitated in filling up of all pending supervisory posts. This CWC should review the situation prevailing in all the Circles and if there is any short coming that should be dealt with.
The reasons for non finalization of HSG-I recruitment rules is as follows.
(i) The DOPT has returned the Recruitment Rules of HSG I some eighteen months back with the observation to resubmit the same after the implementation of sixth CPC recommendation duly incorporating the revised pay structures.
(ii) After the Sixth CPC, the DOPT has now amended the service rules as per the revision of Sixth CPC vide its letter No. OM No. AB 14017/61/2008-Estt (RR) dt. 24.03.09 wherein the minimum eligibility for promotion from LSG to HSG II was fixed as 5 years and from HSG II to HSG I as 6 years.
(iii) The Department has earlier obtained special permission to reduce the minimum qualifying service from 10 & 8 years to 3 years for LSG & HSG II promotions and the Department has sought further relaxation from 3 years in case if no of eligible candidates are not available.
(iv) Now the Department is seeking the DOPT to continue the old provisions of three years qualifying service for both LSG & HSG II promotions and the approval of the DOPT is still awaited.
Due to the above stated reasons, the regular promotions to HSG I could not be accorded to the officials and the officiating adhoc arrangement is being continued.
On approval of the Recruitment Rules, we should seek the regularization of HSG-I promotion from the date of adhoc promotions from which the officials are continuously working in the cadre.
Meanwhile, it is our concern that the due officiating pay for the HSG I has not been drawn and paid in some circles. Similarly in the absence of HSG II officials, if the LSG officials are holding the HSG I position, they have also not been paid with the HSG II pay.
Similarly in the case of BCR officials holding HSG I, they have also been denied the due officiating pay in HSG-I. Since we got the 1622 HSG I posts by upgradation only on matching savings by surrending 680 posts, the denial of the officiating pay is against to the natural justice. There many not be any provisions for such drawal of officiating for BCR officials holding HSG-I Posts due to arbitrary treatment of BCR as Financial upgradation and not promotion. The department should come forward to relax the conditions since the pay of BCR & HSG-II are one and the same.
4. APM Accounts/Accountants
Even though the Department has agreed to implement the LSG Accountant Recruitment Rules 1976 and relocate the LSG/HSG II posts proportionately to Accounts Cadres, this issue is being protracted under one pretext or other. We have placed this item as one of the items in the charter of demands. This CWC may discuss the item and decide for a serious programme. Similarly, we placed a demand to grant special allowance to the TBOP/BCR officials, if they are working as Accountant in the absence of Postal Assistants with accounts qualifications. The case is under consideration of the department and orders are expected.
The issue of taking the special allowance in to account for fixation benefits to the PO & RMS Accountants on the TBOP promotion is also protracted. The proposals sent by the Department were earlier turned down by nodal ministries. The recovery of over payment due to fixation of special allowance on TBOP promotion is remaining as democles' sword in many cases.
Even though the department is not pressing to recover the over payment made to postmen due to wrong fixation after the implementation of the Fifth pay Commission, the case already initiated in some circles remains unsettled.
In nut shell, the issues of PO & RMS Accountants are not met with any justice and this CWC should decide further course of action.
Since, the Sixth CPC has not considered the plight of PO & RMS Accountants by granting elevated pay scale, the CWC may discuss and decide on this issue and also about why not the PO & RMS Accountants cadre should be merged with postal Accounts and become the Postal Accounts wing officials since their duties and responsibilities are more or less similar to that of officials working in the Postal Accounts wing.
5. System Administrators
Even though the Sixth CPC has rejected the plea of separate establishment for Systems Administrators, due to our continuous and persistent efforts, the department is proposing to create separate Systems Administrator cadre this year. The Secretary, Department of Posts in her D.O letter to all Heads of Circle dt. 27.01.09 has stated inter alia: -
"The Proposal for a special cadre for System Administrators is also being thought of. For such a comprehensive technology implementation plan, we will need whole time dedicated staff to maintain the Systems and keep it going."
Recently on 25.05.09, while discussing the issues with Member (D), he assured that after the format of separate establishment for Systems Administrators, the present Systems Administrators will be considered for the elevated position taking in to account of their service and as a token of recognition of their present services. Further he told that the question of new cadre will be considered after receipt of proposals from the Technology Consultants.
It is pertinent to mention that the issues of Systems Administrators have been focused properly by our union since from the oral evidence tendered to Sixth Pay Commission. The General Secretary & Secretary General who is our working President have attended several meetings organised by the Systems Administrators and focused their problems effectively at all levels. Com. Senthil Kumar & Com. Dinesh, Systems Administrators of Chennai are touring the nation to motivate the System Administrators to fight for justice under the banner of National Federation of Postal Employees.
Apart form creation of separate establishment, there are many problems of the Systems Administrators unaddressed.
1. Issue Uniform duties and responsibilities to the Systems Administrators.
2. Responsibilities fixed on IPO/ASPOS should not be transferred on SAs.
3. Providing Computer/Laptops to the Systems Administrators.
4. Provide installation/upgradation incentives to Systems Administrators.
5. Provide training allowance/Honorarium to the Systems Administrators for imparting training at WCTCs.
6. Provide accidental insurance to the SAs
The issue of grant of uniform Road Mileage Allowance/Conveyance Allowance is being processed at the Directorate and we are expecting orders for the same.
This CWC may discuss the rest of the issues of the Systems Administrators and may decide future course of action.
7. Marketing Executives
The issue of creation of the establishment of Marketing Executive and elevating them to the present status of LSG has already been demanded through the proposal for cadre restructuring.
This CWC may discuss the issues of Marketing Executive and decide the programme accordingly.
The following are the important issues discussed with the department several times but positive results are not forthcoming.
(1) Dropping of Confirmation Examination – It was agreed to drop during 2005 as it becomes irrelevant after the delinking of confirmation.
(2) Revision of FSC – This is being delayed due to non formation of internal Committee to decide the quantum & release orders.
(3) Application of Bench Mark – Even though, it is based on DOPT orders, in the Postal, many officers who don't know the officials either have simply graded the bench mark as Average without knowing the consequences earlier which effect the promotion as per the revised orders. The provision of review of CR, as we demanded, could not be introduced due to the review officers do not know the officials directly in our department or to observe their performance. The modified appraisal scheme may to some extent solve the problem. However we demanded in the past cases, the application of bench mark should not be harsh in any circle. After introduction of three ACP, the average grading in the CR will affect the officials prosperous promotions. This CWC should discuss this in detail and evolve a correct demand.
