General Secretary’s Desk
Dear Comrades,
07.09.2010 Strike
The Federal Secretariat meeting held on 12.08.2010 has fully endorsed the decision of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers to join the All India General Strike on 07.09.2010 on ten Charter of Demands which is as follows: -
1. Price rise of essential commodities to be contained through appropriate corrective and distributive measures like universal Public Distribution System and containing speculation in commodity market.
2. Concrete proactive measures to be taken for linkage of employment protection in the recession stricken sectors with the stimulate package being offered to the concerned entrepreneurs and for augmenting public investment in infrastructure.
3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.
4. Steps to be taken for removal of all restrictive provisions based on poverty line in respect of eligibility of converge of the schemes under the Unorganized Workers Social Security Act 2008 and creation of National Fund for the Unorganized Sector to provide for a National Floor Level Social Security to all unorganized Sector workers including the contract/casual workers in line with the recommendation of National Commission on Enterprises in Unorganized Sector and Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour.
5. Disinvestment of shares of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) is not resorted to for meeting budgetary deficit and instead their growing reserve and surplus is used for expansion and modernization purpose and also for revival of sick Public Sector Undertakings.
6. Fill up all vacant posts and lift the ban on recruitment and creation of justified posts.
7. Stop outsourcing/contractorisation of Governmental functions
8. Regularise all Gramin Dak Sevaks, daily rated workers/employees. Remove the ceiling on compassionate appointments; end the discrimination in the bonus ceiling of GDS employees.
9. withdraw PFRDA bill and extend the statutory defined benefit pension scheme to all Government employees
10. Guarantee right to strike as a fundamental right of employees.
All the Branch/Divisional Secretariat are requested to organize all the members for the strike action by conducting meeting, issuing bulletins, meeting them in the work spot etc and make the Strike a grand success.
Aftermath of the deferred indefinite Strike from 13.07.2010
The details of the settlement reached during the talks with the department held on 12.07.2010 were already communicated in the last circular and published in the previous Bhartiya Post. Subsequently the following developments are taken place.
(i) The Directorate has called all the DPS Heads quarters to Directorate from 04.08.2010 to 10.08.2010 for discussions about the strategy to minimize the vacancy position in their circles. Accordingly, more than 12000 posts were cleared for recruitment by the Directorate itself except M.P. Circle. Around 500 P.A Posts will be cleared on 16th or 17th August in respect of M. P. Circle since in the first sitting the pending residual vacancies were not properly calculated by the circle. This is really an historic achievement and massive recruitment like this was never happened in the past.
(ii) The JCM Department Council has been notified to be held on 27.08.2010. All the 116 items other than the Strike Charters which were discussed on 12.07.2010 are included for discussion in the meeting. We are confident that we will sort out most of the issues pending over years in respect of our union.
(iii) Our Prime demand (i.e.) cadre restructuring has been accepted by the Department. Now a committee consisting DDG Establishment, DDG Personnel & Director SPN from official side, Com. K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary P3, Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary R3 & Kishanrao, General Secretary P3 FNPO from Staff side has been constituted to discuss the cadre review proposals within three months. We are optimistic that we will come out successful in our prime and foremost demand.
(iv) The Department convened a meeting with staff side on 15.07.2010 to discuss about mail net work optimization programme and the roll of Mckensey in the implementation of the project. The full contents of discussions were already published in the website and being printed in the ensuing Bhartiya Post.
(v) The Department has clarified that reduction of staff earlier implemented as matching savings for the implementation of TBOP/BCR promotions stands withdrawn from 01.09.2008. We are demanding restoration of charge allowance etc which we had surrendered at the time of introduction of TBOP Scheme during 1983.
News at glance
(i) Ministry of Law instructed all the ministries that once a legal opinion has obtained at lower level, there need no reconsideration except if the Head of the Department desires. The full text of the order is published in the Bharitya Post. This will felicitate to reduce the number of appeals in High Courts & SLP in Supreme Court and chances of implementation of CAT orders if legal opinion is in favour in the circle.
(ii) The tenure of the National Anomaly Committee has been extended up to 31.03.2011 vide DOPT OM No. 11/2/2008-JCA dt. 01.07.2010
(iii) DOPT vide its OM dt. 02.07.2010 has clarified that six months qualifying service for increment shall be taken between the last increments to 1st July 2006. This will set aside many irregular objection raised by Audit having wrong interpretation that should be taken from 01.01.2006 to 30.06.2006. Our Department has also clarified vide its letter dt. 06.08.2010 on the same line further. This is one of our demands.
(iv) Women employees are fully exempted from the payment of fees for attending any examination/test/interview, vide DOPT OM dt. 15.07.2009. This has been now reiterated vide its OM dated 03.07.2010.
(v) LTC by air can be availed to visit J&K either from Delhi or Amritsar as per DOPT order dt. 18.06.2010. It is now clarified vide order dt. 05.07.2010 that they can avail this by private airlines but the reimbursement will be restricted to Air India LTC fare.
(vi) Department vide its letter No. 24-3/2010-PAP dt. 30.07.2010 has clarified that HRA up to 90 days should be drawn for all officiating arrangements. This is one of the subjects we placed for discussion in the departmental council meeting.
