Maintenance of Hygiene in the Departmental Canteens functioning from Central Government Offices
No.10/1/2010 -Dir.(C)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, dated 10th August,2010
Subject :- Maintenance of Hygiene in the Departmental Canteens functioning from Central Government Offices – Periodical Inspection – regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments’ O.M. No.15/3/1992-Dir.(C), dated 22.2.1993 on the above mentioned subject and O.M. No.3/1/99-Dir.(C), dated 31.3.1999 regarding improvement in the functioning of Departmental Canteens/Tiffin Rooms located in the premises of Central Government Offices and to state that periodical inspections of the canteens are required to be undertaken to ensure the quality of eatables, sanitary conditions and personal hygiene of the canteen employees, particularly of those who are handling eatables. A standard proforma has been developed for such inspection (copy annexed).
2. For the purpose of maintaining cleanliness and sanitation in the Departmental Canteens, it is imperative to follow the guidelines/suggestions as mentioned under Para 9.7 & 9.8 (Chapter-IX) of DOPT’s Green Book (Third Edition, 2008) on Administrative Instructions on Departmental Canteens, the same along with requisite additional guidelines/suggestions are reproduced for ready reference:
(i) Drill for cleaning crockery/cutlery etc.:
(a) Collection of used crockery/cutlery from dining tables to a decided spot in the washing room.
(b) Removal of left over food from the plates into a receptacle/container and passing them on to wash sink No.1
(c) Rinsing of crockery/cutlery articles individually under running water in wash sink No.l and passing them on to wash sink No.2.
(d) Treating them with a wet cloth/puff with a touch of detergent powder and placing them individually under the running water in wash sink No.2 and passing them for sterilization.
(e) Sterilization – The washed articles of crockery cutlery may either be passed through an electric sterilizer or by dipping through wash sink No.3 containing a light solution of potassium permanganate or equivalent to be changed frequently and placing them on a titled top to drain out the excess water.
(f) Wipe them dry with a clean towel. Examine if any portion of articles of the crockery has got chipped off or there is a crack, remove it immediately to a decided place for a systematic replacement,
(g) To be carefully stored in storage racks or to be laid on the shelves for reservice.
(h) In case of tiffin rooms or smaller canteens where lesser number of articles of crockery/cutlery are involved, washing, cleaning, sterilization, operations may be carried out with the help of one wash sink (with running water) plus a couple of Buckets, Tubs etc.
(i) The last one hour, before closing hours of the canteen, should be utilized for cleaning all utensils, kitchenware, shelves, racks, flooring, sinks, basins etc. to keep them ready for use for the next day.
(ii) Maintenance of personal hygiene of canteen workers :
(a) Physical examination of canteen workers in order to inspect that the workers do take regular and proper haircuts, keep their nails trimmed and clean, they do not have any sign of a skin disease or a symptom of ailments of the alimentary canal, initially on joining of service and thereafter as and when required. Regular medical examination of the canteen workers may be arranged to be done through the Medical Officer of the Department/Office, or through any other Medical Agency. Payment if any, required to be made for this purpose, will be made by the Department/Office.
(b) Gloves and Head caps should be provided to the canteen workers engaged in cooking etc.
3. All the Ministries/Departments are accordingly requested to get the inspection of Departmental Canteens done on regular basis and a copy of the same may be sent to this Department at an early date so that the inspection report could be used as ready reference, if any, for the surprise check/inspection to be carried out by the Director(Canteens), Department of Personnel & Training as per the laid-out norms for inspection.
Encl: As above
(Rajiv Manjhi)
Director (Canteens)
No. 10/2/2010-Dir.(C)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
Room No.361, 3rd Floor
Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market.
New Delhi, dated 16th July. 2010
Subject:- Providing quality food in Departmental Canteens functioning in Central Government Offices – regarding.
The undersigned is directed to draw attention of the Canteen Management Committees/Administration towards the quality of food being prepared in the canteens, functioning from the Central Government Offices, and to reiterate that the objective of setting up of canteens, as a measure of employee welfare, was to meet the refreshment needs of employees by preparing_ under hygienic conditions, tea/snacks, lunch etc. as per the local requirement/taste etc. of the beneficiaries. However, it has been reported that the quality of food, being prepared in the Departmental Canteens, is not of required quality/taste as compared to the private canteens being run parallelly in some Ministry’s/Department’s premises.
2. All the concerned authorities are requested to get the quality of eatables ensured by using branded/genuine products, and displaying the brand of raw-materials being used by the Canteens at a place to be noticed by all the beneficiaries.
(Rajiv Manjhi)
Director (Canteens)
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