(4) Contributory negligence – Even though several orders and judgments are in existence, in several circles, this has been misused and officials are punished under contributory factors. A vigilance check to arrest the menace at Circle level is also the need of the hour. This CWC may also discuss the issue in detail.
(5) Absorption of JAO Qualified officials in DOT – This is being protracted on one pretext or the other. After the merger of DOT with DOP in Accounts and the Ministry has ordered the cadre controlling authorities, the delay in its implementation due to the hard stand of Postal Directorate is deplorable. This has blocked the promotional avenues of more than 800 Pas who passed JAO Exam fifteen years back working through out the Nation. This CWC should evolve a decision over this demand.
(6) Inadequate allotment of funds: Com. B. G. Tamhankar, Ex-President has brought out the informations about the pendency of Personal claims, Circle wise under the RTI ACT and handed over to CHQ for further process. Accordingly, we have taken all out efforts and in the last Heads of Circle Conference, all Circle Heads were instructed to clear the pending bills by seeking additional funds. Member (P), DDG (Establishment) and Director (SR) are monitoring the position and we have been told that there is a good improvement in many circles and the remaining will be attended.
All CWC members are requested to furnish the position about their circles so that it will facilitate the CHQ to proceed further.
(7) Filling up of Vacancies: The CHQ has taken up with the Department to withdraw its instructions about filling up of posts until further orders due to the proposed change of recruitment Rules. We are demanding that the existing recruitment for 2006, 2007 & 2008 vacancies may be processed immediately as per the old rules in order to avoid delay in filling up of approved posts under ADR plan. The CHQ is pursuing. Similarly, we are taking the issue of implementation of revised syllabus for LGO examination.
At the outset, we feel that the aim and object of the Project Arrow is a welcoming one and it should be implemented in letter and spirit. It ensures adequate staff strength; adequate infrastructure; adequate facilities and out look. But in practical, with out providing adequate man power and infrastructure, the divisional heads are running amuck and unleashing various charge sheets just in order to satisfy the Circle heads under the functioning of Project Arrow.
Further crores of rupees have been drained by demolishing good counters, floors and even building too which where earlier renovated and beautified under Finance Mart.
The officials have been forced to furnish false delivery statistics whether in MOs or Registered letters and the department itself is indulging in falsification of statistics and records just to declare the Project Arrow a most success.
In many places, the deliveries have been curtailed. The staff are being extracted unbearable work load and forced to work even beyond working hours without any remuneration.
This CWC may discuss the position of each circle and chart out appropriate programme to end the harassment unleashed under the agies of project Arrow.
The Department, as seems, is reluctant to reopen the case which was earlier decided negatively based on the Supreme Court judgment of 1996 without giving any credence to various other orders subsequently delivered in the same Apex Court.
Even though, we have placed this item as one of the items in the Charter of Demands, this CWC may discuss and decide about filing a petition in the Principle CAT, Delhi on this major demand which is pending over two decades.
The Secretary, Department of Posts in her D.O letter No. Secretary (P) 10/IMP Projects/09 dt. 27.01.09 addressed to all Heads of Circles mentioned that the proposal for creation of Postmaster's cadres has been cleared by the Postal Service Board and changes in the recruitment rules have been made accordingly and sent to DOPT.
It was quite shocking that there was no discussions with the Staff Side on this serious issue and after hearing the news, we record our serious protests our this unilateral move and demanded discussion on the subject. Still no formal discussions has been held on this subject. However, we could collect the details of the proposals which are as follows.
i. In the present Supervisory posts viz. LSG, HSG II, HSG I, 30 percent posts will be identified as Postmaster's cadre posts. At present about 38 percent of the supervisory posts are the Postmaster posts in LSG. Among the supervisory posts, 30% will be earmarked for Postmaster's cadre and 70% posts will remain as supervisory posts.
ii. The existing LSG officials will be asked to exercise option about their willingness about to continue in the supervisory posts or to opt for Postmaster's cadre. The option now exercised is final and cannot be altered.
iii. If more officials opt for Postmaster is cadre (above 30%), the selection will be made among them and declared them belonging to the newly formed Postmaster's cadre. In case less volunteers (below 30%), the unfilled up posts will be filled up by conducting competitive examination among Postal Assistant s (like FTP).
iv. Thereafter, whenever any vacancy arises in the Postmaster's cadre, it will be filled only through examination as stated above.
v. The remaining 70% supervisory posts will be managed by seniority cum fitness and no element of examination will be there. Those supervisors will have no chance to become the Postmasters if they do not exercise option at the initial stage.
vi. Similarly, in HSG II and HSG I, 30% posts of Postmasters will be earmarked for the Postmaster's cadre. The Officials opted to Postmaster's cadre in LSG will be promoted to these posts by seniority cum selection and thus the Postmaster's cadre is a separate channel of promotion.
vii. The remaining 70% in HSG II and HSG I will be filled with the officials opted for the General line.
viii. A new promotional avenue has been created for the Postmaster's and Supervisors cadre. There are about 116 Group B Postmaster's available at present. Among them30% posts will be earmarked for Postmaster cadre officials as regular and next hierarchical promotion. They will be promoted without writing any examination to these posts.
ix. The remaining 70% Group B Postmaster posts will be filled up by competitive examination among both the Postmaster cadre and other supervisory officials. Any supervisor can write the exam pertaining to the Group B Postmasters. Thus one line of promotion has been extended to these Postmaster's cadre officials.
x. These Group B Postmasters will be promoted as Chief Postmasters in Group 'A' cadre.
It is further learnt that there is no upgradation or change in the Pay Band in respect of LSG, HSG-II & HSG-I and the proposals contain the same grade pay available to the posts as at present. This is highly ridiculous and should not be accepted.
We are of the considered opinion that the Postmaster's cadre proposal should be linked with the proposal of cadre restructuring submitted by our CHQ and we can arrive at consensus on this issue.
I fervently request the CWC members to have a thorough discussion on this issue and guide the CHQ further in this regard.
We have submitted our proposals for cadre review on 02.08.2008. However no formal meeting has been held so far. After we are switching over to ACP Scheme, the only option available before us is to increase the number of supervisory posts to off shoot the matching savings we have already surrendered at the time of TBOP and BCR schemes. The earlier agreement on 20% LSG should be revived at least. The issues of Systems Administrators, Marketing Executives, PO & RMS Accountants etc and elevating their posts to that of supervisory cadre shall be the rock bottom in the discussions on this issue. The proposal of 'Postmaster's Cadre' shall be pursued along with the cadre review proposals. Unless a better channel for promotions is not ensured, it will demotivate the cadres and officials.