(vii) Department has clarified about the eligibility of all employees to claim Hostel Subsidy and also about the eligibility of all items related to education for reimbursement under CEA. This is also one of the demands of our union in the Department Council Meeting.
(viii) Department has extended the RTP service rendered in APS for TBOP promotion to all such officials as if implemented to the officials who have obtained fovourable verdict from the court. This is one of the demands placed by us. We are now demanding that the same should be extended to other ex RTPS also.
(ix) An expert Committee on Harnessing the India Post network for financial inclusion was constituted jointly by the Department of Financial Services, Departmental of Economic affairs, Department of Post & Invest India Economic Foundation (IIEF). The Committee has submitted its report to the department on 30.06.2010. The recommendations are published in the website and also in the Bhartiya Post.
(x) The Supreme Court has dismissed the SLP filed by the Department against the orders of the High Court; Chennai to regularize the services of 204 RRR approved candidates. A major victory to the long awaiting RRR candidates of Tamilnadu Circle.
(xi) The Government has extended the last date for receipt of suggestions if any on the consolidated instructions on reservation up to 25.08.2010 vide its OM No. 36011/6/2010-7 Estt. (Res) dt. 26.7.2010.
(xii) The proposal for the introduction of Annuity scheme in lieu of pension for GDS has been cleared by Ministry of Finance on 15.07.2010. The next process is to get approval from PFRDA. It may be implemented before the end of this year.
(xiii) The Government decided to place the non matriculate Group D who have retired or died in between 01.01.2006 to the date of notification with grade pay of Rs. 1800/- w.e.f 1.1.2006, vide MOF OM No. 7/19/2010-EII (A) dt. 02.08.2010. This is one of the demands placed in the JCM meeting.
(xiv) The Department has caused orders dt. 03.08.2010 felicitating the PLI policy holder to deposit their premium in any post office. The full text of the order is published in the Bhartiya Post
(xv)redrafted Postal Bill – called as’ the Post office and Courier services Bill 2010 is likely to be placed for adoption in the parliament. Government has dropped the original 2006 bill. Accordingly, ‘Postal Regulatory Authority of India will have functions like TRAI and courier firms will register with PRAI. The Department of Posts would retain the powers to make policies and provide licences.
(xvi) DOPT vide its OM No. 536012/45/2005-Estt (Res) dt. 10.08.2010 has clarified that SC/ST candidates appointed by promotion on their own merit and seniority and not owing to reservation will be adjusted against unreserved posts of reservation roster. This will be given effect from 02.07.97.
Rush to collect information under RTI Act
All Divisional Branch Secretaries are requested to obtain the following information’s either through correspondence or under RTI Act from their divisional superintendents and forward a copy of the information at the earliest to the CHQ.
1.Name of the Division :
2.Establishment StrengthHSG-I HSG-II LSG PA Other Group ‘C’ PM MTS GDS
as per sanctioned posts : ……. ………. ………… ……. …… ......... ..... .....
3.Actual working strength
available as on 1.8.2010
(in each categories) : …… ………… ………. ..……. ……….. ……….. ………
4. No. of residual vacancies
(unfilled up vacancies in LGO
exam) still kept unfilled up: 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
as per Directorate
orders (year wise) : 2006 2007 2008 2009
5. Whether the unfilled up posts under residual
vacancies are included in the ensuing recruitment.
If so, what is the number of Posts?
6. What is the number of vacancies
notified for the LGO exam (Current year)
7. Whether relaxation of recruitment rules
process is carried out to the wards in respect of
Deceased/retired under medical invalidated
officials in your division. If so, please supply
approved list from the year 2001 onwards.
in respect of your division
8.If not selected under relaxation rules to the
extent of 5% of total vacancies, the reason for
such non selection.
9.Please supply the list of members to all
applicant unions finalised in the division
at the time of current membership verification.
(Category wise)
10.Whether all the personal claims of the officials
Paid like TA, Medical, OTA, Honorarium, NREGS.
If any bills are pending, whether the pending is
due to inadequate allotment of funds. If so, what
is the requirement of funds in each category to wipe
out all pending bills.
All Branches/divisional secretaries are requested to collect the above information under RTI Act from your divisional head. Please credit Rs.10/- under UCR, and prepare the proforma as furnished in pre paras and seek the information under RTI.
All the Circle secretaries are requested to collect the information also under RTI from all the divisional heads in their circle and forward the information to the CHQ at the earliest in order to leave no stone unturned in the case of filling up of all vacant posts in all the divisions and redress other grievances of the staff.
CHQ seeks all your cooperation in this regard.
2000 copies published at the time of Federal Council have been sold out or sent to branches. All Branch/Division Secretaries are requested to clear the dues forthwith. Another 1000 copies were printed and ready for supply. Please make required indent also. It will be sent by registered or V. P. Post.
Hand Book – 2011
CHQ proposed to release one Hand Book during November 2010 duly updating and incorporating all the corrections and new orders in the Hand Book released last year. All are requested to send their indent for the year book to the CHQ before 15.09.2010
What do you feel about the developments taking place in the department? Is there any feel good factor prevailing among the comrades due to recent settlement and others? Why not you send your feed back to the CHQ so that we can assess our activities? Shall we seek your response comrade?
Let us meet in the next. With fraternal greetings,
(K. V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
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