Manishinath Bhawan
A.2.95 Rajouri Garden
New Delhi. 110 027.
Phone: 2510 5324
Cell: 9811048303
Conf/ 16 /2010
Dated: 12th August, 2010
Dear Comrades,
The National Executive of the Confederation met today as scheduled; discussed the steps to be taken to ensure large participation of Central Government employees in the impending strike action of 7th September, 2010 organised by the joint platform of Central Trade Unions and Federations of employees and took the following decisions.
(1) To organise joint conventions at all State Capitals and other important places under the auspices of the State Units of Confederation, AISGEF and AIDEF. The tentative dates on which the conventions will take place at different places are indicated in the joint communication, copy of which is enclosed;
(2) The charter of demands on which the Strike will be organised is enclosed. (The suggestions made by the participants and accepted at the meeting arte incorporated)
(3) The Confederation will serve the strike notice on 12th inst. And all affiliates and their units are requested to serve the strike notices on their respective of Heads of Department/Office by 20th inst. (Copy of the strike notice will be placed at the Website on 13th.)
(4) The affiliates may add as an annexure described as Part II demands which are department specific and which are pending settlement for a long time.
(5) The State Committees and affiliates will chalk out campaign programme to cover the districts and other regions.
(6) The Confederation CHQ will prepare campaign material in the form of brief note on each of the demands in the charter and place the same on its website.
(7) Demonstrations will be organised at all State Capitals and other regional centres jointly by all participating affiliates on 6th September, 2010 and the members advised to participate in the joint rally organised on the same day by the Central Trade Unions.
(8) The Confederation and its affiliates will participate in the March to Parliament programmes organised by the Central Trade Unions after the strike in pursuance of the acceptance of the demands by the Government.
(9) Confederation will take independent initiative in organising campaign and action programmes in pursuance of the common issues of the Central Government employees after the strike action.
(10)The Confederation CHQ will ensure that the Dharna programme decided upon earlier to protest against the vindictive actions in the IA & AD Department is staged in those State Capitals, which could not be organised on 5th. The National leaders will go over to such State Capitals along with the National leaders of the All India audit and Accounts Association.
(11)The affiliates will make the subscription dues pertaining to the F.Y. 2009-10 immediately.
(12)The Nationals Council of the Confederation will be held at Mumbai in December, 2010.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General
Dated: 21.7.2010.
Dear Comrades,
7th September Nation wide General Strike.
As you are aware, the Central Trade Unions, except the BMS, jointly held a National Convention at Mavalankar Hall, New Delhi on 15th July, 2010. The convention was also attended by the representative of all Federations and Associations of employees and workers. The leaders of AISGEF, AIDEF and Confederation of CGE and workers also participated in the Convention. The said convention unanimously adopted a declaration calling upon the workers and employees in the country to organize a One day General Strike on 7th September, 2010 to oppose primarily the neo-liberal economic policies of the Government of India and its impact on the working class. The copy of the declaration adopted is enclosed. The convention has decided to highlight five important issues that affects the livelihood of workers in particular and poor people of the country in general.
In the wake of the unprecedented unity of the working class of our country we have decided to ensure that every member of our organizations do take part in this historic strike on 7th September, 2010. In order to mobilize the Central and State Employees and Defence workers it is decided to hold conventions at all State capitals and other important workplaces jointly by the three organizations. The State Committee of the three organizations are requested to kindly interact and ensure that the joint convention is organized at their respective places on the dates indicated. It will be difficult to entertain any request for a change of date for it will jeopardize the schedule and affect adversely the conduct of conventions elsewhere.
It is also decided that along with the demands adopted by the National Convention of Central Trade Unions, five important issues of importance to all Government employees should be included in our Charter. The charter of demands in pursuance of which the strike would be organized is as under:- These issues may be popularized amongst the employees and may be explained at the State/District wise conventions. The State leaders of all the three organizations are also requested to organize such conventions at other important towns and cities in their respective States.
Charter of demands.
1. Price rise of essential commodities to be contained through appropriate corrective and distributive measures like universal PDS and containing speculation in commodity market.
2. Concrete proactive measures to be taken for linkage of employment protection in the recession stricken sectors with the stimulate package being offered to the concerned entrepreneurs and for augmenting public investment in infrastructure.
3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.
4. Steps to be taken for removal of all restrictive provisions based on poverty line in respect of eligibility of converge of the schemes under the Unorganized Workers Social Security Act 2008 and creation of National Fund for the Unorganized Sector to provide for a National Floor Level Social Security to all unorganized Sector workers including the contract/casual workers in line with the recommendation of National Commission on Enterprises in Unorganized Sector and Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour.
5. Disinvestment of shares of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) is not resorted to for meeting budgetary deficit and instead their growing reserve and surplus is used for expansion and modernization purpose and also for revival of sick Public Sector Undertakings.
6. Fill up all vacant posts and lift the ban on recruitment.
7. Stop outsourcing/contractorisation of Governmental functions
8. Regularise all daily rated workers/employees; remove the ceiling on compassionate appointments; end the discrimination in the bonus ceiling of GDS employees.
9. withdraw PFRDA bill and extend the statutory defined benefit pension scheme to all Government employees
10. Guarantee right to strike as a fundamental right of employees.
Sl. No. Name of the State/Capital National leaders of the three
Date of convention. organizations deployed to attend the convention.
Leaders who will attend the conventions
2. Tamilnadu. 3.8.2010.(concluded) Confdn. AISGEF AIDEF
3. A.P. 25.8.2010 Com.K.Raghavendran
4. Karnataka.26.8.2010 Com.Narasimhan
5. Maharashtra. 25.8.2010(tentative) Com.S.K.Vyas.
6. Vidharba. Nagpur.18.8.2010 Com.M..S.Raja
7. Gujarath 18.8.2010 Com.S.K.Vyas
8. Rajasthan. 19.8.2010 Com.S.K.Vyas
9. Delhi. 12.8.2010 Com.K.K.N.
10. U.P. East. Allahabad. 23.8.2010 Com.S.K.Vyas
11. U.P.West. Lucknow. 24.8.2010 Com.S.K.Vyas
13. Bihar. 27.8.2010 Com.K.K.N
14. Assam. 22.8.2010 Com.M,S.Raja
15. Orissa. 27.8.2010 Com.K.P.Rajgopal
16. M.P. 22.8.2010 Com.Somayya
17. Chattisgarh. 17.8.2010 Com.M.S.Raja
18. Jharkhand 29.8.2010 Com.K.V.Sridharan
19. Uttarakhand 10.8.2010 Com.S.K.Vyas
20. Haryana.Punjab.19.8.2010 Com.Giriraj Singh
With greetings,
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