This C.W.C. may discuss the issue once again on the background of the grant of three ACP Promotions and formulate the exact demand for placing before the department.
The Federation in its Secretariat meet has decided to observe the following programmes demanding settlement of Six Charter of demands:
03.03.2009 – Demonstration in front of all work spots
16.03.2009 – 30.03.2009 : campaign fortnight to unleash powerful propaganda the employees by printing circulars, conducting Pada Yatras, Cycle Yatra, holding gate meeting – press conference etc.
16.04.2009 – Massive Dharna before Circle/regional/Divisional offices
1. Implement GDS Committee recommendations with the modification sought by staff side without any delay.
2. Seeking intervention of the Hon'ble MOC & IT and MOSC & IT for getting exemption from the purview of the Screening Committee for filling up the existing 24000 direct recruitment vacancies of 2005-06. 2006-07 & 2007-08.
3. Finalise Cadre Review for all cadres in Department of Posts.
4. Stop creation of Postmaster's Cadres.
5. Supply full strength in Project Arrow offices without creating shortage in other offices.
6. No outsourcing of Postal of operations.
The CHQ has received the reports that this programme was successfully conducted in many divisions through out the nation.
The Postal JCA called upon to observe massive demonstrations on 29.06.09 at the level of divisions/branches for calling the attention of the department demanding to settle the following demands: -
1. Early implementations of GDS Committee recommendations with the suggestions of staff side duly incorporated.
2. End discriminations in bonus quantum ceiling between regular and GDS as per the Bonus Act amendment.
3. Remove the arbitrary cap of 60 days in PLB for Postal Employees.
4. Fill up ADR vacancies of 2005-06 & 2006-07 in all wings and of all cadres including Multi Skilled employees.
5. Expedite Cadre Review of all cadres in Department of Posts.
6. Stop abolition of Postmen posts and beats and stop harassment of delivery staff and instructions in violation of P&T Manuals in Project Arrow Offices.
7. Cancel the order for compulsory pay disbursement through bank cheques and direct credit system.
8. Re-fix the eligibility for OTA proportionately to the 6th CPC wage level and clear all pending OTA bills.
9. Re-fix the wages of all casual labourers and Part Time Contingent/RRR employees on the basis of the 6th CPC wages.
10. Grant Child Care Leave to all eligible Women Employees.-
Again on 03.07.2009, a massive demonstration was held at Dak Bhawan New Delhi and presented memorandums to the Honourable Minister of Communication & State Ministers. More than 500 comrades were attended the demonstration and made it a historical success.
The Department of Posts has announced its corporate plan in order to have a major change in the Postal policy aiming to attain self sufficiency within next five years. The main goals are: -
(I) Post within easy reach of all by year 2013-14.
(II) To be a focal point for delivery of all Social Security schemes of the State by the years 2011-12.
(III) To be a Self –sustaining organization – by the year 2013-14.
(IV) To increase financial inclusion of unbanked population by at least 10% by the year 2013-14.
The full text is annexed along with the report to the notice of all for effective discussion. Even though the Department has not called for any suggestions from the Staff Unions, it invited the suggestions on this work papers in the Department of Posts Web Site among the general public.
This CWC may discuss the issue thread bare and offer its views on the Department's Corporate plan.
The following are the few items in which the Government has taken good decision in the Staff welfare measures released during the period under review.
(1) Permitting the Government servants to avail encashment of EL upto 10 days without any linkage to the number of days and nature leave availed while proceeding on LTC.
(DOPT OM No. 14028/4/2002 Estt (C) dt. 03.06.09)
(2) The DOPT has withdrawn its earlier OM dated 31.07.87 providing the punishment of withdrawal or withholding of pension even as a result of minor penalty.
(DOPT OM No 110/9/2003-AVD I dt. 13.04.2009)
(3) ACR (Annual Confidential Report) has been replaced with 'Annual Performance Appraisal Reports' which provides communication of all entries of fairness to all officials and providing to represent against the entries and grading with 15 days time. This is very good order ensuring transparency in grading the officials.
(DOPT OM No. 21011/1/2005 – Estt (A) (Pt II) dt. 14.05.09)
(4) Additional relief on death/disability of Government servants covered under New pension schemes. This has been provided with invalid pension, Retirement Gratuity, Family Pension, Disability Pension, Extraordinary family pension etc to those who are discharged on invalidation/disablement and by the families of such employees who have died during service since 01.01.2004.
(No. 38/41/06/P&PN (A) dt. 05.05.2009 of Dept. of Pension & Pension Welfare)
(5) Relaxation of proceeding to be followed in considering requests for medical reimbursement – Do away with the procedure of verification of bills and issue of essentiality certificate – Further more relaxations.
(Ministry of Health OM No. 4-18/2005-C & P (vol I) pt I dt. 20.02.09)
(6) Reimbursement of medical expenses to the CGHS beneficiaries & CS (MA) Rules 1944 from two sources – From insurance agencies and from the CGHS or from the Ministry/Department.
(Ministry of Health OM No. S/11011/4/2009 – CGHS (P) dt. 19.02.2009)
The following important orders/decisions have been issued by the department during the period under review due to our consistent efforts and follow up action.
(1) Continuation of adhoc promotion made in the cadre of HSG – I.
(DG (P) No. 4-16/2002 – SPB II dt. 02.12.2008)
(2) Fixing of Incentive uniformly for the work related to NREGS work –
(DG (P) No. 01-07/NREGS – Funds/RB-08 dt. 06.03.09)
(3) Grant of permission uniformly for treatment in any of the hospitals recognized by the State Government duly circulating the OM No. S/14025/7/2000-Ms dt. 28.03.2000 of Ministry of Health.
(DG (P) No. 24-21/2009- Medical dt. 19.05.09)
(4) Circulation of DOPT OM No. 11012/6/2008-Estt (A) dt. 07.07.2008 with regard to promotion to a higher Grade or post – clarifications regarding effect of warnings etc on promotion.
(DG (P) No. 137-16/2009-SPB II dt. 26.03.09)
(5) Continuation of Split Duty Allowance from 01.07.2008 to 30.06.2011 to the Postal employees.
(DG (P) No. 6-3/2002-PE II dt. 19.02.09)
(6) Revision of Financial powers of Head of Postal divisions.
(DG (P) No. 6-1/2008-FC (Post) dt. 06.02.09)
(7) Revision of hourly rate to Short Duty Staff raised from Rs.16.40 to Rs.40/- Per hour.
(DG (P) No. 37-40/2007-SPB I dated 31.12.2008)
(8) Re allotment in case of officials promoted to HSG II cadre against temporary vacancies caused due to adhoc promotion of HSG II officials to HSG I.
(DG (P) No. 4-24/2008-SPB dt. 02.12.2008)
(9) Continuation of adhoc promotion made in the cadre of HSG I, Fresh adhoc promotion in HSG I & Filling up of resultant chain vacancies by adhoc promotions.
(DG (P) No. 4-16/2002-SPB II dt. 01.05.2009)
(10) Enhancing the grant in aid to Postal Recreation clubs
(DG (P) No. 9-2/2008-wel & Sports dt. 27.10.2008)
(11) Clarification on Fixation of Pay – Revised option - Time limit extended to Postal employees.
(DG (P) No. 4-4/2008-PCC dt. 20/5/09)
Consequent upon the Hon'ble Madras High court orders, the department has ordered for a fresh re-verification of membership and directed to submit the declaration forms before 15.05.2009. The CHQ has issued special circulars to branches in order to motivate them in enrolment of more members. The issue of Bhartiya Post is contained more matters about the glory of our union & Federation. In anticipation of approval of the working committee, the General Secretary has announced that awards will be distributed to two or three best branches from each circle appreciating their services in the enrolment of more membership in the next All India Conference. This CWC may ratify this decision and further work out the modalities and norms for deciding the best branches from each circle. We are receiving reports that many branches have performed very well in the current verification.
This CWC records its deep appreciations to all those branches and further fervently request to improve further in the days to come.
In the mean while, the Hon'ble High Court of Rajasthan of Jodhpur has granted stay for the finalization of membership verification process in the S. B. Civil writ petition No. 50 37/2009 filed by the Circle Secretary, Group 'C' Bhartiya Union, Rajasthan Circle on the plea that the verification notification had been served to him just short of three days to the last date for submission of membership declaration.
Another writ petition was filed in the Hon'ble High Court of Patna by the Secretary General, BPEF demanding to withdraw the provisional recognition granted to NFPE & FNPO. The Federation, being the respondent is defending the case in the court.
Since from the introduction of verification of membership under RSA Rules 1993, the process has been scuttled by some one who could not attain the minimum percentage as required by the rules. Similarly, the Supervisor Association is enjoying the unintended benefit due to the court stay granted by Hon'ble Delhi High Court in which our CHQ has already impleaded.
There is no certainty about the current verification also and even in the event of another re-verification, our leaders at the grass root levels should be ready to venture again in order to increase more membership and galvanize the movement by their frequent personal contacts and communications with the membership and staff.
The CHQ has not received any complaints about the denial of membership except from four divisions in Tamilnadu Circle. This should be reviewed.
We are sincerely trying our best to improve the contents of the Bhartiya Post and to enroll more subscribers. Despite our efforts to allot more pages for Hindi matters, we could not fulfill our desire due to non availability of good translators. However, we are publishing at least two to three pages regularly in Hindi in order to penetrate the CHQ messages to the heartland of India.
Despite our requests, we are still printing only about 5000 copies every month even though we are having membership to the extent of 70,000. Among all circles, West Bengal ranks number one in indenting more copies of journal around 1000 and also remitting dues properly. There is a good improvement in A. P. Circle. In respect of other circles, we seek the cooperation of all Circle Secretaries to instruct all the Divisional Secretaries to obtain 15 copies at least and supply to all office bearers as per the constitutional provisions of our union.
More than 85% branches are indenting single copy and this CWC may discuss and cause directions to branches to indent more copies of Bhartiya Post in future. Otherwise, the activities of our CHQ and our union will not reach the rank and file membership who are the pillars of this organization.
To mark the occasion of this CWC meeting, the CHQ is releasing the Book of 'Union Constitution amended in the last All India conference which also contains an exhaustive compilation of Trade Union Rulings. Com. R. Sivannarayana, AGS has assisted in proof corrections and we did our best to release the book with more accuracy.
The 2000 copies printed during the Allahabad CWC were sold out and the CHQ was gained around Rs.15000/- to 20000/- due to that publication.
After the Sixth CPC, the book requires revision and many more valuable orders are also to be in corporated. We may try to update the Venture shortly and release the Second Edition if the CWC permits.
Now, many visiting Comrades from various divisions are staying at Tarapada Bhawan for the minimum service charge of Rs.5/- per head per day. We have provided cots, beds, bed sheets and other required items in the Tarapada Bhawan.
If more comrades visit the Tarapada Bhawan, we can improve better amenities and also revise the Service charges which could cater the maintenance of the Electricity, Water bills etc.
A portion of Dada Ghosh Bhawan building is being occupied by us and there itself we are functioning our CHQ.
The property was purchased in the name of E3, NFPTE and it was transferred to NFPTE then. However, it is seen that the property is registered and remaining only in the name of E3, NFPTE. Even though, our contribution towards purchase of the building was around 17% among the total contribution, we are not having any legal title of the properly.
Com. O.P. Gupta, Ex-Secretary General, NFPTE offered his willingness on behalf of E3, to regularize the occupation of our union by clearing the accepted rent which was fixed as Rs.200/- per month earlier in the Federal Executive at the time of com. A. S. Rajan (Due as on 31.12.70was stated as 12362/- & there after Rs.200/- per month) and by further fixing rent between the occupants towards Taxes Maintenance, etc and the rest amount will be divided every year between the ownership.
He further asserted that on clearing the dues, the E3 will arrange legal transfer of the property to the extent of contributions we made at the time of purchase.
The CWC may discuss the issue threadbare and decide the further course of action in this regard.
The Department has earlier finalized a 17 member's team for a study tour to German post including Six Staff side representatives from NFPE. Subsequently, the department reduced the delegation to nine members and allocating the representation to NFPE 3; FNPO 3; IPO & IRM-2. The Department unilaterally without consulting the Federation and unions has picked up the names of the General Secretaries of P3, P4 & R3 leaving the Secretary General, NFPE under the three members delegated to NFPE. The representation allotted to unions under NFPE did not reflect the ratio maintained in the Departmental committees and other meetings.
After discussions in the Federal Secretariat, the General Secretaries have boycotted the foreign tour as a token of protest against this unilateralism. NFPE has also protested against the decision undermining the 5:2 ratio in staff side representation.
On the invitation of Union Net work International –Asia Pacific Regional organization (UNI-ARPO), Com. K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary has attended the Seminar on Posts & logistics at Bangkok & Ayottaya as the representative of NFPE. The full details about his participation and his observations were furnished in the Bhartiya Post, July 2009 issue.
Comrades! With sincere devotion and dedication, we have tried our best to settle the issues brought to our notice. More than 80% of the individual issues brought to our notice have been settled or replied. However, we could not clinch any policy issue during this period and we could see the total unilaterism of the Department in taking decision ignoring the service unions. This CWC should discuss and introspect with self criticism so that if any mistakes found, it can be averted in the days to come.
Com. Somenath Mukherjee Deputy G. S. has joined the CHQ on 01.03.09 and remained for two months. Now Com. R. Sivannarayana, AGS, is under Foreign Service and working at CHQ.
If there is any appreciation on the performance of the CHQ, it is for the collective functioning and wisdom of all the CHQ office bearers. If any shortcoming is noticed, being the Chief Executive, I borne the responsibility and correct it accordingly.
A. Contours of a Corporate Plan
The Corporate Plan of an organisation consists of a number of business plans.
A business Plan involves:
(i) A detailed plan, setting out objectives of business, over a stated period 3, 5 or 10 years
(ii) Quantifying multiple objectives
(iii) Outlining the strategies and tactics for achieving the objectives
(iv) Necessitated by a major change in policy
(v) Furnishing monthly cash flows and production figures for at least 2 years, with diminishing detail in subsequent years
(vi) Furnishing anticipated profit and loss account on quarterly basis for first 2 years
B. Business Objectives
Vision: - A socially committed organization connecting individuals and businesses.
1. Post within easy reach of all by year 2013-14.
2. To be a focal point for delivery of all social security schemes of the State by the year 2011-12.
3. To be a self-sustaining organization by the year 2013-14.
4. To increase financial inclusion of the unbanked population by at least 10% by the year 2013-14.
1. To provide basic postal facilities, i.e., collection and delivery of mails, within easy reach (1.5 kms) of all people and businesses. This is to be achieved through opening of more post offices, relocation of existing post offices, giving out franchisees to individuals, shops, institutions, self-help groups, etc. By March 2012, 3000 post offices and 10,000 franchisee outlets are proposed to be opened.
2. To : (i) seek out aggressively MOU with State / Central Governments for delivery of all social security schemes through post office by the year 2010-11; (ii) Computerize and network all post offices by the year 2011-12 so that information regarding delivery of social security schemes can flow on real time basis.
3. To be a self-sustaining organization by:
(a) Increasing the growth in revenue from the existing CAGR of 6% per annum to more than 12% per annum, so as to more than double the revenue from the existing Rs.5500 crore in the year 2007-08 to Rs.12,000 crores in the year 2013-14. The increase in total revenue in the year 2009-10 is targeted to be Rs.890 crores, Rs.1350 in 2010-11, Rs.1350 crores in 2011-12, Rs.1400 in 2012-13 and Rs.1400 crores in 2013-14. The major components of the increase in revenue are the following:
i) To increase the growth in traffic of mail volumes from the existing declining and near stagnating state by 50 crores in the year 2009-10 and thereafter increase of 100 crores in each of the subsequent years 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14. Thus the total mail volume in the year 2013-14 would be approximately 1100 crores. As the focus would be mainly on increasing the mail volume through bulk mails such as financial statements pertaining to credit cards, mobile services, insurance, etc., the average revenue per article can be taken as at least Rs.3/-. Consequently, the incremental revenue on account of growth in mail volume would be Rs.150 crores in the year 2009-10, and Rs.300 crores in each of the subsequent years 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14.
ii) To increase the growth in traffic of registered articles from the existing near stagnating state (20 crores) by 10% so as to increase the traffic by 50% in five years time. This would mean an incremental traffic of 2 crores in each of the subsequent years, i.e., 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 so that the total traffic in the year 2013-14 would be 30 crores. Consequently, the increase in revenue would be Rs.50 crores in each of these years.
iii) To maintain the growth in traffic of Speed Post articles at the existing 15% to 20% and continue to be a market leader in express segment. The increase in revenue on account of Speed Post is targeted to increase from the existing Rs.455 crores by Rs.100 crores in 2009-10, and by Rs.150 crores in each of the remaining years 2010-11, 2011- 12, 2012 13, 2013-14. Consequently, the revenue on account of Speed Post is projected to be Rs.1155 crores in 2013-14.
iv) To have a focussed approach on parcel products including ecommerce and logistics by devising customized products including the facilities of tracking the movement of these products. The revenue on account of parcel products including e-commerce and logistics is targeted to increase by Rs.100 crores in 2009-10, and by Rs.200 crores in each of the remaining years 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14. Consequently, the revenue on account of parcel products including e-commerce is projected to be Rs.940 crores in 2013-14.
v) To have a focussed approach on the global business comprising of international mails, parcels and financial remittances so as to generate an incremental revenue of Rs.10 crores in 2009-10 and Rs.50 crores in each of the years 2010-11, 2011-12 and Rs.100 crores in each of the years 2012-13 and 2013-14. Consequently, the revenue on account of global business is projected to be Rs.310 crores in 2013-14.
vi) To increase the growth in traffic of financial remittance from the existing near stagnating trend so as to more than double the revenue from financial remittance in five years time. The existing revenue on account of financial remittances (Money Orders) is targeted to increase from the existing amount of Rs. 375 crores by Rs.50 crores in 2009-10 and Rs.100 crores in each of the remaining years 2010- 11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14. Consequently, the revenue on account of financial remittances including Money Orders is projected to be Rs.825 crores in 2013-14.
vii) To increase the number of savings accounts of all types by 1 – 1.5 crores additional accounts in each year so as to increase the number of accounts from the existing 17.3 crore to 22 crore, i.e., an increase of 30% by 2011-12. Assuming a modest increase in remuneration per savings account, the increase in revenue on account of Savings Bank is targeted at Rs.180 crores in 2009-10 and Rs.200 crores in each of the remaining years 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14. Consequently, the revenue on account of savings accounts is projected to increase from the existing Rs.2170 crores to Rs.3150 crores in 2013-14.
viii) To increase the revenue on account of Cash Certificates from the existing Rs.430 crores by Rs.50 crores in each of the subsequent years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 so as to achieve a target of Rs.700 crores in 2013-14.
ix) To increase the revenue on account of mutual funds by Rs.50 crores in 2009-10 and Rs.100 crores in each of the remaining years 2010- 11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14. Consequently, the revenue on account of mutual funds is projected to be Rs.450 crores in 2013-14.
x) To increase the revenue on account of postal life insurance and rural postal life insurance from the existing Rs.200 crores in the year 2007- 08 by Rs.100 crores in each of the subsequent years 2009-10, 2010- 11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 so as to achieve a target of Rs.700 crores in the year 2013-14.
xi) To increase the revenue on account of Retail Post/Business from the existing Rs.100 crores in the year 2007-08 by Rs.50 crores in each of the years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 so as to achieve a target of Rs. 350 crores in the year 2013-14.
Targeted Increase in Revenue Year-wise (in Rs. crores)
Activity | 2009-10 | 2010-11 | 2011-12 | 2012-13 | 2013-14 |
Mails | 150 | 300 | 300 | 300 | 300 |
Registered Articles | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 |
Speed Post | 100 | 150 | 150 | 150 | 150 |
Parcel products including e-commerce | 100 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 |
Global Business | 10 | 50 | 50 | 100 | 100 |
Financial Remittances | 50 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Savings Bank | 180 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 |
Cash Certificates | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 |
Mutual Funds | 50 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
PLI/RPLI | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Retail Post/ Business | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 |
Total | 890 | 1350 | 1350 | 1400 | 1400 |
(b) Increasing Productivity: To Increase productivity defined as revenue per employee from the current productivity of Rs.1,10,000 to Rs.2,40,000 per employee in the year 2013-14. No significant reduction in man power is considered to support incremental revenues as planned. Through productivity improvement initiatives, current manpower is to be redeployed where necessary to support the revenue increase.
4. The financial inclusion of the unbanked population especially in the rural areas will be increased through a combination of opening of accounts in the post office savings bank, financing of self-help groups by the post office, and collaboration with banks, etc. Apart from the objective of opening 5 crore additional savings accounts of all types by 2011-12 as mentioned in para 3 (vii) above, another 5 crore people in the rural areas is proposed to be targeted by having tie-ups with self-help groups and other financial institutions including banks.
Apart from setting out the objectives and quantifying them and specifying strategies, a corporate plan which is an aggregate of a business plan of each of the products, also require furnishing of not only monthly cash flows but also production figures for at least two years with diminishing details in subsequent years. Moreover, a corporate plan would also require an anticipated profit and loss account on quarterly basis for first 2 years. This would require accurate estimation of costs for each product based on use of resources. As India Post handles a large number of products and as yet there is no methodology of allocating cost to each of the products separately, a business plan showing a cash flow for each of the product line is, therefore, presently not possible.
However, for some products such as Speed Post if it is decided to outsource all the operations then we can have a fairly accurate assessment of cost of running this service. In such a situation, we can have a business plan for Speed Post.
In order to have a proper corporate plan of the Department, it is essential to have a costing methodology which can attribute costs separately to each of the products. One way of doing this is to follow an Activity Based Costing (ABC). This in turn would require maintaining records of man hours consumed for each of the activities involved in delivering a product. To start with, it may not be possible to maintain such records on a census basis. India Post can go in for a stratified random sampling for this purpose so that the same can facilitate Activity Based Costing of the products. The remaining part of the fixed cost which could not be possibly attributed to any of the products can be allocated to each of the product based on attributable cost method.
For the purpose of a corporate plan, presently at best we can have revenue generation for major services/expenditure of the Department year-wise. This can be the nearest which can go to a cash flow which is an essential component of a corporate plan (as also a business Plan). Till such time a methodology is developed for allocating costs to each of the Products separately, the format in which the revenue generation/expenditure year wise can be captured for the Department as a whole is indicated below:
TABLE-2 (To be based on actuals for 2008-09 and incremental revenue proposed in Table-1)
Corporate Plan indicating year-wise revenue
Generation for major services
(Rs. 2 Crore)
Product/Service | 2008-09 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 | 2011-12 | 2012-13 | 2013-14 |
Postage realized in Cash for Ordinary Services |
Postage realised through sale of postage stamps |
Speed Post |
Business Post |
Express Post |
Commission on MO/IPO |
Remuneration on Savings Bank |
Remuneration of Savings Certificate |
Other Receipts (other than PRC) |
Total |
Note: Other products can also be added.
Corporate Plan indicating year-wise
Category of Expenditure | 2008-09 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 | 2011-12 | 2012-13 | 2013-14 |
Pay & Allowances |
Conveyance of Mails (Rail & Air) |
Accounts & Audit |
Maintenance of Assets |
Pension |
Stamps, Post Card, etc |
Stationery & Forms printing, etc (excluding Pay & Allowances) |
Net Expenditure |
Total Revenue |
Net Expenditure |
Deficit/Surplus |
On the above line, it is also possible to prepare a corporate plan for major services for each Circle.
A different kind of a model is required to bring the Post within easy reach of all by the year 2013-14. Large-scale urbanisation, migration of labour force, increasing emphasis on expansion of education sector in terms of opening of new colleges and universities, etc., would lead to a huge demand to provide basic postal facilities to all these areas. The objective of providing basic postal facilities within easy reach (defined as within 1.5 km) cannot be achieved by opening more post offices. The objective of opening of post offices would be expensive and would go against the other objective of financial self-sufficiency. Accordingly, the strategy would be more on giving out franchisees to individuals, shops, institutions, etc. This would reduce the cost of achieving this objective, besides bringing in additional revenue to the Department.
India Post also needs to address the issue relating to definition and cost of its Universal Service Obligation through legislative enactments. Universal Service Obligation can be defined as providing universal access to basic postal facilities in all parts of the country, including, tribal, hilly and remote areas, at affordable prices. There can be either an activity definition of USO or a product definition of USO. The product definition focuses on the core letter product that is delivered throughout the country at a uniform rate, whereas the activity definition focuses on an activity like delivery that the administration must provide although it does so at a loss. As under USO, the service is generally being provided at a loss, it is made good by profits elsewhere. There is therefore a need to measure the Cost of Universal Service (COUS) which is required to be factored into pricing decisions. COUS can be calculated either by the Net Avoided Cost method (NAC) or by the Entry Pricing method (EP).
The KPMG in a study titled "Roadmap to achieve financial self sufficiency" in December 2005 have suggested the following products/services to be covered by India Post in its USO definition.
Product/Service | Limit for USO |
Postcard/Letter Card/Letter/Packets | 2 KG |
Parcels | 20 KG |
Blind literature | 7 KG |
Newspapers | 30 KG |
Registration | NA |
Acknowledgement | NA |
International reply coupons | NA |
Money Orders | Rs.5000 |
Apart from affordability, accessibility to postal services is another criteria which can be measured using several parameters like (a) accessibility to a postal facility (b) accessibility to a collection facility (c) frequency of delivery (d) frequency of collection. The KPMG study has suggested the following criteria:
Criterion | Value |
Density of Postal Facility | Urban – density of PO could be one per 3.22 sq. km Rural – one per 5333 persons |
Density of Collection facility | A fixed/moveable facility at a designated location open for pre-decided number of hours where unaccounted USO products will be collected by representative of all India Post. |
Frequency of Delivery | Once every day, six times a week |
Frequency of Collection | Once every day, sic times a week |
The estimate of USO compensation made by M/s KPMG was Rs.668 crore for 2004-05. The USO cost would need to be calculated every year to account for the annual changes in the cost of manpower and infrastructure deployed to fulfil USO.
The funding of USO could be from: (i) Government funding--- the government is responsible for funding any deficit incurred in operation of universal postal services;(ii) Industry funding-- in this model, other postal players pay a fee for the operation of universal postal services by the public postal operator;(iii) Reserved price area-- a specific area of service reserved for the universal service provider so that revenues from reserved area help in financing the universal postal services. The reserved service area must be clearly defined on the basis of three elements: (a) class of service (b) item weight (c) price protection for reserved services.
These are issues which need to be given a legal basis by having them incorporated in the Indian Post Office Act.
To be a self sustaining organisation
(a) DOP at present is having deficits in its financial accounts owing to high level of operational cost. The high levels of expenditure outweigh the revenue earned from various sources. There is a need to achieve financial self-sufficiency through alternative/new means of raising revenue and pruning of cost through induction of technology and skill upgradation of the workforce.
Financial Performance of India Post in recent years
(Rs. In Crore)
Years | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 | 2006-07 | 2007-08 |
Total Revenue Receipts | 4009.70 | 4256.93 | 4431.85 | 5023.49 | 5322.44 | 5494.90 |
Total Expenditure | 5374.05 | 5632.15 | 5813.69 | 6233.37 | 6571.96 | 6957.47 |
Deficit(-)/ Surplus (+) | -1364.35 | -1375.22 | -1381.84 | -1209.88 | -1249.52 | -1462.57 |
Deficit as a % of Expenditure | 25.39 | 24.42 | 23.77 | 19.41 | 19.01 | 18.07 |
The average growth rate of revenue receipts and expenditure of India Post from 2002-03 to 2007-08 has been to the tune of 7.4% and 5.3% respectively.
There are several triggers for revenue growth in the medium term, as mentioned below:
· Sustained high economic growth to be accompanied by increase in mail volume traffic.
· Growth of the service sector of more than 10% with 'trade, hotels, transport and communication' services growing at 12.1% during 2007-08.
· Growth in revenue from premium products at more than 30%.
· Huge potential for e-commerce market.
· Growth in money transfer services.
· Insurance penetration in the rural areas.
· Growth in parcel/logistics posts.
· Commercial exploitation of land bank.
· Delivery of social security schemes like NREGS, Old Age Pension, etc.
On the other hand, India Post would resort to cost cutting in operations through use of latest technology, computer networking, skill upgradation and manpower rationalisation.
There is a downside risk associated with the anticipated revenue growth, i.e., possible losses of assured remuneration from SB/CC operation as most state governments are revenue surplus because of the 12th Finance Commission award and various fiscal reforms.
Assuming a growth of 12% in revenue receipts and 6% in expenditure together with increase in salaries of 6th Pay Commission report on salaries and pension during 2008-09 as a result of the implementation of the 6th Pay Commission Report, the projections for Revenue and Expenditure in the next five years would be:
(Rs. In Crore)
Years | 2008-09 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 | 2011-12 | 2012-13 | 2013-14 |
Total Revenue Receipts | 6100 | 6990 | 8340 | 9690 | 11090 | 12490 |
Total Expenditure | 10115 | 11850 | 10650 | 11200 | 11700 | 12200 |
Deficit (-)/ Surplus (+) | -4015 | -4860 | -2310 | -1510 | -610 | 290 |
Note: Proposed expenditure in 2010-11 is less than 2009-10 because expenditure in 2009-10 would include 60% arrears of 6th Pay Commission.
To increase revenue, the business strategy should focus on the following:
1. Ordinary Mail volume
2. Express Market particularly Speed Post
3. Parcels particularly e-commerce
4. Financial remittances
5. More Savings Bank Accounts
6. Insurance Business
Focus on increasing ordinary mail volume/Express segment:
(i) The high growth in the Indian economy will help in increasing the mail volume. Two areas which can provide huge growth in this respect are (a) the bill segment; and (b) packets; particularly for the B2C and B2B segments.
(ii) Express products/services like the Speed Post is a source of huge volume growth as well as a potential source of revenue. India Post needs to focus on this segment for achieving its objectives of financial self-sufficiency.
Trend of actual growth in mail volume (2004-05 to 2007-08) together with projections for the period 2008-09 to 2013-14
(In Crore)
Years | 2004-05 | 2005-06 | 2006-07 | 2007-08 | 2008-09 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 | 2011-12 | 2012-13 | 2013-14 |
Unregistered Mail | 714.61 | 649.21 | 645.98 | 649.21 | 652.46 | 685.08 | 787.84 | 906.02 | 1000 | 1100 |
Registered Mail | 21.42 | 20.85 | 21.73 | 21.95 | 22.17 | 22.83 | 25.57 | 28.64 | 29.25 | 30 |
Speed Post | 9.59 | 10.86 | 12.86 | 14.79 | 17.75 | 21.30 | 26.62 | 33.27 | 37.00 | 40 |
Total Mail Traffic | 745.62 | 680.92 | 680.57 | 685.95 | 692.38 | 729.21 | 840.03 | 967.93 | 1066.25 | 1170 |
To achieve the projected growth it would require: (a) improving the quality of service by streamlining operations, and (b) working with stakeholders to increase the mail flow through the India Post system.
Quality of Service: The customer should be considered the most valuable element in the business plan for individual postal products. Ensuring timely and quality service to customers is the prerequisite for retaining the present market share of the India Post and also for expanding it. For this, certain service standards have to be fixed and monitoring of delivery has to be ensured. Networked hand-held digital devices could be developed to be carried by Postmen/Postal staff to enable not only delivery of articles and intimation of their status in real time, but also for booking of articles and offering other services like accepting deposits, bill payments, etc. A policy of allotting exclusive pin codes to bulk mailers could also be followed which will increase the customer base in addition to cutting cost for DOP.
India Post has adopted a Citizen's Charter to serve as a guideline charter for the post offices across the country to formulise and state India Post's commitment towards improvement of services with the customer focus. The delivery norms are as under:
Mail Destination | Date of Delivery |
Within City/town/district | Within 2 days after day of posting |
Inter-metro | Within 2 days after day of Posting |
Within state | Within 3 days after day of Posting |
Inter-State capital | Within 3 days after day of Posting |
Inter-State | Within 5 days after day of Posting |
Similarly, the norms for Premimum services would be:
Type of Service | Day of Delivery |
Speed Post | 1-3 days depending upon distance/destination |
Express Post | 2-4 days depending upon destination |
e-post | 1 day between e-post centres |
Induction of Technology/Automation: The need for large scale technology induction and automation is required not only to cut cost but also to improve the quality of service. Towards this goal, India Post has already started setting up the Mail Business Centres (MBCs) as a key component for mail management. The MBCs are envisaged as frontline business wings of India Post offering one stop solution for varied mailing needs of the customers, undertaking the task of collection, processing and delivery of bulk mail. The results are already visible in 2006-07. The unregistered mail has declined only marginally by 0.5% while the registered mail has, in fact, gone up by 4.2%. For faster mail movement and improved quality of service, Automated Mail Processing Centres (AMPCs) are also being set up.
Parcel and Logistics Post are expected to be the major sources of revenue in the coming years. Major parcel hubs will be provided with automatic parcel sorting systems, RFID systems, fork lifts, etc. There is a need to focus on the supply chain management by providing distribution channels, inventory management, packaging services, warehousing, transportation and time-definite programmes. Special aircrafts for postal mail has also become operational in the North East and will very soon be utilised in other parts of the country.
Utilising the e-commerce potential: Once the networking of post offices is completed, India Post can start various online services.
Financial Services
This includes a comprehensive gamut of services including postal saving banks, provision of credit, selling of insurance products, etc. India Post can also provide such financial services on behalf of other public/ private service providers leveraging its vast network. A process re-engineering of POSB operations is required including counter operations, back office operations, accounting and audit trail.
India Post can play an effective role in the Government of India's overall objective of ensuring inclusive growth in the country by granting credit to self help groups (SHGs) by utilising its vast network.
Money transfer can be an important component of the financial service and the scope of instant Money Order (iMO)/electronic Money Order (eMO) can be extended by tying up with international payment gateways. India Post can also retail foreign exchange to individual resident Indians going abroad. With increasing monetisation of Indian economy, there is a huge potential in the money remittance market. In fact, several agencies have come in the market with innovative products to facilitate the remittances. Money remittance market of India Post which is at about Rs.8000 crores is nothing compared to money remittance market of China Post which is about Rs.1,50,000 crores. Further, with increasing penetration of telecom network through mobile technology, India Post would need to use the mobile technology for facilitating financial remittances. The combination of new products and improvement in the quality with technology as an enabler can help in doubling the financial earnings, besides significantly cutting the cost of operations.
Tech-savvy Workforce: Almost 90% of the expenditure incurred by DOP is on salaries and pensions. This implies that DOP is heavily dependent on its workforce for delivering results. Hence, it is imperative to impart computer training and other skill upgradation courses to the workers and officers of various levels so that they can utilise the latest technology being inducted by the Department for improving the quality of its service and for cutting cost.
Extending Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) services particularly to the small and marginal farmers who constitute more than 80% of the farming community would also be a great service to the nation apart from bringing additional source of income. Upscaling of rural insurance is a distinct possibility and can be a major contributor in achieving financial self-sufficiency of the Department.
There is a tremendous scope of leveraging the postal network in respect of retail/counter services particularly in the rural areas. The retailing would also cover distribution of applications forms for mutual funds/bonds, etc. However, the post offices must be adequately equipped with modern technology including computers specially for operating the NREGS of the govt of India.
Global Foothold The rapid growth of the Indian economy and its increasing integration with the international market is giving rise to new opportunities. As part of the GATS agreement under the WTO, various services are required to be opened up by the member countries for each other's entry. The postal sector particularly the express services and financial services would provide a great opportunity to India Post to penetrate the markets of other countries particularly in the less developed economies (LDCs). India Post can also tie up with the postal administrations of other countries to partner in business ventures by leveraging the strength of India Post, for example, in opening up sorting office, retail outlets, logistics and hybrid mail products, international money transfer, etc.
Estates Management
Investment will be required to provide functionally useful modern space for the post office operations, improve the general ambience and aesthetics of postal buildings and provide convenient, modern facilities and amenities to customers. It is necessary to design buildings to reflect the brand image of India Post, which needs to be evolved. DOP has already started the process for setting up a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for management of Postal Estates for the purpose of optimal utilisation of postal land.
Customised solutions
The customers particularly the large corporate ones prefer innovative products and customised services. For this, there is a need to develop market research centres, innovation centres, etc., for carrying out academic research and for creation of a knowledge bank; for developing a market intelligence system to increase brand visibility; become media savvy including preparation of a media plan; to attract customers to the post offices through promotional offers and incentives. Air cargo solutions can also be planned for large customers.
Policy Issues
India Post may need to restructure itself in a way which would enable it to compete and exploit the opportunities in the market. This may necessitate setting up subsidiaries and joint ventures on priority. Through joint ventures and contracts, India Post can move aggressively into banking services of all kinds and may also consider setting up of its own banking operation. Bulk of revenue can come from the banking ventures as in case of Brazil. Further, life insurance sales could be a good business venture for India Post. It can target farmers, low income urban residents and migrant workers. The Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) which started in 1995, may be further strengthened, if need be, by setting up a company.
Survival of an organization in a competitive environment requires a level playing field. This kind of level playing field is lacking in case of India Post. It is having a USO burden which is not being shared by other private service providers. There may be a case for setting up a USO fund, as has been done in the telecommunication sector. In the interest of long term sustainability of any solution, there could be a need for an independent agency which would decide on the cost of USO and the amount to be contributed by different postal operators towards the USO fund for financing the USO. All these are issues of vital concern which may have to be addressed through legislative enactments.
As a pricing policy, India Post can operate either on a variable cost and/or on a cost plus principle both of which would contribute in decreasing its deficits. However, this would require a change in methodology of costing based on accurate estimation of costs. ABC method of costing can be considered which may require maintaining the relevant data.
Prices also need to be fixed on market considerations. This would require estimates of demand functions together with demand elasticities. Regular market surveys to have a good idea of market structure and market share of competitors for the different products and services may be required. Differential pricing may also be resorted to especially with lower tariffs for local metros and big urban areas, as is being offered by the competitors. This is also because factors like postal density and other variables such as grouping index (vertical concentration of houses) reduce the cost of delivery substantially. Access pricing as an option for offering the last mile segment to its competitors can also be considered, as this can bring in substantial additional revenue to the Department.
There is, therefore, a need for product analysis based on cash flow. Strategies directed towards improving the quality of the service, reducing the cost of operation, and having a proper pricing policy is required. A comprehensive Corporate Plan besides addressing the above issues would also require a re-look at the structure of the organization.
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